View Full Version : My next-door neighbor has placed a squirrel trap, and caught one

12-04-2016, 12:40 PM
I was devastated when I saw a trap in my neighbor's backyard this morning, and a fox squirrel was in it. I've been a rehabber for almost two years now. I live in a great location bordering a park with a good squirrel population. Apparently squirrels are creating havoc on his lawn and flowers. I assume he will release it somewhere else, or bring it to the Wildlife Rehab Center near where I live. What I'm really concerned is that he will catch several of my squirrels that I've released. These fox squirrels which I've raised I'm very attached to. They come to me all the time. I can even pick them up and pet them. It's a real joy and novelty that I've worked very hard to create.

Any suggestions ?

12-04-2016, 02:34 PM
Go talk to him. There are also some natural deterrents that he can place around in his yard to discourage squirrels like garlic, cayenne etc. a quick Google search will probably list a few other non-life threatening suggestions.

I hope he will understand and be reasonable. I know exactly how you feel. I have worked very hard to achieve the same thing and I would be hysterical. :eek:boohoo

12-04-2016, 05:41 PM
I understand exactly what you are going thru. I completely agree, that you should start with a dialog. Hopefully, he will be understanding. But, some just aren't, and no matter what you say, it isn't going to change their minds.

This is a pretty surefire way of keeping squirrels and other varmits away: racoon urine, bobcat urine or sometimes people urine!
If you are lucky, he will purchase his own, and thus save you the expense. If he doesn't seem open to the idea of spending any money on it, then if you can afford it, it would probably be a good idea for you to offer to supply it

I'm not really sure how much animal urine goes for, but if it is too pricey, you could go for the old staple: your own urine. ( but I wouldn't tell him that, haha).

I know that we have had this discussion on here before. And we had even discussed subversive tactics of how to deploy it, without the neighbor knowing. I think the best tactic was to use one of those super-soaker kids plastic guns.

Good luck and krep us posted about how its going!

12-04-2016, 05:50 PM
If the trap is within your reach, let the animal out of it. Personally, I rendered the traps unusable when my neighbor hired a service. You can get a super soaker water gun and fill it with ammonia. Spray the trap with it to try to deter them from entering it.
I know that here in CT, it is illegal to relocate wildlife in many cases. They are not treated in a homane manner and I do not trust that anyone else would be humane either, Start with a dialog, but release any you see trapped if possible.

12-07-2016, 11:02 PM
Sunday & Monday night I was able to reach over the 5-foot wall (with aid of step stool) and with a long stick, I was able to trip the trap which is only about 3 1/2 feet from the wall. I ordered some fox urine from Lowe's, and planning to boil that concoction with chili peppers, peppercorn, chili powder, cayenne, and lemon juice. But last night and tonight my neighbor didn't re-set the trap. Fortunately, I can see his backyard patio from my window to monitor it.

I don't want to confront him yet because I don't want him to suspect what I'm doing. I just want to appear I'm minding my own business for now. But what's a mystery to me, is what did he do with the squirrel he caught Sunday morning. I was away all afternoon and couldn't monitor his whereabouts, or if he transported the trap somewhere. I know he doesn't have another cage to put it in where he would have to feed it. Though I didn't think he killed it, I went through his trash early this morning (Wed)at 5:00am before trash collection, just to be sure. But that doesn't mean he did the unthinkable. Maybe he played it safe and disposed of it somewhere else. I'm hoping he released it somewhere else. But not knowing haunts me.

Between spraying that fox urine and other stuff, and closing the trap, I'm hoping to win the battle.

I really appreciate all those inputs from TSB.....as always many thanks to you all. I know you're rooting for my efforts.

12-08-2016, 08:12 AM

12-08-2016, 08:32 AM
Good work but be careful!

12-08-2016, 08:33 AM
I can't believe some people will choose to capture and maybe kill a living animal so they can have a pretty lawn and flowers. It doesn't make sense:tap

12-08-2016, 12:41 PM
Glad you can set them free...I have several outside right now digging up acorns and pretty soon they will be hanging off my bird feeders but hey that's OK they have to eat too!! These are all wilds never raised one. I have about 200-300 hundred acres out behind my house an a school so they have it made. There are at least 3 nests I can see from my back door. Nice fat fluffernutters around here!!

12-08-2016, 01:26 PM
I ordered some fox urine from Lowe's, and planning to boil that concoction with chili peppers, peppercorn, chili powder, cayenne, and lemon juice. .

OK, I am pretty sure that you will have to have your house condemned if you do this. Any family members will beat you with sticks. Give the urine a whiff before you start cooking. It is powerful stuff on it's own.

12-08-2016, 02:47 PM
If the trap is within your reach, let the animal out of it. Personally, I rendered the traps unusable when my neighbor hired a service. You can get a super soaker water gun and fill it with ammonia. Spray the trap with it to try to deter them from entering it.
I know that here in CT, it is illegal to relocate wildlife in many cases. They are not treated in a homane manner and I do not trust that anyone else would be humane either, Start with a dialog, but release any you see trapped if possible.
That's a brilliant idea!

12-08-2016, 05:04 PM
Oh Randy 14, you paint quite a picture!
Whether cooking up a concoction or my pesonal favorite:
" I went through his trash at 5:00 am, making sure he didn't do the unthinkable."

I swear these squirrels are going to be the end of us all!

12-08-2016, 09:14 PM
:laugh2 I just love "us" :highfive necessity is the mother of invention :grin3

I'm just wondering if he's trying to catch something else like a cat :dono maybe he let the squirrel go:great what does he have in the trap as a lure? That would tell you for sure.

