View Full Version : Nutkin losing his sight!

Jenny H
12-17-2016, 11:10 AM
My beloved squirrel Nutkin, who will be 10 years old in February, is losing his sight.

He has a few signs of ageing now, slowing down and sleeping more, but has been fit, active and eating well until now.

I noticed recently that he has been bumping into things and has difficulty in finding his plate of food which is usually on our living room floor with his other bits and pieces of berries etc. He's used to eating this way as he likes company. I usually sit with him. His left eye seems quite useless, but there are some signs that he has a little sight in his right eye. There is nothing obviously wrong for this sight loss, no discharge from the eye, he's had no falls and apart from his age I can't think that anything has happened to him that might have caused his loss of vision. He's with us all the time and has a free run of the house, but has his own large cage to sleep in. He's even litter trained and understands about 10 commands so is very intelligent, as are all squiggs!

Is it normally expected that a squirrel of Nutkin's age can start to lose their sight? It was only apparent recently and I looked into his eye and found a cloudy area (possibly a cataract?) on one eye and a partial cloudy area on the other. People tell me that almost 10 is a good age for a squirrel and that I should expect some problems, but he's always been so well, apart from the odd problem that has sorted itself and maybe I can't accept that he's getting old.

He's quite able to be handled by me, particularly now his eyes aren't as good as they were, but the thought of taking him to a vet or getting an exotics vet to call here, will I'm sure terrify him and he would never trust me afterwards. He's fine with me, but not with other people.

I guess what I'm asking is, do you think a 10 year old squirrel is a good age and this is all part and parcel of what is happening to him or do you think I should intervene and get expert help, even though it would really upset him?

I'm OK with knowing what to do to make his life easier as I have a visually impaired son so have learnt a lot from him. I have already adapted Nutkin's cage and made the areas he lives and moves about in safe and clearly marked for him.

One last thing, he doesn't seem interested in food much and has lost a little weight (currently 625g and dropping), so is this because it's winter time here and he's hell bent on hiding every nut he comes in contact with or just because it's winter time?

I guess what I'm asking is can I do anything further to help Nutkin? I love him with a passion and he's my 'little boy'. I know how much you all care about your squiggs, young or old, so can you please give me some advice or a bit of support?

Love to you all and thanks.

Jenny x

island rehabber
12-17-2016, 11:18 AM
10 is a wonderfully senior age for a squirrel, and it is a testament to your good care of him! :bowdown
I think cataracts are, unfortunately, a common problem in older squirrels and mammals in general.

12-17-2016, 11:36 AM
I can feel your love for him in every word you wrote. You have done, and are doing, a wonderful job making your Nutkin's life full of love and happiness. I agree with IR that it is totally normal for cataracts to happen as we mammals age.
Keep up your wonderful care and if weight is an issue, try offering things like avocado that are full of healthy fat.
Thank-you for sharing your Nutkin with us! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Jenny H
12-18-2016, 11:46 AM
Thank you both so much for your kind words.

We were quite worried about Nutkin last night as he was lethargic, not eating and spending a lot of time trying to pee, but with very little coming out. I think that it's not just his eyesight that is a problem but maybe he's ageing in other ways. We gave him plenty of water to drink by syringe last night and he seemed a little better today, but he's a little slower than normal. His diet has been a little haywire lately and he hasn't kept to what he should be eating as he's being naughty and wanting more nuts, sweetcorn and tomato and leaving his usual food. I know he shouldn't have these few 'treats'. I have given him some avocado and other foods to help him put a bit of weight on but he's very picky. Some of the symptoms he has look frighteningly like MBD but no sign of loss of use of back legs fortunately. He always has a Calcium and Vit D additive to his drinking water (1 drop per 100 mls) and I sprinkle a pinch of calcium on his food. This was given to me by a very experienced squirrel rescuer/rehabber who lives in the next County. Is there such a thing as too much calcium, which I reckon might possibly have an adverse effect on his kidneys or bladder? I worry about stones maybe or calcification? I'm trying to do what's right for Nutkin as I love him very much so if you have any tips or advice I would welcome your help. Thank you so much. Jenny xx

12-18-2016, 03:25 PM
I would love to see if Nutkin would eat some of these: http://www.henryspets.com/squirrel-blocks-adult-formula/

All of us feed these and 2 a day means you don't have to give ANY additional calcium as a supplement - it is all in the food.

May I suggest increasing the number and location of water for him? Sometimes it is easier to just turn over and go back to sleep rather than get up and trek for water. If it is right there by them, they will drink more.

Ensure - the human meal replacement shakes - are sweet and have lots of calories and nutrients. Some squirrels love them and for short term meal boosting they can be very helpful.

Jenny H
12-18-2016, 03:46 PM
Nutkin's water is on his shelf where his sleep basket is. It's about 5 inches from where he gets in his bed, so very near and no effort for him to take a drink which he frequently does.
I tried Henry's 'Picky' blocks for him a few years ago and ordered them from the US as I felt this was the best option for him. He was over 5 years old at the time, and just wouldn't take to them. I even tried making my own blocks, but there was no way I could persuade him to eat them. I took all his other food away and even let him get a bit hungry but he craftily found his way round the house and came back with nuts that he had hidden away! He's very clever! He hated the blocks.
I haven't tried Ensure. I'm not sure it's available here in the UK. I will investigate that. If I did try him with this I'm pretty sure he wouldn't eat it and I would have to syringe feed him which would make him very upset. At his age, it's quite difficult to make drastic changes. If I can find Ensure, I will certainly try it and thank you so much for your advice.
I really appreciate all the good advice and help you lovely people are giving me. I will try anything to help my darling boy.
I truly love all animals and have had many in my lifetime, but for some reason squirrels leave a big mark on your heart and they are unique, wonderful, intelligent animals. Nothing compares to the love I get from Nutkin and I would do anything for him.
Thank you so much. x

12-18-2016, 03:55 PM
What concerns me the most is the added vitamins and calcium in his water. Vitamin D in high doses is used to harm rodents (rodenticide). Vitamin D is fat soluble so it stores in the body rather than flushing through like other vitamins do. I would stop adding anything to his water. Putting calcium (without added D) on his food is okay in moderation, but I hate to see anything added to a squirrel's water source.
I would definitely STOP adding vitamin D to anything. He has had it for a long time and should have a considerable amount in his body as it is.
I hope this old gentleman feels better very soon. :Love_Icon The trying to pee without success makes me also wonder about kidney stones. Stones are unused calcium that is left in the kidney so perhaps stopping the calcium for now is also a good idea. Maybe he has a urinary tract infection? Anyone else have thoughts on this one?

Jenny H
12-19-2016, 05:38 AM
Thank you for your concerns. I'm so glad to hear from anyone with good ideas. The water additive with Vit D plus Calcium was only recently given to me from a rehabber who has a brilliant exotics vet and who recommended this to him. In fact it's the first time I have dosed his water with it. The correct dosage is 1ml per every 200mls of water. (I think I may have typed the wrong dose in my previous post.) The Calcium Nutkin gets separately is from the same person and is just calcium, no Vit D. Only a tiny pinch is put on his food daily. He doesn't eat half of his food anyway, he's so picky. I know Vit D in excess is extremely dangerous, in humans too.

I was thinking the same as you about whether this could be kidney or bladder stones. The thing is could it be MBD as his diet has changed and he's eating 'naughty food' which I've allowed him for a while just to keep his interest in eating. That's why I've ensured he has adequate calcium.

I contacted an exotic vet today and asked for a telephone consultation. She finally got back to me and wouldn't prescribe any ABs unless she saw Nutkin first, even if I got a water sample from him to test. She also said she was too busy today to offer a home visit or appointment at the surgery which is 30 miles away! Nutkin would have been frantic on a journey like this. As the general consensus of opinion through my rehabber friends is that he may have another UTI, as he's had one previously, which was confirmed by a urine sample at our previous vets when I lived in Devon. Our vet there was fabulous, but here in Somerset, they are a bit more 'by the book' and very unhelpful unless you have a dog or cat!

It's hard to know what direction to go in. If I leave off the calcium and it's MBD, that's bad and if I give him calcium and he has stones or calcification in his bladder or kidneys, that's very bad too. I thought first I would try some Synulox ABs from a friend in the next County who can deliver me some today. I'm thinking that maybe it is an infection and we should know soon if this is the right way to go. Would you agree?

Thank you so much for being so helpful and keeping in touch. x

12-19-2016, 09:25 AM
It looks as though it may be similar to our Clavamox. I am going to ask one of the best medical brains the question. Before you give any of it, please post here exactly what it is as far as how much of each compoment of the med is in it. A picture of the box would be terrific!

12-19-2016, 09:51 AM
My guys love the ENSURE in Chocolate and in Vanilla.
(Strawberry--?--not so much, they wouldn't touch it)
In the U.K. there are similar products available:
--Build Up
I do not know how the actual ingredients match up....
If you go to a Chemist (pharmacy) they will write a prescription !!! (yikes- here it is sold in every supermarket...)
Then if you are near a "BOOTS" store, they can order it for you.

Nancy in New York
12-19-2016, 10:57 AM
Thank you for your concerns. I'm so glad to hear from anyone with good ideas. The water additive with Vit D plus Calcium was only recently given to me from a rehabber who has a brilliant exotics vet and who recommended this to him. In fact it's the first time I have dosed his water with it. The correct dosage is 1ml per every 200mls of water. (I think I may have typed the wrong dose in my previous post.) The Calcium Nutkin gets separately is from the same person and is just calcium, no Vit D. Only a tiny pinch is put on his food daily. He doesn't eat half of his food anyway, he's so picky. I know Vit D in excess is extremely dangerous, in humans too.

I was thinking the same as you about whether this could be kidney or bladder stones. The thing is could it be MBD as his diet has changed and he's eating 'naughty food' which I've allowed him for a while just to keep his interest in eating. That's why I've ensured he has adequate calcium.

I contacted an exotic vet today and asked for a telephone consultation. She finally got back to me and wouldn't prescribe any ABs unless she saw Nutkin first, even if I got a water sample from him to test. She also said she was too busy today to offer a home visit or appointment at the surgery which is 30 miles away! Nutkin would have been frantic on a journey like this. As the general consensus of opinion through my rehabber friends is that he may have another UTI, as he's had one previously, which was confirmed by a urine sample at our previous vets when I lived in Devon. Our vet there was fabulous, but here in Somerset, they are a bit more 'by the book' and very unhelpful unless you have a dog or cat!

It's hard to know what direction to go in. If I leave off the calcium and it's MBD, that's bad and if I give him calcium and he has stones or calcification in his bladder or kidneys, that's very bad too. I thought first I would try some Synulox ABs from a friend in the next County who can deliver me some today. I'm thinking that maybe it is an infection and we should know soon if this is the right way to go. Would you agree?

Thank you so much for being so helpful and keeping in touch. x

I found an interesting read.
This is for humans, but I would assume the same precautions/suggestions can be used
for animals.

How can I lower my chances of forming calcium oxalate stones?

Drink enough fluids. The number one thing you can do is to drink enough fluids, like water. Drinking enough fluids will thin out your urine and make it harder for chemicals to build up and form crystals.

Avoid eating too much protein. Eating too many foods high in protein can cause stones to form.

Eat less salt (sodium). A diet high in salt (sodium) causes calcium to build in your urine. Too much calcium in your urine can lead to new stones. It can also cause your bones to weaken.

Include the right amount of calcium in your diet. Some people may think they can keep stones from forming by avoiding calcium, but the opposite is true. Calcium is a nutrient that is found in dairy products, such as yogurt, milk and cheese. You need to eat calcium so that it can bind with oxalate in the stomach and intestines before it moves to the kidneys. Eating foods with calcium is a good way for oxalates to leave the body and not form stones. The best way to get calcium into your body is through the foods you eat. It may seem easier to increase your calcium by taking a supplement. However, calcium in the form of a supplement may raise your chances of forming new calcium oxalate stones.

Eat less oxalate-rich foods. Limiting how many oxalate-rich foods you eat each day may help lower your chance of forming new stones. There are some foods you should avoid because of their high oxalate levels. Some foods very high in oxalate a
Chocolate soy milk
All Bran®
Buckwheat flour
Sesame seeds
Swiss chard

Should I cut out all foods that have oxalate or calcium?

No, this is a common mistake. Some people think that cutting out all foods that have oxalate — or all foods with calcium — will keep stones from forming. However, this approach is not healthy. It can lead to poor nutrition and can cause other health problems. A better plan? Eat and drink calcium and oxalate-rich foods together during a meal. Doing this helps oxalate and calcium “bind” to one another in the stomach and intestines before reaching the kidneys, making it less likely for kidney stones to form in the urine.

12-19-2016, 07:00 PM
Hi! I am so very sorry your Nutkin has been having problems. I know we all love our sqee's very much.
You are indeed doing a great job with your sweet boy, to get him to a healthy 10!

I am afraid my mind went somewhere else when I hears your sweet boys symptoms. ( perhaps this is because I am a nurse)

The first thing I thought of when I read the list of all of his symptoms, was diabetes. Along with his age, and especially his weight loss, and failing eyesight and difficulties urinating, I'm afraid diabetes was the first thing I thought of.

If you think about it, diabetes, or the failure to process sugar products properly, basically goes right to your kidneys.( which is why so many severe diabetics end up needing dialys to cleanse their blood)

The kidneys control blood pressure, and you end up not having good circulation to the eyes.

I do not know that this is what Nutkins problem is, but it is surely one of the first things I would look into.

It is possible that by very strictly observing a proper squirrel diet, that many of his problems may lessen. This of course would be dependent on how much actual organ involvement there is.

I am sending my best wishes and oodles of healing energies toyou and your little man.

12-19-2016, 11:40 PM
How is he doing this evening

12-20-2016, 11:35 PM
Does anyone know how nutkin is

Jenny H
12-21-2016, 01:01 PM
Sorry I haven't been in touch until now, guys, but Nutkin is still with us but losing weight fast. I have contacted a former vet of ours who once gave him Vit B12 orally one drop per week and he's trying to contact my current vet to get some made up for me. I remember that this gave Nutkin quite a boost in his appetite.

He has dropped 37g in 4 days and is now 569g so quite a weight loss. I know the weight loss is quite rapid but is his current weight of 569g much too low?

He is nibbling bits and pieces of food and is peeing OK still. He's drinking a fair bit and peeing a fair bit, so kidneys may not be great!

I'm doing everything I can think of short of a vet's appointment which would terrify him. The vets down here are pretty useless, always booked up and insisting that they won't prescribe anything without seeing him first. They also insist on a full examination and anaesthetic to do tests! Fortunately I have friends (like yourselves) that I can call on for help and advice.

Also, can diabetes or kidney failure be confirmed by a urine sample? I'm pretty sure I could get a specimen.

Just heard from one of the vets who rang me back. She is happy to test a urine specimen for me, but unless I bring Nutkin in for a full examination, she will be unable to prescribe any medication for him should he need it! No vet will let us have any Vitamin B12 either! I could probably get some from a health food shop here or chemist, but to work out the amount Nutkin should have will be difficult if it's geared for human use. Can you overdose on Vitamin B12?

I'm getting precious little help here from anyone, except yourselves and my squigg friends.

It's all so annoying that Christmas is almost here and everything shuts down for the holidays. Our animals always seem to be ill at the most difficult times. Poor little souls.

My lovely boy is getting to skinny. I really don't want to have to force feed him with syringe as he hates it. I'm sitting beside him passing him bits of food and he's only nibbling little bits of it. It must be difficult with his lack of eyesight too as I don't think squirrels have a very good sense of smell.

Anyone know where I should go from here? Love to you all xxx

12-21-2016, 01:29 PM
Thank you so much for the update!
Yes, diabetes can be confirmed from a urine specimem, it would show the level of sugar and ketones in his urine.
But usually the test is done with fresh urine.

You absolutely don't want to take him to the vet? The lady vet sounded nice.
Weight loss is always a very serious symptom.

And yes, you can overdose on vitamin B12.
Maybe someone here could figure out an appropriate dose for him?

Will a vet make a house call there?

I am so sorry your precious Nutkin is going through this.

Does anyone have any ideas?

12-21-2016, 01:36 PM
Do they have Ensure there? It is that high protein milkshake like drink, that we give to the elderly?
You must at least have something similar.
They all love the butter pecan flavor. But even most will take the vanilla.

This will at least give your boy some added calories and energy.

12-21-2016, 01:48 PM
Yes - they may not be marketed under the brand name Ensure though. They are meal replacement drinks that are primarily targeted to seniors who often don't get the nutrition they need. They are NOT diet shakes. The idea is tons of nutrients in a relatively small volume of food, which is sweet and many squirrels like it. I would check your local grocer or drug store/pharmacy to see what they have. He may be willing to lap it off of a shallow dish.

12-21-2016, 01:49 PM
Also, you could put a heating pad half under his cage. The warmth might make him feel better. Only half way, so he can crawl away if he gets too hot.

Make sure he can't chew the cord.

Nancy in New York
12-21-2016, 02:07 PM
And yes, you can overdose on vitamin B12.
Maybe someone here could figure out an appropriate dose for him?

Does anyone have any ideas?

I think that Leigh may know how much Vitamin B12 is safe for a squirrel.
Jenny H perhaps you can reach out to her via pm.
Prayers for your little Nutkin and for you. :hug
Would Ensure be a good choice with "suspected" diabetes?
Would Glucerna be a better option?

12-21-2016, 03:07 PM
Yes! Good thinking Nancy! Glucerna would be a better choice. Although I am only suspecting diabetes, due to his symptoms. So, any diabetic high calorie drink they have there. Your pharmacist will be able to help you.

Nutkin is 10 years old, which is a very old age for a squirrel, so I do not know if he is just slowing down, or if this is a medical issue, which could be improved.

I think right now, just getting some calories into him might perk him up a little, and hopefully make him feel more like eating.

