View Full Version : Claws getting stuck everywhere

12-04-2016, 05:26 AM
My palm squirrel is 4 mths old now. She's been very playful all the time, jumping all over the room. But recently I've noticed her claws are getting stuck when she tries climbing on bed or curtains. Even on my shoulders. And she then tries to shake her legs out of it. I've read somewhere it could be a sign of MBD and so i want to start treating her for it just in case.
She also makes little sounds as if she's in pain when she gets stuck somewhere and its not getting out while shaking. Her diet is usually rice, fruits, veggies (she doesn't eat much veggies - just eats rice and leaves everything else) sips buffalo milk once a day. Loves almonds and eats about 2 a day.

What drew my attention is when she started avoiding taking long jumps she usually did alot of. And in just a few days later, she's even avoiding short jumps and would rather take long routes as long as she doesn't have to jump her way.
My plan is to get some calcium tablets and crush them and mix a little amount in water, increasing her milk feedings to 2 times a day (she only takes small amts) and adding more veggies to her diet (lettuce okra pumpkin) and taking away almonds.
Perhaps you good people can help me out with this. Or is there anything else i can do to help her recover faster. She won't let me clip her nails.
Also, what kind of calcium tablets should i look for? Just the regular over the counter calcium tablets?

12-04-2016, 05:40 AM
I agree Annie, all of the symptoms do suggest Metabolic Bone Disease in the early stages. I'm glad you recognized it so that you can intervene before the serious side effects like paralysis and seizures set in.
Here is the link to the MBD treatment.

I realize that you're in India and things are different but rice isn't something that squirrels would normally eat. I would have to look up the nutritional aspects of rice but clearly it isn't meaning her needs. Is there any chance you could find a rodent block in India? I know she wouldn't eat it plain but it could ground and used as a base mixed with other tasty things that she likes.

Get a calcium that doesn't have Vitamin D. That might be difficult to find. They do need some Vitamin D but you will be megadosing the calcium to treat the MBD but you can't megadose the Vitamin D as it can be toxic to squirrels in high doses.

Good luck to you Annie. We are here to help you.

12-04-2016, 05:57 AM
Anne, I looked up the calcium to phosphorus ratio of rice. It is high in phosphorus. The ratio is (1:4.3). It has 1 part of calcium to 4.3 parts of phosphorus. This is a ratio similar to nuts. Nuts are unhealthy and can't be fed as a staple. The same is true of rice. It is unhealthy. You will need to stop feeding rice.

The problem with foods high in phosphorus is that the body will attempt to balance out the these 2 minerals. The body needs 2 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorus (2:1). When high phosphorus foods are fed the body will balance this out by pulling calcium from the bones. This is what causes MBD. Her bones are brittle right now so be careful that she doesn't fall. She could easily break a bone.

You will have to change her diet. It won't be easy but it is 100% necessary. Calcium rich foods are needed. The buffalo milk is good as a calcium source. I would also offer her yogurt. Some squirrels love yogurt. Her diet will need to include calcium rich vegetables.

12-04-2016, 06:08 AM
Here is a chart that will help you. It is a chart that give the calcium to phosphorus ratio of different foods. You will be able to determine which foods are good and which ones you need to avoid.
Look at kale, chinese cabbage and oranges. They have very good ratios and are therefore GOOD foods.
Now look at pine nuts and other nuts and seeds. They have very bad ratios and must be avoided or used only as treats. The pine nuts are HORRIBLE! This is the reason we feed nuts only as treats in limited amounts. Unfortunately, most of the foods they really love are bad for them. Actually I guess that applies to us also. :tilt


island rehabber
12-04-2016, 06:47 AM
I agree 100% with everything HRT4SQRLS said above, and want to also suggest that you look for some fruits that your girl will like also. I believe that palm squirrels have a natural diet that is higher in fruits than our North American tree squirrels normally eat, as they are in a tropical environment. Fruits will provide other nutrients she probably desperately needs.

Applauding you for your sharp, caring eye and recognition that something is wrong! Good squirrel mamma :clap

12-04-2016, 12:15 PM
Thank you so much guys, somehow i missed looking up rice nutritional value. We have papaya available here at hand so i guess that would be first thing she gets in the morning. We dont have rodent blocks or kale here sadly, or aragula etc. We do have green cabbage(good calcium right?), lettuce coriander orange pumpkin which could form most of the diet probably.
Also, I've heard spinach isn't considered good for squirrels is that so?

