View Full Version : How likely is it that he will attack my face?

12-05-2016, 03:28 PM
Rocky Sweetums has attacked my hands a few times. Once when I didn't have gloves on and a few times today when I had gloves on.

I have this fear that he will attack my face. I know squirrels are a little bit unpredictable, and I know it is common for them to attack your hands, but is it very common for them to attack your face? Is my fear a little bit irrational?

Has your squirrel ever attacked your face? It is it very probable?

If so, should I get like a baseball catchers mask or what?

12-05-2016, 04:13 PM
Not to try and SPOOK you----
they are BITERS of Opportunity.
I personally have gotten the face attack twice..., ( 5 years ago )-- very close to an eye.
I keep a home made helmet--very close to me-- when certain squirrels are loose in the house.

12-05-2016, 04:16 PM
I have not been attacked in the face, but Ned has gotten close. He sits on my shoulder sometimes and gets angry, but I always instinctively block my face when he is close. He has gotten me everywhere else (arms/hands, legs/feet, stomach, bottom, and breast). Just be careful and when in doubt block your face (I would rather get an arm bite than a cheek bite). :)

12-05-2016, 04:29 PM
The RAPID teeth chatter--is usually about a 2 second warning.....
Get away FAST (if possible)

12-05-2016, 05:16 PM
How old is he? What are your current outside temperatures? I would think it was relatively cold in Illinois at this time of year. How often does it happen?

I am working on a study trying to determine some consistencies and inconsistencies of attacks. Thank you.

12-05-2016, 06:07 PM
How old is he? What are your current outside temperatures? I would think it was relatively cold in Illinois at this time of year. How often does it happen?

I am working on a study trying to determine some consistencies and inconsistencies of attacks. Thank you.

It just recently got cold out. Before now, temperatures have been uncharacteristically warm. Right now it is still warmer than usual, like today it was low of like 32 and high of like 42. And it should be average of in the 30's most of the week.

Rocky Sweetums is around 5 and half months old. I raised him from a baby of about 3 weeks old. I let him outside in the morning as long as it is at least over 32 degrees and he stays outside all day and wanders about freely and does squirrel things, and he returns on his own around late noon to come home to sleep and eat and stays overnight inside the house. He knocks on the window of the house to come inside. He has been going outside and coming in like this for about 4 weeks now. He sometimes comes when I call him too. He leaves to play outside all day and comes back late noon like clockwork. It seems like maybe he turned out to be smarter than he looks (though more temperamental than he looks)! :)

12-05-2016, 06:14 PM
Not to try and SPOOK you----
they are BITERS of Opportunity.
I personally have gotten the face attack twice..., ( 5 years ago )-- very close to an eye.
I keep a home made helmet--very close to me-- when certain squirrels are loose in the house.

Wow, that is quite the contraption! Maybe I should build me one....

12-05-2016, 06:18 PM
I have not been attacked in the face, but Ned has gotten close. He sits on my shoulder sometimes and gets angry, but I always instinctively block my face when he is close. He has gotten me everywhere else (arms/hands, legs/feet, stomach, bottom, and breast). Just be careful and when in doubt block your face (I would rather get an arm bite than a cheek bite). :)
SCARY! Now I have to worry about my butt and boobs too?! Maybe I need like a whole suit of armor.

12-05-2016, 06:54 PM
Pumpkin does not like my husband very much. He walked into the room where pumpkin was cuddling with me two days ago. He immediately jumped on him went for his hands first, my husband had his hands in his sleeves so he went for his face. I'm new to this squirrel thing my little one is almost 6 months but my opinion is you always have the potential for a bite anywhere. My husband agrees!!!

12-05-2016, 07:12 PM
I've not had a squirrel purposely go for the face but I have gotten a few "face plants" when
one has jumped off something to jump on their personal (me) tree.
Them claws digging in as they make their way to the top of one's head is no picnic either... :shakehead:hurt

12-05-2016, 07:13 PM

Your husband is just a rude distraction in Pumpkin's life. I have documented 8 cases where the squirrel bit the non- owned member of the house, since June 2016 . You are the owned member. Pumpkin owns you.

12-05-2016, 07:29 PM
[QUOTE=Scott;1194073] I have documented 8 cases where the squirrel bit the non- owned member of the house, since June 2016 .

The majority of 'kept" squirrels especially as they age will choose one special person they interact with,
they may "tolerate" others... or not. This behavior is not at all unusual for a squirrel. :dono

12-05-2016, 07:30 PM
Yeah, I don't really ever have people over, but recently my parents visited. Rocky Sweetums did not like my father. He did not mind very much my mother being around, but he did not like my father anywhere at all, even at a distance, when he visited. When my father was around, I think it triggered him to bite me. I was dripping blood everywhere, my finger was throbbing. It may have been my imagination, but I could've sworn I heard a slight crunch noise when he bit down hard on my finger. When my father helped get him off me, he made sure to bite him too. Maybe Rocky Sweetums doesn't like men.

12-05-2016, 07:35 PM
I've not had a squirrel purposely go for the face but I have gotten a few "face plants" when
one has jumped off something to jump on their personal (me) tree.
Them claws digging in as they make their way to the top of one's head is no picnic either... :shakehead:hurt

Yes, Rocky Sweetums used to use me as a tree. He would fling himself outwardly and jump towards my face, his arms opened out widely like he thought my head was a tree trunk that he would soon land on and hug with his claws. I've had a few face scratches for that reason in the past. I'm lucky he didn't get me in the eye.

12-05-2016, 07:38 PM
Yeah, I don't really ever have people over, but recently my parents visited. Rocky Sweetums did not like my father. He did not mind very much my mother being around, but he did not like my father anywhere at all, even at a distance, when he visited. When my father was around, I think it triggered him to bite me. I was dripping blood everywhere, my finger was throbbing. It may have been my imagination, but I could've sworn I heard a slight crunch noise when he bit down hard on my finger. When my father helped get him off me, he made sure to bite him too. Maybe Rocky Sweetums doesn't like men.

I have a female that loved my son, would climb on him every chance she got... until he showed up with a girlfriend!
She bit him, I stopped her from jumping the girlfriend, and to this day she won't have anything to do with my son.

12-06-2016, 02:26 AM
Something every squirrel keeper needs to keep in mind at all times, is that these are wild animals. They have wild instincts. There will be hormonal swings, when sometimes even the favorite person needs to be on guard.

But, the important factor here is that most squirrels are a one person animal. Period. And they can be extremely dangerous to anyone else who enters their space! There have also been several incidents when the squirrel has been released just outside the home, and has terrorized their mom! And anyone, (like the mailman or UPS carrier), that comes into the squirrels perceived tertitory.