I am praying for this little man, as I am sure many others here are doing.

Nancy in New York
12-21-2016, 03:14 PM
Yes! Good thinking Nancy! Glucerna would be a better choice. Although I am only suspecting diabetes, due to his symptoms. So, any diabetic high calorie drink they have there. Your pharmacist will be able to help you.

Nutkin is 10 years old, which is a very old age for a squirrel, so I do not know if he is just slowing down, or if this is a medical issue, which could be improved.

I think right now, just getting some calories into him might perk him up a little, and hopefully make him feel more like eating.

I am praying for this little man, as I am sure many others here are doing.

I appreciate your posts and insights SO much.
I totally agree about getting calories into him, and maybe
ensure isn't such a bad option, if Glucerna can't be found.
I'm not sure what equivalent they would have in the UK. :dono
I hope a urine sample can be taken, so diabetes can either be
ruled in or out. Then we go from there! :w00t
:Love_Icon Nutkin :Love_Icon

12-21-2016, 03:49 PM
I think that Leigh may know how much Vitamin B12 is safe for a squirrel.
Jenny H perhaps you can reach out to her via pm.
Prayers for your little Nutkin and for you. :hug
Would Ensure be a good choice with "suspected" diabetes?
Would Glucerna be a better option?

There are 2.7 mcg of B12 per serving of Leigh's vitamins (this is what would be in 2 of the HHBs per day).

Nancy in New York
12-21-2016, 04:09 PM
There are 2.7 mcg of B12 per serving of Leigh's vitamins (this is what would be in 2 of the HHBs per day).

Fantastic, where did you find this info.
I've only seen 100% of the minimum nutrient requirements.
This is good to know.:w00t

Jenny H
12-21-2016, 04:31 PM
Hi my friends,
I was lucky enough to find out about Vit B12 tonight from a friend of ours who is also a vet where we used to live in Devon. I'll be getting some tomorrow as he can work me out the dosage.
I have had a few suggestions by some of you about taking Nutkin to a vet. This does sound a good idea, but over here there are very few squirrel friendly vets, only a few wildlife hospitals or rescue/sanctuary organisations. The vets here are extremely reticent to do anything to help squirrels, even exotic vets. They seem to have no comprehension that wild animals get upset, afraid and sometimes very stressed when taken to these places. Nutkin is a sensitive boy, very loving and not used to anyone else other than me. At the moment, he's very nervous and introvert and I cannot at the present time subject him to anything too scary, despite the fact that I desperately want him to get well.
Most 'exotic' vets want to examine him under general anaesthesia, take urine samples, bloods, do scans and anything else they feel necessary in order to get a result. Non-exotic vets will not touch squirrels only to put them to sleep.

I am going to try all the soft approach methods before I resort to taking him to a vet. Our nearest vet hospital is a long way away and the journey would upset Nutkin.
I want to do what's best for him. He is almost 10 years old and I want him to be nursed at home wherever possible.

I think our equivalent to Ensure is something called Complan. Some of the squirrel rehabbers over here use it. I think there's only vanilla flavour though! I will investigate that and all your kind suggestions tomorrow.

Once again, many thanks for supporting us both and we love you all for being so kind.
I'll keep you posted asap on what happens tomorrow.


12-21-2016, 04:39 PM
I wouldn't worry about overdosing Vitamin B12. It is non-toxic. Some can be allergic to Vitamin B12 but that would be rare.
In the past I took injectable Vitamin B12 (1000 mcg) weekly and then monthly due to deficiency because I'm a vegetarian. Vegetarians are at risk for B12 deficiency. (Now that I think about it I bet most all senior squirrels especially those that don't eat block are deficient in B12. :thinking ) They're vegetarians... right?

Vitamin B12 is water soluble and is rapidly excreted in the urine... so much so that the urine will turn red.

It think it would be VERY difficult to overdose Vitamin B12.

12-21-2016, 05:36 PM
You are right, that B12 is a water soluable vitamin, and therefore excess is urinated out. But I kept remembering something from nursing school,( from soooo long ago) about too much throwing you into some kind of anemia syndrome. Which is why you take B12 to help with blood building. But this had a reverse effect. Maybe it is one of the other B's I am thinking of, that has this reverse affect.

But, the most important thing is, she is getting some from her vet friend, which should have an appropriate dose to it.

And Jenny, trust us, it is the same exact way with vets here. They do not see squirrels!
Some of us have been lucky, perhaps by crying and being extremely pitiful, in their office, about our beloved pet squirrel. The occasional vet will see them. ( and trust me, The Squirrel Board has a list of these vets!), but the majority of vets won't.

That's why this board got started. So folks could share info about what does and doesn't work for squirrels.

And we all understand your hesitancy to bring your squirrel to a vet, well, because we've all got squirrels,too.
And in their personalities they only like one person, are terrified to leave their comfort zone. And would probably never forgive us for terrifying them so.

We want what is best for your Nutkin. And ultimately you will be the one to decide what that is.

We throw our hearts and heads together, trying to help figure out what might help any given squirrel, to the best of our abilities. Because we each have at least one squirrel that is our life.

Please keep us posted on Nutkin. We worry..

12-21-2016, 05:42 PM
Also important when we talk about using diabetic products is that NO SUGAR SUBSTITUTES is a very important point. Sugar as itself is one thing, but substitutes are a no go and are not to be used with rodents. :nono

Jenny H
12-24-2016, 04:07 AM
Thanks so much Czarina. You are lovely! I've since found out that Vit B12 can be overdosed in humans, but the vet says it's highly unlikely that you can administer too much to a squirrel as it's water soluble (exactly what you said). I now have the dose sorted. Will post to update you all xx

You are right, that B12 is a water soluable vitamin, and therefore excess is urinated out. But I kept remembering something from nursing school,( from soooo long ago) about too much throwing you into some kind of anemia syndrome. Which is why you take B12 to help with blood building. But this had a reverse effect. Maybe it is one of the other B's I am thinking of, that has this reverse affect.

But, the most important thing is, she is getting some from her vet friend, which should have an appropriate dose to it.

And Jenny, trust us, it is the same exact way with vets here. They do not see squirrels!
Some of us have been lucky, perhaps by crying and being extremely pitiful, in their office, about our beloved pet squirrel. The occasional vet will see them. ( and trust me, The Squirrel Board has a list of these vets!), but the majority of vets won't.

That's why this board got started. So folks could share info about what does and doesn't work for squirrels.

And we all understand your hesitancy to bring your squirrel to a vet, well, because we've all got squirrels,too.
And in their personalities they only like one person, are terrified to leave their comfort zone. And would probably never forgive us for terrifying them so.

We want what is best for your Nutkin. And ultimately you will be the one to decide what that is.

We throw our hearts and heads together, trying to help figure out what might help any given squirrel, to the best of our abilities. Because we each have at least one squirrel that is our life.

Please keep us posted on Nutkin. We worry..

island rehabber
12-24-2016, 07:03 AM
Jenny H, you and Nutkin are in the best of hands (and brains!) that TSB has to offer, so I'm just going to say that I'm lurking and praying for your sweet boy to feel better soon.

Jenny H
12-24-2016, 10:08 AM
Hi guys,
Many many thanks for keeping in touch and for your very good ideas. I don't really know how I would manage without you all.

Today's update is rather mixed.
Nutkin has improved his eating and drinking and his activity levels have risen - so has his feistyness! Thank goodness. He's still sleeping quite a bit, but then so are the squirrels in our garden. They only come down to feed from us in the late morning and early evening. It's a bit cold here, so I guess they're maintaining their body heat. Don't worry they get spoilt by us!
I gave Nutkin some Abidec, which is children't vitamin drops as recommended by my vet a few years ago. I'm not overdosing him on the B12 as there's no B12 in with the mix of vitamins. He's getting the Abidec once a day (if he'll allow me to either hide a bit in his food or squeeze a little drop (just one) in the side of his mouth. The actual B12 he's having is only one dose per week and a tiny amount as recommended.

He's more interested in his food now and has had nibbles of various foods. Unfortunately not all the foods are what I would like, but he's having a good variety and just a bit of each, so it should be OK. I'm also still giving him a tiny bit of calcium which I sprinkle on his piece of tomato. Sometimes he'll take it, sometimes not.

I managed to weigh him last night. He maintained his last weigh-in weight at 585g or thereabouts, but he was wriggling so I can't be accurate. At least it doesn't appear to be losing as drastically as he has been

He's still drinking quite a bit and I'm letting him have a drop of coconut water, which he loves.This could be because our house is quite warm due to the colder weather. My concern is that the drinking and peeing may be signs of a possible deterioration in his kidney function or even diabetes. If this continues or gets worse, I shall take a urine sample to the vet for analysis. He's litter trained, so it shouldn't be too bad getting a clean specimen from him. He's an older squirrel, so it's quite possible his kidneys aren't working as well as they used to.

All in all, though, things have improved a fair bit and the fact that he's a bit more feisty is a good sign I think.

One thing I noticed today is that he's lost some tail hair around the central part of his tail on one side. Excessive grooming, nutrition problem or mites? I can't find any sign of mites and there's no scaly or sore bits. His nutrition isn't perfect at the moment, but we're working on it. Any ideas oh wise ones? Many thanks for 'being there' for us. Jen xxx

12-24-2016, 12:46 PM
Thank you so much for the update! I have been worrying and praying for Nutkin. So I am very happy that there is a little improvement!:serene

At this point, I would not worry too much about trying to feed a "proper" diet. Anything he eats( within reason) is a plus. The more energy (food) he takes in, will help to increase his appetite.

Remember, most squirrels love avacado, ( not the peel or pit, those parts are toxic), but avacado has all kinds of wonderful fats in it, that will help him gain/maintain his weight.

And haha, I had finally remembered the overdoseing of B vitamins and what it caused,(in humans). Pernicious anemia!
Which has nothing to do with Nutkins case. But made me feel better to finally remember. Hahaha!

I can say with almost certainty, that your boy doesn't have mites. At this point I would just keep an eye on the hair loss, to make sure it doesn't progress. It could just be the time of year, or the warmth of the house. Really, any number of environmental factors.

The important thing is he is eating a little better, and seems to have a little more energy. Both giant pluses.

It could also be a dietary thing, but I feel that is less likely. But maybe someone has ideas on this?

I hope you have great holidays! And please continue to keep us posted.

Nancy in New York
12-24-2016, 12:55 PM
Nibbling on various foods is great, feisty is fantastic,
but even better........no weight loss.
Don't be alarmed if it fluctuates some.
You're in excellent hands so not much to add other than you
are doing beautifully and your love for Nutkin is very apparent. :hug

12-24-2016, 01:14 PM
Arrgh! Silly me! Can't believe I didn't think to mention this to you!(especially considering I had recently started a thread about it!)

Fresh cranberries! They are WONDERFUL for the urinary system!!!!! Most squirrels love them. Fresh ones. Not the canned. They are readily available here in the states this time of year, so I am hoping you have them, too!
Just make sure and pick firm ones to feed.

If, you can't find any. Cranberry juice can be used. If he won't drink it you can try the cran-grape, which is a bit sweeter. You can also add a few drops of water, so he'll drink it.

Not too much though, because of the sugar. But you can give the juice twice a day, in a little dish or by syringe.

I give mine 2 fresh cranberries with their evening feed.
Cranberries help stabelize the ph of the bladder, so should help his urinary retention!:serene

Jenny H
12-29-2016, 05:22 AM
Hi guys, just a little update to say that Nutkin is still with us, thankfully, but there's precious little more information to give you all. I have had two urine tests done at the vets. Taking a specimen was easy as Nutkin always uses a litter tray!
The urine was analysed and the result was that everything was 'normal' except the blood and protein result. The Blood result had one + but worryingly the Protein result was ++++ which is not good at all. I am still waiting for the prognosis for Nutkin but typically the exotics vet is sick today! There is no-one else who can interpret the results until she returns! I would imagine, though, that this would mean that Nutkin may well be suffering kidney degeneration, perhaps because of his age. Everyone keeps calling him an 'elderly' squirrel. To me, though, he's still my baby. Results for everything else seemed normal and no sign of any diabetes.
Now I have the very difficult decision on whether or not we should go any further with tests for him. I know he would be totally freaked out if we did and the result would probably still be the same with the same sad outcome.
Have any of you been through a similar problem regarding a squigg with failing kidneys?
It's not great news and I'm devastated. My heart tells me to keep him at home and keep him pain free and as happy as possible, rather than put him through intrusive and risky tests, which may be all for nothing.
I would value your thoughts on this, personal or otherwise.
Bless you all for sticking with me through this.
Let's hope the New Year brings lovely things for you all and our beloved squirrels. x

12-29-2016, 06:32 AM
Playing catchup and in reading the findings, I personally would not do more testing. This sounds like classic early stage renal failure, which does come with age in many cases. Although I have not gone through it in a squirrel, I have with dogs. Many times in working with diet, adding in different supplements, etc, can help slow down the process. I would contact Leigh from Henry's and discuss this with her, and get suggestions on possible diet help. My heart and prayers go out to you. I am sure others with more experience will chime in.

12-29-2016, 01:06 PM
I am so sorry about Nutkins lab results.
And of course he is, and will always be you your sweet baby boy.

Personally, I completely agree with pappy.
There is no reason to freak little Nutkin out, by going through a bunch of tests, and seeing strangers, that will only scare him.

Pappy's idea for you to contact Leigh, from Henry's Healthy Pets is a super idea! She is the one that came up with the formula/recipe for the HHB's that we all feed.
She may have some input on what dietary changes might help.

Although, as a squirrel, Nutkin is probably already on the appropriate diet. This would be:
Low protein
Low sodium
Low potassium
Low magnesium

Really, he is probably already eating the appropriate foods. Which would include lots of vegetables (high fiber), nuts a avacado, (healthy fats). No salt, low protein.

The only thing that I can add is to remember that the colorful fruits and vegetables are very high in antioxidants.
I have always given mine 2 blueberries every night, for this very purpose.
I would not try to do any drastic diet changes that will upset or confuse Nutkin. It's alright to add one or two new foods, to see if he will like them. But remember, squirrels do not like change.

Having read your posts, I feel pretty sure that Nutkin has been on a healthy diet.
I would avoid any bananas or oranges, as they are high in potassium. And obviously, no salt.

12-29-2016, 01:16 PM
Hydration is very important for him if he is having kidney issues. You might consider adding some fresh dandelions to his diet as long as he is hydrated. They are good for kidneys and as a plus a lot of squirrels like them as treats!

I am probably in the minority here but I would consider retesting at some later point in order to validate the first test results. But my preference would be to get the repeat test in at a vet visit that was scheduled for another issue.

I hope he improves, it must be so difficult to see your little friend gradually fading away. :( :grouphug That is the curse of their shorter lifespans.

Jenny H
12-30-2016, 12:36 PM
Thank you all for your help. Nutkin, unfortunately, is not eating his usual diet any more, which has been, as I understand it, nutritionally OK for him. It's a shame he would never eat HHB's as that would have been ideal. I ordered some from the US a few years ago and even the picky ones did not pass his lips.

I know what he should eat ideally, but since having this illness and sight loss which started around a month ago, his diet has completely changed and he will only eat what he wants to. He's drinking fluids, both water and some coconut water, but as for eating he will only eat a few of the large choice of foods that he had before. At the moment, he's just interested in nuts, cherry, tomato, sweetcorn and a small amount of lettuce or greens. He's still getting calcium B12 and vitamins, but it's impossible to change his diet as he wouldn't eat anything at all. I have to feed him bits of food by hand as he can't see enough to choose his own food from a plate. I try him with everything that's good, but he refuses anything except what I mentioned above. If I don't allow him to have what he wants, he will just fade away. He is rapidly getting thin and boney and losing weight. It's a desperate situation, so I'm just letting him tell me what he wants.
He's mostly sleeping now and just wakes up to take a few pieces of food and immediately goes back to bed.

I know how important diet is, but believe me, I cannot get him to eat anything he should eat. He was always very good diet-wise but now everything about him has changed. I've heard that kidney failure can bring about a complete change in diet for a squirrel and they dislike foods that they used to love.
I have tried everything. Trust me, I have. If I tried to force-feed him, he would refuse to eat anything and just die of starvation so I'm letting him do his own thing and hopefully he is comfortable and not stressed.

Today I received a bag of Kaytee Forti Diet blocks from the US as we can't get them in the UK. I tried him with these and he won't even touch them. I tried him on dandelions the other day, but he refused them. I will try again though. I cut a piece of clean garden turf which I brought into the house and 3 weeks ago he was burying nuts in it. Now he won't go near it.

A few moments ago I had a call from a vet who wants to take bloods (from his heart!), do scans and tests on Nutkin in the vet hospital in the next town. I don't think I can put him through this.

If you can think of anything else I can try, I would be grateful to hear it, but I really am doing my best for him. Bless you for helping us. x

12-30-2016, 01:30 PM
Jenny, I completely understand. I think we all reach a place in life where it's best to give him what he wants. I remember years ago my elderly, diabetic grandmother wanted cake. She was nearly 90 and her diabetes could no longer be controlled with diet OR meds. What did we do.. WE GAVE HER CAKE!!! What would depriving her accomplish? Would it add another minute to her life by depriving her? No it wouldn't.

Since you went to the effort to get the Kaytee blocks maybe you could try to make something with them that Nutkin might like. Try grinding them into a powder with a food processor or coffee grinder. Mix some of the powder with baby food fruit like apple or anything that Nutkin likes. Maybe avocado. You could also grind some nuts (almonds) to add with the powder and use a binder like the sweet baby foods to hold it together. It's just a thought. You could even dust the corn with calcium carbonate to make it more health if he will tolerate that.

Personally, I agree with you regarding the vet. I would never allow blood to be drawn from my squirrel without anesthesia, especially from the heart. At Nutkins age and his condition he might never wake up. I would love him as long as he stays with me. :Love_Icon:grouphug

12-30-2016, 01:31 PM
No, invasive tests are just wrong at this point, in my own belief anyway. He is 3+ times the normal squirrel age! Bless his heart...

