View Full Version : water in winter

mary h
12-14-2016, 12:52 AM
Hello...what is the best way to provide water in the winter for my squirrels ? It gets well below freezing at this time of year therefore their water freezes within 20 minutes.

Milo's Mom
12-14-2016, 05:49 AM
A heated bird bath works well.
Also the heated dog bowls.
For the group that I have on my deck I use a heating pad under a low flat dish (it works well, but I do have to protect the cord and pad from being chewed)

12-15-2016, 08:33 PM
A heated bird bath? You must have to plug it in, right?

Milo's Mom
12-16-2016, 01:48 AM
A heated bird bath? You must have to plug it in, right?

I'm not sure how they work, I don't have one. I'm assuming they need to be plugged in though, yes.

12-16-2016, 05:05 PM
I just bought a Farm Innovators Bird Bath De-Icer
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01D8UCIGC/ref=sxr_pa_click_within_right_2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0 DER&pf_rd_p=2329824862&pf_rd_r=Q645RMCQ83M8NM4KJEP3&pd_rd_wg=X8Cs5&pf_rd_s=desktop-rhs-carousels&pf_rd_t=301&pd_rd_w=6EDJP&pf_rd_i=farm+innovators+deicer&pd_rd_r=G9HT3AY0BX9FN1Z3ZJV1&psc=1&smid=A1CFOX6IC6AKTC

I've never used one of these before so I can't talk with a lot of experience, I have had it two weeks. I just put in into a large flat dish that holds water out on the deck. It's been 20 degrees F the last two days, and the water around the unit was liquid. There was ice at the edges of the dish, but plenty of area for both squirrels and birds to drink, and yes, everyone has found it. :-)

12-16-2016, 09:54 PM
I need to find a better way :dono I just have so many water bowls out....for the birds and the squirrels....every morning I bring hot water out and pour it into the frozen bowls...this melts the ice :dono in the evening I take the water bottles in and put them back out in the morning :thinking this only helps for a short while....as everything freezes back up :tap I do have a creek bordering my property...so there is fresh water for all the animals...but I really don't want the squirrels up here traveling to the creek every day :sadness

12-17-2016, 01:03 AM
I need to find a better way :dono I just have so many water bowls out....for the birds and the squirrels....every morning I bring hot water out and pour it into the frozen bowls...this melts the ice :dono in the evening I take the water bottles in and put them back out in the morning :thinking this only helps for a short while....as everything freezes back up :tap I do have a creek bordering my property...so there is fresh water for all the animals...but I really don't want the squirrels up here traveling to the creek every day :sadness

We,re doing the same thing Sweeps and I too need to come up with a solution that don't involve electric cords
running through the yard. I'm thinking on doing a "central" (winter) location that can be noticed and assailable
to all the critters.
I've watched my guys chip through the ice to get to the (unfrozen) center and it's got me to leaning toward something
in the form of moving (recirculating) water, maybe even include some type small waterfall to add friction. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/hand-gestures/thinking-hard-smiley-emoticon.gif

12-17-2016, 01:07 AM
I recently saw a solar fountain that can be used in a birdbath. I wonder if that might work in a water bowl to prevent it from freezing...:dono

12-17-2016, 01:25 AM
I recently saw a solar fountain that can be used in a birdbath. I wonder if that might work in a water bowl to prevent it from freezing...:dono
I've wondered about that also but would think it would have to have a pretty
strong flow and of course they are dependent on the sun's penetration.

I had one once just for decoration, the birds loved it but you let a cloud
block the sun for a few minutes and it would shut off, then of course it had
to bask awhile in the sun to recharge before it would work again. :mad:

I do have a quart size submersible pump I might give a try...

12-26-2016, 10:35 AM
Hello...what is the best way to provide water in the winter for my squirrels ? It gets well below freezing at this time of year therefore their water freezes within 20 minutes.

I live in Maine, and it has already dipped below 0 degrees Fahrenheit here. I purchased a heated bird bath that sits on the ground, which works very well, even with the severe cold. It does have to be plugged into an electrical outlet. My squirrels use it frequently and seem to really enjoy having water that is warmer than the air temperature, especially when the wind chill makes it feel like 20 below.

12-24-2022, 02:53 PM
Holiday greetings to all, I thought I'd revive this old thread especially in light of the terrible cold our little buddies are experiencing.

Getting fresh water to wilds in freezing temps isn't easy. What I usually try is to make sure there are a few large blocks of ice easily accessible to them. I will fill one of their plastic bins with water (as I usually do) & then remove the block of ice from the bin once frozen & place it on the ground in their usual spot... so that they can at least lick the ice. Not the best I know... but it seems to work the best. (I'll add my squirrel friends are in public parks so I don't have the option of running any power cords. And I'd be a little of wary of them possibly nibbling on electric wires too!)

Anyway -- he's my query. Does anyone have experience with this kind of "Snuggle Safe" product.


I know it claims to keep a water dish from freezing for only an hour or two but even that would be a big help. My friends come for water when they see me filling and fiddling around with their water dishes. Have to say I'm a little skeptical of the product so I thought I'd throw it out there for anyone to comment on. Any advice? Recommendations?

Thanks in advance to all of you! You're a special bunch of people.

12-26-2022, 06:03 PM
Holiday greetings to all, I thought I'd revive this old thread especially in light of the terrible cold our little buddies are experiencing.

Getting fresh water to wilds in freezing temps isn't easy. What I usually try is to make sure there are a few large blocks of ice easily accessible to them. I will fill one of their plastic bins with water (as I usually do) & then remove the block of ice from the bin once frozen & place it on the ground in their usual spot... so that they can at least lick the ice. Not the best I know... but it seems to work the best. (I'll add my squirrel friends are in public parks so I don't have the option of running any power cords. And I'd be a little of wary of them possibly nibbling on electric wires too!)

Anyway -- he's my query. Does anyone have experience with this kind of "Snuggle Safe" product.


I know it claims to keep a water dish from freezing for only an hour or two but even that would be a big help. My friends come for water when they see me filling and fiddling around with their water dishes. Have to say I'm a little skeptical of the product so I thought I'd throw it out there for anyone to comment on. Any advice? Recommendations?

Thanks in advance to all of you! You're a special bunch of people.

I've never used that product. I think that when I was raising my first squirrels, I saw a warning about not using those to keep squirrels warm in their cages. I don't recall if they got too hot, or failed to work. Maybe someone else knows more about these. But your using them to heat water temporarily would be an entirely different scenario than a baby snuggling against it.

12-27-2022, 04:19 PM
There is a product made specifically to put in outside animals water sources that keeps the water from freezing. It’s also used in bird baths. Do a Google search and see if you can find it. Being in Florida I don’t have a need for something like that but I believe others on here have.