View Full Version : Question about having to leave for a couple of days
12-26-2016, 05:10 PM
The middle of January I will be leaving for 3 days 2 nights. I have never left Pumpkin before. My niece and my mom, the only ones I trust with my horses, will be staying here. I got a face shield and gloves for my niece. These are the questions I have. Should Pumpkin stay on the same schedule even though it is with a stranger? (5:30 -7am breakfast and playtime, All day out of cage in his room with usually at least 5 mini 10 min play times thru the day, snack at noon, dinner at 5 and 1hr playtime till 6 then I put him in his cage to sleep). What exactly should I do? I'm more than concerned about leaving him. I had thought about seeing if there was someone in the area with squirrel experience that could babysit but Brian thinks that would be worse on him. Thank you for your help.
Nancy in New York
12-26-2016, 05:20 PM
The middle of January I will be leaving for 3 days 2 nights. I have never left Pumpkin before. My niece and my mom, the only ones I trust with my horses, will be staying here. I got a face shield and gloves for my niece. These are the questions I have. Should Pumpkin stay on the same schedule even though it is with a stranger? (5:30 -7am breakfast and playtime, All day out of cage in his room with usually at least 5 mini 10 min play times thru the day, snack at noon, dinner at 5 and 1hr playtime till 6 then I put him in his cage to sleep). What exactly should I do? I'm more than concerned about leaving him. I had thought about seeing if there was someone in the area with squirrel experience that could babysit but Brian thinks that would be worse on him. Thank you for your help.
Is Pumpkin good with your Mom and Niece?
So they will be staying at the house?
Do they also have interaction with Pumpkin?
Before anything, I would suggest that you see how
Pumpkin is with your Mom and Niece without you being close
by. Let them do a run through with you in the distance, see how
it goes from there.
Personally, if they aren't up to the challenge of letting him out, I would
keep him confined in the cage, if it's large enough. They may have problems getting
him back in. As long as he gets fresh food and water daily, and some companionship, he
will be perfectly fine.
If he's great with your Mom and Niece that's ok too.
If you are concerned with him being out while you're gone, I would keep him in.
When I go away, none of mine get out of the cage time, and they do perfectly, and I
KNOW they are safe in the cage. :)
12-26-2016, 05:42 PM
Pumpkin knows my mom. When he was a baby I would take him to her house 1 day a week so I could actually focus on work. I haven't let him near my mom or anyone actually since he attacked my husband. I would be concerned that my mom would be a fall risk if he were to become aggressive with her (she is elderly). My niece interacted with him as a baby, not recently. Should she (my niece) suit up first or maybe just with him in the cage first? Would gloves scare him? Should she not wear any protective gear at first to see how he is? I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions. He has a critter nation 2 story cage (is that to small)?. I have been bringing in the face mask daily for him to get used to it and have put it on while with him. Thank you for your help! ( Yes they will be staying at the house)
Nancy in New York
12-26-2016, 05:53 PM
Pumpkin knows my mom. When he was a baby I would take him to her house 1 day a week so I could actually focus on work. I haven't let him near my mom or anyone actually since he attacked my husband. I would be concerned that my mom would be a fall risk if he were to become aggressive with her (she is elderly). My niece interacted with him as a baby, not recently. Should she (my niece) suit up first or maybe just with him in the cage first? Would gloves scare him? Should she not wear any protective gear at first to see how he is? I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions. He has a critter nation 2 story cage (is that to small)?. I have been bringing in the face mask daily for him to get used to it and have put it on while with him. Thank you for your help! ( Yes they will be staying at the house)
Honestly, I don't think you're going to like what I say, but here it goes. :hidechair
I would NOT let anyone let him out. I know this will hurt you because your boy
has his routine. I would be too afraid of him attacking and then not being able
to get him contained again.
Sometimes when squirrels attack they can be relentless, and they just keep attacking
and attacking until they are flung off out of fear.
When squirrels reach a certain age, they seem to be a one person animal.
I worry about the protective gear scaring him, the different smells etc.
This is for such a short amount of time that you will be gone, and honestly
cage confinement, to me, is SO much safer for everyone, than the risks.
Hopefully some others will chime in with their experience.
Like I said, when I go away, I have a house sitter. It's a person ALL of my squirrels
know, but there is NO way that I would want him to let them out, because then I would worry
even more.