I would make certain he is well hydrated. Add a little bit of honey to some water and warm it up a bit and see if he will take some from his bottle or a syringe. Sometimes that little bit of sweet really makes a difference. I would do this multiple times a day.

Try this: Put 1 or 2 of the forti-blocks in a little dish and add a small amount of water to them. They will soak it up. Keep adding water until they are wet all the way through and fall apart (keep track of how much water it takes and you can do it in one step the next time). Mash it up and add some yogurt, preferably a full fat yogurt with some flavor, like vanilla. Add some of his vitamins to it and the calcium, and add a little blob of peanut butter or almond butter or the like. Heat it until you can stir it all together well. You can add water or more yogurt if he likes it soupier or less if he likes it drier. I would offer it warm in a little blob at the tip of a spoon - it is nice to have mom feeding you that way!

Nancy in New York
12-30-2016, 01:40 PM
Patti said it perfectly.
I too would give him anything his little heart desired.
If he enjoys corn, you could even try corn for babies in a jar
(I was going to put baby corn, but didn't want to confuse you :))
and put something "healthy" in that...........or not
as well as what Patti suggested.
You are doing everything exactly right for him.
If Nutkin were mine, I would do just what you are doing now, loving him. :Love_Icon

Edit: I see that CritterMom gave some great suggestions as well.

12-30-2016, 02:28 PM
What a wonderful mum you are!
I am in complete agreement, feed him whatever he will eat.
Squirrels usually love yogurt. Mine get a little dab each night as a treat. I do feed the full fat kind. But I feed the fruit flavors. There are many flavors to choose from.
If he likes cherries, maybe try the cherry flavored yogurt.

You are doing wonderful with him. And I know how very hard this is for you. We all know that.
Please know that we are here for you. You are not alone in this.:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_I con:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

I absolutely would not do anymore testing, nor take him anywhere. He needs to be home, with you. Somewhere he is comfortable. Not some scary strange place.

A heating pad half under where he sleeps might help comfort him.

My prayers are on the way for the two of you.:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:glomp

12-30-2016, 03:16 PM
Some of the baby foods are atreat for squirrels. Bananna/strawberry and similar flavors taste good and will help hydrate him as well as provide some vitamins.

My suggestion earlier to repeat the tests was based more on the notion of redoing the blood work the next time he needed blood drawn. I certainly can't imagine trying to draw blood from his heart without anesthesia. I also would not even like to see him anethesized, that is hard on the heart as well.


Jenny H
12-31-2016, 02:56 AM
TubeDriver. Just to let you know that Nutkin hasn't had any blood tests. I know they take blood from the heart of a squirrel and I wouldn't want to put him through that even under an anaesthetic. He's only had urine tests done, which I took by sneaking a piece of cling film over his litter tray. It worked well and we had two good samples without him even knowing!
Thanks for everything. x

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Some of the baby foods are atreat for squirrels. Bananna/strawberry and similar flavors taste good and will help hydrate him as well as provide some vitamins.

My suggestion earlier to repeat the tests was based more on the notion of redoing the blood work the next time he needed blood drawn. I certainly can't imagine trying to draw blood from his heart without anesthesia. I also would not even like to see him anethesized, that is hard on the heart as well.


Jenny H
12-31-2016, 03:34 AM
Jenny, I completely understand. I think we all reach a place in life where it's best to give him what he wants. I remember years ago my elderly, diabetic grandmother wanted cake. She was nearly 90 and her diabetes could no longer be controlled with diet OR meds. What did we do.. WE GAVE HER CAKE!!! What would depriving her accomplish? Would it add another minute to her life by depriving her? No it wouldn't.

Since you went to the effort to get the Kaytee blocks maybe you could try to make something with them that Nutkin might like. Try grinding them into a powder with a food processor or coffee grinder. Mix some of the powder with baby food fruit like apple or anything that Nutkin likes. Maybe avocado. You could also grind some nuts (almonds) to add with the powder and use a binder like the sweet baby foods to hold it together. It's just a thought. You could even dust the corn with calcium carbonate to make it more health if he will tolerate that.

Personally, I agree with you regarding the vet. I would never allow blood to be drawn from my squirrel without anesthesia, especially from the heart. At Nutkins age and his condition he might never wake up. I would love him as long as he stays with me. :Love_Icon:grouphug

Thank you for your ideas. I will try anything that anyone recommends and will try to adapt the Kaytee blocks to something that Nutkin may enjoy. Sadly I think it's unlikely he will eat any of it as he's not bothered with anything, but I will definitely try! x

12-31-2016, 07:52 AM
I may have missed anyone suggesting it, but have you tried full fat yogurt with him? Peanut was the same way, especially in the last 6 months of his life, in regards to diet. But he did thankfully eat yogurt (and eventually he would even take it with formula mixed in), so I knew he was at least getting something good. He lived for goldfish vanilla cupcake cookies and avocado, and that is what he got (although I kept offering other things). If you have not tried it, try to yogurt (and even try mixing in formula. I mixed it in already made, not the powder). Many prayers going out to you. Although this sounds like it is the 'golden times' that does not mean the end just yet. Keep him happy as best you can and give him what he wants, but keep trying the good foods too. He may surprise you.:Love_Icon

Jenny H
01-01-2017, 09:34 AM
Unfortunately despite trying many of your suggestions, Nutkin is only now eating a small piece of cherry, nothing else, despite trying everything. He's drinking very little and has spent almost the entire day yesterday and so far today, just sleeping.
It's heartbreaking to see him like this, but I think that sleeping is best for him if he's in any pain or distress.
I bought cherry yoghurt and tried it by syringe. He hated being held and fed into the side of his mouth. He wouldn't lap at all. I also got some peanut butter, which he licked once and left. He is refusing to be syringe fed but did have a few sips of water with honey in as recommended by one of you. Sadly though, nothing today except half a cherry.
I can't believe how he has deteriorated so quickly. I am just hoping that he is not in any pain.
What could I give him if he's in pain? I have Metacam but I understand this is very bad for squirrels if they have renal problems as it can become toxic. I tried a single drop a few days ago when he looked a bit trembly and couldn't settle, but I don't think I should give this to him on a regular basis.
Because of the holidays here, no vets are open tomorrow. I'm hoping he will be OK for a day or so until the vets open so that if necessary I can get something for him for pain or even worse have him put to sleep.
This is one of the saddest times of my life. x

Jenny H
01-01-2017, 09:55 AM
Unfortunately despite trying many of your suggestions, Nutkin is only now eating a small piece of cherry, nothing else, despite trying everything. He's drinking very little and has spent almost the entire day yesterday and so far today, just sleeping.
It's heartbreaking to see him like this, but I think that sleeping is best for him if he's in any pain or distress.
I bought cherry yoghurt and tried it by syringe. He hated being held and fed into the side of his mouth. He wouldn't lap at all. I also got some peanut butter, which he licked once and left. He is refusing to be syringe fed but did have a few sips of water with honey in as recommended by one of you. Sadly though, nothing today except half a cherry.
I can't believe how he has deteriorated so quickly. I am just hoping that he is not in any pain.
What could I give him if he's in pain? I have Metacam but I understand this is very bad for squirrels if they have renal problems as it can become toxic. I tried a single drop a few days ago when he looked a bit trembly and couldn't settle, but I don't think I should give this to him on a regular basis.
Because of the holidays here, no vets are open tomorrow. I'm hoping he will be OK for a day or so until the vets open so that if necessary I can get something for him for pain or even worse have him put to sleep if he's much worse.
This is one of the saddest times of my life. x

Postscript to this post. Nutkin has just awoken and has started nibbling a few pieces of fruit, (tomato, sweetcorn, cherry) and a hazelnut and has sipped some coconut water. Phew. I guess this is how it's going to be up and down but at least he's getting a little boost from the food. I know you've all felt it, but it's a heartbreaking time isn't it. x

Nancy in New York
01-01-2017, 10:24 AM
If you have the strength of the Metacam, I can break it down and dose, if
you have an estimate of the weight.
This way you will have it just in case.

Also if you have infant ibuprofen we can dose that as well.

Please don't disturb Nutkin for the weighing. When was the last time
you weighed him?

Bless this little boy and his momma! :Love_Icon

01-01-2017, 11:55 AM
No matter how long our sweet little friends live, it's not long enough. Every day is a blessing. Enjoy your boy to the fullest. Today he lives and for today, that's enough. Everyone here knows the place you're in. Thing is, everyone knows the joy Nutkin has given you--and continues to give. In the end, the joy is worth it--one of God's choicest miracles. :Love_Icon

Jenny H
01-01-2017, 01:00 PM
Thank you so much for your help.
The Metacam (Meloxicam) I have is 1.5mg/ml We were given it by our vet for our pet rats. I have previously used 1 drop per 500g of rat. As the rats were about half of that weight, I used 1 drop of Metacam and 1 drop of water. I then gave them half that dose.
With Nutkin I was recommended 1 drop with food or water.
I weighed him yesterday and he was 540g. He was 656g at the beginning of December so has lost quite a bit in just under a month.
My fear with Metacam is that it is not suitable for renal problems in animals, so I felt it might do Nutkin some harm. It can be toxic to the kidneys or so I understand.
It would be interesting to get some infant ibuprofen, which may well be better for him. What type would you recommend and what strength?
Thank you very much for helping us. Much love to you all. xxx

01-01-2017, 01:26 PM
For some reason, I think that Metacam is easier on their organs that ibuprofen, but I will message someone who knows better than I do and ask her.

Nancy in New York
01-01-2017, 01:53 PM
Thank you so much for your help.
The Metacam (Meloxicam) I have is 1.5mg/ml We were given it by our vet for our pet rats. I have previously used 1 drop per 500g of rat. As the rats were about half of that weight, I used 1 drop of Metacam and 1 drop of water. I then gave them half that dose.
With Nutkin I was recommended 1 drop with food or water.
I weighed him yesterday and he was 540g. He was 656g at the beginning of December so has lost quite a bit in just under a month.
My fear with Metacam is that it is not suitable for renal problems in animals, so I felt it might do Nutkin some harm. It can be toxic to the kidneys or so I understand.
It would be interesting to get some infant ibuprofen, which may well be better for him. What type would you recommend and what strength?
Thank you very much for helping us. Much love to you all. xxx

For a 500 gram squirrel, and at the strength you have the dose would be 0.1
Now in the NEW Wild Mammal Babies book, this is dosed considerably higher.
I doubt that 1 drop would give much pain relief to a squirrel weighing 540 grams.
The strength of the infant ibuprophen would be 50 mg/1.25 mL
Let's wait until SammysMom comes back on with which one would have the least effect on the organs.


Jenny H
01-02-2017, 01:10 PM
Nutkin is spending almost all his time in his cage now, plus sleeping, but he's eating little bits of cherry (as usual) plus a few pieces of different nuts, a bit of avocado, sweetcorn, biscuit, peanut butter, tomato. He is also getting up at night to have a nibble at the food. I can't get him to drink much, but as he's having bits of fairly wet foods, I'm not too concerned. He's definitely getting up to pee in the night and during the day and his poo looks normal. He's very sleepy all the time, but I'm trying new things for him to taste. Thank you for all your help. Re the Metacam, I'd be glad to get more details of the dose when it becomes available. Bless you all xx

01-02-2017, 02:22 PM
Can you get watermelon? It is ALL water and squirrels usually really like it.

01-02-2017, 03:46 PM
CritterMom is right! Watermelon is a wonderful choice.

It sounds like he is doing a little better. At least he seems to have a little appetite.

I think I would choose the Ibuprofen over the meloxicam.
All pain meds are processed by the liver. It seems the meloxicam is a bit harder on the kidneys than the ibuprofen.

If he appears to be having pain, I personally would not withold pain medication. But, that is just my opinion.

In the elderly, the body's ability to clear the medication from the system, becomes diminished. So, generally a smaller do is adequate.

Hopefully, you will be able to get ahold of one of your vets to get their opinion.

If you choose to give the ibuprofen, make sure it is the
"Infant drops". I buy the white grape flavor and have never had a squirrel refuse it. They even lick the outside of the syringe for every last taste.

Lots and lots of prayers and love coming to the two of you.:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:glomp

What a wonderful mum you are. But you need to take care of yourself,too.

Thank you so much for your updates, I know many of us wait for them.:grouphug

Jenny H
01-02-2017, 04:09 PM
Can you get watermelon? It is ALL water and squirrels usually really like it.

Yes, I have watermelon here and tried Nutkin with it about an hour ago. He sniffed it, licked it once and curled up again in his bed. He used to like it, but I'll try him again tomorrow when he's a bit less tired. Thank you. x

Jenny H
01-02-2017, 04:16 PM
CritterMom is right! Watermelon is a wonderful choice.

It sounds like he is doing a little better. At least he seems to have a little appetite.

I think I would choose the Ibuprofen over the meloxicam.
All pain meds are processed by the liver. It seems the meloxicam is a bit harder on the kidneys than the ibuprofen.

If he appears to be having pain, I personally would not withold pain medication. But, that is just my opinion.

In the elderly, the body's ability to clear the medication from the system, becomes diminished. So, generally a smaller do is adequate.

Hopefully, you will be able to get ahold of one of your vets to get their opinion.

If you choose to give the ibuprofen, make sure it is the
"Infant drops". I buy the white grape flavor and have never had a squirrel refuse it. They even lick the outside of the syringe for every last taste.

Lots and lots of prayers and love coming to the two of you.:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:glomp

What a wonderful mum you are. But you need to take care of yourself,too.

Thank you so much for your updates, I know many of us wait for them.:grouphug

Thank you so much Czarina. I can't really get any information from vets as they don't want to commit to any 'advice'. They are probably worried that they will be sued!!!
Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts. I have never had such supportive friends before and I appreciate you all.
I have quite a few health issues myself, but my boy comes first and you probably already know just how much I love him.
I don't think he's in pain at the moment, but it will be good to have some advice on hand should he deteriorate. It's the one thing I couldn't stand, seeing my boy in pain.I will do everything I can to ensure that doesn't happen.
Thank you my friends. Will update you soon. xx

Nancy in New York
01-02-2017, 04:28 PM
Thank you so much Czarina. I can't really get any information from vets as they don't want to commit to any 'advice'. They are probably worried that they will be sued!!!
Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts. I have never had such supportive friends before and I appreciate you all.
I have quite a few health issues myself, but my boy comes first and you probably already know just how much I love him.
I don't think he's in pain at the moment, but it will be good to have some advice on hand should he deteriorate. It's the one thing I couldn't stand, seeing my boy in pain.I will do everything I can to ensure that doesn't happen.
Thank you my friends. Will update you soon. xx

I will send you the info. on Metacam and Infant Ibuprophen through a pm in a little while.
I keep forgetting. :hidechair

Nancy in New York
01-02-2017, 04:34 PM
I just sent you a pm. :grouphug

01-02-2017, 05:25 PM
I know we have mentioned using the heating pad before, so just thought that I would add this. You can also add heat/warmth by using small water bottles with hot/warm water inside of them. Make sure to wrap them in fleece, so he can't get burned.

That way if you are afraid he might chew the cord, at least you will know he is warm.
Thermoregulation burns an incredible amout of calories, and is usually one of the first things to shut down. Think of those freezing in the snow and ice, your body sacrifices your extremities in order to save your core, (vital organs).

Also, if you haven't already, keep trying to offer the yogurt on your fingertip. He may suddenly decides he likes it. Same with the watermelon.

As you already know, hydration is very important. Maybe try some gatoraide.

Would he drink any of the Ensure?

01-02-2017, 05:46 PM
To my understanding, cloudiness in eyes indicate scarring. If possible, it would be great to identify the underlying cause of the scarring and of the other symptoms, including the blood and protein in urine. Some wild guesses or stuff that crossed my mind, high blood pressure, allergens, an illness, a drug.

In general animals that lose a lot of weight get cold easier, so it would be nice for her to have extra fleece and possibly something warm within reach.

On a less serious note, sweet potatoes may be a good treat as they are unlikely to significantly dehydrate, most squirrels love them, and to my understanding, digest and absorb a little slower than some other foods. I served them to Buddy and her twins by rinsing off a raw ripe sweet potato and then slicing it into pieces.

Jenny H
01-03-2017, 09:43 AM
To my understanding, cloudiness in eyes indicate scarring. If possible, it would be great to identify the underlying cause of the scarring and of the other symptoms, including the blood and protein in urine. Some wild guesses or stuff that crossed my mind, high blood pressure, allergens, an illness, a drug.

In general animals that lose a lot of weight get cold easier, so it would be nice for her to have extra fleece and possibly something warm within reach.

On a less serious note, sweet potatoes may be a good treat as they are unlikely to significantly dehydrate, most squirrels love them, and to my understanding, digest and absorb a little slower than some other foods. I served them to Buddy and her twins by rinsing off a raw ripe sweet potato and then slicing it into pieces.

Thank you Rocky 1. We're pretty sure the eye problem is due to cataracts and his age. He's almost 10 years old. I've no plans to have my elderly boy go through numerous tests at a vet just for them to tell me that he's getting old, as that wouldn't be fair to him. He's a sensitive soul and easily spooked. I think he's a pretty good age for a squirrel and so do most of the lovely people I have spoken to here. I've since learn that the one plus (+) against his urine test regarding blood, isn't important in a squirrel as this could be a pretty normal reading. That was according to the exotics vet I have spoken to, the other protein ++++ isn't great though.
Thanks for your recommendation of keeping Nutkin warm. He has always had vet bed and fleeces in his 'dray' which comprises a smallish section of his cage that is surrounded on 3 sides and very cosy. His body temperature has been fine and even though it's cold here in the UK at the moment, I've kept the house heating on in order that he will stay cosy. I have a solid heat pad that I can heat up in the microwave if he shows any sign of getting a bit cold, but he's holding his body heat pretty good.
I didn't know about sweet potato, so many thanks for that suggestion. It's something else I can try for Nutkin and if your Buddy likes it, then perhaps Nutkin will.
Thank you for your help Rocky 1. x

Jenny H
01-03-2017, 09:56 AM
I know we have mentioned using the heating pad before, so just thought that I would add this. You can also add heat/warmth by using small water bottles with hot/warm water inside of them. Make sure to wrap them in fleece, so he can't get burned.

