12-03-2016, 04:05 PM

I ordered 2 for my guys for Christmas. Does anybody have an input on them? The couple that makes them are very sweet. They have chinchillas. I did see a couple of similar wheels on there, but after reading the reviews from this shop, knew they were the right people. Plus, it is silent!!!!!!

The couple has applied for a patent on it, and is very interested if anyone frome here has any input/ suggestions for it. She laughed and said she hadn't even considered squirrels. They had reached out to other rodent communities, but would really like to hear from anybody with any thoughts on it or how to make it more adaptable for squirrels.

My guys each get at least 1 hour of out of cage time every day, but lately all they want to do is cuddle. So, I am hoping they will use the wheels and get some exercise.
I know Duckman has made wheels for his, and he says they love it, and run all day. So fingers crossed.

Has any one tried one of these? I got the 16inch size because chinchillas look about the size of squirrels to me
? I hope I picked the right size.

Looking forward to hearing anyone's input on this.

And, don't forget, they are more than willing to modify it to suit squirrels, if anyone has suggestions.

I am finally starting to feel a little better, and I am ready to come back. I missed you all!

12-03-2016, 04:07 PM

12-03-2016, 04:12 PM
Hmmmm. Don't know why that link doesn't work.
But the shop is

You can probably just google chinchilla wheels, and it will bring you there. Sorry about that.

Edit: https://www.etsy.com/listing/244698998/pet-revolution-16-ultra-silent-deluxe?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=chinchilla%20wheels&ref=sr_gallery_2

Nancy in New York
12-03-2016, 04:13 PM
The links don't work! :hissyfit

BUT I have missed you.
Where have you been? :tap
SO great to see you back on the board! :w00t:hug

Nancy in New York
12-03-2016, 04:17 PM
Hmmmm. Don't know why that link doesn't work.
But the shop is

You can probably just google chinchilla wheels, and it will bring you there. Sorry about that.

Hmmm I think I got the link to work! :w00t


I'm going to modify your posts above to reflect the link that works.

12-03-2016, 06:06 PM
Well, when I lost my little handicapped squirrel it devastated me. I mean, I am a farm girl, and a nurse and realize that death is a natural occurrence. And, have actually lost a few pets since then. ( we have a bunch of elderly cats and dogs). But, that little girl just tore me apart. I didn't see her death coming, so was not in anyway prepared. I guess because I had to hand feed her 4 times a day,and worked so hard to ensure that her environment was stimulating, and she was so proud and hapoy when she mastered something new. She'd just kick her little back feet with joy, when she'd learn how to do something new. I think I was so focused on her mental health and keeping her happy, with all of her severe physical disabilities, that I didn't catch that her physical health was failing. It's honestly taken me to just abiut now, to come to terms with it. I couldn't look at her pictures or videos until recently. She was just so darn smart, and so darn proud of herself when she'd master something new.
But, I can finally look at it, and realize she was suffering toward the end. I was having to give her pain meds all the time, towards the end of her life. She probably hung on so long because she knew how much I loved her. I know she is better off now, and not in pain anymore. Darn it, the darn tears are flowing again. I don't know, maybe it's something like a mother loosing her handicapped child.
( I don't mean to offend anyone by that statement). I realize how fortunate I was to have her for the time that I did.
But, enough of this sadness!
Then, I have just been feeling so incredibly tired for the past couple of years, and just found out last Wednesday, that almost all of my hormone levels are almost non-existant. Which definitely explains why I have been feeling so miserable. So he is starting to replace all of them, with the hopes that will kick-start my adrenals, so hopefully before long I will be back to my normal, hyperactive self!:bliss.
But, I have missed every one here, and am excited to be back!

So, has anyone tried a wheel like this? Or have a wheel that their squees actually use?
( thanks for posting that link for me)

12-03-2016, 09:23 PM
:Welcome back czarina I missed you.

I have a Stealth wheel that was basically converted to a Magnum wheel. My flyers use a wheel. The Stealth wheel has a plastic mesh running track. My flyer ate huge holes in the mesh. It was unusable and dangerous. The company sent me a vinyl coated wire mesh replacement track. Since then it has been fine. The Stealth wheel is worthless for flyers because they eat it. The metal wheel would prevent that problem.

