View Full Version : Baytril

12-04-2016, 04:07 PM
I have been trying for about a week now to get my hands on some Baytril just to have on hand. Having no luck with the local vets, or finding any friends/family with access.
Is there a rehabber near me (Gainesville FL) that might be able to help me out? I am not looking for a hand out, I would pay for a prescription if I could get my hands on one!

12-04-2016, 05:06 PM
It might be a little drive but you could contact Ravenwood vet clinic 386-788-1550. Dr. Alicia Emerson is a fellow squirrel lover and if you explain why you want it she will probably be willing to work with you on writing a Rx. The vet ofc is located in Pt. Orange. Good luck.

12-04-2016, 05:27 PM
You may have more luck finding Cipro. It is the human medication that is equal to Baytril. It is often given to women for UTIs. Ask around to family and friends. People often do not finish prescriptions and all you really need is one tablet.

12-07-2016, 09:34 AM
Thanks guys!
I called that vet today - my little guy aspirated today and I am kicking myself for not doing this Monday just in case. She is a 6 hour round trip... hopefully she can point me to a more local vet- or in worse case scenario I will make that haul!

I also located an actual rehad center, which I am about to call. Hopefully they will not euthanize a sick squirrel, and another worse case scenario is I will turn him over if he gets sick and I have no other options.

I also asked everyone I know about cipro- raising many eyebrows- and have been unlucky... I will find help one way or another, darn it! :)
Little guy opened his eyes last night, I am so in love, but I won't let him stay if I can't provide him with medical attention.

12-07-2016, 10:18 AM
I found a couple of online sellers of Baytril and other antibiotics. Can anyone tell me if these would be appropriate, or any suggestions on what exactly I should order.



12-07-2016, 04:00 PM
Thanks guys!
I called that vet today - my little guy aspirated today and I am kicking myself for not doing this Monday just in case. She is a 6 hour round trip... hopefully she can point me to a more local vet- or in worse case scenario I will make that haul!

I also located an actual rehad center, which I am about to call. Hopefully they will not euthanize a sick squirrel, and another worse case scenario is I will turn him over if he gets sick and I have no other options.

I also asked everyone I know about cipro- raising many eyebrows- and have been unlucky... I will find help one way or another, darn it! :)
Little guy opened his eyes last night, I am so in love, but I won't let him stay if I can't provide him with medical attention.

What are you feeding him with?
Is he "clicking" when he breathes on inhale and exhale?

Nancy in New York
12-07-2016, 04:05 PM
Thanks guys!
I called that vet today - my little guy aspirated today and I am kicking myself for not doing this Monday just in case. She is a 6 hour round trip... hopefully she can point me to a more local vet- or in worse case scenario I will make that haul!

I also located an actual rehad center, which I am about to call. Hopefully they will not euthanize a sick squirrel, and another worse case scenario is I will turn him over if he gets sick and I have no other options.

I also asked everyone I know about cipro- raising many eyebrows- and have been unlucky... I will find help one way or another, darn it! :)
Little guy opened his eyes last night, I am so in love, but I won't let him stay if I can't provide him with medical attention.

Where in Florida are you located. We have many members there, and perhaps one can help.

12-07-2016, 05:08 PM
What are you feeding him with?
Is he "clicking" when he breathes on inhale and exhale?

I am feeding him with both syringe and miracle nipple bought from Henry's. I hold the syringe nipple up while feeding him. I have been cutting back on night time feedings, and this morning he was super hyper about feeding and I guess I went too quickly :(

No, he is not making any clicking noises, would the clicking take time to develop?

This is a picture of feeding time


12-07-2016, 05:09 PM
Where in Florida are you located. We have many members there, and perhaps one can help.

I am located near Gainesville

12-07-2016, 05:31 PM
Is the wildlife center Florida Wildlife Care?
I wouldn't go there.
Many rehab centers will euthanize sick or injured babies.

If the baby snorted milk in the nose, it doesn't mean that formula entered the lungs. The formula must get in the lungs to cause aspiration pneumonia.

I am sending you a Private Message.

12-07-2016, 06:42 PM
I truly appreciate the responses! Thank you!

I had noticed that Stu sometimes would snort formula that gathered around the miracle nipple and sneeze it out... but this morning he didn't have any formula on his nose when he started coughing and formula came out of his nose. I have been able to feed him twice since then, and his appetite seems just fine, but I figured it might take a day for pneumonia to set in and cause symptoms.

Indeed, FWC is the closest rehab center to me. I got the impression from their website that they frowned upon at home care of squirrels by untrained people. (Maybe these situations are the reason why :( )
I feel that I have done pretty well with Stu (minus my feeding difficulty). He has doubled his weight in two weeks, and I am willing to dedicate any time and money I need to raising him for release... so I wouldn't want to turn him over to a place that might decide he isn't worth the resources to care for.

Here is Stu the day after we found him

And here he is is today

It is pretty impossible not to just adore him!