That way if you are afraid he might chew the cord, at least you will know he is warm.
Thermoregulation burns an incredible amout of calories, and is usually one of the first things to shut down. Think of those freezing in the snow and ice, your body sacrifices your extremities in order to save your core, (vital organs).

Also, if you haven't already, keep trying to offer the yogurt on your fingertip. He may suddenly decides he likes it. Same with the watermelon.

As you already know, hydration is very important. Maybe try some gatoraide.

Would he drink any of the Ensure?

Thank you czarina. Will keep trying with the yogurt and watermelon. He did reasonably well with food and actually came out of his 'drey' this morning and stretched his legs and groomed himself. He seems pretty warm as he's surrounded with fluffy stuff and even when I check on him in the night, his body temperature is good. I have an animal heat pad which is warmed for a few minutes in the microwave and covered in fleece, but I haven't had to use it yet as he's been pretty warm.
His cage has a good 'drey' for him. It's a wooden area covered on 3 sides with a natural basket inside it. It's full of fleece and soft Kleenex tissues and he's quite toasty when he's curled up in there. He's also sharing the space with his nuts which surround his basket! I've tried to make it like a hole in a tree and he's happy and warm there.
To make him have Ensure (or Complan as we call it in the UK) I would have to syringe him as he doesn't like it. He hates being restrained and at the moment isn't doing too bad with trying new bits and pieces when hand fed. He's actually put on 10g since a few days ago and is now 550g. He's still not well, but is doing his best to eat and drink something. We lifted him out of his bed today to weigh him and he had a bit of a walk around the living room. He did bump himself once on a sofa leg, but he was fine. It just goes to show that his eyes aren't good. I always sit by him and speak to him when he's out so he knows I'm there.

I will keep trying foods such as watermelon and yogurt and try to tempt him with them. Sometimes he takes things that he's refused earlier, so I keep food in 'rotation'.

Thank you again Czarina. x

01-03-2017, 11:47 AM
Baby food comes in TONs of flavors in those little jars and they don't cost much. I would pick up a half dozen different flavors and see if he likes one?

01-04-2017, 06:59 AM
That's a great idea TubeDriver! Baby food. Just put little dabs on his plate, or your finger, for him to try.

And, I completely agree with you, Jenny. I would not force feed him with a syringe. In my opinion, there is no reason to put him through that.

I did want to mention that you can steam some vegtables for him. Sweet potato can be served raw, or steamed.
Another favorite that I steam, is small yellow squash. I cut a slice, then cut it into fourths, thrn steam. They seem to like little pieces that they can hold in their hands.
I also on occasion, steam broccoli and cauliflower. They gobble it up. I guess maybe because they don't it that often.
I also steam some artichoke leaves, and the heart. That's a favorite! ( I cut the poky sticker off the top of the leaf, before steaming)

Well, just more ideas of things you might tempt him with!:hug

Lots of positive energies and prayers for the two of you!:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Ic on

Jenny H
01-04-2017, 03:27 PM
That's a great idea TubeDriver! Baby food. Just put little dabs on his plate, or your finger, for him to try.

And, I completely agree with you, Jenny. I would not force feed him with a syringe. In my opinion, there is no reason to put him through that.

I did want to mention that you can steam some vegtables for him. Sweet potato can be served raw, or steamed.
Another favorite that I steam, is small yellow squash. I cut a slice, then cut it into fourths, thrn steam. They seem to like little pieces that they can hold in their hands.
I also on occasion, steam broccoli and cauliflower. They gobble it up. I guess maybe because they don't it that often.
I also steam some artichoke leaves, and the heart. That's a favorite! ( I cut the poky sticker off the top of the leaf, before steaming)

Well, just more ideas of things you might tempt him with!:hug

Lots of positive energies and prayers for the two of you!:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Ic on

Hi czarina,
That's new for me. Steaming veggies for a squirrel. What a great idea! Nutkin has only had raw veg in the past. I will get on to that straight away. He's trying bits and pieces of a few of his old favourites...avocado, cucumber, mushroom (he hasn't tried those for ages!)
I know he most likely has an underlying problem because of his age and his possible kidney problems, but if we can get him interested in eating a better variety of things then it's bound to help him a bit.
Thanks again. xx

01-04-2017, 06:29 PM
For some reason, I think that Metacam is easier on their organs that ibuprofen, but I will message someone who knows better than I do and ask her.

As an RN ibuprofen is very hard on kidneys


01-07-2017, 11:05 PM
You could try applesauce and apple juice too. Try papaya and cactus prickly pears if you can get those where you live.

Jenny H
01-08-2017, 03:54 AM
Sadly, Nutkin is eating very little now and is losing weight again. He's drinking hardly anything too and is sleeping all the time. He sometimes goes a bit strange as though he's 'spaced out' and it's all very worrying. He's quite boney and I think his body is shutting down. We've tried absolutely everything - except taking him to the vets for numerous tests, which we don't think is fair. We're just taking it day by day now still trying our best to make him eat or drink something. It's an uphill battle though. I feel there is no hope of a miracle or a turnaround in his health. Thank you all for sticking by me and for your endless good wishes and prayers. I'll keep you posted, but it doesn't look good and I'm devastated. xxxxx

01-08-2017, 06:10 AM
I know Jenny. I'm sure it's difficult for you to see your sweet boy like this. Sometimes I wish we could turn the clock back to a time when those we love are young and strong. My prayers are with you. :Love_Icon :grouphug

Nancy in New York
01-08-2017, 06:48 AM
Sadly, Nutkin is eating very little now and is losing weight again. He's drinking hardly anything too and is sleeping all the time. He sometimes goes a bit strange as though he's 'spaced out' and it's all very worrying. He's quite boney and I think his body is shutting down. We've tried absolutely everything - except taking him to the vets for numerous tests, which we don't think is fair. We're just taking it day by day now still trying our best to make him eat or drink something. It's an uphill battle though. I feel there is no hope of a miracle or a turnaround in his health. Thank you all for sticking by me and for your endless good wishes and prayers. I'll keep you posted, but it doesn't look good and I'm devastated. xxxxx

Do you feel Nutkin is in pain, or just quietly slipping away?
Sometimes their little bodies just can't hold on anymore.
They need to start their final journey, with us by their side.
These times destroy us, but I also feel some try to hold
on for our sake.
When we love so deeply, it's difficult to give "permission" for them
to leave. When we see suffering, it becomes easier.
I think that Nutkin just needs you.......by his side, as always. :Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon

Jenny H
01-08-2017, 09:47 AM
I know Jenny. I'm sure it's difficult for you to see your sweet boy like this. Sometimes I wish we could turn the clock back to a time when those we love are young and strong. My prayers are with you. :Love_Icon :grouphug

Many thanks to you. Yes, I wish I could turn back the clock. There hasn't been a day when I ever regretted taking him on. He has virtually been my life. Thank you for your prayers. xxx

Jenny H
01-08-2017, 09:50 AM
Do you feel Nutkin is in pain, or just quietly slipping away?
Sometimes their little bodies just can't hold on anymore.
They need to start their final journey, with us by their side.
These times destroy us, but I also feel some try to hold
on for our sake.
When we love so deeply, it's difficult to give "permission" for them
to leave. When we see suffering, it becomes easier.
I think that Nutkin just needs you.......by his side, as always. :Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon

I don't think Nutkin is in real pain, but seems a bit bewildered at times and stares into space. His eyes are quite poor, so maybe he's trying to look at things. We have good light near to his cage and I have a SAD light on the nearby table which seems to give the type of light that he favours. It helps him to feed I think. I will always be there for him whatever happens and I won't let him suffer any pain. I get up 2-3 times a night just to check on him and ensure he's comfortable and warm. I give him a quick stroke under the little blanket and he settles straight away. It's so very sad. xx

01-08-2017, 09:51 AM
Saddened to hear about Nutkins worsening condition. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. :grouphug. Im sure he's comforted by just being near you. :Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
01-08-2017, 10:10 AM
I get up 2-3 times a night just to check on him and ensure he's comfortable and warm. I give him a quick stroke under the little blanket and he settles straight away. It's so very sad. xx

I'm sure Nutkin takes great comfort with you stroking him.

01-08-2017, 10:18 AM
Just know that you've done everything you can do. It is in the hands of a Higher Power at this point. We are all here with you and my prayers and tears are with you and your lovely baby. :grouphug

01-08-2017, 11:35 AM
Sadly, Nutkin is eating very little now and is losing weight again. He's drinking hardly anything too and is sleeping all the time. He sometimes goes a bit strange as though he's 'spaced out' and it's all very worrying. He's quite boney and I think his body is shutting down. We've tried absolutely everything - except taking him to the vets for numerous tests, which we don't think is fair. We're just taking it day by day now still trying our best to make him eat or drink something. It's an uphill battle though. I feel there is no hope of a miracle or a turnaround in his health. Thank you all for sticking by me and for your endless good wishes and prayers. I'll keep you posted, but it doesn't look good and I'm devastated. xxxxx

My heart is breaking for you! Just know that you have given him love and an amazing life. You're doing and trying everything. Give him love and know that we are here for you! Big hugs!:hug

01-08-2017, 10:03 PM
My heart aches to hear this is most likely the end of nutkin days on earth. You both have a bond to each other that is extraordinary. Give him the comfort he needs and it will bring you peace of mind knowing you were there holding is hand with all of your love and care all the days of his life. It is so tragic when it comes to the end. He needs you to be strong. I had my 20 year old Dove pass away in my arms, who I had raised on malt of meal. It killed me inside so badly. Now though I am forever greatful for that final moment we had, I would not trade it for anything.. Nutkin has lived the best life in your care and will leave this world in your careful loving hands. I am so sorry, lots of love and hugs to you both. Rexies mom

Jenny H
01-09-2017, 04:13 AM
My heart aches to hear this is most likely the end of nutkin days on earth. You both have a bond to each other that is extraordinary. Give him the comfort he needs and it will bring you peace of mind knowing you were there holding is hand with all of your love and care all the days of his life. It is so tragic when it comes to the end. He needs you to be strong. I had my 20 year old Dove pass away in my arms, who I had raised on malt of meal. It killed me inside so badly. Now though I am forever greatful for that final moment we had, I would not trade it for anything.. Nutkin has lived the best life in your care and will leave this world in your careful loving hands. I am so sorry, lots of love and hugs to you both. Rexies mom

Thank you Rexie's mum. I appreciate your lovely words. Nutkin is still hanging in there and is eating and drinking a little. I can only hope that he stays with me as long as he can without being in any pain. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and is still taking food and drink, so he must have a will to live. Each day is a treasure with him.

We have 12 collared doves (formerly 4!) that were rescued in 2007. They were the result of a RSPCA cruelty case and we took them on at about the same time as we had Nutkin. They were being kept in a small bird cage and were abused and damaged so couldn't be released. They are all still alive and well and live in our garden in a huge outside aviary. We allowed them to have babies to rear to give them as normal a life as possible and they are very happy. Nowadays we replace their eggs with dummy ones as we think 12 is quite enough! Some of them must be about 13 years old or more but they're all fit and well and very tame and happy.

I know how you must feel just having lost your dove. 20 is a good age isn't it but never long enough for us. They are lovely birds and do relate very well to us humans, don't they. I'm so sorry for your loss. You must have been a wonderful mother to your dove, though. One of my doves (Star) almost died a couple of years back. We found a couple ticks on her (it was a very bad year for them), which we removed and she contracted Lyme disease from them. It was a battle for about 3 weeks, but after various antibiotics and hand feeding she finally got well I'm happy to say.

All I can hope for is that Nutkin continues to eat and drink and remain free of pain. How long we've got with him, I cannot guess, but the longer the better as far as I'm concerned. He also still has the will to live thank goodness.

Thank you again for your kind words. Oh how we all love animals on this site! xx

Nancy in New York
01-09-2017, 06:36 AM
:Love_Icon Nutkin :Love_Icon Jenny H :Love_Icon

01-09-2017, 08:38 AM
Eating and drinking is wonderful! They need so much less when they are not active. I know that it doesn't mean he will turn back into his old active self, but neither do elderly people and they can be with us for longer than we expect. I pray that is the case with your precious Nutkin...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

01-09-2017, 10:48 AM
Thank you Rexie's mum. I appreciate your lovely words. Nutkin is still hanging in there and is eating and drinking a little. I can only hope that he stays with me as long as he can without being in any pain. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and is still taking food and drink, so he must have a will to live. Each day is a treasure with him.

We have 12 collared doves (formerly 4!) that were rescued in 2007. They were the result of a RSPCA cruelty case and we took them on at about the same time as we had Nutkin. They were being kept in a small bird cage and were abused and damaged so couldn't be released. They are all still alive and well and live in our garden in a huge outside aviary. We allowed them to have babies to rear to give them as normal a life as possible and they are very happy. Nowadays we replace their eggs with dummy ones as we think 12 is quite enough! Some of them must be about 13 years old or more but they're all fit and well and very tame and happy.

I know how you must feel just having lost your dove. 20 is a good age isn't it but never long enough for us. They are lovely birds and do relate very well to us humans, don't they. I'm so sorry for your loss. You must have been a wonderful mother to your dove, though. One of my doves (Star) almost died a couple of years back. We found a couple ticks on her (it was a very bad year for them), which we removed and she contracted Lyme disease from them. It was a battle for about 3 weeks, but after various antibiotics and hand feeding she finally got well I'm happy to say.

All I can hope for is that Nutkin continues to eat and drink and remain free of pain. How long we've got with him, I cannot guess, but the longer the better as far as I'm concerned. He also still has the will to live thank goodness.

Thank you again for your kind words. Oh how we all love animals on this site! xx

It is evident with every word what a loving, kind and compassionate person you are. Nutkin and your doves are very lucky to have a momma like you. :Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon

01-09-2017, 11:20 AM

If Nutkin only knew how many people care for him. But at least he knows your unconditional love, it must be a big comfort for him.

01-09-2017, 11:36 AM
The love that you have always shown Nutkin is still bringing him comfort. Praying for the both of you :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

Jenny H
01-10-2017, 07:56 AM
Eating and drinking is wonderful! They need so much less when they are not active. I know that it doesn't mean he will turn back into his old active self, but neither do elderly people and they can be with us for longer than we expect. I pray that is the case with your precious Nutkin...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Thank you so much SammysMom. Nutkin is a bit up and down. One day he really eats well and seems quite awake and others he touches very little food and sleeps. Just when my hopes get up, they are quickly dashed again. It's definitely a case of taking each day at a time and being happy when things are good and being a good mum to him when things aren't so good. I will check his weight when I'm able to. I've been trying to hide multivitamins and calcium in his foods, but he's a crafty boy and eats around the location of the powder! He's not silly! I'm managing to get some vits in with his peanut butter though.

Nutkin lets me know when he wants to be picked up and put down on the carpet. He sits at the very front of his cage, looks at me and when I put my hands towards him he steps onto them and expects me to be his elevator and lower him to the floor. He finds his own way back to his cage when he's ready. He used to fly around everywhere in the house, but because of his poor eyesight he gets unsure about going down his ramps, but is happy to go up! We have his steps and ramps edged in white tape so he can see where he's going. It helps, for sure.
Thank you for your prayers, SammysMom. Everything helps. xx

Jenny H
01-10-2017, 07:58 AM

If Nutkin only knew how many people care for him. But at least he knows your unconditional love, it must be a big comfort for him.

Thank you TubeDriver. I'm sure he knows. I would love to post a picture of him, but I'm at a loss to understand how to do it. I'm not that computer literate! Bless you. x

Jenny H
01-10-2017, 07:59 AM
:Love_Icon Nutkin :Love_Icon Jenny H :Love_Icon

Bless you, dear Nancy. Thank you :Love_Icon xx

Nancy in New York
01-10-2017, 08:00 AM
So very touching.
He has you trained well. :)
Just as it should be. :hug

Nancy in New York
01-10-2017, 08:01 AM
Thank you TubeDriver. I'm sure he knows. I would love to post a picture of him, but I'm at a loss to understand how to do it. I'm not that computer literate! Bless you. x

I'll pm you my email and I'll be happy to post them.

Nancy in New York
01-10-2017, 08:43 AM
2014 Nutkin having cuddle time with Dad.:serene


01-10-2017, 08:45 AM
Oh Jenny, how hard it is to watch someone we love so much, fade away from us. Here, we all understand this pain. I guess we have to suffer the pain of loss, to help us appreciative the joy of a new life.

I'm just thinking back to how cute Nutkin must have been as a little guy. That mischievousness they have in their eyes. " I wanna get into something, I just can't decide what to get into first!" All the lovely years you have shared. The silly things that the two of you did for fun. The things that "normal" people wouldn't understand. They are so much more than just a "squirrel".

There is no doubt in my mind as to how much Nutkin loves you. Sometimes, as Nancy mentioned, they hang on for us, sometimes waiting for permission to go. This is the hardest thing in the world, saying good-bye to someone we love so much. But he might need to hear the words from you, that it is "okay" to go, when he is ready.

My heart is breaking with yours, as I know so many here are, too. So much love and many, many prayers coming to the two of you.:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Ic on

I wish I had some magic words I could say, to make everything better for the two of you , but I don't.

You've already worked the magic by giving Nutkin the amazing and long life that he has enjoyed. You have been an amazing mum, and he in return, has given you the greatest of gifts, the simple love of a wild creature.