I haven't used a wheel like the one you posted. It is interesting though. A nasty habit that flyers have is peeing while they run on a wheel. As you can imagine, spinning pee is a mess. :shakehead The solid wheel would prevent that. Another thing that flyers do on a wheel is stop running and ride the wheel round and round as the wheel spins. They will run a while and then spin a while. I'm not sure if the centrifugal florce alone would hold them as they spin as they would not be able to hold on with the paws.

Flyers and red squirrels run on a wheel. I've never used a wheel with a grey squirrel. The 12 inch Stealth/Magnum is too small for grey squirrels.

12-03-2016, 09:58 PM
Oh my gosh...I just got this terrible picture of urine soaked (because it would stay inside instead of being flung out) flying squirrels being dropped on their heads in wheels because of the lack of centrifugal force. I'm sorry, but I am about hysterical with laughter. I am totally aware that it isn't funny and yet I can't stop laughing...:shakehead
Last year I had grays who loved their wheel. As a matter of fact, Zippy came back to the cage to run in his wheel after he was released! This year's kids ate said wheel...:tap I am definitely interested in this new wheel as a possibility! Thank-you for sharing it!

12-04-2016, 12:23 AM
Yes. I am really excited about the wheel, too. As I mentioned, they are more than willing to do any adaptations that squirrel folk would need.
I agree that the 12 inch wheel is too small for greys. Goodness knows, that I have tried every wheel I have come across, and to no avail.
I do have a Stealth wheel for Ramsey, the sugar glider. It is plastic, and would be a snack for my greys!

These folks are consistently improving them. She told me they moved the actual wheel closer to the cage bars, to keep their chins from getting wedged between the wheel and the bars. They have 12 chinchillas, so they actually started making the wheels for their own use. I like the fact that they are silent! I don't know if any of you have ever dealt with a squeeky wheel, but it is nerve racking! Kinda like waiting for the other shoe to drop! Squeekity squeek. Squeekity squeek. Haha it's really bad when you are trying to sleep!!!!
I am very hopeful for this new wheel. I thought the price was reasonable, too. She gives a 10% off coupon with the first order, plus she only charged $5 shipping on the second wheel. ( because they were being shipped together)
So hopefully my little monkeys will use it. Haha, actually I only need 1 squirrel to use it, because they are soooo jealous of each other, that whatever one of them does, the other one has to copy it! They are a hoot to watch. Their cages are directly across from one another. I swear, they are worse than children!
Ramsey the sugar glider is a prolific pee-er, too! He soils up his cage rather quickly. Especially compared to Churtle, who always uses his litter box. It's funny, Churtle has always taken good care of his stuff, compared to Rosie, who is an avid chewer, and tears open her stuffies, so she can put the filling in one of her many nests.
Right now, they are both rather plump. So I am really hopeful that they will use the wheels. As I said, I am thrilled to have stumbled across them, because I had given up on finding any more squirrel wheels!
I was actually searching for a cat wheel, when I found them.( we recently acquired a Bengal kitten, who is non-stop energy!)

I am very curious about any and all input regarding squirrel wheels. I pm'd Duckman, because I know he makes his own wheels, from bicycle wheels. He says his squirrels run all day on them. So far I haven't heatd back from him, but I sure hope I do, because if anyone would have design input, it would be him. So, fingers crossed that I hear from him soon!

12-04-2016, 05:57 AM
I made these wheels many years ago when I had chinchilla's. Back then they were noisy but worked great as they were made from a 16" feed pan and a lazy Susan bearing. They can "leap" and not arch their backs so much. They were noisy. Maybe this person has been working on them to perfect them :)
U-Tube has a bunch of video's of these being used.

12-04-2016, 11:52 AM
BCChins: thanks for the info! I am going to youtube now to check it out.

You have given me encouragement. I ordered the 16 inch size. And yes, they have mastered the noise issue! That is why I decided to pay a little more for the ones I bought.
So, you think this is the right size for greys? Ooooh, now I can't wait for them to get here!

Now I've got the flying pee in my thoughts, and I can't unsee it!

12-04-2016, 02:55 PM
We used a wheel that Nancy was kind enough to send us for our overwinters last year (also ended up buying another) and the girls loved them! The negative is they ended up destroying them as they were not only fun but tasty! I am very much interested in these as they appear chew proof. Here is a video of Nicky & Sandy on the tasty wheel.


