View Full Version : Update on Dixie

11-30-2016, 08:21 PM
She is doing wonderful..Growing so big. Very playful. shes right at 8 weeks old.
We got her a 5ftx2ftx2ft and she loves it.
She weighed 157 g last night, shes eating 21cc of Esbalic every 5-6 hours. Havent seen her poop on her own yet.
I bought the HHB, shes chewing on them but i dont think shes ingesting any. Doesnt she need to be eating alittle solid food?

Nancy in New York
11-30-2016, 08:26 PM
She is doing wonderful..Growing so big. Very playful. shes right at 8 weeks old.
We got her a 5ftx2ftx2ft and she loves it.
She weighed 157 g last night, shes eating 21cc of Esbalic every 5-6 hours. Havent seen her poop on her own yet.
I bought the HHB, shes chewing on them but i dont think shes ingesting any. Doesnt she need to be eating alittle solid food?

WOW that's small for an 8 week old squirrel.
Can you post a picture of her?
Have you checked her teeth to make sure they
are all aligned and not too long?
What are you offering her other than the blocks to eat?
How many times daily do you feed the formula?

11-30-2016, 08:33 PM
I was told by someone in here..Not to give her anything to eat other than the blocks. That after she starts eating them..Then i could add. In the post, i put shes eating 21cc every 5-6 hours.
I can see her bottom teeth...She wont let me look at the top.
Im guessing 8 weeks old bc her eyes opened 3 weeks ago yesterday.
I will have to get on my computer to upload a pic.

11-30-2016, 08:46 PM
I was told by someone in here..Not to give her anything to eat other than the blocks. That after she starts eating them..Then i could add. In the post, i put shes eating 21cc every 5-6 hours.
I can see her bottom teeth...She wont let me look at the top.
Im guessing 8 weeks old bc her eyes opened 3 weeks ago yesterday.
I will have to get on my computer to upload a pic.

Are you sure you got her weight correct? Are you using a digital scale? And the amount she eats is 21cc every 5-6 hrs? Because it is recommended to feed between 5-7% of their weight at a feeding. With her weight being 156gr she should be eating between 7.8 and 11.9cc at a feeding. My little guy who is going on 11 weeks weighs 234gr and will take around 16cc at a feeding, but not every feeding.

11-30-2016, 09:09 PM

11-30-2016, 09:10 PM
wrong picture

11-30-2016, 09:12 PM
8 weeks?

11-30-2016, 09:17 PM
I have a 3cc syringe, she will eat 7 of them...that's 21 cc's...yes, a digital scale.
I just checked her teeth, she doesn't have top teeth yet.

11-30-2016, 09:22 PM
correction....I just weighed her, shes 278, and she ate ate 8:30pm. I put a 1 instead of a 2, sorry.

11-30-2016, 09:46 PM
correction....I just weighed her, shes 278, and she ate ate 8:30pm. I put a 1 instead of a 2, sorry.

Ok, that makes more sense. I wasn't sure where she could be putting all that formula if she only weighed 157gr! :dono:dono I thought Peaches was close to my little guys age. I am just guessing at his age because he had his eyes open when I got him, but was very malnourished. He acted a little older than a 5 wk old, too. Dixie is doing great. :w00t

11-30-2016, 09:49 PM
So she shouldn't be eating the blocks yet? Til she gets her top teeth in?

11-30-2016, 10:42 PM
So she shouldn't be eating the blocks yet? Til she gets her top teeth in?

I would say her top teeth are definitely in by now and she should be eating some blocks at this age as she starts to wean. Some like to take the formula longer then others, but if you offer them the block and some healthy veggies, she should began to wean herself as she starts eating more solids.

11-30-2016, 10:44 PM
My husband and i looked, top teeth are just breaking skin...When she nibbles on my fingers, i cant feel any top ones either.
What kind of veggies should i start her on? And how often?Ty

11-30-2016, 11:15 PM
My husband and i looked, top teeth are just breaking skin...When she nibbles on my fingers, i cant feel any top ones either.
What kind of veggies should i start her on? And how often?Ty

Here is a link to the healthy diet chart which will provide a list of the safe veggies to feed her. http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels
I usually start out my little ones on califlower, carrots, and broccoli stems.