Most people never get the privilege of having a squirrel choose them . It changes everything when that little furball comes into your life. You are very blessed to have Nutkin in your life.

I think everyone here is in agreement that you are doing everything that you can, and most importantly just being there with him. He knows you and loves you, and I know that is providing great comfort to him.

So very many prayers are coming your way.:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouph ug:Love_Icon

01-10-2017, 08:49 AM
What a cutie pie!!!!!

Nancy in New York
01-10-2017, 09:02 AM
A couple more of this little "rock star" :)

A couple of years ago, giving Momma a manicure. :)


December 9th, 2016 hoping Nutkin will eat something. :(


01-11-2017, 09:48 PM
Thank you Rexie's mum. I appreciate your lovely words. Nutkin is still hanging in there and is eating and drinking a little. I can only hope that he stays with me as long as he can without being in any pain. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and is still taking food and drink, so he must have a will to live. Each day is a treasure with him.

We have 12 collared doves (formerly 4!) that were rescued in 2007. They were the result of a RSPCA cruelty case and we took them on at about the same time as we had Nutkin. They were being kept in a small bird cage and were abused and damaged so couldn't be released. They are all still alive and well and live in our garden in a huge outside aviary. We allowed them to have babies to rear to give them as normal a life as possible and they are very happy. Nowadays we replace their eggs with dummy ones as we think 12 is quite enough! Some of them must be about 13 years old or more but they're all fit and well and very tame and happy.

I know how you must feel just having lost your dove. 20 is a good age isn't it but never long enough for us. They are lovely birds and do relate very well to us humans, don't they. I'm so sorry for your loss. You must have been a wonderful mother to your dove, though. One of my doves (Star) almost died a couple of years back. We found a couple ticks on her (it was a very bad year for them), which we removed and she contracted Lyme disease from them. It was a battle for about 3 weeks, but after various antibiotics and hand feeding she finally got well I'm happy to say.

All I can hope for is that Nutkin continues to eat and drink and remain free of pain. How long we've got with him, I cannot guess, but the longer the better as far as I'm concerned. He also still has the will to live thank goodness.

Thank you again for your kind words. Oh how we all love animals on this site! xx

Thank you for your lovely reply. Your doves are so fortunate to have you to care for them. I had no idea a bird could get lymes disease. That is so crazy. I work in the veterinary field and that is a new one for me.. Bless you and your precious nutkin. Every day he is here is a true blessing. I hope he makes his 10th birthday. If he does throw him a big bash and take lots of pictures .

01-11-2017, 09:55 PM
2014 Nutkin having cuddle time with Dad.:serene


What a beauty. Squirrel's are indeed a true magical being.

01-11-2017, 10:04 PM
Thank you so much SammysMom. Nutkin is a bit up and down. One day he really eats well and seems quite awake and others he touches very little food and sleeps. Just when my hopes get up, they are quickly dashed again. It's definitely a case of taking each day at a time and being happy when things are good and being a good mum to him when things aren't so good. I will check his weight when I'm able to. I've been trying to hide multivitamins and calcium in his foods, but he's a crafty boy and eats around the location of the powder! He's not silly! I'm managing to get some vits in with his peanut butter though.

Nutkin lets me know when he wants to be picked up and put down on the carpet. He sits at the very front of his cage, looks at me and when I put my hands towards him he steps onto them and expects me to be his elevator and lower him to the floor. He finds his own way back to his cage when he's ready. He used to fly around everywhere in the house, but because of his poor eyesight he gets unsure about going down his ramps, but is happy to go up! We have his steps and ramps edged in white tape so he can see where he's going. It helps, for sure.
Thank you for your prayers, SammysMom. Everything helps. xx

His personal elevator. Love it. It's funny how we are so eager to cater to their every need and desire. But we do and are glad to do it for them. They are so amazing. I always tell people it's the most fun a girl could have locked in a room for hours being with a squirrel.

Jenny H
01-12-2017, 08:44 AM
His personal elevator. Love it. It's funny how we are so eager to cater to their every need and desire. But we do and are glad to do it for them. They are so amazing. I always tell people it's the most fun a girl could have locked in a room for hours being with a squirrel.

Yes, I totally agree Rexie! It's silly because I even try to mimic the sound of an elevator for him. Stupid or what? x

Jenny H
01-12-2017, 08:51 AM
His personal elevator. Love it. It's funny how we are so eager to cater to their every need and desire. But we do and are glad to do it for them. They are so amazing. I always tell people it's the most fun a girl could have locked in a room for hours being with a squirrel.

Yes, I totally agree Rexie! It's silly because I even try to mimic the sound of an elevator for him. Stupid or what? Birds can get Lyme disease. The other name for it is Lyme borreliosis so maybe you know of this amongst birds. Take care x

01-12-2017, 08:56 AM
Nutkin is positively beautiful! Maybe I should say handsome, but beautiful seemed more fitting! :Love_Icon:blowkiss:Love_Icon

Jenny H
01-13-2017, 04:22 AM
Nutkin is positively beautiful! Maybe I should say handsome, but beautiful seemed more fitting! :Love_Icon:blowkiss:Love_Icon

A wonderful compliment, thank you SammysMom. I'll tell him - he'll be thrilled and probably spend even more time preening today! x

Jenny H
01-13-2017, 09:09 AM
Nutkin much the same today but enjoying a little sunshine despite a bit of snow on the ground. No loss of weight currently, fairly stable thankfully. Managing to get some vitamins and B12 and calcium via a piece of a hazelnut cracker smeared with peanut butter. Peanut butter is very good for disguising the vitamins and calcium!

Will keep you all posted, but not too bad at the moment, fairly stable. As always, thanks for your support to us both. Jen x :Love_Icon

01-13-2017, 09:20 AM
Great update! :Love_IconNutkin:Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
01-13-2017, 09:20 AM
Nutkin much the same today but enjoying a little sunshine despite a bit of snow on the ground. No loss of weight currently, fairly stable thankfully. Managing to get some vitamins and B12 and calcium via a piece of a hazelnut cracker smeared with peanut butter. Peanut butter is very good for disguising the vitamins and calcium!

Will keep you all posted, but not too bad at the moment, fairly stable. As always, thanks for your support to us both. Jen x :Love_Icon

:Love_Icon Nutkin :Love_Icon Jenny H :Love_Icon

01-13-2017, 10:33 AM
2014 Nutkin having cuddle time with Dad.:serene


THIS is a theftworthy pic! Look at his expression! I have seen squirrels with mysterious little Mona Lisa smiles but this is an ear to ear grin! He is just adorable. It is just too bad that he is so ill at ease with his dad! :rotfl

01-13-2017, 11:04 AM
:grin2 what a sweet boy! lol be the pic and hope he continues to do better.

01-13-2017, 01:52 PM

Nancy in New York
01-17-2017, 02:39 PM
I got a couple of pictures of little Nutkin today, and they are just TOO cute not to share.
Thank you Jenny H for bringing us in to Nutkin's world. :grouphug




01-17-2017, 02:50 PM



01-17-2017, 08:54 PM
How is nutkin doing?

Nancy in New York
01-17-2017, 09:50 PM
How is nutkin doing?

Well I know that Jenny H would be fine with me sharing this part of her email.
Thank you so much for asking! :hug

He’s a lovely boy, but a bit quiet and sleepy tonight. He doesn’t seem so interested in his food, but this morning at 4.15 am when I checked on him, he was sitting on his shelf eating cherry and mushroom! I think he’s having a night-time binge! Oh how I love him!

01-17-2017, 09:52 PM
Thank-you so much, Nancy! I think about Nutkin all the time! :Love_Icon

01-17-2017, 09:53 PM
What a handsome, sweet little guy!:Love_Icon
His antics make me smile.:grin3

Jenny H
01-18-2017, 04:18 PM
Thank-you so much, Nancy! I think about Nutkin all the time! :Love_Icon

Thank you so much SammysMom. I'm so grateful to have so many thoughtful, lovely and supportive people. Will update you all soon. xx

Jenny H
01-19-2017, 12:30 PM
What a handsome, sweet little guy!:Love_Icon
His antics make me smile.:grin3

Hi Lennysmom, Glad you like my little guy. He's very special - as are all squirrels. Incredibly wonderful animals. :Love_Icon Jenny

Jenny H
01-19-2017, 12:32 PM
Well I know that Jenny H would be fine with me sharing this part of her email.
Thank you so much for asking! :hug

He’s a lovely boy, but a bit quiet and sleepy tonight. He doesn’t seem so interested in his food, but this morning at 4.15 am when I checked on him, he was sitting on his shelf eating cherry and mushroom! I think he’s having a night-time binge! Oh how I love him!

Nancy please feel free to share any update on Nutkin or photos. I have a new one which I'll send to you later on. Thank you my friend. :Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
01-19-2017, 01:24 PM
ALWAYS my pleasure to share Nutkin's photos!
It's SO good to see him up and about eating.
Is he drinking well? Hydration is key, but I know you know that!

I'm totally in love with your little Nutkin :klunk

01-19-2017, 01:30 PM
:grouphug:glomp:Love_IconNutKin!:Love_Icon:glomp:g rouphug

Nancy in New York
01-19-2017, 01:34 PM
Isn't he just precious!
Hard to believe he'll be 10 years old in February.

I'm glad we're finally seeing this little rock star! :w00t:serene

01-19-2017, 02:27 PM
Are you planning on a huge 10th birthday party for our Nutkin?

Nancy in New York
01-19-2017, 03:04 PM
I just got another photo of Nutkin and I do believe he's smiling in this photo. :)
I also found out that it's Jenny H's birthday today, so I'll bet that's why Nutkin
has this HUGE smile.

:fireworks :goofwe Happy Birthday Jenny H! :goofwe :fireworks


01-19-2017, 03:46 PM
That is most definitely a smile. :grin2 That lovely pic makes me smile also.
I'm so happy that Nutkins has perked up. That's the best news yet!

I bet that's the best birthday gift ever. :serene

:HB8 Jenny :hug

01-19-2017, 03:51 PM
Hmmm his dinner looks better than mine ! He sure is beautiful, and really you must be the best mum ever to prepare a gorgeous looking meal like that

01-19-2017, 05:11 PM
Having my own Sammy who is going on 7 years young, this picture today of a healthy 10 years old boy brings me to happy tears. Keep on keepin' on sweet Mr. Nutkin! You are a beautiful boy! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Jenny H
01-20-2017, 07:30 AM
Having my own Sammy who is going on 7 years young, this picture today of a healthy 10 years old boy brings me to happy tears. Keep on keepin' on sweet Mr. Nutkin! You are a beautiful boy! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Hi SammysMom,
Although Nutkin looks pretty good in the photos, he's really not well. The picture shows him at his best, but usually he's hidden under cover in his bed or pottering about slowly as he can see very little now. I do hope he reaches his 10 years, which will be around Valentine's Day. I'm just glad of every day with him. Congratulations on your Sammy, bless him, I hope he's going on really well. xx

Jenny H
01-20-2017, 07:33 AM
Hmmm his dinner looks better than mine ! He sure is beautiful, and really you must be the best mum ever to prepare a gorgeous looking meal like that

I'm going for the Michelin 5 star in squirrel cuisine, squizzabelle! LOL! I do my best for him, but I spoil him and perhaps I should give him less to eat and leave things out so he enjoys them next time he sees them. His dinner will look much the same but with nibble marks out of things. Nutkin likes everything fresh - he's always been a picky boy - so I do what I can to spoil him. :Love_Icon xx

Jenny H
01-20-2017, 07:35 AM
That is most definitely a smile. :grin2 That lovely pic makes me smile also.
I'm so happy that Nutkins has perked up. That's the best news yet!

I bet that's the best birthday gift ever. :serene

:HB8 Jenny :hug

Every day has been a birthday since I picked up that tiny weak little baby almost 10 years ago. He has meant everything to me. Getting choked up already just thinking of life without him. I'll never cope. xx

Jenny H
01-20-2017, 07:37 AM
I just got another photo of Nutkin and I do believe he's smiling in this photo. :)
I also found out that it's Jenny H's birthday today, so I'll bet that's why Nutkin
has this HUGE smile.

:fireworks :goofwe Happy Birthday Jenny H! :goofwe :fireworks


Thank you so much Nancy, says she with tears pouring down her cheeks! Thank you Nutkin also for your very kind wishes. I love you boy! xxx

Jenny H
01-20-2017, 07:38 AM
Are you planning on a huge 10th birthday party for our Nutkin?

Rexie, what a wonderful idea! I think that's a definite as long as he's well enough to enjoy it. I could let him have a cherry bakewell cake! Bless you. xx

Nancy in New York
01-20-2017, 07:39 AM
:Love_Icon Jenny H :Love_Icon

Jenny H
01-20-2017, 07:42 AM
Isn't he just precious!
Hard to believe he'll be 10 years old in February.

I'm glad we're finally seeing this little rock star! :w00t:serene

He certainly is 10 years old, Nancy. I took him in in 2007 around early April and we think he was born on around Valentine's Day. What a fabulous present for me - he's definitely MY Valentine!! :Love_Icon xx

Jenny H
01-20-2017, 07:47 AM
ALWAYS my pleasure to share Nutkin's photos!
It's SO good to see him up and about eating.
Is he drinking well? Hydration is key, but I know you know that!

I'm totally in love with your little Nutkin :klunk

Hi Nancy, yes, he's pretty well hydrated as he's peeing quite a bit when he goes in his litter tray. He has a drinking bottle and dish of coconut water and most of his foods are fresh, watery things. He doesn't like me lifting his skin up too much so I don't test his hydration that way. I think he's OK for fluids though. Thanks for asking. You're so caring. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon xx

Nancy in New York
01-24-2017, 02:44 PM
Thank you Jenny H and Nutkin! :Love_Icon:klunk


01-24-2017, 05:38 PM
Ooh, ooh! When I saw that precious picture, I panicked, and thought it was confetti and that I had missed his party!

It is a party, you know. A surprise international birthday part for Nutkin!.

He has sooo many fans and friends around the world. Sending him positive and healing energies and sooo very much love, and to his mum, too!

That picture is absolutely priceless. You should have it framed. He sure is a handsome lad. Even if he doesn't like mum pinching him all the time.

My thoughts and prayers remain with the two of you. And hubby, too!

Jenny H
01-25-2017, 02:38 AM
Ooh, ooh! When I saw that precious picture, I panicked, and thought it was confetti and that I had missed his party!

It is a party, you know. A surprise international birthday part for Nutkin!.

He has sooo many fans and friends around the world. Sending him positive and healing energies and sooo very much love, and to his mum, too!

That picture is absolutely priceless. You should have it framed. He sure is a handsome lad. Even if he doesn't like mum pinching him all the time.

My thoughts and prayers remain with the two of you. And hubby, too!

Ah, Czarina, how lovely of you. He's getting lazy in his old age and spending plenty of time sleeping. This photo was taken on a day he decided that he wanted to be spoilt and be fed in bed! I have so many pictures of Nutkin in our house but this one will definitely be framed! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Every one is appreciated.
Nutkin's a little bit up and down healthwise, getting good days and not so good days, but he is still enjoying food and drink and particularly enjoys the attention of all his friends on TSB! Many many thanks from us all. xxxx

Jenny H
01-25-2017, 02:39 AM
Thank you Jenny H and Nutkin! :Love_Icon:klunk


Thank you, Nancy, for posting the photo of my boy! :Love_Icon xxxx

Nancy in New York
01-25-2017, 06:23 AM
Thank you, Nancy, for posting the photo of my boy! :Love_Icon xxxx

Jenny it's ALWAYS a pleasure to see your beautiful boy,
and my pleasure to share his photos on the board.:Love_Icon

01-25-2017, 07:41 AM
Awesome pic Jenny. He looks really good in the pic. :grin2

Jenny H
01-25-2017, 01:30 PM
Awesome pic Jenny. He looks really good in the pic. :grin2

Thank you, yes, he does look good at the moment. He has his good and bad days, but today and the day of the photo was a good day. He particularly enjoys the sunshine, the brightness of which makes his loss of sight less difficult to cope with and it seems to energise him too. The weather's pretty cold here, but we have bright sunlight for an hour or so during the day.

Thank you for your kind words. J x

Jenny H
01-25-2017, 01:32 PM
Jenny it's ALWAYS a pleasure to see your beautiful boy,
and my pleasure to share his photos on the board.:Love_Icon

Thank you Nancy, he had a good day today and ate quite well. He even put his arms up to me to be lifted to the floor in his 'elevator'. LOL! Thank you for sharing him. I'm very proud of my boy and I love him madly. Hope all is good with you and thanks again. xxx

01-25-2017, 10:11 PM
Hi there Nutkin. You are so dang adorable. It's getting close to your 10th birthday 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Jenny H
01-26-2017, 04:46 AM
Hi there Nutkin. You are so dang adorable. It's getting close to your 10th birthday 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Thank you so much Rexie. As for me, I'm just mad about the boy and keeping everything crossed that he reaches his 10th birthday....and beyond! xx

01-29-2017, 07:28 PM
How is nutkin doing. Hope he is stable.

01-29-2017, 08:01 PM
How is nutkin doing. Hope he is stable.

I second that! :Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
01-29-2017, 10:15 PM
I second that! :Love_Icon

Me too! :dono

Jenny H
01-30-2017, 06:59 AM
Hi Guys,
I'm so so sorry not to have been in touch. We had a few family illness probs so had to back-track a little and sort out appointments etc.