Nancy in New York
12-04-2016, 04:27 PM
We used a wheel that Nancy was kind enough to send us for our overwinters last year (also ended up buying another) and the girls loved them! The negative is they ended up destroying them as they were not only fun but tasty! I am very much interested in these as they appear chew proof. Here is a video of Nicky & Sandy on the tasty wheel.


CUTE Video! :klunk
I had the same problem with little reds I raised.
They went through 4 wheels and I had to buy a 5th
and have it sent to the girl who was releasing them, as
they ate the one she had as well! :(



SHORT VIDEO of the 3 little reds in the wheel at the same time!
Luckily I had an old yellow one in the garage as a spare until their new one
arrived! :shakehead



12-04-2016, 05:44 PM
Man, those little red squirrels are quick! Like a mini grey squirrel zapped up on too much coffee!

12-04-2016, 11:16 PM
I really enjoyed those videos! Those little reds have some energy!!!! Like " they're all jacked up on Mountain Dew!".

I have tried those wheels also, and you're right, they must be pretty darn tasty, cause mine ate em, too.

Frankly, I had stopped looking for something I could use for a squirrel wheel, because I was pretty sure I tried everything that was a possibility. And they worked fine, till they ate them! :shark1:shark1

That's why I was so excited to stumble across these! They look squirrel proof! (But, as we all know here, if there's a will, they'll find a way!) haha

And frankly, I don't mind replacing their stuff every so often. But I do mind replacing their stuff like it was a snacking treat!

I am so excited. I just can't wait for these new wheels to get here! :bliss

Haha Watching those videos got "me" all jacked up, too! :monkey:banana:monkey:hyper:monkey

Nancy in New York
12-04-2016, 11:20 PM
I really enjoyed those videos! Those little reds have some energy!!!! Like " they're all jacked up on Mountain Dew!".

I have tried those wheels also, and you're right, they must be pretty darn tasty, cause mine ate em, too.

Frankly, I had stopped looking for something I could use for a squirrel wheel, because I was pretty sure I tried everything that was a possibility. And they worked fine, till they ate them! :shark1:shark1

That's why I was so excited to stumble across these! They look squirrel proof! (But, as we all know here, if there's a will, they'll find a way!) haha

And frankly, I don't mind replacing their stuff every so often. But I do mind replacing their stuff like it was a snacking treat!

I am so excited. I just can't wait for these new wheels to get here! :bliss

Haha Watching those videos got "me" all jacked up, too! :monkey:banana:monkey:hyper:monkey

I'll be anxious for you to get the wheel and let us know how it works. :w00t
Such a great idea, and find. Thanks for sharing......
who knew a 16" squirrel proof wheel could be found? :dono

12-05-2016, 04:22 AM
I bought this one- Ratatoskr is bloody huge and this has a ton of room for him, his tail, etc- nothing for claws to catch on, a rabbit could use it- aaaand he pretty much ignores it and uses it to eat on, but it is metal, coated, eat proof and coated http://www.exoticnutrition.com/trwhla14in.html

12-05-2016, 06:24 AM
The Stealth Magnum has a PVC coated metal track. Not sure if they could chew that up??

12-05-2016, 11:28 AM
Wow! I never heard of Exotic Nutrition before, or I would have tried their wheel. And I know how you feel. I once bought an expensive pre-mounted antler for mine to chew on, thinking it was worth the extra bucks to have it mounted and not sitting on the floor of the cage where it would get dirty. He uses it. Everyday. He sits on it begging to get out. Never chewed on it once.

If my guys don't use the wheels I have coming, I will probably try one from Exotic Nutrition.
They have some great Sugar Glider stuff. And I will be showing it to my daughter when she gets home from work, to see if there is anything she wants for our Ramsey.
Although he has a huge amount of toys and pouches alreafy. But I saw some fun looking foraging toys. And a cute little "kitchen" for him. She had been talking about getting him one, but I don't know if this one is big enough or not.

I was afraid to put the plastic wheel with the wire running surface in their cages. I was fearful that they would chew and hurt themselves or even swallow some of the wire.
Not so much Churtle, he's not very destructive, but Rosie is like a little beaver with her choppers! :squirrel1:whoa