As you can imagine, this has caused some serious situations.
As far as your squirrel being prone to attacking your face, there is just no way to know for sure. Watch for signs that your squirrel is wilding up. If you notice these type of behaviours, there is a higher probability that there is a potential for a face attack, for you.
But always remember that the potential for an imminent attack for anybody except you, is right there. They simply can't help it. And it's not fair to your guests or family members to put them in harms way. And, don't forget the legal implication. If your squirrel attacks someone's child, parent's aren't necessarily very tolerant of this.

I am a firm believer that every squirrel should have a cage. Not to be used as a jail, but as a safe place for the squirrel. A place that he knows that no one will bother him. If he is upset or scared, it is his safe retreat. And, this way if you have guests coming over, you can put the squirrel up for his and your guests safety.

And, a couple times each year, there will be hormonal changes that you will have to deal with. They are not themselves, and they can't help it. This is one of those times that it is best to respect their space. In a few days, or a couple of weeks, your squirrel will go back to his loveable self.

And, as Step mentioned: when you hear teeth chattering: respect it immediately!!!!
They are extremely fast, like lighting, and they will bite to the bone. ( you probably did hear something crunching, when you got bit!)

Just always remember that they have wild instincts, and they can't help that. So don't put your squirrel, family members or friends at risk for a potential diaster!

I remember a few years ago, there was a couple that had grown children, and the parents had 2 squirrels that ran loose in the house. And, of course the squirrels were mean to anyone except the parents, and would attack viciously whenever any of the kids came over. For some unknow reason, the parents thought this was funny. It was not. It was dangerous! It wasn't the parents that wrote in, it was the adult children that wrote in for help.

So, as for whether or not your squirrel will attack your face: you will have to watch for signs, very carefully. The fact that you are asking, makes me question if your squirrel is starting to wild up?

So, in summary: Stosh has his face gear. But he is not the only one who has had to go this route. Some members have worn metal collanders or football helmets over their faces. Use your own best judgement about what precautions you should take. But please don't put others at risk. The potential for them to be attacked is high. And they won't be prepared for how fast they are! Plus, you are putting your squirrel at risk, of being thrown across the room.

I know my family hates it if I am out of town, and they have to feed for me! The squirrels have them outsmarted, so they can't lock them in half of the cage, so it would be easy to put the food in! They stay running up and down and growling the whole time! Haha I am lucky that my family loves me so much!

Good luck with your little guy! Use common sense and read his signals, and you both should do okay.

Nancy in New York
12-06-2016, 06:23 AM
A member's husband recently was "helping" her out, and got nailed by a squirrel in her care.
If this isn't a precaution, I'm not sure what is.

I believe he was in the hospital for ~ a week.

Some excerpts below from her posts.


Saturday night, he wanted to 'help me' and was handing out night time nuts to everyone. He handed one to Poppy, then one of the girls came over, handed her a nut but she dropped it, so knucklehead reached to grab said nut and 'bam' she latched on and would not let go! He bled like I have never seen. Fast forward less then 24 hours later, he is in the ER, hand blown up like a balloon. He did tell them it was from a squirrel but said he was feeding some in the woods. So, not only did he get iv antibiotics, he also go RABIES shots (yes, you and I know better but when I said 'he can decline them' another nurse came in, got in my face and started screaming how '99% of people that get rabies die' and blah blah blah. Now we KNOW the squirrel does not have rabies but he took them to not cause any issues.) They transported him last night by ambulance from the hospital here to Lahey in Burlington (same place I had my surgery) to have hand surgeon look at it, as they were concerned. Kept him overnight on iv antibiotics, but it was not better this morning, so they have to go in and surgically open hand up, check for any tendon damage and put drains in. They are concerned he could loose the use of his hand! This is crazy! I got bit much worse last year and did not have these issues. But then again, his immune system is not great because of the issues cause to his thyroid from radiation for cancer years ago, so that may be part of it too. Please keep good thoughts. He is a carpenter, and this is his left hand (he is a lefty), so not a good situation. (He is not angry at squirrel, he even said it was 'his fault' for trying to pick the nut up.) He goes into surgery in an hour. Will update later.

Well, surgery went well. Doc said infection was 'dangerously bad', they had to scrape a bunch of infection out, sending it for culture. He cannot feel his arm (they used a block as well as sedating him), but he will later! His hand is bandaged up and in a foam 'cast' to keep him from bumping it, since he cannot feel anything. Pretty crazy from two puncture wounds in his finger!

Spoke to him, fever broke over night. They came in and told him they will be reopening it today to check and possibly clean out more. They said they had to cut it much more then they originally thought, it was so bad. This is just crazy. All from one puncture wound.

Ok just spoke to him again. I misunderstood, when he said they were going to 'cut it open' he meant the cast (I did not know he had one). So not cutting hand open again, but he said it is cut from the tip into the palm, it was so bad. Ouch! He is hurting but ok. The doctors told him it is a good thing he came in when he did, if he had waited overnight, he may not be here! It was much worse then they had even thought.

Yes, last year when I got bit (I got bit much worse then he did) doc in ER said the same thing, infection was not from squirrel, squirrel bite was just the means to get it into your blood. And she als said 'squirrels don't generally get rabies, so the risk is almost nil. I had a much better doc! lol)

Not the news we were hoping for....sigh. James will not be coming home today. Doctors are still concerned with his hand, the swelling is not going down like they felt it should be. Going to give him different pain meds, and have p/t work on moving the finger and will reassess tomorrow. They may have to go in tomorrow and do another surgery. Then he will be back to square one....ugh.

island rehabber
12-06-2016, 06:55 AM
And once again, say it all together now, everyone, like you MEAN it......

This is why we do NOT recommend squirrels as pets here on TSB.

12-06-2016, 09:36 AM
I read over an over about teeth chatter being a warning. Ive been careful but havent yet experienced anything negative when she does it. Mostly she has done it when chewing a nut. She chews the shell, stops, Does a little soft chatter, starts again and repeats.
... So does this mean there are more meanings chatter

12-06-2016, 10:19 AM
I read over an over about teeth chatter being a warning. Ive been careful but havent yet experienced anything negative when she does it. Mostly she has done it when chewing a nut. She chews the shell, stops, Does a little soft chatter, starts again and repeats.
... So does this mean there are more meanings chatter

Shes warning you to stay away from her prized possession, the nut she is chewing on.

12-06-2016, 11:45 AM
I'll just add this, too. Something stupid I did recently, without thinking. I was really lucky that it was Churtle, and not another less tame squirrel! Churtle is really smart, and actually likes to play the "chase me" game, but only with almonds. Any other nut he is plumb serious about. But for some reason, almonds and Q-tips and a few other items he knows he's not supposed to have, are a "game" to him.
If I am reading, he will come get right in my face to show me what he has, and then take off running and teasing me with his contraband. Wanting me to "get" him.