12-26-2016, 06:02 PM
I would take a piece of 1/2" hardware cloth and cut it to the size of the whole opening of the front of the cage. Wire it on the inside of the doors so that when you open the door it is in the doorway. I LOVE CN cages, but those big open doorways are an issue for escapes.
You can cut a hole in the wire that his dish can fit through without there being a risk of escape for your niece... It is such a risk when someone is unfamiliar and nervous because the squirrel plays off of those emotions. It is only for a couple of days so a double CN is plenty big for him.
12-26-2016, 06:05 PM
I have to second what Nancy said. I had my Dad feed my squirrel when I was out of town and unfortunately he was severely the point that he considered going to the emergency room. Please don't let Pumpkin out while you are gone, and I suggest creating a way that they can safely feed and water Pumpkin. After the incident with my Dad I created a way to block the squirrels from a feeding area until the food can safely be placed in and the door shut. It is for the safety of the caretaker and the squirrels.
Nancy in New York
12-26-2016, 06:34 PM
I have to second what Nancy said. I had my Dad feed my squirrel when I was out of town and unfortunately he was severely the point that he considered going to the emergency room. Please don't let Pumpkin out while you are gone, and I suggest creating a way that they can safely feed and water Pumpkin. After the incident with my Dad I created a way to block the squirrels from a feeding area until the food can safely be placed in and the door shut. It is for the safety of the caretaker and the squirrels.
WOW Baxied, I had no idea this happened to your Dad. :shakehead
12-26-2016, 06:40 PM
I agree about containing your boy while you're gone. My boy Jasper Hans severely attacked me a few months ago when I smelled different after showering. I would feel AWFUL if he did that to someone else! Could happen soooooo easily! He will forgive you, honest. I have to leave my babies every summer for a week long business trip, & Jazzy stays in his cage the whole time. Wouldn't say he loves it, but it's necessary for his safety as well as his caretaker's. He gets over it!
12-26-2016, 06:43 PM
You are so right it is not what I wanted to hear! However sometimes what I want to hear is not what I need to hear. thank you all for your input! I consider myself sufficiently afraid and will defer to your wisdom and do all you suggested. We will get hardware cloth and get the cage door fixed up too. Thank you for helping me. I have said it before and will say it again, the biggest mistakes I have made is when I didn't ask so I'm a bit of a pest. I'm so glad I asked. My "plan" was much different than the one you suggested as you probably have already imagined! THANK YOU!!!!!
Nancy in New York
12-26-2016, 06:46 PM
I honestly feel that you will be so much more relaxed KNOWING he and your family are
safe with him in his palace/cage.
You are NEVER a pest, ever.
I'm glad you ask the questions you do.
Some of us have learned the hard way, so we like
to share our experiences, both good and bad.
12-26-2016, 06:57 PM
Yes, you are right! I would be calling home every little while. Just so you know Nancy I might have to remind you that you said I was not a pest ever by asking questions when it comes time to decide if Pumpkin can be released this spring. LOL
Nancy in New York
12-26-2016, 07:02 PM
Yes, you are right! I would be calling home every little while. Just so you know Nancy I might have to remind you that you said I was not a pest ever by asking questions when it comes time to decide if Pumpkin can be released this spring. LOL
I'm the worst one to ask about release.
I'm a worrier and overprotective and I have one that still hasn't made up
his mind after 6+ years, but I'm an enabler by letting him
back in. :shakehead
12-26-2016, 07:29 PM
I am in absolute agreement with everyone. Nancy hit that nail on the head, when she said that sometimes their attacks are relentless. They are so darn fast. Like lightening. And they can do some serious damage. Just imagine if they bit into someones eyes?
And, I was thinking of those scary outfits they were gonna be wearing.
And then, if a mad squirrel gets loose in the house, he's not going back in his cage. He's going to chew up everything he can get his teeth on. Things you need. Things that are very dangerous for him. Then, if they can't find him, but he sees them, and decides to attack again.
No. I am absolutely in agreement. Everyone is much safer with your boy confined.
When my daughter finished grad school last year, we went to Alaska for 2 weeks. I knew my squirrels would be much safer in their cages. That's just really not fair, to have anyone try to take care of your squirrels. They really are a one person pet. They can't help it. They will attack anyone else. Viciously. He could really do some serious damage to your mom. Or niece. And, if they ended up in the hospital, with severe wounds, chances are the hospital would report it, and the next thing, before anyone knew it, Fish and Wildlife picks him up and he is euthanized begore anyone even knew it was happening.
Keep everyone safe. He will be fine in his cage. And safe.