Good luck and keep up the good work :w00t

10-10-2018, 09:53 AM
I am new to this board for this very reason. I feed the squirrels all year round and allow them to eat from my bird feeders. My neighbor hates any wildlife that interferes with his "perfect lawn". In the past he has trapped the squirrels and says he relocates but I don't believe that is what he does as I have seen him shooting into my yard(I stopped that). I have asked him if I can relocate for him but the last time he got mad so I don't want to further anger him. Now that fall is here and the squirrels are busy he has 2 traps bordering my yard. I have read all your suggestions and am going to get some fox urine and a high pressure squirt gone. My question is ---does ammonia work just as well as fox urine or is there something special in the fox urine. Does male human urine work equally well? I want to spray them as soon as possible because it makes me sick to think about the squirrels in the trap. I know my husband would be willing to give his urine because he helps me relocate the squirrels. Thanks! I plan on spraying the traps at nite when he won't see me.

10-10-2018, 11:23 AM
Fox urine probably works best and it is REALLY stinky. You may have to dilute it down a bit in water. Be careful, this neighbor sounds crazy. It is too bad you can't have a reasonable conversation with your neighbor, what is wrong with people these days? :( How could anyone really object to an offer to relocate a squirrel several miles away for free?

I am new to this board for this very reason. I feed the squirrels all year round and allow them to eat from my bird feeders. My neighbor hates any wildlife that interferes with his "perfect lawn". In the past he has trapped the squirrels and says he relocates but I don't believe that is what he does as I have seen him shooting into my yard(I stopped that). I have asked him if I can relocate for him but the last time he got mad so I don't want to further anger him. Now that fall is here and the squirrels are busy he has 2 traps bordering my yard. I have read all your suggestions and am going to get some fox urine and a high pressure squirt gone. My question is ---does ammonia work just as well as fox urine or is there something special in the fox urine. Does male human urine work equally well? I want to spray them as soon as possible because it makes me sick to think about the squirrels in the trap. I know my husband would be willing to give his urine because he helps me relocate the squirrels. Thanks! I plan on spraying the traps at nite when he won't see me.

10-10-2018, 02:47 PM
I am not sure fox urine will work or if any type of urine will actually work. I only say that because it didn't work very well here for me. All of the squirrels just sniffed it and continued about their business. It really had no affect on them at all. I used all types of urine (bobcat, coyote, fox, raccoon, etc etc, ... even human urine), tried all types of deterrents, tried ammonia, etc etc. I tried anything and just about everything to deter the squirrels from the traps. Years ago what I had to do was sit outside all day long and anytime I saw a squirrel going near the trap I would chase it away. That year I was lucky, by doing that no squirrels got trapped. The last couple of years I could no longer do the chasing away due to new neighbors. Sociopath down the street from me was also trapping them. Last year well over 100 squirrels got trapped between these two neighbors but this year the sociopath decided to shoot them with bb gun out of trees, killing and maiming them. He said he loves to shoot them out of trees and watch them suffer until they take their last breath. Dozens and dozens and dozens have been shot by this psycho.

As for your situation I would still try any type of deterrent, as I said here it did not work for my squirrels but may very well work for yours. I wish you much luck and much success.

10-11-2018, 05:21 AM
Fox urine probably works best and it is REALLY stinky. You may have to dilute it down a bit in water. Be careful, this neighbor sounds crazy. It is too bad you can't have a reasonable conversation with your neighbor, what is wrong with people these days? :( How could anyone really object to an offer to relocate a squirrel several miles away for free?

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately when I got home from work yesterday he had 2 squirrels in the trap that he quickly got rid of when he saw me coming home from work. He puts the cages in his pond and drowns them. I am sick about this. In the past I have "stolen" the traps when he wasn't looking and released and returned. I have been feeding these squirrels all year and they were at the point that they wouldn't even run when they saw me. He puts the cages right on the border of the property where I have to stare at them whenever I am outside. I will keep trying:sadness

10-11-2018, 07:18 AM
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately when I got home from work yesterday he had 2 squirrels in the trap that he quickly got rid of when he saw me coming home from work. He puts the cages in his pond and drowns them. I am sick about this. In the past I have "stolen" the traps when he wasn't looking and released and returned. I have been feeding these squirrels all year and they were at the point that they wouldn't even run when they saw me. He puts the cages right on the border of the property where I have to stare at them whenever I am outside. I will keep trying:sadness

That is soooo CRUEL..and the sign of someone I wouldn't want to interact with. I have loved many squirrels over the past 9 years and tonight I will have nightmares thinking about his killing pond.

I would imagine there are authorities that could intercede...but if you can't remain anonymous...it may become a Neighbor War.
This is an old thread---BUT---Starts NEW on POST 14...

10-11-2018, 07:37 AM
That makes me sick. :( Godspeed gentle squirrels.

10-11-2018, 07:50 AM
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately when I got home from work yesterday he had 2 squirrels in the trap that he quickly got rid of when he saw me coming home from work. He puts the cages in his pond and drowns them. I am sick about this. In the past I have "stolen" the traps when he wasn't looking and released and returned. I have been feeding these squirrels all year and they were at the point that they wouldn't even run when they saw me. He puts the cages right on the border of the property where I have to stare at them whenever I am outside. I will keep trying:sadness

Have you called around to local agencies to be sure what he’s doing is legal? Wildlife services, animal control, aspca, PETA...one of them might be able to offer some help or advice. PETA is pretty involved in animal issues.

10-11-2018, 11:47 AM
Dear God. I shouldn't have read that. My neighbor and I would be at WAR!
It would be a brawl and the POLICE would definitely be involved. Someone might actually not walk away. Someone would definitely be in jail. NO ONE does that in my face and I'll just take it! NO chance!! NOT today or EVER!

10-11-2018, 03:36 PM
What a miserable excuse for a human being!! I would absolutely report him!! I'd try to put up a camera and catch him doing it.