View Full Version : loving home needed

11-25-2016, 08:58 AM
:sadnessI have an adorable flying squirrel his name is Zeuss, I also have to find someone who really loves them, my husband has cancer and I am in a situation wherei feel I am neglecting him, I just cant spend the time with him that he needs, is very playful , he is 2 yrs old, it is just breaking my heart !!1

11-25-2016, 09:24 AM
I am so sorry about your husband... I hope that one of the many treatments can help him the way it does so many. :Love_Icon
Is your flyer friendly with strangers? Where do you live? Is he used to being out of his cage often?
With this information it might be easier to help find someone who could give him a loving home.

11-25-2016, 09:33 AM
I moved your thread to where it will get more attention.

11-27-2016, 05:08 AM
yes he does play outside his cage often, he loves to play with you, as far as I would say, he is very friendly, he has his home in our bedroom all set up, but my husband stays in there a lot, I cant let him run around much only when I am in there, I think he senses some thing is wrong with Larry, he has been indifferent to him lately, I don't like the idea of Zeuss not having his normal routine, it breaks my heart that I have to make a choice, I have had many flyers, never dreamed this could happen, but it has !

11-27-2016, 10:05 AM
Where are you located? Maybe we can find someone to help.

11-27-2016, 05:59 PM
Where are you located? Maybe we can find someone to help.

AuGres mi

11-30-2016, 05:28 PM
AuGres mi

AuGres Michigan

11-30-2016, 06:40 PM
I'm so sorry that your husband is sick :grouphug
Do you have any pictures of Zeuss?

12-01-2016, 06:41 PM
I'm so sorry that your husband is sick :grouphug
Do you have any pictures of Zeuss?

I don't know how to post his picture ?

12-01-2016, 07:18 PM
I don't know how to post his picture ?

If you send pics to squirrelhelp@uysinc.com I will post them to this thread..

12-14-2016, 08:54 AM
If you send pics to squirrelhelp@uysinc.com I will post them to this thread..

I don't know how to send them to you

12-14-2016, 09:00 AM
Can you text them?

12-14-2016, 09:09 AM
Can you text them?

I have them on my face book on my laptop 281871

12-14-2016, 12:14 PM
Did you find him a home?

12-15-2016, 02:49 AM
Did you find him a home?

No I haven't was trying to post a picture, I don't even know how to send them, I know how to post them from my facebook, I really need to find a good home for Zeuss, he has his own cage and set up :sadness

12-17-2016, 09:51 AM
We will take him but we are in Surfside Beach, SC - where is he?

12-17-2016, 10:09 AM
We have two gray squirrels and a huge yard and trees they love - do you think he would get along with different breeds?

12-17-2016, 09:56 PM
Sorry Mbtvrepair, flyers and grey squirrels don't mingle. Flyers are nocturnal so they they would rarely encounter grey squirrels in nature. I have 2 overwinter grey squirrels and 3 pet flyers. Every time one of the grey squirrels is on my shoulder she will chase the flyers if they jump on my back. The grey squirrels will bully the flyers if I let them. I don't let them mingle.

Zeuss is in Michigan and needs a forever home with a family. He is 2 years old and is a pet so he is not a candidate for going outside in the trees.

Ella I sure hope you find a home for Zeuss. I know this is killing you. :grouphug

12-18-2016, 04:02 AM
Sorry Mbtvrepair, flyers and grey squirrels don't mingle. Flyers are nocturnal so they they would rarely encounter grey squirrels in nature. I have 2 overwinter grey squirrels and 3 pet flyers. Every time one of the grey squirrels is on my shoulder she will chase the flyers if they jump on my back. The grey squirrels will bully the flyers if I let them. I don't let them mingle.

Zeuss is in Michigan and needs a forever home with a family. He is 2 years old and is a pet so he is not a candidate for going outside in the trees.

Ella I sure hope you find a home for Zeuss. I know this is killing you. :grouphug

yes it is, I hate having to find him a home, I love him dearly, and he loves me , I still cant see picture that was posted !