I'll look for calcium tabs w.o vit d in it.

12-04-2016, 06:21 PM
If you can get the proper ingredients, there are several recipes you can find on the board for making your own blocks. Also you can give her some fruit flavored tums to get calcium in her now. Also email henrys healthy blocks for pet squirrel's and see if they can ship to India. Best wishes she bounces back real soon.

12-04-2016, 06:41 PM
From what I've read they eat grubs and insects also. Maybe you could do a little bug collecting....eeww.

island rehabber
12-04-2016, 06:42 PM
Thank you so much guys, somehow i missed looking up rice nutritional value. We have papaya available here at hand so i guess that would be first thing she gets in the morning. We dont have rodent blocks or kale here sadly, or aragula etc. We do have green cabbage(good calcium right?), lettuce coriander orange pumpkin which could form most of the diet probably.
Also, I've heard spinach isn't considered good for squirrels is that so?

I'll look for calcium tabs w.o vit d in it.

If she likes papaya, that is one of the highest calcium fruits there is! :great

12-05-2016, 01:04 AM
Gosh. You have gotten wonderful suggestions from everyone.
Your little squirrel is lucky to have you for her mom!
I do want to stress that it is usually very hard to change their diets! Squirrels do not like change!
But you have to remain firm, and only give her things off of the healthy list.
She probably won't like the changes at first. But don't give in to her! She will look at you with her pathetic little squirrel eyes. But, this can be a life or death situation. So you must stick to her new diet plan.

Many of us here, have been thru it ourselves, so we know how difficult it is at times. But there is always someone here, who can offer you support or advice if you need it.
We know it won't be easy. But I promise you, that no squirrel has ever starved itself to death. She will eat when she gets hungry enough..
So just hang in there, and remember that you are doing this to help her.

And yes, you are right. Spinach is not a food they should have.
Also, there is an over the counter medication that is sold here in the America's, it is called "Tums". I think you should be able to find it there. It is for heartburn. If you can't find it at any of the stores, you might try some of the hotels that cater to American's. They are large, fruit flavored tablets, that are basically pure calcium. You need to crush 1 tablet, then mix it with a small amount of water. Then follow the MBD protocal.
(The Tums are quite tasty, and many squirrels will eat them like a treat.)

And they are right about palm squirrels and insects.
It seems I remember something about ants. I think they provide some much needed nutrients..

Good luck and please ask any questions you need to. And remember, we are here to help you in any way we can.

12-05-2016, 04:44 AM
are you sure you dont need to just trim the nail tips a bit? sometimes if they get too long from lack of bark and digging or if the softer part underneath catches a synthetic thread from cloth or toys in cage they can cut in and get a nick in the nail underside- or even can split the tip a bit!!- and then it catches on everything- whenever something like that happens I just trim the nail with kitten nail trimmers (just the white tip bit, never cut into the wide dark area, there are blood and nerves, same as a cat or bird) and it is just fine, but yeah, if they catch on something they will get scared like it grabbed them and make angry noise. I just check/trim my guy once every 2 weeks and it solves that

12-05-2016, 11:22 AM
are you sure you dont need to just trim the nail tips a bit? sometimes if they get too long from lack of bark and digging or if the softer part underneath catches a synthetic thread from cloth or toys in cage they can cut in and get a nick in the nail underside- or even can split the tip a bit!!- and then it catches on everything- whenever something like that happens I just trim the nail with kitten nail trimmers (just the white tip bit, never cut into the wide dark area, there are blood and nerves, same as a cat or bird) and it is just fine, but yeah, if they catch on something they will get scared like it grabbed them and make angry noise. I just check/trim my guy once every 2 weeks and it solves that

Palm squirrels are like small hyper rats. You cant hold them down for 2 sec unless they're nicely tamed and mine isn't... also I've noticed after giving her a small dose of calcium mixed water yesterday, she was slightly more active today. Could be deficiency of calcium after all. I'll keep you guys posted, you all give wonder advice and I'm following all I can.
I've got this calcium tablets for her since they didn't have TUMS;


The side effects are concerning but I guess it's the right tablets?

Sudden change of diet isn't helping at all. She looks at oranges like alien food. Gives a disgusting look at ants lol now I understand what you meant by its going to be hard.