View Full Version : Hello from Grayson's Mom!!

11-30-2016, 10:05 AM
First off I want to say that this place is amazing! To get advice or reassurance from like minded people is truly a blessing! I just started in the this crazy squirrel world this past spring. I knew nothing but how to google and advice from a friend up north who has rehabbed a many squirrel. My first was a little boy, Fred. Found him in the early spring, freezing. I was also taking 4 classes at the time and working on a release for an over the winter critter (he was a hoot :grin2) So I did not spend more than the necessary time with him. I was happy to know I had made his life better, soft released him at a friends farm at about 11 weeks, he still visits his nest box and my friend has kept him happily in food. My next two were a pair of sisters, we were tearing down a garage that was a safety hazard and their nest came down with it. Luckily they were in the back of the nest and we were able to grab them before tearing the rest down. Mom never came back, so I took them home for a bath and the usually heat and hydrate. Marlin and Remi, these two I bonded with heavily. They were about 3 weeks old. Everything went without a problem until I came home at noon to feed them at around 9 weeks and Marlin had passed in her cage, I have no idea as to what happened, to this day my mind is boggled. Remi passed two days later, she gave up on life without Marlin. I cried for weeks. Grayson came into my life after a storm had blown her on to a friends porch. He had tried to get ahold of me immediately but I was out of cell range in the woods working. He unknowingly started her out on cows milk, eek! I got her the next day and straightened that issue out. She was roughly 4-5 weeks. After losing the girls 4 weeks earlier I was not sure if I could take the risk, I am sure we have all been there. However, no matter the heartache I could never turn one away. So now I have my little Grayson who has turned into my shadow. If I am home she is not far from my side.

That's my squirrel part. Other than that, I am a Mom of some pretty stellar kiddos and am in college full time working on a Criminal Justice degree. I work in the woods everyday. Game Warden dreams here :grin2 Though I have been told over and over to go for my rehabber permit as well.
I am attaching some photos. Remi and Marlin, Fred, and Grayson.

11-30-2016, 10:23 AM
Welcome to TSB!! I'm so sorry of the passing of your two little ones :sad

If you've been browsing, I'm sure you know our routine question of diet :grin2

Sounds like you've been bitten by the squirrel bug hard!

11-30-2016, 10:34 AM
Oh my goodness, love all of those sweet pictures!:klunk Thank you for sharing your story with us.:) Sounds like you will fit right in here with your love of the little critters - once a squirrel steals your heart, you are never the same as I'm sure you have already discovered.:Love_Icon As DL mentioned, we always ask about diet as that is the most common mistake we see here. Here is a very helpful link to the healthy diet chart after they start to wean - http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels There is a great wealth of information here and please feel free to ask any questions you might have. Thank you for caring for the little critters in need that have come across your path.:hug