Anyway, very lucky this incident involved him and not another less controlled squirrel! So, the really stupid thing that I did, without even realising it was when I was fixing their evening plates, I ate a walnut. Didn't even think about it. Didn't drink anything or rinse my mouth like I usually would. So, I go to deliver their plates and as usual, Churtle jumps out and is circling my arm, wanting pets. This is our usual routine. I cuddle him, give him some tummy scratches and then I steal a kiss, right on his mouth. I make a big deal about it, " ooooh, mama stole a squirrel kiss!" and he gets me some more, circling my arms. You all know. The silly little games we play with them. We do this every night at feeding time.

Except this night I had full on nut breath! So, when I went to "steal my squirrel kiss", he couldn't help it, and went for my mouth. My mistake, not his. I am very fortunate that he caught himself and I only got very minor scratches to my moth area. I realized as it was happening, what an idiot I had been! I was really, really lucky that it was him. He is a really smart little guy and stopped himself from a full blown attack. Poor little guy even looked a little guilty.
But this was not his fault. It was completely my fault. Even now I can't believe I was stupid enough to have done this.
I am always sooo careful. I scrub my hands after cracking their nuts, (to make sure they aren't spoiled). I give my hands a good scrubbing including under my nails, in case there are any rogue pieces of nut or nut oil there. But big dumb me goes in there with nut breath AND steals a squirrel kiss!

We just really need to be cautious at all times, because they can't help their natural instincts.

12-06-2016, 03:53 PM

Your husband is just a rude distraction in Pumpkin's life. I have documented 8 cases where the squirrel bit the non- owned member of the house, since June 2016 . You are the owned member. Pumpkin owns you.

hahahahahaha yes

12-06-2016, 06:29 PM
Something every squirrel keeper needs to keep in mind at all times, is that these are wild animals. They have wild instincts. There will be hormonal swings, when sometimes even the favorite person needs to be on guard.

But, the important factor here is that most squirrels are a one person animal. Period. And they can be extremely dangerous to anyone else who enters their space! There have also been several incidents when the squirrel has been released just outside the home, and has terrorized their mom! And anyone, (like the mailman or UPS carrier), that comes into the squirrels perceived tertitory.

As you can imagine, this has caused some serious situations.
As far as your squirrel being prone to attacking your face, there is just no way to know for sure. Watch for signs that your squirrel is wilding up. If you notice these type of behaviours, there is a higher probability that there is a potential for a face attack, for you.
But always remember that the potential for an imminent attack for anybody except you, is right there. They simply can't help it. And it's not fair to your guests or family members to put them in harms way. And, don't forget the legal implication. If your squirrel attacks someone's child, parent's aren't necessarily very tolerant of this.

I am a firm believer that every squirrel should have a cage. Not to be used as a jail, but as a safe place for the squirrel. A place that he knows that no one will bother him. If he is upset or scared, it is his safe retreat. And, this way if you have guests coming over, you can put the squirrel up for his and your guests safety.

And, a couple times each year, there will be hormonal changes that you will have to deal with. They are not themselves, and they can't help it. This is one of those times that it is best to respect their space. In a few days, or a couple of weeks, your squirrel will go back to his loveable self.

And, as Step mentioned: when you hear teeth chattering: respect it immediately!!!!
They are extremely fast, like lighting, and they will bite to the bone. ( you probably did hear something crunching, when you got bit!)

Just always remember that they have wild instincts, and they can't help that. So don't put your squirrel, family members or friends at risk for a potential diaster!

I remember a few years ago, there was a couple that had grown children, and the parents had 2 squirrels that ran loose in the house. And, of course the squirrels were mean to anyone except the parents, and would attack viciously whenever any of the kids came over. For some unknow reason, the parents thought this was funny. It was not. It was dangerous! It wasn't the parents that wrote in, it was the adult children that wrote in for help.

So, as for whether or not your squirrel will attack your face: you will have to watch for signs, very carefully. The fact that you are asking, makes me question if your squirrel is starting to wild up?

So, in summary: Stosh has his face gear. But he is not the only one who has had to go this route. Some members have worn metal collanders or football helmets over their faces. Use your own best judgement about what precautions you should take. But please don't put others at risk. The potential for them to be attacked is high. And they won't be prepared for how fast they are! Plus, you are putting your squirrel at risk, of being thrown across the room.

I know my family hates it if I am out of town, and they have to feed for me! The squirrels have them outsmarted, so they can't lock them in half of the cage, so it would be easy to put the food in! They stay running up and down and growling the whole time! Haha I am lucky that my family loves me so much!

Good luck with your little guy! Use common sense and read his signals, and you both should do okay.

Thank you for your words. You are very knowledgeable.

12-06-2016, 06:41 PM
SCARY! Now I have to worry about my butt and boobs too?! Maybe I need like a whole suit of armor.

Thankfully the most recent time he couldn't bite through my jeans to get my butt very badly. He left two giant bruises and a couple punctures though. They hurt worse than when he bites through arteries/veins! The boob was a while ago. I was in pjs and should have put a bra on. They mostly go for arms and hands (at least in my experience). Ned tends to get my legs badly too. Jeans serve as pretty good protection and a long thick jacket also helps. :)

12-06-2016, 08:28 PM
My Churtle is a nipple-nibbler! Doesn't hurt me. He's just really fast!
He remembers anything that he has ever done that got a laugh or a chuckle out of me. He must have startled me once, and I laughed, and that's all it took! He filed it away in his little squirrel brain! He pulls all his goodies out, sometimes, especially when he wants out of his cage, he'll do a whole repertoire of things that have made me laugh, at one time or another.

But, back to you. All of the bites you speak of, sound pretty intentional.
And thats something that has to be taken into consideration, because we don't want him fooling some poor , kind hearted, and unsuspecting outdoors man falling for this squirrel's bag of crafty tricks.

It sounds like your squirrel is definitely wilding up.
I hope you are okay with this? As this is a rehabbers dream come true! To see them running in the tree tops, like mother nature intended, it's such a beautiful sight.

I would watch your squirrel very carefully. He'll need to go out in a pre-release cage, for at least a month. If I were you I'd check around to see if there any other squirrels that are ready to go. Their learning curve seems greatly improved when thete is more than 1 squirrel.
Not sure of the weather there. Doesn't it snow? That would put everything on hold.

12-06-2016, 11:50 PM
Recently, I have let Rocky Sweetums outside in the morning, free to roam as he pleases all day as long as it is above 32 degrees (which has been every day these past four weeks) and as long as the temp is not projected to sink during the day. He returns in the late afternoon after a long day of being a squirrel in the wilderness of the backyards of the neighborhood. He knocks on the window of the house and I let him in and feed him dinner and put him back in his cage to sleep inside my house for the night. I don't know if he gets along with the other squirrels in the neighborhood. There are some fat ones that are kind of mean to him and chase him away sometimes, I think, but this neighborhood is chock full of other squirrels. I have never seen so many. I one time saw 8 other squirrels all congregated in my front yard.