12-07-2016, 08:15 PM
When they're hungry they will suck the nipple WAY too hard and fast. They create such a vacuum that they can pull the plunger down without you even touching it. This is what you want to avoid. You need to pull back on the plunger so that you control the flow. This will prevent them from strangling on formula and getting it into the lungs.

Always feed with the nipple pointing up into the mouth. Never feed the baby on the back like a human baby.

FWC was a licensed center but things got out of control. I need to check their current status. I know they were closed down. Even if they have reopened I would never trust them.

12-09-2016, 02:02 AM
I work in a vet clinic (also treats wildlife) and I buy Baytril at cost through them. The inventory person orders it for me whenever I need it so I always have a steady supply for my squirrels. If anyone would like, I can probably buy a bottle and mail it to whoever is interested (if that's even legal?)

12-09-2016, 04:05 AM
I work in a vet clinic (also treats wildlife) and I buy Baytril at cost through them. The inventory person orders it for me whenever I need it so I always have a steady supply for my squirrels. If anyone would like, I can probably buy a bottle and mail it to whoever is interested (if that's even legal?)
If we concerned ourselves over legalities the majority of squirrels on here wouldn't get treated.
However, I wouldn't let your employment know you were (considering) doing this for others.
As a business it's usually all about profit, they would most likely frown on you doing this.
We could certinally appreciate it though...:grin2

12-09-2016, 06:47 AM
it can be bought from overseas online pharmacys which is also illegal but its usually non generic. You can also get several other antibiotics from survivalist outfitters sold here in the US but its marketed for fish only so the FdA cant say **** about it but people buy it for other reasons. I honestly dolnt think Baytril is legal to use for any type of animal where there can be a secondary consumption issue because it can give humans seizures cipro is slightly diffrent than baytril i guess diffrent chemical composition or something so that its safe for humans.

12-09-2016, 07:35 AM
If we concerned ourselves over legalities ...

... no one could ever actually accomplish anything. :rotfl

There are over 21,000 Federal laws currently enacted / in force. Add to that the Federal Register which contains the rules and regulations that are written to clarify the "laws" that are basically tacked onto the law after the fact and used for enacting and enforcement... for the last 20 years the registry has topped 20,000 pages annually. In 2015 alone there were 80,260 pages of these rules and regulations and as of the date of this post (rant?) that number has already been exceeded for 2016. Then there are 50 different states follow similar procedures. Then Counties. And Cities.

I believe I am safe in saying that we are all lawbreakers (and I think it is highly probably those writing the laws and regulations are violating other laws and regulations (or minimally creating conflicting ones?)). I am a simple person, so I focus on The Golden Rule and those 15 commandments (remember when Moses (Mel Brooks) dropped and smashed the 3rd tablet with the other 5 commandments?!?!)... it just makes things simpler.

It is my opinion that TSB is comprised almost entirely of people interested in meaningful achievements and positive outcomes. In a word "doers".

12-09-2016, 08:08 AM
Burr- that is a very nice offer, thank you so much! For now, I have been helped out, and I don't want to take advantage of all your generosity. Thanks for the offer though!

I just got off the phone with the Vet that was recommended in the beginning of this thread. She was very nice and helpful, even gave me her cell phone number in case I have additional questions!
She basically told me it was common for squirrel babies to sneeze out formula, and that doesn't necessarily indicate aspiration. She said they have a good gag reflex and unless he gives me a really wet sounding cough or doesn't go right back to feeding, that he is likely ok. She also mentioned that if he does sneeze out formula, I shouldn't yank the nipple away from him, as it can actually create more of a vacuum and cause aspiration when he might just had it up his nose. Really good advice, since I know that was my first instinct to him sneezing out formula.

Stu is doing fine. I was over anxious (if you no knew me, you would not be surprised :) ). He has almost tripled his weight now in the 2 weeks I have had him. We have almost cut out night feedings, and last night he had his first taste of henrys blocks. He promptly shredded the small piece I gave him, but it was great to see him attempt it.

Thank you all for all the help and suggestions. I will be happy to have some antibiotics on hand for just in case.

12-09-2016, 09:25 AM
The very knowledgeable squirrel vet...

"...also mentioned that if he does sneeze out formula, I shouldn't yank the nipple away from him, as it can actually create more of a vacuum and cause aspiration when he might just had it up his nose. Really good advice, since I know that was my first instinct to him sneezing out formula.


This is excellent advice and cannot be repeated too often! I believe everyone has that same "yank it" reaction initially so it is important to know the dangers!

Thank you for sharing! I am confident a lot of folks will benefit from your post! :thumbsup

12-12-2016, 08:05 PM
Oh, I'm not concerned about whether or not it's legal, merely curious :grin2 Our inventory person knows I order medication for the animals I rehab, and I lend it out to other rehabbers regularly and she knows. Again, I'd be most happy to help anyone in a pinch. It is a bit steeply priced at about $30 a bottle wholesale, but good health is worth all the money in the world, as all of us know!

12-15-2016, 01:15 PM
All is well with Stu :) thanks for all the offers and advice! He is roughly 6 weeks old now