Nutkin had a pretty bad day yesterday afternoon. We noticed that he hadn't eaten much that day so we took him out of his cage and lowered him onto the floor and surrounded him with all his foods and drink. I sat beside him and tried to persuade him to eat. He didn't want anything and wanted to get back into his cage. On walking back to his cage he stopped and did his 'trance' thing (this has happened a couple of times before). He just stood still and stared and was oblivious to what was going on around him. I put my arm around him and he continued to stare and tilted his head slightly to one side. He felt happier knowing I was there, so I carefully lifted him back to his cage and he sat quietly with me stroking him for some time. He still wouldn't eat and couldn't settle down. He seemed a bit uncomfortable. Later in the day he hadn't changed much so I gave him a little Metacam by syringe (half the usual dose with fruit juice/water). Naturally we were very worried about him so I stayed with him all the time. An hour or so later he came out of his bed and onto his shelf and picked up a piece of pecan and ate it. He then went back to bed. We took turns on checking him throughout the night every couple of hours and he continued to sleep. At 4am we noticed he had eaten half a tomato and small pecan. He had some food this morning and is now back to bed sleeping soundly but not in any discomfort. Wee and poo normal this morning.

This was quite a worry but it has happened before - about 3 weeks ago.
Our thoughts were varied on what it could be - maybe a deterioration in his vision, inner ear infection, stroke (unlikely as no limb problems) heart problem (rapid heartbeat was noted) which settled eventually after Metacam. He was a little dizzy when walking about, but not exceptionally so. No paralysis in legs. Nothing has changed since a day or so before, so it's a mystery.
He's been doing so well and his recent weight on Friday was 541g.
Last time this incident happened a day afterwards (which would be today) he picked up so I'm hoping the same will happen later today.
I'm with him all the time and watching him like a hawk!
Any ideas oh wondrous ones? xxx

01-30-2017, 07:12 AM
Hi Jenny,

First time reading about your fabulous boy! He is beautiful and the bond that you two share is quite lovely. If you feel like it, we would love to hear about the backstory to Nutkin.

This may not be the case for the 'staring' episode that Nutkin did the other night, but there is a type of seizure that presents itself in that manner. Wonder if that occurs again if it might be a good idea to rub a bit of molasses on his gums for insurance. Couldn't hurt!

Love to you and your boy:grouphug


Jenny H
01-30-2017, 11:50 AM
Hi Jenny,

First time reading about your fabulous boy! He is beautiful and the bond that you two share is quite lovely. If you feel like it, we would love to hear about the backstory to Nutkin.

This may not be the case for the 'staring' episode that Nutkin did the other night, but there is a type of seizure that presents itself in that manner. Wonder if that occurs again if it might be a good idea to rub a bit of molasses on his gums for insurance. Couldn't hurt!

Love to you and your boy:grouphug


Thank you Trish! What exactly does molasses do? What would cause this type of seizure? Is it to do with lack of calcium? Sorry, so many questions, but I would like to know what lovely people like yourself think.

I was jointly running a wildlife sanctuary and my partner and I were trustees. We had a phone call from a little boy in Bath, Somerset to say that a little squirrel was amongst the traffic on a main road. The boy managed to catch him and he was very tiny so I took him home to care for him. There were no green spaces around the area so I can only assume that he got lost, abandoned or fell prey to a cat perhaps. He was very tiny then so we had to syringe feed him. Be became very imprinted and dependent on me and due to the regulations in the UK we could not release him. That was in 2007 and he's lived with us ever since! He has a large aviary, but has the freedom of the house for a big part of the day.
This is just a little insight into how Nutkin became our 'baby.'

Have you managed to see the photographs of Nutkin?

Lovely to meet you! J xx

01-30-2017, 12:16 PM
Hi Jenny,

I did not get the impression that anyone knows for sure if there is any issue going on for Nutkins, other than the aging process. But wt loss and lethargy is indicative of something going on or slowing down. I wondered when you described his staring off in space if it could be a type of seizure like I had described. I did not know there was such a type of seizure until I had a head injury and had that type.
Molasses on the gums is a quick way to raise blood sugar (glucose levels) in the body.
Any type of seizure activity depletes glucose.

Jenny, on days he is not eating or drinking, be careful that he does not get dehydrated. That will really impact how he feels.

I can't believe that he was found in traffic. He was meant to be with you!

Jenny H
01-30-2017, 01:58 PM
Hi Jenny,

I did not get the impression that anyone knows for sure if there is any issue going on for Nutkins, other than the aging process. But wt loss and lethargy is indicative of something going on or slowing down. I wondered when you described his staring off in space if it could be a type of seizure like I had described. I did not know there was such a type of seizure until I had a head injury and had that type.
Molasses on the gums is a quick way to raise blood sugar (glucose levels) in the body.
Any type of seizure activity depletes glucose.

Jenny, on days he is not eating or drinking, be careful that he does not get dehydrated. That will really impact how he feels.

I can't believe that he was found in traffic. He was meant to be with you!

Yes, it's strange Trysh but I feel he was 'meant to be' too. I love him madly and would do anything for him. He means everything to me.

I wonder if honey would do the same thing as molasses? He's lying in his bed at the moment and his eyes are open but he's not sleeping. I don't think he's in any pain, but he wants me to be with him all the time and stroke him. I do it as much as I can. He usually goes to sleep after staying quiet like this.

He is eating, probably all the wrong foods, but he's getting liquid from his food as well as drinking coconut water, which he enjoys. He gets upset if I try to give him fluids by syringe, but to be honest he is weeing quite a bit so fluids must be going into him. He's litter trained, so he gets up from his bed and goes downstairs in his aviary to use his litter tray. He's a wonderful little chap. It's horrible to see my little boy go downhill, but I can't put him through going to a vet hospital where he would get lots of tests and be pulled about. I want him to be here with me where he's comfortable and happy.

As a matter of interest, Trysh, do you know of many people whose squirrels chew the plaster on the walls. Nutkin does this and I understand that others do. Do they do it to get calcium or wear their teeth down, do you think? I hope it's not harmful to him. Nutkin gets all the right calcium and vitamin supplements, but these days he doesn't always eat the food that it's hidden in. He does have calcium in his water bottle though.

Thanks for being in touch and enriching me with your ideas.

Jenny x :Love_Icon

01-30-2017, 05:30 PM
So glad that Nutkin has you by his side...and that you have him as well...:blowkiss
Some of the difference between honey and molasses is that the molasses has iron, calcium and other trace vitamins and minerals that can help a bit more than the pure sugar of honey or other sugars.
I sure hope that boy feels better soon...:Love_Icon

01-30-2017, 06:57 PM
Hi Jenny,

First time reading about your fabulous boy! He is beautiful and the bond that you two share is quite lovely. If you feel like it, we would love to hear about the backstory to Nutkin.

This may not be the case for the 'staring' episode that Nutkin did the other night, but there is a type of seizure that presents itself in that manner. Wonder if that occurs again if it might be a good idea to rub a bit of molasses on his gums for insurance. Couldn't hurt!

Love to you and your boy:grouphug


That is a great idea

01-31-2017, 11:53 AM
Yes, it's strange Trysh but I feel he was 'meant to be' too. I love him madly and would do anything for him. He means everything to me.

I wonder if honey would do the same thing as molasses? He's lying in his bed at the moment and his eyes are open but he's not sleeping. I don't think he's in any pain, but he wants me to be with him all the time and stroke him. I do it as much as I can. He usually goes to sleep after staying quiet like this.

He is eating, probably all the wrong foods, but he's getting liquid from his food as well as drinking coconut water, which he enjoys. He gets upset if I try to give him fluids by syringe, but to be honest he is weeing quite a bit so fluids must be going into him. He's litter trained, so he gets up from his bed and goes downstairs in his aviary to use his litter tray. He's a wonderful little chap. It's horrible to see my little boy go downhill, but I can't put him through going to a vet hospital where he would get lots of tests and be pulled about. I want him to be here with me where he's comfortable and happy.

As a matter of interest, Trysh, do you know of many people whose squirrels chew the plaster on the walls. Nutkin does this and I understand that others do. Do they do it to get calcium or wear their teeth down, do you think? I hope it's not harmful to him. Nutkin gets all the right calcium and vitamin supplements, but these days he doesn't always eat the food that it's hidden in. He does have calcium in his water bottle though.

Thanks for being in touch and enriching me with your ideas.

Jenny x :Love_Icon

Isn't amazing to be able to say that your squirrel means the world to you, and you know that most of the people reading that knows exactly what you mean cos they have the same feeling about their squirrel!

Big shoutout to TSB for providing this forum!!!

It sounds like you are doing a marvelous job taking care of him. Anyone who gets their squirrel to those later years are the ones that I bow to. Good job Momma!

I actually have an eight year old squirrel that resides in my house, and belongs to a friend, that used to eat plaster? It does have calcium in it, but many other things from building materials that are not FDA approved, so he was strongly discouraged from eating it. But I always figured that he craved something from it.

How isNutkin doing today? Thinking about you and praying for your boy.

By the way, in 2007, I did the Coast to Coast from west to east in 13 days. It was a marvelous experience.

Jenny H
02-01-2017, 08:09 AM
Isn't amazing to be able to say that your squirrel means the world to you, and you know that most of the people reading that knows exactly what you mean cos they have the same feeling about their squirrel!

Big shoutout to TSB for providing this forum!!!

It sounds like you are doing a marvelous job taking care of him. Anyone who gets their squirrel to those later years are the ones that I bow to. Good job Momma!

I actually have an eight year old squirrel that resides in my house, and belongs to a friend, that used to eat plaster? It does have calcium in it, but many other things from building materials that are not FDA approved, so he was strongly discouraged from eating it. But I always figured that he craved something from it.

How isNutkin doing today? Thinking about you and praying for your boy.

By the way, in 2007, I did the Coast to Coast from west to east in 13 days. It was a marvelous experience.

Hi Trysh. Wow! You did the coast to coast in 13 days. Fabulous! I can imagine it was wonderful. I can only dream about the vast open spaces of the US as our country is so small. I'm watching a programme on TV at the moment where Michael Portillo (an ex MP turned presenter) is doing the east to west train journey. It's amazing to watch. The US is such a varied and huge country. I'm an avid watcher, but I've never travelled in the US but we did win a competition on Virgin radio and won a week's holiday to Boston and a whale-watching tour. It was, to say the least, an awesome experience. My partner's a musician so knew all the music-related answers on a radio quiz programme, hence the free holiday!

It is quite something when, as you say, everyone on TSB knows exactly how I feel about my boy and feel just the same about their babes. There are so many (horrid) people who think that squirrels are just pests or eat and damage trees. I'm not quite so offended that some people call squirrels flying rats as my son has pet rats too and they're adorable.

Nutkin hasn't changed today except for putting on 20g, which is good. He's still sleeping lots and eating a little bit. I've been trawling the supermarkets for new and interesting fruit and veg for him, but he tends to stick with the same things. I've been sprinkling calcium and a bit of Vit B12 on his cherry or peanut butter smeared on a cracker, but he's crafty and tries to eat around the offending med leaving a bit with a few sprinkles on! He hates the taste of multivitamins and, as it's a liquid, it's a bit harder to dose him now and then. Took another urine sample to the vet today to see if there are any changes in his protein levels, which were 4 ++++ at the last test a month ago. He's a good boy and uses a litter tray so it's easy to capture some of his wee with the help of some cling film! Will let you know the results but I fear no positive change this time.

Yes, I know what you mean about the plaster. I'm sure it's not great for him, but he goes straight to it when he's out and nibbles, but I've only allowed a tiny nibble, then I move him away from it. I don't mind the damage as he's never been a 'bad boy' where destruction is concerned and he's always had the freedom of the house, except when we go out or it's his bed time.

Will keep you posted and lovely to speak with you Trysh. Take care x:Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
02-01-2017, 08:25 AM
:fireworks :goofwe Happy 10th Birthday Month little Nutkin. :goofwe :fireworks

02-01-2017, 09:34 AM
wow... big news!! 10 ish years young. Way to go Nutkin:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Tell your mum that I meant that I did the British version of the Coast to Coast.

Jenny H
02-01-2017, 10:40 AM
wow... big news!! 10 ish years young. Way to go Nutkin:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Tell your mum that I meant that I did the British version of the Coast to Coast.

Oh dear, silly me! I thought you must have done it in the US by jet! What route did you take? Well, what did you think of our little country then? We live in Somerset in a town called Frome. It's quite a tiny town but plenty of countryside around us, so it's nice.

Nutkin should be 10 years old around Valentine's Day. Hopefully he'll make it till then and beyond. I do worry about him. I get up in the night 2 or 3 times and just touch him to ensure he's warm and not too sniffly as he has been lately. I can't imagine him not being in my life. We're very close. As soon as he hears me come into the room and speak, he pops his head out of his bed. He knows my voice very well. Ah, he's so wonderful.

Jen x:hug

Jenny H
02-01-2017, 10:41 AM
:fireworks :goofwe Happy 10th Birthday Month little Nutkin. :goofwe :fireworks

Thank you so much to my aunt Nancy.....lots of love, Nutkin xxx:blowkiss:Love_Icon

Jenny H
02-02-2017, 12:33 PM
Hi Guys,

I had another urine test done today, just to see if there was any change since the last one. It turns out that there's no drastic change except that the last protein reading was 4++++ and this time it's 2++. Simon, the vet said that was better than before, but can't say how relevant this is to how Nutkin is doing. He suggests tests, but I know Nutkin isn't up to it and wouldn't want it.

Nutkin is sleeping more and more. His current weight is 516g, down a little on the last one. He's eating little, but still wants to eat, he's drinking better from his water bottle, especially as I put a tiny bit of honey in his water/calcium/vit D mix.

He gets very tired quickly and therefore eats hungrily and quickly, albeit a small amount. He then gets back in his bed and flops down quite tired. I'm now wondering since the change in his urine test results, that perhaps his problem may be to do with his heart. Perhaps I'm clutching at straws, but at least he's pain free still and enjoys attention from his mom! Oh how I love my gorgeous boy! :Love_Icon

02-02-2017, 12:58 PM
I pray for Nutkin everyday when I read your Thread. Sometimes all we can offer is Love.

Jenny H
02-02-2017, 01:57 PM
I pray for Nutkin everyday when I read your Thread. Sometimes all we can offer is Love.

Thank you Scott. You're very kind and we're both grateful for your prayers. It's so sad to see someone you love waste away slowly. Age is a cruel enemy isn't it.

Thank you for being there for us both. x :hug

02-02-2017, 07:53 PM
My heart aches for you and nutkin. The love and bond you share is incredibly special. Seeing age take such a Devestating toll on him is heartwrinching to say the least. Every day is a treasure. My son is 2 and a half. As you say... I can't imagine life with out him. Squirrel's are so magical.

02-02-2017, 09:27 PM
Staring and being unaware of what is going around sounds like seizure activity to me.

I think IR has used magnesium (?) with Owena who has suffered from seizures and seen a real reduction in seizure frquency. PM her to confirm exactly what she has used.

BTW, I think Nutkin is a grand old squirrel and I wish him well. :grouphug

02-03-2017, 06:54 AM
Hi Jenny,

You and Nutkins are in my thoughts and prayers.:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Nancy in New York
02-03-2017, 07:32 AM
I "squirrel sit" Owena (island rehabber's little girl) a couple of times a year.
She was a head trauma baby who developed seizures the day her eyes opened.
They had gotten so bad, she had them 3-4 times weekly,
with some days having multiple seizures.

While here, I started her on liquid magnesium.
It helped for a while, but shortly after going home, it stopped working.
Prior to the magnesium, island rehabber's vet put Owena on
Gabapentin, which again, helped for a while, until it didn't.
This is the magnesium that I used.

Without going into a longer story, the next time I watched her,
she had one of the worst seizures I had ever witnessed. I was sure
she was going to pass.
She didn't.
The following day, I decided that since she would most likely succumb to
a seizure, I started giving her a few more of her favorite nuts, almonds.

Almost immediately her seizures stopped.

I wrote about this in her thread,
and her Mom, island rehabber asked if there was anything different in her diet.
That's when I told her about the almonds.

CritterMom then explained that almonds contained magnesium.
The last time Owena was here, she came in August and went home
October 30th. She had one mild seizure and one a little more severe, but not
nearly what we have witnessed in the past.
What used to be multiple seizures weekly, and sometimes daily,
turned into 2 seizures in 2 1/2 months.

Jenny H
02-04-2017, 02:35 AM
Wonderful life saving work, Nancy. This is of so much help to so many squigg lovers. Thank you so much for sharing. I do hope all continues well for the gorgeous little babe!
My love and prayers go with you all. Jen xxx

Jenny H
02-05-2017, 12:15 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am posting this with a very heavy heart. My darling boy, Nutkin, the light of my life, had to be put to sleep this morning.

Last night he was fine and eating fairly well, but this morning when I checked on him at 6.0 am, he was found entangled in a bit of his bedding and in a frightened state in his cage. (Geoff checked him at 5.30am and he was fine then.) I cuddled him and he calmed himself down, but sadly he started to have seizures. I decided there was nothing to lose, so I dosed him on Metacam, which calmed down the ferosity of the seizures a little. However, I was hoping they would pass, but they became continuous and I realised I had to take him very quickly to a vet. He was still having seizures an hour or so later but less intensity and he didn't appear to be in pain.

I went to the nearest 24 hour emergency vet hospital. Trying to get an emergency vet here very early on a Sunday morning is very difficult and it takes an age to get any response. My friendly usual vet was not on duty.

Nutkin was very gently put to sleep by a lovely lady vet this morning who was very sympathetic and showed great care of Nutkin.

I am so sorry to tell you this news. I am devastated and my life will never ever be the same. I loved him with every cell of my body and it's nothing short of like losing a baby. I know about that too.

On speaking to one of the vets in our usual practice who rang me later, he said that I did the right thing in not putting Nutkin through lots of tests and did not think that even tests would have changed anything, only given us a diagnosis that couldn't be treated. Sadly his age was against him. The general consensus of opinion is that Nutkin lost his sight quickly because of a possible brain problem, then the tilt in his head now and then was the next sign. After that, it was all downhill for my darling boy.

Thank you so much for being my Rock through all this worry.

Nutkin will never be forgotten by any of you, I'm sure and as for me, my heart will always be dedicated to him. So heartbroken am I, I can barely type this.