Rocky and I have been doing this for 4 weeks now. I guess he is pretty smart! He has returned late afternoon before evening every day like clockwork.

I don't quite know what Rocky and I will do for the winter. My houses are up for sale here in Illinois. I was planning to move to Florida. I don't know if I will buy or rent....I will have to see what is available when the time comes. I guess I will have to take him with me if my houses sell in Illinois. He isn't ready for full release. Illinois is too cold.

My Churtle is a nipple-nibbler! Doesn't hurt me. He's just really fast!
He remembers anything that he has ever done that got a laugh or a chuckle out of me. He must have startled me once, and I laughed, and that's all it took! He filed it away in his little squirrel brain! He pulls all his goodies out, sometimes, especially when he wants out of his cage, he'll do a whole repertoire of things that have made me laugh, at one time or another.

But, back to you. All of the bites you speak of, sound pretty intentional.
And thats something that has to be taken into consideration, because we don't want him fooling some poor , kind hearted, and unsuspecting outdoors man falling for this squirrel's bag of crafty tricks.

It sounds like your squirrel is definitely wilding up.
I hope you are okay with this? As this is a rehabbers dream come true! To see them running in the tree tops, like mother nature intended, it's such a beautiful sight.

I would watch your squirrel very carefully. He'll need to go out in a pre-release cage, for at least a month. If I were you I'd check around to see if there any other squirrels that are ready to go. Their learning curve seems greatly improved when thete is more than 1 squirrel.
Not sure of the weather there. Doesn't it snow? That would put everything on hold.

12-07-2016, 08:50 AM
You can't take him to Florida to release. The squirrels in Florida are very different in that they are smaller by quite a bit. He would be better if you released him in Illinois before you go to Florida.

12-07-2016, 08:59 AM
I wouldn't release him in Florida. Florida is too weird a place to release a squirrel like him. Too many predators, too many hunters. All the squirrels are like little red squirrels and he is a grey. I would just take him with me, maybe make him a temporary squirrel room until I figured out a permanent solution.

12-07-2016, 09:16 AM
Just so you know, the squirrels in Florida are predominantly grays. I do not believe they have reds there. They are just smaller grays than those we have up north. Since you are letting him outdoors and he is getting used to being wild, I would discourage you from even considering keeping him as a pet. He has been given freedom now and it would be cruel to take him away from what he knows as his life now.

12-07-2016, 09:44 AM
Oh, I really don't know, but I remember the squirrels looking like little reddish squirrels when I was there. They were little, and reddish, and were very skittish. And you wouldn't see a lot of them because there were so many predators. But, I don't know. I just knew they were much different than what I see in Illinois.

I wouldn't probably consider keeping Rocky Sweetums as a permanent pet. He likes being outside a lot and loves trees. Maybe just temporarily until winter is over, overwinter him, and just until I find a more permanent solution to figure out how to gradually release him in a responsible and soft manner in the appropriate area. I might even have to drive him back to Illinois if I move.

Just so you know, the squirrels in Florida are predominantly grays. I do not believe they have reds there. They are just smaller grays than those we have up north. Since you are letting him outdoors and he is getting used to being wild, I would discourage you from even considering keeping him as a pet. He has been given freedom now and it would be cruel to take him away from what he knows as his life now.

12-07-2016, 11:16 AM
Recently, I have let Rocky Sweetums outside in the morning, free to roam as he pleases all day as long as it is above 32 degrees (which has been every day these past four weeks) and as long as the temp is not projected to sink during the day. He returns in the late afternoon after a long day of being a squirrel in the wilderness of the backyards of the neighborhood. He knocks on the window of the house and I let him in and feed him dinner and put him back in his cage to sleep inside my house for the night.

If he goes to your window...knowing food and warmth are available--INSIDE...he will try the same at other homes...if yours is empty.
That could make for an unhappy outcome...if a stranger lets him in---or merely opens the door and he runs in.....


12-07-2016, 11:35 AM
The fact that your Rocky goes out, probably explains his more aggressive behavior. I would worry that he would either jumo on someone or possibly go in thru someone's window. If he jumos on someone, who is say eating a snack that he wants, well it could be disastrous. I only mention this because we had this problem before, the oet squirrel jumping on neighbors. Well, it was a horrible ending. It did attack somebody, and they went to the ER. Well, thats all it took to get Wildlife and Fisheries involved.
The neighbor sued her, the government bombarded her home, and the last I heard she sent the squirrel underground. She came to us to late, it was after all this started, otherwise we would have advised that it is not a good idea to let a squirrel go in and out,UNLESS you live in an isolated area, with no immediate neighbors.
Maybe someone could pull up that link about the squirrel I'm talking about. It was in Texas, and all over the news.

Also, sammysmom is right. Souther squirrels are much smaller! I live in Louisiana, and squirrels here average about 400gms. Squirrels up north are 600gms ir better! It is best not to realease a squirrel out of its native state. Sometimes they carry diseases that are occult, like pox. Any time something is released in a different area, it is considered an invasive species. Good chance it would be shunned by the Florida squirrels due to its size. And if there are any red squirrels, they would be in the very northern tip of Florida. We basically have no red squirrels here, I know cayse I love them! My family made fun of me once because we were at a zoo out of state, and I saw some red squirrels eating out of some antelopes bin and I was all excited.
Please think carefully about what you want to do with Rocky. We all agree you can't do a soft release in the middle of winter there, but if you have to move, we can help you find a rehabber who can do a soft release in thevspring. Remember, whoever buys your house may consider squirrels a pest,and if Rocky trys to get in or does get in, it might not be a good thing.
Sorry, don't mean to be the bearer of bad news,just qant you to have the facts so you can do whatvis best fir Rocky. We will support you whichever waycyou go. :grin3

12-07-2016, 12:14 PM
I completely agree with Stosh and Czarina. In fact as we have discussed on PM, my brother Billy lives in your town. As I recall from my few visits to his house, it is made up of small enclaves of houses, relatively close together. You have some difficult decisions to make.

Your squirrel has wild-up. He is showing aggression because of this, but you have continued to accept him back each evening. Admittedly, I am a new member and have few soft releases I have read about to gather any experience about the process. But you have indicated that he returns each evening, so he has neither built his own nest nor has a nest box outside.

With the tight neighborhood houses in your area, he will surely upset a neighbor, the new owner of your house or God forbid another neighbor or child with a BB gun who is frustrated. Your commitment to selling and moving to Florida, seems written in stone. You need to begin to research a rehabber ASAP. You should, although it will be sad, be willing to turn Rocky over to said rehabber, before the winter sets in hard.

As Rocky is your squirrel, it may be a difficult transition but Professional rehabbers are experienced at these things. It is a sad consequence that he is not already living in the trees but at the same time since he returns each night, inevitably he must live in another area in your town - maybe a good distance from your current house with more woods, to protect him and other people.