What if in all the panic, he were to escape to outside?
Do the Ferret Nation cages have the same way of closing off and trapping the squirrel either in the top or bottom cage? Thats how my husband fed mine.
12-26-2016, 08:24 PM
My Kai has never attacked anyone, but when I leave for a few days I don't ask that the caretaker remove him from his cage at all-----because in the past, when a trusted relative that he knew took care of him, he wouldn't get back in!
What I do is add some new interesting things into his cage, chew toys, etc. I also remove all the blankets from his bed and anything else in there so that he has to stay busy putting it all back. I have a little funnel where they can put food into the cage without having to touch anything, in case he gets aggressive (and he has a bit). I also turn the heat down quite a bit and he tends to just hide out in his cube and sleep most of the time.
I'll admit though----after reading a lot on this board five years ago, I decided to not have any type of set schedule for Kai and I think it helped quite a bit in him not "expecting" things at certain times. He's pretty laid back.
12-26-2016, 09:11 PM
Yes I totally get it. I have NOT had ANYONE care for pumpkin since he attacked my husband. Just to be Clear I did say that my mom had watched him when he was young but I would NOT let her now and I did also state that I had full protective gear for my niece and was bringing the protective gear in daily for Pumpkin to get used to. I also asked several weeks before I was to leave for advice. I am fully aware that I am new to this and a squirrel acts nothing like any animal we have had the blessing to be caretaker of. I have been regimented with time because I need to make sure my squirrel does not feel isolated as he is the only one we have. I have barn chores at 7, the care of many rescue/special needs animals and a home business to run. I am very blessed and beyond greatful to have so many wonderful knowledgeable people to help me along to way to make a world of difference in this one little squirrels life. Thank you all.
12-26-2016, 11:18 PM
Never be afraid to ask questions, sweetie!
It is the ones WHO DON'T ask questions, that scare us!
I think you are doing a super job raising your little fuzzer.
When we give advice, it's because we've been through it ourselves, and we are trying to spare new members from having to go through something negative.
Hope you have a great trip!
12-26-2016, 11:30 PM
Honestly, I don't think you're going to like what I say, but here it goes. :hidechair
I would NOT let anyone let him out. I know this will hurt you because your boy
has his routine. I would be too afraid of him attacking and then not being able
to get him contained again.
Sometimes when squirrels attack they can be relentless, and they just keep attacking
and attacking until they are flung off out of fear.
When squirrels reach a certain age, they seem to be a one person animal.
I worry about the protective gear scaring him, the different smells etc.
This is for such a short amount of time that you will be gone, and honestly
cage confinement, to me, is SO much safer for everyone, than the risks.
Hopefully some others will chime in with their experience.
Like I said, when I go away, I have a house sitter. It's a person ALL of my squirrels
know, but there is NO way that I would want him to let them out, because then I would worry
even more.
I totally agree. It is best for everyone involved to be safe
12-26-2016, 11:42 PM
[QUOTE=Nancy in New York;1196865][B][I][FONT=Book Antiqua]Honestly, I don't think you're going to like what I say, but here it goes. :hidechair
I would NOT let anyone let him out. I know this will hurt you because your boy
has his routine. I would be too afraid of him attacking and then not being able
to get him contained again.
Sometimes when squirrels attack they can be relentless, and they just keep attacking
and attacking until they are flung off out of fear.
When squirrels reach a certain age, they seem to be a one person animal.
I worry about the protective gear scaring him, the different smells etc.
This is for such a short amount of time that you will be gone, and honestly
cage confinement, to me, is SO much safer for everyone, than the risks.
Hopefully some others will chime in with their experience.
Like I said, when I go away, I have a house sitter. It's a person ALL of my squirrels
know, but there is NO way that I would want him to let them out, because then I would worry
12-27-2016, 12:31 AM
Late to the conversation and totally agree with Nancy!:great
My girl has free roam with an open cage policy but I too
had to leave her for her first time for about a month.
Even though she was being cared for by two very experienced
rehabbers she was kept to her cage, I wouldn't have wanted it
any other way. It was her cage, her home. I knew she was safe,
no accidents to be had.
The day back I did detect a bit of an attitude when she wouldn't come
out of her cage in spite of the door being open, that lasted about a day...
Her world went back to normal pretty quickly once I returned from being
gone so long. I really think with my absence outside being "catered" to,
her not having to leave her safe place and not actually having to deal with
"strangers" was in her best interest as well as ours.
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