11-30-2016, 11:20 PM
When should i put a water bottle up?
The veg you listed..Is that all she can eat in a day or only a certain amount a day?

11-30-2016, 11:26 PM
The first and only solid food you want to introduce to her is a good quality rodent block.
You want her to be eating that and eating it well before any other solid foods are introduced.
Formula and/ or block are their and your assurance against mbd. Once they do wean themselves
block is the most important and necessary staple in their diet.

12-01-2016, 01:16 AM
I dont understand why i get different answers from rescuers on here!
Now im told to give her carrots, cauliflower and broccoli stems.
Next post tells me not to until shes eating the blocks??? So which is it? Her top teeth are not in yet.

12-01-2016, 02:41 AM
I dont understand why i get different answers from rescuers on here!
Now im told to give her carrots, cauliflower and broccoli stems.
Next post tells me not to until shes eating the blocks??? So which is it? Her top teeth are not in yet.

I would say her top teeth are definitely in by now and she should be eating some blocks at this age as she starts to wean.

Different approach basically saying the same thing. Block comes first then veggies.
If I confused you with my post I apologize for the confusion but not for the importance of the message.
Block is generally recommended to introduce once the eyes are open to get them used to it. They may play with it, nibble on it,
some may even pee on it but eventually they eat it, especially as they start to wean. The front incisors are not the only teeth
a squirrel has. If you look at the pyramid on the healthy diet: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrelsand
1 through the 4 steps, you will see block comes first with an explanation as to it's importance in a squirrels diet in comparison to
other foods fed. This is why you want them eating block and eating it well before introducing other foods.

12-01-2016, 07:20 AM
At 8 weeks Dixie ,may be a little behind the curve on her schedule for solid food.

Typically I will start place Henry's block in with them shortly after their eyes open. I halve them or quarter them. They won't eat them at this age, but they will get accustom to the Henry's being in their cage. When they do start chewing on them within a few days they'll start by "shredding" the block, then move on to actual eating it. This is the first part, make sure they are eating block well before introducing anything else.

Around 6 - 7 week, I start to introduce veggies. BUT, they do not get veggies or anything else until and unless they eat their block. So they get their block first thing in the morning. After they have eaten their block, they can have other solid foods. Same routine in the evening.

So there are kind of 2 scenarios for "eat the block first" that are important. Dixie should be on scenario 2 at eight weeks.... being sick may have her behind just a bit, but takign formula will offset that.h

The formula is terrific and (IMO) should never be discouraged. I have 16 week old squirrels here now that still take formula twice daily. My even older recent releases did not stop taking formula entirely until 3 days before their release cage was opened.... an advantage perhaps of having my release on the same property as my home.

12-01-2016, 07:26 AM
She has been shredding the block...And hiding them, i just havent seen her consume any. Once she starts eating it, wont her poop change colors?
Does she still need to eat 4x a day?

12-01-2016, 08:34 AM
You're doing just fine! Yes, when she eats block her poop will darken. Formula is the perfect nutrition so as long as she will take it, let her take it. If there is one feeding of formula when she is less interested, you can take that feeding out and see how she does. That might be what she needs to be hungry and want to eat blocks. Taking your/her time growing up is just fine. Just like humans, some are a little slower to grow up than others. She is doing just fine and there is no rush for veggies if she isn't quite eating blocks yet. However, when you do start her on veggies, mixed greens is always what I start with. Things like carrots and sweet potatoes are very sweet. If they start with them it is harder to get them to eat the green veggies. Just like with baby humans, you want to start with green beans not custard or the green beans will not taste as good to them.

12-04-2016, 11:18 PM
Dixie has cut back on the amount she wants to eat. She was eating 21-22cc per feeding every 5-6 hours. now she will eat 10-15cc and wants to play. Refuses any more milk. She has the blocks in there, will nibble on them, i still dont think shes eating it. Her poop is the same color. She will be 9 weeks tues. How can i make her drink more milk? Do i need to wait longer in between feedings? Shes 298 g now.Thanks

12-07-2016, 12:06 PM
Dixie refuses to eat the blocks!