As mentioned I have NO EXPERIENCE at this, but intuitively, I know animals and people. Sadly there are several things that could happen, and most could place Rocky in harms way.

God bless your little boy ...

12-07-2016, 01:12 PM
Rocky didn't start getting aggressive because he was going outside. I only actually started putting him outside when he got aggressive that one time. He got aggressive once, so I started putting him outside. I have skinny fingers and he crunched down good that very first time, and I bled like crazy and finger throbbed like never before. Well, I shouldn't say never because I got bitten by the iguana one time and it was just as bad.

He was aggressive just one other time and tried to attack me because I accidentally stepped on his toe a little bit (he went psycho that time and it was scary, but I wore gloves). It only takes being bitten really badly one time to all of a sudden readjust your perspective.

Rocky loves being out and about. He is raring to go in the morning. The houses are relatively close together, yes, but the neighbors don't come out much. This is an older, mature, well-established neighborhood. Lots of mature trees, many older houses, and mature landscaping too. Not many kids, and school is in session right now, so kids are in class anyway. There are several dogs around here, but none are outside all the time. There are people who walk through this neighborhood walking their dogs. He seems to be doing okay, though. I don't think he likes people or animals except for me. He was raised exclusively by me, and I'm single with no kids, and I'm pretty much a person who doesn't socialize much and don't have people over (other than my parents those couple of times). He has been raised around a box tortoise and an elderly iguana (he is very old) in separate cages. He thinks they are weird looking creatures, but they are slow moving, so he doesn't care.

I am home a lot. If I expect to be gone during the hours he will return, I come home before late noon and call for him to come in, so that he doesn't ever knock on the house when it is empty. I don't want him to knock on the window and worry about where to go. I realized soon after he started this window knocking deal that I had a big responsibility to be the home that welcomes him because he has no other home.

When I first let him outside for the first time, I was worried sick about what might happen (for the reasons others have cited). But I soon came to realize that he seems fairly street smart. I don't think he likes other people or animals. I think he distrusts other beings. I think he only trusts me.

Much of the rest of the week, the weather has been projected to get much colder. I will probably put him in the large handicap accessible bathroom with the door shut and toilet shut and put some water and treats with him and let that be his way of being free the whole day. That room is squirrel proof. I can't let him outside if it is too cold, of course.

I completely agree with Stosh and Czarina. In fact as we have discussed on PM, my brother Billy lives in your town. As I recall from my few visits to his house, it is made up of small enclaves of houses, relatively close together. You have some difficult decisions to make.

Your squirrel has wild-up. He is showing aggression because of this, but you have continued to accept him back each evening. Admittedly, I am a new member and have few soft releases I have read about to gather any experience about the process. But you have indicated that he returns each evening, so he has neither built his own nest nor has a nest box outside.

With the tight neighborhood houses in your area, he will surely upset a neighbor, the new owner of your house or God forbid another neighbor or child with a BB gun who is frustrated. Your commitment to selling and moving to Florida, seems written in stone. You need to begin to research a rehabber ASAP. You should, although it will be sad, be willing to turn Rocky over to said rehabber, before the winter sets in hard.

As Rocky is your squirrel, it may be a difficult transition but Professional rehabbers are experienced at these things. It is a sad consequence that he is not already living in the trees but at the same time since he returns each night, inevitably he must live in another area in your town - maybe a good distance from your current house with more woods, to protect him and other people.

As mentioned I have NO EXPERIENCE at this, but intuitively, I know animals and people. Sadly there are several things that could happen, and most could place Rocky in harms way.

God bless your little boy ...

12-07-2016, 03:20 PM
I did not know anything about squirrels when these orphans entered our lives. Pumpkin the one who just wasn't able to be released with the others got his first cage a couple of weeks ago. Not because I really thought he needed it he spent the night in the bathroom and the day in another room but because I realized I needed to trust people who knew about squirrels. I wanted to believe he is the exception and not like any other squirrel out there. For his safety my husbands safety and the best quality of life sometimes you just have to rely on other people's wisdom. I was told early on to stop taking him outside as he was going to winter over inside because of the likely possibility he would wild up so I stopped taking him. The biggest mistakes I have made with him, diet and introducing him to my other animals was when I didn't ask. Now I'm a pest on here but pumpkin is noticeably happier and healthier. Having a squirrel "own you" is the most amazing experience I love my horses and other animals but honestly pumpkin is my heart. He also is the most challenging, difficult life altering (it's difficult to leave) animal. Squirrels belong if at all possible in the trees. If they can't responsibly be released these people on tsb know there stuff! Best of luck to you and the difficult decisions you have to make for your little one. I know it's so difficult.

12-07-2016, 04:07 PM
I think Rocky Sweetums still has a healthy fear and distrust of human strangers. I would be more worried if I didn't think he had fear of strangers in him. When he enters the house, he even looks around suspiciously to make sure that nobody else is here. He has been going in and out of the house every day now since November 11th. I just let him back in ten minutes ago. I let him out at 12pm today, later than usual because it was too cold this morning, and he returned just a few minutes before 4pm.

12-07-2016, 04:17 PM
some encounters with Walter.


12-07-2016, 04:35 PM

12-07-2016, 06:19 PM
I think Birdy's pictures have to go in my journal and research. Thank you for sharing them. But a lot of the time is Walter is a loving gentleman? Obviously, more than one event, but we love them.

12-07-2016, 06:42 PM
I just logged Birdy's cuts and scratches. Does Henrys or any other manufacturer make a safe discreet face shield. I want to buy a Christmas present. That's just too close. I would be remiss not to. Please ....

12-07-2016, 06:51 PM
I just logged Birdy's cuts and scratches. Does Henrys or any other manufacturer make a safe discreet face shield. I want to buy a Christmas present. That's just too close. I would be remiss not to. Please ....

All of these were pretty minor. No scars and I should also point out that none of them were an attack. He just doesn't know that faces aren't for climbing and when they're playing they're pretty fast so it's not always possible to shield yourself in time.

Walter is the perfect gentleman and even in his released life he still comes back to play (which will ultimately result in scratches.)

Most of the time when playing with him, before his release, I would put thick socks on my hands and wear a hoodie and tie the hoodie strings halfway up my face so at least the lower half of my face was covered. I also wore two long sleeved tops so that his claws didn't get all the way through the material. That mostly worked. The pictures are all as a result of me going straight to play with him without putting on 'squirrel armor' first!

12-07-2016, 06:54 PM
PS. I would go through all those scratches again. Rehabbing him has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done.

12-07-2016, 08:52 PM
I just logged Birdy's cuts and scratches. Does Henrys or any other manufacturer make a safe discreet face shield. I want to buy a Christmas present. That's just too close. I would be remiss not to. Please ....