12-18-2016, 05:49 AM
I do not know if it allowed or appropriate but do you want me to ask on my Sugar glider groups if ANYONE ALREADY has flyers? I will ask in a question type of comment form (like a nosey person LoL) then privately ask if they want another.

Nancy in New York
12-18-2016, 06:21 AM
yes it is, I hate having to find him a home, I love him dearly, and he loves me , I still cant see picture that was posted !

ella can you see this picture?
Do you have any friends or family that could help with
little Zeuss on a temporary basis?
Is there any other place in your home that you could move him
to and let him have more out of the cage time, if that's what you
think he's missing?
I know you have probably already gone through all the scenarios in
your head.
You want to do the right thing for HIM, but you also
want the person taking him, to do what you feel you can't
do now.

Real quick story. Years ago, I was trying to find a rehabber who would release my
squirrel. He came with his HUGE cage and all the bells and whistles, as that's what he knew,
and I wanted it to go with him.
The rehabber was "so excited" to get Scooter,
all the time eye balling his cage and telling me how gorgeous it was.
I high tailed it out of there, cage and all.

I hope that whomever this person is, is well KNOWN as being
an excellent home for your baby.
Be picky, be choosy with whom you give him away to.
Sometimes they are better off with someone who loves them unconditionally,
but temporarily can't give them what they need.

I'm so sorry you are going through so much saddness. :( :hug:Love_Icon


12-18-2016, 06:42 AM
I agree with Nancy 200%

Maybe right now you are not spending as much time with him but he also might be your Rock that you need at this time and in the future.

Wonder if a Pop up tent like this would give him some contained exercise? Would this be safe?


Nancy in New York
12-18-2016, 07:05 AM
I agree with Nancy 200%

Maybe right now you are not spending as much time with him but he also might be your Rock that you need at this time and in the future.

Wonder if a Pop up tent like this would give him some contained exercise? Would this be safe?


I like the concept, but not sure if flyers are chewers like greys can be.
Also this would have to have NO openings, so the door would also have
to zip on the bottom going horizontally across.
Also, would their little feet get stuck in the "netting".
Great idea, if it works!
I like your way of thinking! :woot

12-18-2016, 09:00 AM
I'm interested in becoming Zeuss's next squammy, if you're sure you wish to part with him. I will admit that I'm not experienced with flyers, but I heavily research the diet & needs of every species I bring into my home, I have terrific advisers both on TSB and locally via the rehabbers I work with who are knowledgeable about them, and I have a vet about 30 min away who is very experienced with all types of exotics, including a variety of squirrels. I looked up your location & it looks like although I'm in a neighboring state, it'd still be a decent drive to meet up, but maybe we can work it out. I'll PM you with more info about me & my household, & if you're pleased with what you learn, we can move forward. If not, no problem! I know I'd be super-picky about the situation I put my babies in! I've got a couple of questions for you, too. Check your PMS here in a little bit!

12-18-2016, 09:33 AM
What a great offer Gardentoes11 :bowdown ella you'd have no worries about your lil one.....Gardentoes11 would make him the perfect home:Love_Icon

I do worry, as other have spoke of, that you may really regret this :dono so be sure to search your heart...our babies can be a great comfort to us:hug and they are very attached to us as well :Love_Icon I feel as long as you spent a little time with Zeus most days he'd be fine...and forgive you :Love_Icon I just recently became momma to three little flyers (my first) and I know they missed their original family....now they are "my babies" but it took time for them to accept me as momma:grin3 Gardentoes11 I can tell you the transition was easy :great and the wonderful thing is the scheduling is easy...since my greys are out in the day...and my flyers out in the evening :great I absolutely love them:blowkiss

12-19-2016, 05:33 AM
I do not know if it allowed or appropriate but do you want me to ask on my Sugar glider groups if ANYONE ALREADY has flyers? I will ask in a question type of comment form (like a nosey person LoL) then privately ask if they want another.

yes that would be fine I might have a possible home.