12-07-2016, 04:24 PM
Is there anyone monitoring this site now?

12-07-2016, 05:39 PM
You can defiantly try waiting longer between feedings to see if that perks her appetite since she is munching a little on the blocks. I will also sometimes add a tiny coating of almond butter or peanut butter to get them interested on the blocks and that seems to help with some of my squirrels. There are also some members who have come up with some recipies for picky eaters that don't seem to take to the blocks - here is the link to that thread: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?52232-Healthy-recipies-for-our-picky-squirrels-(aka-Squirrel-Friendly-Cook-Book)&highlight=Squirrel+block+recipies

12-07-2016, 06:09 PM
I have waited 6-7 hours in between feedings. Doesnt help. I dont think her top teeth are all the way out yet. When she nibbles, i can only feel bottom teeth.
Can i soak a block in her milk?

Milo's Mom
12-07-2016, 06:13 PM
What formula do you have her on and which blocks are you giving her?

EDIT: The reason I ask...I had kids this past year that did not eat the high protein blocks. First time in 7 years I've ever had a squirrel deny a block. I did some thinking and realized they were on Esbilac formula instead of my normal FV. The Esbilac has higher protein than the FV and they did not need the extra protein that was in the high protein blocks. I discussed this with Leigh at Henry's and she agreed. I changed to the picky blocks and they all ate them without issue, just like my squirrels have always done.

12-07-2016, 06:26 PM
Esbilac and HHB

Milo's Mom
12-07-2016, 06:59 PM
Esbilac and HHB

Of she's 8 weeks old and you've been trying to get her to eat block since she opened her eyes itight be that she doesn't need that much protein. Try using a different HHB.

12-07-2016, 07:15 PM
She nibbles on it...Shreds it...Shes 9 weeks now.
What other kind of blocks do i have to chose from?

12-07-2016, 07:58 PM
Henry's makes 4 different formulations:
1) Hi Protein (Babies & Flyers)
2) Adult
3) Picky
4) Wild

I believe the suggestion is that if you are feeding Esbilac, Dixie may be more prone to rejecting the hi-protein formulation.

If she is being picky, I would recommend the Picky Blocks.. they are always a hit. :thumbsup

12-08-2016, 10:31 PM

12-09-2016, 03:49 AM
I have waited 6-7 hours in between feedings. Doesnt help. I dont think her top teeth are all the way out yet. When she nibbles, i can only feel bottom teeth.
Can i soak a block in her milk?

I did this with one of mine when she started backing off her formula to entice her to the block
and it worked for her. Now she will eat them on their own.

12-11-2016, 07:57 PM
I just ordered the Picky Blocks.
If she doesnt eat these, what do i do?
I cleaned her cage today...Found all the blocks i had gave her this week!

Soaking in milk didnt work nor did putting peanut butter on it.
I got her carrots and broccoli stems today, she nibbles and shreds it. Her top teeth are out now...Why isnt she eating food yet? I know she needs more than milk...She will be 10 weeks tues. I put a water bottle in her cage...How do i get her to drink from it? Ty

12-11-2016, 08:07 PM
Just show her by touching it with your fingertip and then her mouth. She will eat. Formula is totally nutritious and I wouldn't worry about it if it takes a long time to start on solids.

12-11-2016, 09:13 PM
She wants to play instead of eating...