So sorry, but I can't say any more. Bless you all. xxxx:grouphug

Nancy in New York
02-05-2017, 12:26 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am posting this with a very heavy heart. My darling boy, Nutkin, the light of my life, had to be put to sleep this morning.

Last night he was fine and eating fairly well, but this morning when I checked on him at 6.0 am, he was found entangled in a bit of his bedding and in a frightened state in his cage. (Geoff checked him at 5.30am and he was fine then.) I cuddled him and he calmed himself down, but sadly he started to have seizures. I decided there was nothing to lose, so I dosed him on Metacam, which calmed down the ferosity of the seizures a little. However, I was hoping they would pass, but they became continuous and I realised I had to take him very quickly to a vet. He was still having seizures an hour or so later but less intensity and he didn't appear to be in pain.

I went to the nearest 24 hour emergency vet hospital. Trying to get an emergency vet here very early on a Sunday morning is very difficult and it takes an age to get any response. My friendly usual vet was not on duty.

Nutkin was very gently put to sleep by a lovely lady vet this morning who was very sympathetic and showed great care of Nutkin.

I am so sorry to tell you this news. I am devastated and my life will never ever be the same. I loved him with every cell of my body and it's nothing short of like losing a baby. I know about that too.

On speaking to one of the vets in our usual practice who rang me later, he said that I did the right thing in not putting Nutkin through lots of tests and did not think that even tests would have changed anything, only given us a diagnosis that couldn't be treated. Sadly his age was against him. The general consensus of opinion is that Nutkin lost his sight quickly because of a possible brain problem, then the tilt in his head now and then was the next sign. After that, it was all downhill for my darling boy.

Thank you so much for being my Rock through all this worry.

Nutkin will never be forgotten by any of you, I'm sure and as for me, my heart will always be dedicated to him. So heartbroken am I, I can barely type this.

So sorry, but I can't say any more. Bless you all. xxxx:grouphug

Oh Jenny H my heart is breaking for you.
Every time I saw a new post from you in Nutkin's thread, I held my breath.
Those days are over now.
I won't tell you what a charmed life Nutkin lived, you already know
Look back on your memories and smile, knowing that nobody could love
Nutkin more than you and Geoff did.

Thank you sweet lady for allowing us in for a glimpse of Nutkin's life
through his photos and your sweet words of love for him that you've always written.

I will never forget Nutkin or you Jenny H.
And I will never think of you without thinking of Nutkin.
Your love shown through in every post you made, and every
action you took.
You loved him enough to the end. :Love_Icon

Rest in Peace
Precious Nutkin 284185

Jenny H
02-05-2017, 01:50 PM
Oh Jenny H my heart is breaking for you.
Every time I saw a new post from you in Nutkin's thread, I held my breath.
Those days are over now.
I won't tell you what a charmed life Nutkin lived, you already know
Look back on your memories and smile, knowing that nobody could love
Nutkin more than you and Geoff did.

Thank you sweet lady for allowing us in for a glimpse of Nutkin's life
through his photos and your sweet words of love for him that you've always written.

I will never forget Nutkin or you Jenny H.
And I will never think of you without thinking of Nutkin.
Your love shown through in every post you made, and every
action you took.
You loved him enough to the end. :Love_Icon

Rest in Peace
Precious Nutkin 284185

Dear Nancy,

Thank you so much for your kind words. I feel that my life has ended now that I have lost my lovely boy. I can only hope that time will make me be grateful for the time that I had him. At the moment I can only feel angry that he has been taken from me and sad for the loss of his life. I hope that wherever he is, it's a beautiful place and he's happy.

Please can we remain friends? You are such a lovely lady and I would value you as a friend. Not many people love animals as much as you and the beautiful people on TSB.

Much love, Jen x:hug

02-05-2017, 02:00 PM
Godspeed precious Nutkin...:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

I too am having trouble typing. I am so very sorry that your sweet Nutkin had to go on to the next part of his existence. No matter how long passes, he will live on in you forever. These creatures are not to be taken lightly. When we choose to be a part of one of their lives, we open ourselves up for more than we ever bargained for.
In the end, you gave Nutkin the most amazing gift of taking away his fear and pain. You have done that all along and this was the hardest and most important. You chose wisely by listening to what Nutkin needed and not what you wanted. We always want them to be with us forever and it just can't happen. Know that in your heart there is a piece of Nutkin's heart and in his, is the piece that you feel missing right now. As time passes, your loss is never gone, but the edges of his heart and yours will mend together and you will know he is with you always. God Bless you for all that you gave this precious boy. A life that no squirrel ever dared dream was possible...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Nancy in New York
02-05-2017, 02:13 PM
Dear Nancy,

Thank you so much for your kind words. I feel that my life has ended now that I have lost my lovely boy. I can only hope that time will make me be grateful for the time that I had him. At the moment I can only feel angry that he has been taken from me and sad for the loss of his life. I hope that wherever he is, it's a beautiful place and he's happy.

Please can we remain friends? You are such a lovely lady and I would value you as a friend. Not many people love animals as much as you and the beautiful people on TSB.

Much love, Jen x:hug

I am honored to call you my friend Jenny H.

I will tell you this openly, and I hope one day you find some comfort in it.

When Jeffrey passed, I felt the same.
I was pissed at God, everyone and everything in between.
I remember trying to make a deal with God to take a few years
from my life and give them to Jeffrey, he didn't listen.

I couldn't even post for 6 days about Jeffrey.
I remember thinking, instead of cursing God,
I need to thank Him instead.
I said right out loud, because it was an awakening moment for me.
"You must have really loved me, the day you gave me Jeffrey."

Jenny, God really loved you, the day he gave you Nutkin.:Love_Icon

02-05-2017, 02:16 PM
Oh no Jenny, I am so very sorry for your loss of precious Nutkin.:sadness Words do not seem adaquate to comfort your grieving heart, but just know we are all grieving your loss with you.:grouphug:grouphug Praying you find some comfort for your heart in knowing you gave him a full, happy life filled with love. Thank you for sharing that with us.:Love_Icon Godspeed sweet little Nutkin.:sad

02-05-2017, 02:45 PM
I'm truly in tears after finding out about Nutkin and then reading Nancy's post. I can not pretend to know your sadness, but only to share in your grief. I so hope you can find a path to solace and freedom from your pain by knowing that Nutkin loves you.

02-05-2017, 03:53 PM
:grouphug :sad :grouphug

02-05-2017, 03:55 PM
:grouphugJenny:grouphug my heart is breaking for you :boohoo, Nutkin was blessed to be loved by you.
Rest peacefully precious :Love_IconNutkin:Love_Icon:sad

Jenny H
02-05-2017, 04:04 PM
:grouphugJenny:grouphug my heart is breaking for you :boohoo, Nutkin was blessed to be loved by you.
Rest peacefully precious :Love_IconNutkin:Love_Icon:sad

Thank you so much, my friend. x

02-05-2017, 04:06 PM
Oh, I am so terribly sorry. He was such a lovely boy - he truly looked like a young squirrel in all of his photos.

I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling. I will know it one day though. RIP sweet Nutkin. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

Jenny H
02-05-2017, 04:06 PM
I'm truly in tears after finding out about Nutkin and then reading Nancy's post. I can not pretend to know your sadness, but only to share in your grief. I so hope you can find a path to solace and freedom from your pain by knowing that Nutkin loves you.

Thank you so much Scott. It will be so difficult to dig my way out of my sadness, but with friends like you and support, it will be easier. :Love_Icon

Jenny H
02-05-2017, 04:09 PM
Oh, I am so terribly sorry. He was such a lovely boy - he truly looked like a young squirrel in all of his photos.

I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling. I will know it one day though. RIP sweet Nutkin. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

Yes, you're right. Nutkin did look young, except for today, when you could see that he was an ageing boy. Many thanks CritterMom. I hope you don't feel pain like mine for a very long time. Bless you :Love_Icon

Jenny H
02-05-2017, 04:17 PM
I am honored to call you my friend Jenny H.

I will tell you this openly, and I hope one day you find some comfort in it.

When Jeffrey passed, I felt the same.
I was pissed at God, everyone and everything in between.
I remember trying to make a deal with God to take a few years
from my life and give them to Jeffrey, he didn't listen.

I couldn't even post for 6 days about Jeffrey.
I remember thinking, instead of cursing God,
I need to thank Him instead.
I said right out loud, because it was an awakening moment for me.
"You must have really loved me, the day you gave me Jeffrey."

Jenny, God really loved you, the day he gave you Nutkin.:Love_Icon

I have been praying for months asking that if there was no hope of Nutkin getting well, that when he was ready he would die gently and painlessly in his sleep and not suffer. God didn't listen and he allowed Nutkin to suffer some pain today. I am angry at Him, but I realise that having Nutkin has made me a better person and He gave me a truly wonderful gift. I will never know again such joy as Nutkin has given me. I hope when it's my turn to die, that I end up with him again in another life. That is all I can hope at present. Bless you Nancy. x:Love_Icon

Jenny H
02-05-2017, 04:22 PM
Godspeed precious Nutkin...:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

I too am having trouble typing. I am so very sorry that your sweet Nutkin had to go on to the next part of his existence. No matter how long passes, he will live on in you forever. These creatures are not to be taken lightly. When we choose to be a part of one of their lives, we open ourselves up for more than we ever bargained for.
In the end, you gave Nutkin the most amazing gift of taking away his fear and pain. You have done that all along and this was the hardest and most important. You chose wisely by listening to what Nutkin needed and not what you wanted. We always want them to be with us forever and it just can't happen. Know that in your heart there is a piece of Nutkin's heart and in his, is the piece that you feel missing right now. As time passes, your loss is never gone, but the edges of his heart and yours will mend together and you will know he is with you always. God Bless you for all that you gave this precious boy. A life that no squirrel ever dared dream was possible...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Thank you so much for your support SammysMom. I will do my best to be brave and know that one day I may be with my boy again. I will find life very hard without him. Bless you my friend x:Love_Icon

02-05-2017, 04:31 PM
You were blessed by an angel in a squirrel suit. Now he'll never leave you again--it will just be some time before you can actually see him. Sweet sleep little man. :Love_Icon

02-05-2017, 04:58 PM
My heart breaks for you Jenny. :grouphug Words seem so inadequate but I truly am sorry that Nutkin had to leave. :sad Thank you for sharing your special bond with Nutkin with us. We all fell in love with Nutkin through your words.

02-05-2017, 07:11 PM
The loss you feel is heartbreaking and I'm so sorry! No words can truly convey how sorry I am. Prayers that God will ease your pain and heartache.

Nancy in New York
02-06-2017, 07:27 AM
:Love_Icon Jenny H :Love_Icon

02-06-2017, 10:31 AM

island rehabber
02-06-2017, 10:49 AM
Jenny H, my words are late in coming but I hope you will believe they are sincere....I'm sitting at my desk at work crying my eyes out for you and your sweet angel Nutkin. I am so so sorry.....
Everyone here, especially Nancy, has said it so much better than I could so please....just know that another squirrel friend is grieving with you and sending you prayers. :sad

When you are ready, and only then, we can move Nutkin's thread to All Squirrels Go to Heaven. :grouphug

Jenny H
02-06-2017, 11:56 AM
Jenny H, my words are late in coming but I hope you will believe they are sincere....I'm sitting at my desk at work crying my eyes out for you and your sweet angel Nutkin. I am so so sorry.....
Everyone here, especially Nancy, has said it so much better than I could so please....just know that another squirrel friend is grieving with you and sending you prayers. :sad

When you are ready, and only then, we can move Nutkin's thread to All Squirrels Go to Heaven. :grouphug

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. It doesn't matter how late they are, you are so kind to send them and they help ease my sadness. I don't understand about 'All squirrels go to Heaven'. What do you mean? Would any information in Nutkin's thread be of help to anyone else? I had some lovely ideas, suggestions and help from many of you. Could they help another squirrel? I truly believe that ALL squirrels do go to heaven, don't you? Thank you again. x:Love_Icon

Jenny H
02-06-2017, 11:58 AM
The loss you feel is heartbreaking and I'm so sorry! No words can truly convey how sorry I am. Prayers that God will ease your pain and heartache.

Thank you so much, I am heartbroken, but your support along with other TSB'ers have helped me realise just how wonderful squirrels are and the people who love them. x:Love_Icon

island rehabber
02-06-2017, 12:42 PM
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. It doesn't matter how late they are, you are so kind to send them and they help ease my sadness. I don't understand about 'All squirrels go to Heaven'. What do you mean? Would any information in Nutkin's thread be of help to anyone else? I had some lovely ideas, suggestions and help from many of you. Could they help another squirrel? I truly believe that ALL squirrels do go to heaven, don't you? Thank you again. x:Love_Icon

:grouphugAll Squirrels Go to Heaven is simply another section of our Squirrel Board where we memorialize all our beloved squirrels who have gone ahead without us. It is under the "Rainbow Bridge" forum heading and accessible at any time, like any other Forum. Nutkin's story will remain there forever, and anyone who seeks information on something similar to what went on with Nutkin will be able to find the thread and read. Here's the link -- you can see what I mean more easily...


Our primary reason for creating this section was to respectfully memorialize the ones we've lost. A secondary purpose is to clear the Emergency forums for new emergencies which, unfortunately, always come.

02-08-2017, 12:00 AM
I came to look for a update on Nutkin this evening. To my sadness I discovere he has left us. All squirrel parent's here on the board feel a connection to you and Nutkin. I had so hoped for all of us the celebrate his 10th birthday on valentine's day. He almost made it. I don't want to make up words and say I know how you are feeling, because I don't. I can say I can imagine you are beyond what one would consider Devestated. He blessed you with his beauty and presence for a decade. He was your daily life for a decade. He meant more to you than words can express. He was a true friend and blessing. He was loved more than he could have hoped for . I am hurting right along with you. Tonite as a sat with my son, makes me realize every second he is in my life is a second to be cherished. None of us squirrel parent's know why, or can't explain what these little ones do to us. It's like no other animal I have ever known. How they take our heart strings and wrap them around them so tight we may never know how they do it. There is no doubt in my mind we would ever not have taken them in our lives and hearts even knowing losing them makes us feel like we are gona die too. We are here for you in your most desperate time of need. Rest easy precious little one, you are loved by many, and we will keep a watch on your mom so you can rest in peace. LOVE YOU ALWAYS LITTLE NUTKIN.

02-08-2017, 08:09 AM
My heart breaks for you Jenny. :grouphug Words seem so inadequate but I truly am sorry that Nutkin had to leave. :sad Thank you for sharing your special bond with Nutkin with us. We all fell in love with Nutkin through your words.


HRT said it perfectly. My heart is breaking with this news and it is because of you that we got to know and love Nutkin. Please stay around, you are such a kind and gentle soul. It wasn't just Nutkin we grew to love:grouphug


Jenny H
02-08-2017, 08:54 AM

HRT said it perfectly. My heart is breaking with this news and it is because of you that we got to know and love Nutkin. Please stay around, you are such a kind and gentle soul. It wasn't just Nutkin we grew to love:grouphug


Hi Trysh, you are so kind to be so sympathetic and also sad about my boy's passing. I won't know how to keep in touch with you all when Nutkin's post goes into the 'All Squirrels go to Heaven' category.

I have so many wonderful friends on this site, I won't know how I can stay in touch.
Do you know? x:Love_Icon

Jenny H
02-08-2017, 08:57 AM
I came to look for a update on Nutkin this evening. To my sadness I discovere he has left us. All squirrel parent's here on the board feel a connection to you and Nutkin. I had so hoped for all of us the celebrate his 10th birthday on valentine's day. He almost made it. I don't want to make up words and say I know how you are feeling, because I don't. I can say I can imagine you are beyond what one would consider Devestated. He blessed you with his beauty and presence for a decade. He was your daily life for a decade. He meant more to you than words can express. He was a true friend and blessing. He was loved more than he could have hoped for . I am hurting right along with you. Tonite as a sat with my son, makes me realize every second he is in my life is a second to be cherished. None of us squirrel parent's know why, or can't explain what these little ones do to us. It's like no other animal I have ever known. How they take our heart strings and wrap them around them so tight we may never know how they do it. There is no doubt in my mind we would ever not have taken them in our lives and hearts even knowing losing them makes us feel like we are gona die too. We are here for you in your most desperate time of need. Rest easy precious little one, you are loved by many, and we will keep a watch on your mom so you can rest in peace. LOVE YOU ALWAYS LITTLE NUTKIN.

Thank you Rexie, you have been a wonderful friend to Nutkin and myself. I hope I am able to keep in touch with you. Every day is very hard at the moment. I am finding nuts hidden all around the house where Nutkin has made his stash of nuts. They're everywhere! In my shoes, under cushions, behind furniture, even in my bag! I'm sure this will continue for a very long time and each nut I find is a few more tears! x:Love_Icon

02-08-2017, 02:17 PM
Thank you Rexie, you have been a wonderful friend to Nutkin and myself. I hope I am able to keep in touch with you. Every day is very hard at the moment. I am finding nuts hidden all around the house where Nutkin has made his stash of nuts. They're everywhere! In my shoes, under cushions, behind furniture, even in my bag! I'm sure this will continue for a very long time and each nut I find is a few more tears! x:Love_Icon
As hard as it is when you find those hidden nuts, it's a sure way of still having contact with him you are shedding tears of sadness and joy at the same time. I sure hope in the future nutkin sends you another baby to love and care for.

Jenny H
02-09-2017, 03:53 AM
As hard as it is when you find those hidden nuts, it's a sure way of still having contact with him you are shedding tears of sadness and joy at the same time. I sure hope in the future nutkin sends you another baby to love and care for.