12-19-2016, 05:38 AM
What a great offer Gardentoes11 :bowdown ella you'd have no worries about your lil one.....Gardentoes11 would make him the perfect home:Love_Icon

I do worry, as other have spoke of, that you may really regret this :dono so be sure to search your heart...our babies can be a great comfort to us:hug and they are very attached to us as well :Love_Icon I feel as long as you spent a little time with Zeus most days he'd be fine...and forgive you :Love_Icon I just recently became momma to three little flyers (my first) and I know they missed their original family....now they are "my babies" but it took time for them to accept me as momma:grin3 Gardentoes11 I can tell you the transition was easy :great and the wonderful thing is the scheduling is easy...since my greys are out in the day...and my flyers out in the evening :great I absolutely love them:blowkiss

O my goodness this made me cry, I do feel some guilt, this is worst decision ever to make, he was in bad shape when I got him, but I nursed him back, he is good now ,I was blessed :Love_Icon

12-19-2016, 08:15 AM
I did tell Ella that if I were to adopt Zeuss and her situation were to change in the future, I would be willing to return him. A long-term foster or a forever home--either way, he'd be loved & given the best of care every day that he's with me! I can appreciate how tough a time this must be on multiple levels, & if she opts to hang onto him, that's fine, too--she needs to make the best possible decision for herself & her family. I'm just here to help if I can! Will keep you guys updated.

Nancy in New York
12-19-2016, 08:18 AM
I did tell Ella that if I were to adopt Zeuss and her situation were to change in the future, I would be willing to return him. A long-term foster or a forever home--either way, he'd be loved & given the best of care every day that he's with me! I can appreciate how tough a time this must be on multiple levels, & if she opts to hang onto him, that's fine, too--she needs to make the best possible decision for herself & her family. I'm just here to help if I can! Will keep you guys updated.

WOW that is one of the most loving and generous offers ever.
Thank you for being SO kind and caring.
It never goes unnoticed! :hug:Love_Icon:hug

12-19-2016, 09:39 AM
You are a rare thing (not so rare here on TSB, but in the world at large) ...a kind and decent human being. We need more of you. My heart breaks at the thought of having to make such a decision and you are giving an option that is the best one to make it more bearable to even consider. Thank-you for being YOU! :Love_Icon
I did tell Ella that if I were to adopt Zeuss and her situation were to change in the future, I would be willing to return him. A long-term foster or a forever home--either way, he'd be loved & given the best of care every day that he's with me! I can appreciate how tough a time this must be on multiple levels, & if she opts to hang onto him, that's fine, too--she needs to make the best possible decision for herself & her family. I'm just here to help if I can! Will keep you guys updated.

12-19-2016, 05:14 PM
Ella...I didn't mean to make you cry....although it's inevitable in this case :sadness I just wanted you to think about all your choices :Love_Icon I know how incredibly hard this must be ....I don't ever want to be in this position:please

Gardentoes you are a Godsend :bowdown what a selfless thing to offer....as I said before....lil Zues couldn't be in better hands....and evidently neither can Ella :bowdown
I just love you :blowkiss

01-09-2017, 06:51 AM
I have not been able to get on lately, I have read all the posts, I am going to try some of the advice, Zeuss really loves me, we are really attached, with all my sadness I have endured this last year, I'm not sure if I should adopt him out, need a little more time to figure things out.if my husband doesn't do good with treatment , and I lose him, there will be a lot of voids in my life to fill. Mt husband loves our squirrels too. I wonder if Zeuss can detect Larrys illness, I have been letting him run around while Larry isn't in our room, if I have to adopt him out, there is a wonderful person that has contacted me, and could give him a home. I just keep praying things will work out as God has planned . thank you for all the love and advice you all have given me :grouphug

01-09-2017, 07:14 AM
:glomp I am sorry you are going though all of this.

Do not make any hasty decisions, Zeuss will be OK for now.