12-11-2016, 09:38 PM
Well stretch out the formula feedings and keep on offering. It will happen when it is supposed to for her little self. :Love_Icon

12-16-2016, 10:39 PM
Recieved the Picky eater blocks...She seems to like them alittle better...Still crumbles them up. Ive given her carrots, sweet potato, a pecan half..She loved it...Doesnt like brocolli...A piece of apple..Shes still drinking milk....2-3 times a day, from 27cc to 9cc..Depends on her...Im afraid shes hunrgy and i dont want her to be.
Can someone post a meal schedule i can get her on. Shes 365 g now....Almost 11 weeks old.
I want her to eat healthy....Veggies like corn..Green beans..They have to be fresh and not canned? I just want her to b healthy...Ty

12-17-2016, 03:23 PM
Recieved the Picky eater blocks...She seems to like them alittle better...Still crumbles them up. Ive given her carrots, sweet potato, a pecan half..She loved it...Doesnt like brocolli...A piece of apple..Shes still drinking milk....2-3 times a day, from 27cc to 9cc..Depends on her...Im afraid shes hunrgy and i dont want her to be.
Can someone post a meal schedule i can get her on. Shes 365 g now....Almost 11 weeks old.
I want her to eat healthy....Veggies like corn..Green beans..They have to be fresh and not canned? I just want her to b healthy...Ty

First thing in the morning, 1 HHB. After that is eaten (and only after) then a bowl of veggies, with a bit of fruit. An hour or so later, formula... as much as they want.

In the late afternoon or evening, the same routine is repeated. (I try to feed before dark, since I don't want them geeting used to eating after the sun goes down when the release time arrives).

A bit of leftover veggies get thrown out each time… if the bowl is completely emptied, I figured I gave them too little. They also have a virtually endless supply of rodent block (Oxbow). With the veggies and Oxbow available they always have food and should not go hungry unless they are refusing to eat dinner in hopes of more desert.

I learned a trick from Nancy to feed more leafy greens in the morning and the evening more calciferous veggies like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, etc. in the evening as they do not wither up and dry out so quickly and stay relatively fresh overnight (unlike lettuces!).

They rarely get nuts, while this sounds mean since they do “love” nuts but the nuts make them much more aggressive.
Here is a link to the healthy diet. Note the veggies in group 3 should be more limited and Groups 1 & 2 the “foundation” veggies.

Nancy in New York
12-17-2016, 03:56 PM
They rarely get nuts, while this sounds mean since they do “love” nuts but the nuts make them much more aggressive.
Here is a link to the healthy diet. Note the veggies in group 3 should be more limited and Groups 1 & 2 the “foundation” veggies.

Just a reminder of what veggies are in groups 1 & 2, as Spanky suggested.

Edit: I see he posted the link! :w00t


12-18-2016, 06:40 PM
Can i start diluting her milk w water to get her used to water?
My step daughter got a 4 month female squirrel today from someone that saved it. Will her and Dixie fight? The reason i ask, sdaughter had pet hers and then dixie...Dixie freaked out and tried to bite sdaughters hand.

12-18-2016, 07:09 PM
Can i start diluting her milk w water to get her used to water?
My step daughter got a 4 month female squirrel today from someone that saved it. Will her and Dixie fight? The reason i ask, sdaughter had pet hers and then dixie...Dixie freaked out and tried to bite sdaughters hand.

Grey squirrels are solitary animals and generally speaking trying to introduce them to other squirrels after about 8 - 10 weeks old is not a good idea. The 16 week / 4 month old squirrel is extremely unlikely to accept any other squirrel into its territory.

And squirrels are "one person" animals and almost always they will only tolerate one person ("their human") and be pretty mean to all other people. Babies are not this way, but as they get older they generally will be friendly to only one person and no one else. This is just one of the reasons squirrels do not make good pets especially for homes with more than one person. Dixie getting older may also explain Dixie trying to bite your daughters hand. My wife will help with the squirrels until they get about 8 - 10 weeks at which time she will avoid contact with them.

Diluting the formula to get her to drink water should not be necessary. At 11 weeks old she should have a water bottle and / or water dish in her cage.

12-18-2016, 07:29 PM
I do not believe that squirrels are solitary animals. Like chickens, however, they have a pecking order and two females are much less likely to get along than two males. One must be subordinate to the other, and then maybe they can co-exist. This instinctive behavior is due to the need of the female to protect her territory for herself and her babies. They are also more likely to get along if there are no babies around. Males, on the other hand, establish their hierarchy and then run in packs. As long as the order is not challenged by a growing boy or an outsider, there will be peace and playtime after a few bumps and bruises to establish where all males stand in the hierarchy. Newcomers must be accepted by the alpha male. The alpha male also determines what females are tolerated. Female siblings may hang around together but once the babies arrive, all bets are off.

