View Full Version : This happened this morning.

12-29-2016, 11:10 AM
I was heading to the barn this morning but stopped outside to look in the window to see if pumpkin was chewing on his antler ( I put a little pb on it to encourage chewing, his bottom teeth look a little long to me). I noticed his door being cracked open and my husbands hand flinging something into the room. Apparently on Christmas Day he threw him several nuts and went outside the window to watch him eat his treat. He said he enjoyed them so much that he had been doing it since then. I was very upset! He said I was so neurotic, defensive and protective of him he knew he needed to sneak them to him but EVERYONE knew that squirrels ate nuts. Admittedly so I'm defensive and obsessive with pumpkin something I need to work on a bit. My question after this novel. Should I add more calcium to his diet to counter act this? Should I stop the 2 nuts a night when I put him in his cage for awhile? I read that someone gave their squirrels 1 tums a week for good measure that is what I have been doing recently. Should I do anything? Squirrel care does not come naturally to me. I'm used to farm animals. I second guess everything with pumpkin. Now that I have read so many threads on here I am shocked that my 4 babies I rehabbed lived.

12-29-2016, 11:33 AM
As long as the foundation of his diet are blocks (like Henries blocks) and healthy vegetables that are found here:


a few nuts here and there as treats are not bad. But a large number of nuts daily can be dangerous so sit down with your husband and come up with a reasonable compromise (ie 1-2 nuts in the evening as a treat after the have eaten their regular food and only a few times per week).

I was heading to the barn this morning but stopped outside to look in the window to see if pumpkin was chewing on his antler ( I put a little pb on it to encourage chewing, his bottom teeth look a little long to me). I noticed his door being cracked open and my husbands hand flinging something into the room. Apparently on Christmas Day he threw him several nuts and went outside the window to watch him eat his treat. He said he enjoyed them so much that he had been doing it since then. I was very upset! He said I was so neurotic, defensive and protective of him he knew he needed to sneak them to him but EVERYONE knew that squirrels ate nuts. Admittedly so I'm defensive and obsessive with pumpkin something I need to work on a bit. My question after this novel. Should I add more calcium to his diet to counter act this? Should I stop the 2 nuts a night when I put him in his cage for awhile? I read that someone gave their squirrels 1 tums a week for good measure that is what I have been doing recently. Should I do anything? Squirrel care does not come naturally to me. I'm used to farm animals. I second guess everything with pumpkin. Now that I have read so many threads on here I am shocked that my 4 babies I rehabbed lived.

Nancy in New York
12-29-2016, 11:48 AM
I was heading to the barn this morning but stopped outside to look in the window to see if pumpkin was chewing on his antler ( I put a little pb on it to encourage chewing, his bottom teeth look a little long to me). I noticed his door being cracked open and my husbands hand flinging something into the room. Apparently on Christmas Day he threw him several nuts and went outside the window to watch him eat his treat. He said he enjoyed them so much that he had been doing it since then. I was very upset! He said I was so neurotic, defensive and protective of him he knew he needed to sneak them to him but EVERYONE knew that squirrels ate nuts. Admittedly so I'm defensive and obsessive with pumpkin something I need to work on a bit. My question after this novel. Should I add more calcium to his diet to counter act this? Should I stop the 2 nuts a night when I put him in his cage for awhile? I read that someone gave their squirrels 1 tums a week for good measure that is what I have been doing recently. Should I do anything? Squirrel care does not come naturally to me. I'm used to farm animals. I second guess everything with pumpkin. Now that I have read so many threads on here I am shocked that my 4 babies I rehabbed lived.

When I give my guys nuts in the shell, I lightly coat them with vitamins from Henry's
along with the calcium carbonate. I put them in a baggie and shake.
I figure when they are chewing it to open, they HAVE to
get some of the "good stuff".
I also read that someone gives a tums a week. Good idea if they will eat it!
I also provide those calcium ice cream cones......they seem to love them. :w00t
MOST importantly, if you can get your little one outside in the sun, that's what's suggested
as well. Make sure he has a place in the shade as well, and always do this with him in his cage.
I put little rugs over the tops of the cage so that it's partial shade and partial sun.
NEVER put a little one outside in HOT weather, even in the shade.
A squirrel can develop heatstroke in as little as 10 minutes, even in the shade!

Link to calcium ice cream cones.


Link pertaining to squirrels overheating in the summer.

12-29-2016, 12:15 PM
Thank you for responding! He is on a healthy diet as suggested and gets his HHB 2 in the morning 1 as a afternoon snack in case he shredded a little in the am and I missed it. 2 nuts a night when he goes into his cage but maybe I should not do that every night now. I also give the peanut treats from henrys as well(not every day). I do give him 1 tums a week and coat a banana piece with henrys calcium carbonate 1 time a week. I will order the calcium ice cream cones and henrys vitamins today. how often should I give him an ice cream cone? Its overcast here most of the winter should I get a light for him? if so how long should I turn it on for him? Yes, I did read about heat stroke thank you for reminding me! Surely my little one would have MBD by now if I had not found this site. Squirrels are nothing like horses and pigs!

12-29-2016, 01:00 PM
Unsalted almonds are a much healthier treat compared to unsalted peanuts!

Thank you for responding! He is on a healthy diet as suggested and gets his HHB 2 in the morning 1 as a afternoon snack in case he shredded a little in the am and I missed it. 2 nuts a night when he goes into his cage but maybe I should not do that every night now. I also give the peanut treats from henrys as well(not every day). I do give him 1 tums a week and coat a banana piece with henrys calcium carbonate 1 time a week. I will order the calcium ice cream cones and henrys vitamins today. how often should I give him an ice cream cone? Its overcast here most of the winter should I get a light for him? if so how long should I turn it on for him? Yes, I did read about heat stroke thank you for reminding me! Surely my little one would have MBD by now if I had not found this site. Squirrels are nothing like horses and pigs!

Nancy in New York
12-29-2016, 01:58 PM
how often should I give him an ice cream cone? Its overcast here most of the winter should I get a light for him? if so how long should I turn it on for him? Yes, I did read about heat stroke thank you for reminding me! Surely my little one would have MBD by now if I had not found this site. Squirrels are nothing like horses and pigs!

I actually bought a light but I don't use it.
It was too bright and honestly the squirrel I intended it for would always go
into his cube when I had it on.
I would be happy to ship it to you if you want it.
I have the clamp lamp and Reptisun 10.0 flourescent UVB bulb.
I also believe they need to stay within 12 inches of this to be effective.
Well that wasn't going to happen. :shakehead
The calcium cones, I just put in their cages and it typically take them about
10 days to polish off one, it all depends. I got them mainly to keep their teeth
trimmed down. But the calcium is an added bonus. :w00t

12-29-2016, 03:15 PM
Thank you Nancy! what would the squirrel world do without you! I appreciate your offer to send me the light but shipping is a lot! I do have clamp lamps, we use heat lamps sometimes for the pigs etc... I will get the bulb at the store. I already ordered the calcium cones. I might in a few days pm you with a pic of pumpkins teeth if that is ok just so someone who knows what they should look like can tell me if you think they are to long. I can't seem to post pics from my cell phone here. So I have to e-mail them. I think I do tend to over react a bit with him and had been reading other threads of squirrels with teeth issues so now poor pumpkin gets his mouth looked at all the time. Unfortunately for Pumpkin every maternal instinct in me is directed to this one little squirrel, Sometimes his ears flatten and he just wishes I would leave him alone! THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!!!!!!

12-29-2016, 06:35 PM
I fully understand the tendency to be obsessed and over protective. Squirrel's certainly put their magic spell on their human caretaker.