View Full Version : Squirrel harness

12-11-2016, 09:16 PM
Has anyone had luck w a harness? Like a ferret harness. I want to get her used to one so in the spring time she can go outside? Any ideas?

12-11-2016, 10:25 PM
Several people have used them....you need to start young....but I must tell you that everyone I've heard of using them....have had them escape :eek they are escape artist for sure :dono so I don't know if I'd risk it....no rather I wouldn't risk it. I've never tried with my guys. Also, if this is an NR....you may make her want to go outside for good...and she can't :dono just some things to think about :thinking

Thanks for caring for her :Love_Icon she's lucky to have such a concerned momma:serene

12-12-2016, 12:45 AM
I used a kitten harness that I adjusted and cut down, and I can tell you do not get ANYTHING with stretchy parts, or those sliding figure eights that do not have each section tighten separately, or they will slip out. I got one where each section was a separate lock, but now he is so strong he breaks the latch where the leash clips to the body the second he is alarmed- and the only reason I need a leash is for bolting from fear, otherwise he sits on me anyway- but pretty much everything on the planet makes him freak so now we just nap on the balcony instead lol. ALso, the spiralling around me meant we were both tied up in like 3 seconds and the elastic leash was satan and Did Things

03-23-2017, 02:02 AM
Hello, I saw your post and thought to share a harness concept for you and a video response to this question.

Just keep in mind that with this type of harness, it is best to have the area just behind the arms more snug then the other areas. Just behind the arms are the best to keep them from slipping out of the harness. My squirrel has slipped out a few times, but that was trial and error along with her getting tangled up and pulling rather aggressively.

Other than that she cannot get out of this one without some major effort. The times she did get free, she came right to me. Every squirrel is different of course, and yours might bolt out of fear or just decide to climb a tree and have fun for the rest of the day.

This type of harness works the best out of a few I have tried, and like I said, it's not easy to escape from.

Here is the link to my video response: https://youtu.be/CrqxZ6ESKJY