RockySweetums: you are absolutely right! Nothing changes your perspective, like a good, serious bite from a squirrel!!!! You won't be forgetting it soon. :grin3

And Carreegirl: thank you so much for listening to our advice. We truly give it, to try to save others from the mistakes we've made. Hundred if not thousands of people come thru here, and we are giving the advice that is tried and true. Everyone of us thought/hoped that our squirrels were special/different, but we mostly found out that love can't overide instinct. Thank you for getting a cage. You never know when a squirrel might get injured, and need to be kept on restricted movement. When your squirrel is hurt is not the time you want to introduce it to a cage.
Squirrels like their cages, it is their " safe spot". Mine will frequently go put themselves to bed in their cages.

Scott: I don't think anyone makes specific headgear for squirrels, but you will be amazed at how creative some folks are, when it comes to protecting their faces! :grin2

12-07-2016, 09:49 PM
Did you ever see how I caught Pinky the HAIRLESS SQUIRREL? Look at that catch system. .. .. when the human decides he will do something it almost becomes instinctual .......... It took 6 (six) traps to catch Pinky.. !!

12-08-2016, 01:10 PM
Rockysweetums and Birdy,

These look pretty functional and inexpensive. I am buying a set for when or if Pinkie the Albino ever seems out of control. I can't imagine the cost isn't worth saving your eyes.

12-08-2016, 01:33 PM
A little off topic, but that baseball hat with the squirrel on it you have is great!

Also, that helmet that Scott found looks very promising, though less fashionable than the squirrel hat. Thank you, Scott. Good find! :)

some encounters with Walter.


12-08-2016, 02:23 PM

Above is the URL. Maybe not fashionable, but it will save your pretty eyes, and the rest of your face.

12-08-2016, 02:33 PM
A little off topic, but that baseball hat with the squirrel on it you have is great!

Also, that helmet that Scott found looks very promising, though less fashionable than the squirrel hat. Thank you, Scott. Good find! :)

Now THIS is a hat with a Squirrel on it.............

That is our Rama Rota--age 11 months..( 6 years ago).before he decided that I was "LUNCH". Now---I use my helmet with Rama...He gets NOWHERE near my face.

12-08-2016, 03:41 PM
Rocky just contacted me to remind me the face shield does need the head gear which is $5.95 and has part # HGBR.

12-08-2016, 04:35 PM
Rocky just contacted me to remind me the face shield does need the head gear which is $5.95 and has part # HGBR.

That set up is a "good start". But I found that having my neck and ears exposed...still left me feeling unprotected....
My squees would jump to the top of my head--from there any exposed skin was an easy target.

12-08-2016, 05:04 PM
This thread started where someone was nervous after having been bitten and she questioned the possibility of a bite to the face. The pictures from Birdy were scary looking and that is what prompted me to find some protection for her.

I have no intention of wearing gloves. I have less intention of ever wearing a face shield. I'm going into a lifetime relationship with NR Pinkie the Albino with Love in my Heart and Trust on my Mind. Anything shy of that, I should not have her !!!

12-09-2016, 07:12 AM
Shes warning you to stay away from her prized possession, the nut she is chewing on.
Lol she gives mixed signals. Cuz she does this as she jumps on my lap to eat it..i guess telling me she wants to chill with me but don't touch

12-09-2016, 07:25 AM
I've wondered why no one has tried a fencing mask. It appears to offer a lot of protection.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/fencing-mask-/182367058399?hash=item2a75ec79df:g:56kAAOSwa~BYOZj 7

Personally if I have one this mean they will have to live outside. We all take out bites, including me but when they try to take my face off... goodbye. Go be a squirrel.

island rehabber
12-09-2016, 07:34 AM
I've wondered why no one has tried a fencing mask. It appears to offer a lot of protection.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/fencing-mask-/182367058399?hash=item2a75ec79df:g:56kAAOSwa~BYOZj 7

Personally if I have one this mean they will have to live outside. We all take out bites, including me but when they try to take my face off... goodbye. Go be a squirrel.

:goodpost Exactly. Maybe it's the impatient New Yorker in me but I will not deal with vicious housemates. Out they go, at the earliest possible moment!

12-09-2016, 09:25 AM
Lol she gives mixed signals. Cuz she does this as she jumps on my lap to eat it..i guess telling me she wants to chill with me but don't touch

LOOK! But dont touch. LOL

12-09-2016, 11:26 AM
Baseball hat with the squirrel on it is from Goorin Brothers.

Just want to make sure to point out again that Walter was not "attacking" he was playing and climbing and so far I have found no way to communicate with a squirrel to let him know that faces aren't for climbing. None of these scratches hurt and they are all healed and the majority of time with him has been wonderful and cuddly and fun.

Just don't wanna give Walter a bad name, cuz he's actually a really good squirrel. AND those incidents are my fault for not covering up properly.

12-09-2016, 07:06 PM
Don't worry Birdy, as soon as we saw that those scratches were from play, nobody thought Walter was a "bad squirrel ". Bottom line, we've all had those same scratches or close to it. I have a " no face" policy, but I have taken a few bloody scratches due to head plants.

Somewhere on the boards there are actual photos of serious bites. They look and are scary.
I'm with the rest of the gang, if a squirrel is that intentionally mean/aggressive its going back out side.

I'd like to give special kudos to tubedriver and step here, for their amazing and harrowing capture and treatment of a wild called Walter. Step took several bites to help this pitifully sick squirrel. That, is the only way I have ever kept an adult wild, when severly injured, (and only with the help of my husband, in his welding gloves).

Purposeful squirrel attacks hurt like hell and are rapid fire.
My sweet boy once left me crumpled and bleeding on the bathroom floor, after getting 6 to 8 bone deep chomps on both of my hands! (It was awhile before I could really use them) I was suspicious of him for 2 months. After a half hour he was over it and wanted back out. After a couple of days I brought him out, using a towel. Never had another problem with him.

The bites were my fault: I was in the bathtub and he stole something and was running off with it, and I jumped up out of the tub to grab it back from him.
Little sucker waited for me to get out of the tub(a good 5 or 6 min more), and nailed the hell out of my hands before I knew what was happening!
I NEVER forgot. Just always need to be careful around them. What bothered me is there was no chattering AND he waited for me to get out. I must have scared the peejeevers out of him!

12-10-2016, 01:21 PM
I've been reading the thread Rama Rota King of Costa Rica. Actually, I have spent entirely too much time reading it because it is addictive. I mean, all of those lovely pictures of Rama Rota with all the witty captions. I am now debating on whether I actually did spend TOO MUCH time reading the thread because it was really very worth it with all of the giggles and smiles I got out of it. Rama Rota is beautiful. Plus, I'm really fascinated with the concept of living in Costa Rica.