Nancy in New York
12-18-2016, 07:45 PM
there will be peace and playtime after a few bumps and bruises to establish where all males stand in the hierarchy. Newcomers must be accepted by the alpha male. The alpha male also determines what females are tolerated. Female siblings may hang around together but once the babies arrive, all bets are off.

When you are trying to put two squirrels in a cage at an age of 10 weeks and older, it's iffy at best.
At 16 weeks, Spanky's right it's near impossible.

Even siblings who are overwintered together sometimes have to be separated,
as it's too confining. We have seen where the alpha will take over and not permit
cage mates to even eat.

You really can't afford to let one establish where they stand in the hierarchy.
It's a whole different ballgame in captivity, than in the wild.
In a cage, it could mean a death sentence.

12-18-2016, 11:15 PM
Diluting the formula to get her to drink water should not be necessary. At 11 weeks old she should have a water bottle and / or water dish in her cage.

Dixie has a water bottle and water dish in her cage...Not interested in either. Its like she will wait on milk.
I would never put them in the same cage in fear Dixie would get hurt. I didnt know if they would play out of the cage or not. The other squirrel will only b here til sat. They are in seperate rooms.
I heard her making a new sound tonight...Like a hurt cry...I got up and checked on her...Kinda like she was lonely.

12-18-2016, 11:33 PM
I HATE that cry! It is another of their many alarms, but does sound lonely and sad for sure. I think that is us assigning human emotions again though...:shakehead
The first time Sam did it I finally figured out that he saw a hawk high in a tree outside of his upstairs bedroom. Many times i do not see any cause, but they sure do!

12-19-2016, 10:53 PM
Shes only doing it late at night? I have to get her i out cause i feel like she is lonely.

12-19-2016, 10:55 PM
Is she even awake? I am listening to one doing it right now and I am fairly sure she is asleep...:shakehead

12-19-2016, 11:25 PM
Yea shes awake...

01-05-2017, 10:48 PM
hi Everyone,
Dixie is doing wonderful....shes eating her blocks 2 times a day, plus carrots, sugar peas, sweet potato, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, doesnt like lettuce or cabbage. shes been drinking water for a couple weeks...BUT shes still wants that milk at night...shes 13 weeks and weighs around 490-500g now.when will she stop the milk?
Shes ate some hickory nuts...halved pecans..loves them. shes taken out of her pen atleast 2 a day to play...such a hoot.
just wanted to check in and make sure shes up to par....and i want to thank everyone for all your help in pulling her thru...:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

01-05-2017, 11:00 PM
I give formula for as long as they still take it. You are doing a great job. Remember to limit nuts to a rare treat and she will be a healthy girl!
great job!:w00t

01-05-2017, 11:06 PM
pics of dixie

01-05-2017, 11:10 PM
dixies cage

01-05-2017, 11:11 PM
what else can i offer her to eat?

01-05-2017, 11:21 PM
Have you reviewed the healthy diet chart? Lots o f various foods on there....


01-05-2017, 11:50 PM

01-06-2017, 07:02 AM
Kale is a huge fav with my gang(s), squashes are also a hit (mine especially seem to like butternut), green beans.. fresh corn every once in a while is like a treat for them. Branches, pine cones and other goodies from the out of doors....

01-07-2017, 09:55 PM
i will definitely try these too. how about yellow squash and zuccuni?

01-07-2017, 10:04 PM
I feed all squash. I feed yellow or zucchini almost every day as week as cucumbers a few times per week. Some love them and some won't touch them. A little yucca root, mushrooms, asparagus, brussel sprouts, green beans, yellow beans, snap peas, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato...grape tomatoes once in a while.

01-07-2017, 10:10 PM
shes eating snap peas: brussell sprouts, sweet potato,califlower,carrots. she doesnt like cucumbers, lettuce or cabbage.
i cant wait for the spring so i can plant all this in my garden...