You're right Rexie. Finding nuts is a link with him. In fact, I leave them where they are. It has some comfort finding them too. Some of my rehab friends over here have already said that one will come to me soon and I will love it, but at the moment all I can think of is Nutkin. I've no doubt one day that will happen. Thank you for caring x:Love_Icon

02-09-2017, 06:39 AM
Hi Trysh, you are so kind to be so sympathetic and also sad about my boy's passing. I won't know how to keep in touch with you all when Nutkin's post goes into the 'All Squirrels go to Heaven' category.

I have so many wonderful friends on this site, I won't know how I can stay in touch.
Do you know? x:Love_Icon

Hi, guys, I am on my way to work - could someone please show Jenny H how the "New Posts" button works? That way she can comment on other people's posts and will be speaking to all of the same folks who fell in love with Nutkin. Oh yeah, and her too! :grin3

Jenny H
02-09-2017, 06:46 AM
Hi, guys, I am on my way to work - could someone please show Jenny H how the "New Posts" button works? That way she can comment on other people's posts and will be speaking to all of the same folks who fell in love with Nutkin. Oh yeah, and her too! :grin3

Thank you Trysh, you're a darling! Will have a little look. Have a good day. :Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
02-09-2017, 07:18 AM
Hi, guys, I am on my way to work - could someone please show Jenny H how the "New Posts" button works? That way she can comment on other people's posts and will be speaking to all of the same folks who fell in love with Nutkin. Oh yeah, and her too! :grin3

Here you go Jenny H.
Just click "New Posts" where you see the green arrow.
We'll help you navigate if you have a problem, just let us know.:grouphug


02-09-2017, 08:41 AM
Hi Trysh, you are so kind to be so sympathetic and also sad about my boy's passing. I won't know how to keep in touch with you all when Nutkin's post goes into the 'All Squirrels go to Heaven' category.

I have so many wonderful friends on this site, I won't know how I can stay in touch.
Do you know? x:Love_Icon

Hi dear Jenny,

There are several ways to navigate TSB. You can go into each category, i.e. Emergency, Non emergency, Infirmary, Nursery, etc, click on those headings and that will open up those areas. At the beginning of each category are stickies (posts that contain important information that stay until admin deletes). You can read any of those or scroll past and find posts of people that have made a thread pertinent to that category. You originally chose to put Nutkins thread in the Non-emergency category. You can comment in any ones thread, just like you replied back to any one who commented in your thread.

Your thread about Nutkin will stay the same except that it will be in a different category, a very special, holy, and loved category. You can still post there and we can also. It is still about you and Nutkin. And most of us will follow you there. We would love to know more about you and your life with Nutkin. Of course there must be many pictures cos we love pictures so much.

Another way to open up is to go to- Quick Links- and find out who posted that day regardless of what category. I think this is what most people do.

I just had a brilliant idea.....why don't you come to the TSB gathering held here in Maryland on March 3rd 4th and 5th. Fly into Baltimore Washington international airport (BWI), I personally will pick you up and take you to Kent Island, where you will spend 2 1/2 days immersed in squirrel love and people that truly understand what you are going through. And you will have the distinction of having travelled the farthest besides having a wonderful special loving weekend in an incredible setting at Farm Moms horse and squirrel farm! You can read about it in the category of Off Topic and the thread is...2017 Gathering of Nuts, or something like that. We would love to have you come, but no pressure if you can't.


Jenny H
02-09-2017, 10:17 AM
Hi dear Jenny,

There are several ways to navigate TSB. You can go into each category, i.e. Emergency, Non emergency, Infirmary, Nursery, etc, click on those headings and that will open up those areas. At the beginning of each category are stickies (posts that contain important information that stay until admin deletes). You can read any of those or scroll past and find posts of people that have made a thread pertinent to that category. You originally chose to put Nutkins thread in the Non-emergency category. You can comment in any ones thread, just like you replied back to any one who commented in your thread.

Your thread about Nutkin will stay the same except that it will be in a different category, a very special, holy, and loved category. You can still post there and we can also. It is still about you and Nutkin. And most of us will follow you there. We would love to know more about you and your life with Nutkin. Of course there must be many pictures cos we love pictures so much.

Another way to open up is to go to- Quick Links- and find out who posted that day regardless of what category. I think this is what most people do.

I just had a brilliant idea.....why don't you come to the TSB gathering held here in Maryland on March 3rd 4th and 5th. Fly into Baltimore Washington international airport (BWI), I personally will pick you up and take you to Kent Island, where you will spend 2 1/2 days immersed in squirrel love and people that truly understand what you are going through. And you will have the distinction of having travelled the farthest besides having a wonderful special loving weekend in an incredible setting at Farm Moms horse and squirrel farm! You can read about it in the category of Off Topic and the thread is...2017 Gathering of Nuts, or something like that. We would love to have you come, but no pressure if you can't.


Hi Trysh, thank you so much for guiding me through the TSB website. You've made it so much easier for me. I still don't know how to post photographs, but the lovely Nancy from NY is kindly helping me with that. I have more photos to follow sometime.

What can I say? WOW! The 2017 Gathering of Nuts! (great name). There is nothing on this earth I would rather do than to go to Maryland in March. However, I have a problem. I have no current passport and doubt that I could get one sorted in time as everything is abysmally slow in this country. I haven't needed one for the last 10 years as I didn't go abroad for any holidays as I wouldn't leave Nutkin. My passport expired a few years back and I haven't renewed it. Also I am waiting for an operation and I'm on the 'cancellation' list, so I don't know when I will be called. I've been waiting 8 months now, yet I'm classed as 'urgent'. The NHS here is terrible as you may have heard on your news. The TSB gathering sounds the most wonderful thing to me. I can't imagine being surrounded by people who are like-minded and love squirrels as much as I do. Pure heaven! Your offer has really touched my heart and it's so kind of you to think of me. You are such a great person, Trysh!

Who knows what next year may bring? Perhaps another squirrel will enter my life if Nutkin sends me one. In that case, I will be devoted to it no doubt, just like I have Nutkin.

I'll look forward to hearing all about the gathering though with lots of pictures!

Thank you so much, Trysh. x:Love_Icon

02-09-2017, 02:02 PM
I just read this entire thread and have tears streaming down my face. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jenny H. :sadness :hug

What a beautiful bond you and Nutkin have! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon That bond is forever. No matter what. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

Jenny H
02-09-2017, 02:20 PM
I just read this entire thread and have tears streaming down my face. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jenny H. :sadness :hug

What a beautiful bond you and Nutkin have! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon That bond is forever. No matter what. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

Bless you Ekorre. How kind of you to get in touch. Your words are very comforting. Nutkin and I had nothing short of a love affair. I received his love every single day and he also accepted mine gratefully and was always anxious to see me and get a cuddle. He was a unique and amazing little boy and I miss him very much. Lovely to hear from you, many thanks. x:Love_Icon

02-09-2017, 03:01 PM
Hi Trysh, thank you so much for guiding me through the TSB website. You've made it so much easier for me. I still don't know how to post photographs, but the lovely Nancy from NY is kindly helping me with that. I have more photos to follow sometime.

What can I say? WOW! The 2017 Gathering of Nuts! (great name). There is nothing on this earth I would rather do than to go to Maryland in March. However, I have a problem. I have no current passport and doubt that I could get one sorted in time as everything is abysmally slow in this country. I haven't needed one for the last 10 years as I didn't go abroad for any holidays as I wouldn't leave Nutkin. My passport expired a few years back and I haven't renewed it. Also I am waiting for an operation and I'm on the 'cancellation' list, so I don't know when I will be called. I've been waiting 8 months now, yet I'm classed as 'urgent'. The NHS here is terrible as you may have heard on your news. The TSB gathering sounds the most wonderful thing to me. I can't imagine being surrounded by people who are like-minded and love squirrels as much as I do. Pure heaven! Your offer has really touched my heart and it's so kind of you to think of me. You are such a great person, Trysh!

Who knows what next year may bring? Perhaps another squirrel will enter my life if Nutkin sends me one. In that case, I will be devoted to it no doubt, just like I have Nutkin.

I'll look forward to hearing all about the gathering though with lots of pictures!

Thank you so much, Trysh. x:Love_Icon

It would be sheer joy to meet you:grouphug maybe something to plan for next year.

I am sorry to hear about a health issue. Will send prayers for a positive resolution. I have no doubt that Nutkin is looking right now for the next perfect being to send to you!


Jenny H
02-09-2017, 04:32 PM
It would be sheer joy to meet you:grouphug maybe something to plan for next year.

I am sorry to hear about a health issue. Will send prayers for a positive resolution. I have no doubt that Nutkin is looking right now for the next perfect being to send to you!


Thank you for your prayers Trysh. I have a feeling that Nutkin will definitely find me someone wonderful to love at some stge. Just like him hopefully! Take care. x:Love_Icon

02-14-2017, 03:31 PM
Sorry I have not been on--I just today saw the post on Nutkin's passing.
Most TSB members have lost a squee...some, myself included, have lost a few.
It is never "just a squirrel"--it is always a piece of your heart.
You did so well to keep him so strong and healthy for soooo many years. A testament to you LOVE.
Time is the only remedy...and I mean LOTS of time. Your grief is your own--but shared by so many here.
My best friend the CRUISER Dude is 5 and I fear he won't see 6, and all my free time is spent on loving him.
If you wish--you can e-mail tons of NUTKIN pics to my computer, and I'll post them here.
That way TSB could see your darling squirrel..It would mean a lot to us all if you would share some of your memories...
________________________________________send to:

write Nutkin in the message line.

I have post pics for dozens of TSB members...It would be my honor & privilege to help you with your NUTKIN photos....

Jenny H
02-15-2017, 06:45 AM
Sorry I have not been on--I just today saw the post on Nutkin's passing.
Most TSB members have lost a squee...some, myself included, have lost a few.
It is never "just a squirrel"--it is always a piece of your heart.
You did so well to keep him so strong and healthy for soooo many years. A testament to you LOVE.
Time is the only remedy...and I mean LOTS of time. Your grief is your own--but shared by so many here.
My best friend the CRUISER Dude is 5 and I fear he won't see 6, and all my free time is spent on loving him.
If you wish--you can e-mail tons of NUTKIN pics to my computer, and I'll post them here.
That way TSB could see your darling squirrel..It would mean a lot to us all if you would share some of your memories...
________________________________________send to:

write Nutkin in the message line.

I have post pics for dozens of TSB members...It would be my honor & privilege to help you with your NUTKIN photos....

Thank you so much stosh, bless you for your lovely words and the offer to post some more of Nutkin's photos. That's very kind of you. At the moment, Nancy in new York is helping post photos, but it would be lovely if you get to see them too. You're right, it's so hard to lose a squirrel. They are so unlike any other animal and are very very special. I'm so sorry you've lost squirrels too. The grief is terrible isn't it and I don't know if I will ever really get over it. He was the most important thing in my life and I loved him so much. He showed his love for me every day and I showed him mine. We were inseparable and rarely apart.

Thank you so much for sharing my grief, you are so kind and caring. I'm sure your squirrels had a very loving parent too and one who still misses them so much. They're just so special aren't they. Bless you stosh.....and thank you so much. x:Love_Icon:hug

May I send special love to The Cruiser and hope with all my heart that he remains with you for a long time. xxxx

Nancy in New York
02-15-2017, 08:52 AM
I received a few more photos from Jenny H of Nutkin.
What a precious baby he was and oh SO loved. :Love_Icon




02-15-2017, 08:57 AM
:Love_IconNutkin:Love_Icon :grouphugJenny:grouphug

02-15-2017, 09:29 AM
:grouphug:grouphug:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:grouphug:gr ouphug

Nancy in New York
02-15-2017, 04:47 PM
A couple more of the little prince..............Nutkin. :Love_Icon



02-15-2017, 06:47 PM
I hope that you don't mind me posting--on your thread. But when i saw your photo of NUTKIN in your fridge...I couldn't help but see a comparison...
Yours--V.S.- Mine... ha!


Jenny H
02-16-2017, 06:08 AM
I hope that you don't mind me posting--on your thread. But when i saw your photo of NUTKIN in your fridge...I couldn't help but see a comparison...
Yours--V.S.- Mine... ha!


Hi Stosh, yes, I know. Yours is certainly larger than ours, but we do have another one in the garage. This was Nutkin's fridge mainly and we just sneaked some of his space now and then. I remember someone telling me once that they had just been on holiday to the US and that everything over there was large compared to the little old UK. I guess that includes fridges too! LOL! I've been wanting what they call over here an 'American style' fridge for ages, as ours aren't that big. I'd love one just like your fridge. That's what I call a fridge! That's settled it, I'll definitely be coming to your house for dinner! xx:Love_Icon:hug

02-16-2017, 10:07 PM
Thinking of you today..... I know your grief is still tremendous, I wanted you to know I still care and am sending blessings. His pictures are lovely, thanks for sharing him with us.

Jenny H
02-17-2017, 02:59 AM
Thinking of you today..... I know your grief is still tremendous, I wanted you to know I still care and am sending blessings. His pictures are lovely, thanks for sharing him with us.

Thank you so much Rexie. My grief is indeed tremendous. I can't even speak about him with anyone yet, it's too raw. Nutkin changed my life and I fear I will never be the same again. I do appreciate your caring and sending blessing to me. I was a proud 'mum' to Nutkin and I'm so happy to share my boy with you all, knowing that you would have loved him as much as I did. He was very special. Thank you my friend. xx:Love_Icon:hug

02-17-2017, 03:41 AM
I received a few more photos from Jenny H of Nutkin.
What a precious baby he was and oh SO loved. :Love_Icon




Aw. The last pic - look at that little pink tummy! Do I spy a roll or two? That tummy skin is the softest in the world I think. How often were you able to restrain yourself from stroking that tummy? I always reach in and stroke my boy's tum when he is on his haunches eating (unless it is a rice chex because he will swat me over chex) and the poor guy has just given up on me stopping and endures it with an eyeroll.

I have nothing to offer as far as getting past this. These little guys hold your heart so hard I don't think you ever get it completely back. I don't think you DO "get over it." Maybe all we can do is find a path around, if we can...

Jenny H
02-17-2017, 08:49 AM
Aw. The last pic - look at that little pink tummy! Do I spy a roll or two? That tummy skin is the softest in the world I think. How often were you able to restrain yourself from stroking that tummy? I always reach in and stroke my boy's tum when he is on his haunches eating (unless it is a rice chex because he will swat me over chex) and the poor guy has just given up on me stopping and endures it with an eyeroll.

I have nothing to offer as far as getting past this. These little guys hold your heart so hard I don't think you ever get it completely back. I don't think you DO "get over it." Maybe all we can do is find a path around, if we can...

Thank you CritterMom. Yes, that is a soft pink tummy you see and yes there were a few little rolls there. He had also lost some of his fur at that time. The weather was quite warm and he was shedding a bit. Fortunately after a short time it returned hiding the 'tell tale' rolls! LOL! I did get to tickle Nutkin's tum now and then, which was a treat for both of us. When I stopped tickling, he would hold on to my fingers until I continued again. Such a loving boy.

I agree with what you said about getting past losing Nutkin. These creatures are so unique and so special, it must be almost impossible to let them go completely. I'll always keep a large part of him in my heart which I will keep forever.
Thank you my friend. x:hug

Jenny H
02-17-2017, 08:51 AM
Thinking of you today..... I know your grief is still tremendous, I wanted you to know I still care and am sending blessings. His pictures are lovely, thanks for sharing him with us.

Thank you Rexie, you'll always be a close friend. x:Love_Icon:hug

03-11-2017, 04:57 PM
Hi Stosh,I've been wanting what they call over here an 'American style' fridge for ages, as ours aren't that big. I'd love one just like your fridge. That's what I call a fridge! That's settled it, I'll definitely be coming to your house for dinner! xx:Love_Icon:hug

>>>If you ever take a vacation to Costa Rica--you JUST HAVE to visit me--I'm on the Pacific Ocean side, way up in the northern section--near Liberia, the capital.
__________________________________________________ __________
__________________________________________________ ______________________________

You ( and Nutkin) have been in my thoughts all week. How fast times zips by.... It has been 5 weeks since Nutkin's passing, and I'm sure to you, it feels fresh and still so very painful. My little Dude has good and then very BAD days. My heart is so twisted.
---I hope you can start to find some time to be happy and feel Nutkin on your shoulder--keeping watch over you--from the Rainbow Bridge.


If you find the time to e-mail me a selection ( 8 or more) of you favorite Nutkin pics..I would be HONORED to make a collage for you... No rush--any time...
send to

remember put TSB Nutkin in the message line.

Gray Squirrel
06-27-2017, 10:13 AM
A suggesting to be taken with caution.

I am not sure if what I am suggesting is right or will help, but I wonder if giving him a formula for baby squirrels might help him. I think (but not sure) that even an older squirrel if injured may take milk after they are weened. I believe that milk may not have as much calcium as something but still it is a good source of calcium because it is absorbed well. A formula that is more natural than what is often recommended is: 150 ml goats milk, 50 ml yogurt (a store near me has sheep’s milk younger) 50 ml heavy whipping cream, The contents of one capsule of probiotic with a lot of different strands. (Renew Life’s Ultimate Flora has 40 Probiotic strands (150 Billion Live culture per capsule). If you add honey he may like it better about ¼ teaspoon. Mix the honey in a part of the milk, warm and stir the honey in then add this to the rest of the milk. You may also want to add some coconut oil when mixing in the honey but it tend to clump when it cool. The main ingredient of this formula is 3 parts goats milk, 1 part yogurt and 1 part heavy whipping cream
I am not an expert and I am not sure if this is good advice , but if he likes this I do not think It can hurt him. If you do not know if he is getting too much Calcium or too little I think because this is a more natural formula either way it will be good as far as calcium is concerned. I like the taste of this formula myself, but I do not like the taste of reconstituted milk. I think because of the yogurt in this formula it will keep longer than most formulas. When it gets older it becomes more like yogurt but does not go bad fast. Goat’s milk is said to be digested easier than cow’s milk
If he does not like to have thing syringed to him maybe he will drink it out of a bowl.