Anyway, on a more related note, I saw this entry on page 193 of that thread:

By Stosh2010: "I really hope that this PHASE is temporary...but I am almost resigned to the fact that the KING is turning into a one-person squirrel . RamaMama still can charm him, and I on the other hand, have lost his affection. Earlier this week, after playing as usual for about 10 minutes, I took a good bite to the face. A few, harmless, warning little nips in the last few days and then today, for absolutely no apparent reason, I got attacked and bitten multiple times. I saw it in his eyes and his movements, but it was too late. He leaped on my head and started biting my hands, hard, as I tried to cover up.
I found myself in the kitchen , watching him hiding under the furniture, and afraid to even try to return him to his cage. RamaMama came down a few minutes later and eased him, gently into his castle, so that I could enter the room safely. I am devastated. I can't begin to believe that everything is different-FOREVER.
I actually had just written the short essay below, as I sat on the couch, watching Rama's peculiar behavior. I put down my pen -just in time to be leaped on... ??????????

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???

Suddenly…I am the enemy. I have been eliciting warning barks and bites to my fingers for no apparent reason. Playful one minute and aggressive the next. Nature running it’s inevitable, but in my case, regrettable, course. Nature at its worst. I can’t redirect the instinct to wild-up and self protect, but I darn sure will regret it.
I love a little critter that no longer lists me as a friend. Having raised him from the size of a flashlight battery with care and joy, today is the saddest day I can remember. The power of positive thinking doesn’t include being able to reverse the normal, maturing process of a wild animal.
I am sure I will always love him, but for now I don’t like him, one bit, and keeping my distance from a speed demon squirrel is a scary job. The dread of being bitten, again, affects my every move when he is in the same room as I am. His “friendly” stare now portrays a warning, and his “cute” chatter isn’t conversation…it’s a threat.
The atmosphere is confrontational and I am extremely sad. He was my Softie Boy.
Even treats… I hand them to him with fear, arm extended, watching his every gesture, fearing that he will leap and bite-in a split second. It is a terrible, terrible way to feel about a friend.
There must be a way to return to yesterday, or last week, or sometime other than today. Yesterday it was fun and now it is dread. He perceives things and people in a different manner. I watch him from a (safe?) distance and wonder –WHY ? My eyes mist up in the fear that my last playtime with him, yesterday, will actually be my LAST for all time. That is truly a depressing thought.
I sing his morning song again…
He’s a Golden Little, Furry Headed, Rat Faced Boy,
He’s a GOOD BOY, He’s a Rama Rota,….He can be a SOFTIE BOY…
--------------and start to cry."

That happened, it appears to my understanding, when Rama Rota was about a year old. And then from page 193 I've been reading continuously to page 197 and lots of people have shared their stories about their squirrel hitting sexual maturity. And then there were the pictures of squirrel armor, including this one: http://www.dropshots.com/kartoony/date/2010-01-20/10:53:49 , which was really funny. All of this was good research material for me to understand what may or may not happen when my squirrel hits sexual maturity. He only bit me badly once, but I like to know things so I have time to prepare, in case. All of this is to say I think I am actually going to buy the fencing mask because I need to have something, something really squirrel proof for my face just in case, so that I am ready when Rocky Sweetums hits sexual maturity. I have made a commitment of responsibility when I picked this squirrel baby off the ground such that I need to keep him inside when it gets too cold when I am overwintering him. That means that I have to find a way to deal with him even if he is having a bad day. Even if he went so far as attacking my face someday, which hasn't happened yet, I need to find a way to deal with him and handle him and find a way to herd him back to his cage because I've got no one else to save me from a theoretical squirrel attack! I can't be held hostage in my own house by a squirrel, even if those claws and teeth are gnarly, and I can't just automatically evict him and throw him out if he becomes unruly (Illinois cold is so brutal, and I wouldn't wish that on my worst frenemy)!

What if he decides to join the squirrel hormonal dark side like Rama Rota? I will have to wear a helmet mask combo like Darth Vader and be like trying to remind him, "Rocky Sweetums, I am your mother........."

Thank you for everybody's help and input! Very helpful information! :serene

12-10-2016, 02:54 PM
Maybe get a light saver too! :grin3

12-10-2016, 03:03 PM
I notice your sweatshirt in this picture. By any chance does your sweatshirt say "2nd hand Ranch, Princeton, IL"? It is hard for me to tell, but that is my best guess when looking closely. If so, that is interesting coincidence because I lived in the very tiny, rural town of Princeton, IL. for one semester back when I was doing an internship at rural Perry Memorial Hospital. I didn't even know Princeton had an animal rescue. I did a google search and did my best to figure it out after seeing your sweatshirt in the photo.

Not to try and SPOOK you----
they are BITERS of Opportunity.
I personally have gotten the face attack twice..., ( 5 years ago )-- very close to an eye.
I keep a home made helmet--very close to me-- when certain squirrels are loose in the house.

Nancy in New York
12-10-2016, 03:24 PM
I notice your sweatshirt in this picture. By any chance does your sweatshirt say "2nd hand Ranch, Princeton, IL"? It is hard for me to tell, but that is my best guess when looking closely. If so, that is interesting coincidence because I lived in the very tiny, rural town of Princeton, IL. for one semester back when I was doing an internship at rural Perry Memorial Hospital. I didn't even know Princeton had an animal rescue. I did a google search and did my best to figure it out after seeing your sweatshirt in the photo.

Yes, she's a member here.
Her user name is 2ndHandRanchRescue
Here's her website:

12-11-2016, 02:03 PM
I did not know anything about squirrels when these orphans entered our lives. Pumpkin the one who just wasn't able to be released with the others got his first cage a couple of weeks ago. Not because I really thought he needed it he spent the night in the bathroom and the day in another room but because I realized I needed to trust people who knew about squirrels. I wanted to believe he is the exception and not like any other squirrel out there. For his safety my husbands safety and the best quality of life sometimes you just have to rely on other people's wisdom. I was told early on to stop taking him outside as he was going to winter over inside because of the likely possibility he would wild up so I stopped taking him. The biggest mistakes I have made with him, diet and introducing him to my other animals was when I didn't ask. Now I'm a pest on here but pumpkin is noticeably happier and healthier. Having a squirrel "own you" is the most amazing experience I love my horses and other animals but honestly pumpkin is my heart. He also is the most challenging, difficult life altering (it's difficult to leave) animal. Squirrels belong if at all possible in the trees. If they can't responsibly be released these people on tsb know there stuff! Best of luck to you and the difficult decisions you have to make for your little one. I know it's so difficult.
I agree totally with everything you just said.:serene

12-11-2016, 02:08 PM
All of these were pretty minor. No scars and I should also point out that none of them were an attack. He just doesn't know that faces aren't for climbing and when they're playing they're pretty fast so it's not always possible to shield yourself in time.

Walter is the perfect gentleman and even in his released life he still comes back to play (which will ultimately result in scratches.)

Most of the time when playing with him, before his release, I would put thick socks on my hands and wear a hoodie and tie the hoodie strings halfway up my face so at least the lower half of my face was covered. I also wore two long sleeved tops so that his claws didn't get all the way through the material. That mostly worked. The pictures are all as a result of me going straight to play with him without putting on 'squirrel armor' first!squirrel armor. That's funny. I to did all of that. My boy is over 2 years old now. He has learned how to jump and walk on me softly, now all I do is have a fleece blanket on like a cape. My cats leave more scratches than he does now.

12-11-2016, 02:12 PM
This thread started where someone was nervous after having been bitten and she questioned the possibility of a bite to the face. The pictures from Birdy were scary looking and that is what prompted me to find some protection for her.

I have no intention of wearing gloves. I have less intention of ever wearing a face shield. I'm going into a lifetime relationship with NR Pinkie the Albino with Love in my Heart and Trust on my Mind. Anything shy of that, I should not have her !!!
When my boy was young I wore goggles over my eyes and a sweat shirt with a hood. Now I don't anymore as he has learned how to jump and walk on me softly.

12-11-2016, 08:02 PM
I notice your sweatshirt in this picture. By any chance does your sweatshirt say "2nd hand Ranch, Princeton, IL"? It is hard for me to tell, but that is my best guess when looking closely. If so, that is interesting coincidence because I lived in the very tiny, rural town of Princeton, IL. for one semester back when I was doing an internship at rural Perry Memorial Hospital. I didn't even know Princeton had an animal rescue. I did a google search and did my best to figure it out after seeing your sweatshirt in the photo.
Yes ...Nancy is the owner of 2nd. Hand Ranch...and I won the sweatshirt from her---many years ago. It is the shirt I use every night to snuggle with the DUDE.....

12-12-2016, 01:05 AM
my guy went Alpha violent approaching a year old when his nuts got huge and black, the behaviour lasted a few months, I did some obsessive behavioural training to avoid developing habits etc and took some bites- one member of our household never went near him again- and once his balls finally shrank again he stopped being such a jerk, but he did develop some rote reactions that stuck so mind the repetition- he responds SO WELL to sounds paired with actions, it is like he wants to learn my base vocalizations (happy sad hurt, mad, play) and respond so that is a goldmine.

12-14-2016, 12:13 AM
some encounters with Walter.


Do you clip your squirrels nails? I was given a squirrel that had started hitting puberty and wanted to play fight all the time and the owners couldn't take the pain of the scratches all the time. I took him off their hands, spent about 2 weeks gaining his trust until he treated me like his new parent, then tired him out from playing all day, and while he laid down to sleep on me I clipped all his nails. I have to repeat this process about every 2 weeks, and never clip past the dark colored part in his nail but it is so amazing. He doesn't tear up my flesh or my clothes when we play fight together, so the only cuts I get are his bites when he starts playing a little rough, and even then I just scold him with a flick to his side or belly (never the face) and a stern "No" and he bites softer. :w00t

12-14-2016, 01:08 AM
Personally have never had one attack me in the face.
Always hands and fingers if they want to let you know to back off.

Now I've had many jump and land directly on my face. Not attacking but sometimes they just launch and when they land they dig those claws in so it's not a good thing.

12-14-2016, 10:22 AM
Do you clip your squirrels nails? I was given a squirrel that had started hitting puberty and wanted to play fight all the time and the owners couldn't take the pain of the scratches all the time. I took him off their hands, spent about 2 weeks gaining his trust until he treated me like his new parent, then tired him out from playing all day, and while he laid down to sleep on me I clipped all his nails. I have to repeat this process about every 2 weeks, and never clip past the dark colored part in his nail but it is so amazing. He doesn't tear up my flesh or my clothes when we play fight together, so the only cuts I get are his bites when he starts playing a little rough, and even then I just scold him with a flick to his side or belly (never the face) and a stern "No" and he bites softer. :w00t

I didn't clip his nails because I knew I was going to release him and I didn't want to interfere too much with anything that was going to help protect him in the wild.

Walter for sure doesn't understand the word "No." He understands his name and that there are nuts in my pocket and that's about it!

12-14-2016, 12:42 PM
I'm trying to think about what would be best for Rocky Sweetums. My plan for him originally was to release him as soon as I could, but by the time he was 5 months, Fall had already passed and winter had creeped its ugly head in, and then there is that part of me that is really attached and is really in love with that little rat-faced boy. I want what is best for him, though, to be happy, healthy, to be a squirrel. I used to sing to him to the tune of that Neil Diamond song (Girl, you'll be a woman soon), "Squirrel, you'll be a big squirrel soon....Squirrel, come take my hand....!" He used to be a little baby, but now he really is a big squirrel, almost an all grown up big man squirrel. His care has become more complicated as he gets older. All I want is the best for him.

The thing is, now is a bad time for me in my life to be handling so much because I am in the middle of life transitions of contemplating and working on facilitating a move out of the state and selling my two houses. Rocky Sweetums has been a little bit restless because he can't go outside lately because it's been too cold and snowy. I put him in the large handicap adapted bathroom and he is mostly fine in there, but he likes to try to gnaw on the wood of the door. I duct tape cardboard over the bottom of the door, but he chews through that. He hasn't done any really horrible extensive damage, though what he has done doesn't look too good, but it adds considerable worry into my life that he may do worse (I'm not too handy at fixing things). More-so, I worry about something else: I periodically have house showings sometimes, have people in and out for strictly business reasons (by appointment only), and I worry that I will eventually get into trouble by a potential homebuyer/realtor if they raise questions (technically, this is illegal) when they see him in his cage. Nobody has said anything, or asked about anything so far. They either don't care or are adequately distracted by the iguana and the box tortoise in their enclosures. I didn't worry before about anybody raising eyebrows about this, but now that he is a little more restless at times, it makes me worry.

I see that 2ndhandranch hasn't been active in a while. I was wondering if anybody thinks that could be a possibility, like I could make a donation and give her the stuff I have for his care and she could maybe overwinter him and make sure he gets a proper release in the spring time. I know Princeton, IL. a little bit because I lived there for one semester back when I was doing an internship there. It is like a 2.5 hour drive. Do you think she would be willing to help me and Rocky Sweetums, or do you think she is also too overwhelmed right now with chemo and stuff? I read that she was getting chemo treatments, but even then she was still rehabbing squirrels and bunnies back in April. I would hate to ever put something else on somebody who is already even more overwhelmed than me. If you do think it is possible that she might want to help and still does stuff like that, does anybody know how best to contact her? Or does anyone have any better ideas? I am open to all advice on this.

I'm willing to do whatever it takes within reason to ensure the best life for Rocky Sweetums, even if it means figuring out how to keep him with me for a while until he can be released properly.

Thanks so much!