View Full Version : Tish is making odd wheezing noises

11-23-2016, 02:14 PM
Hi TSB, we are currently raising 2 squirrels, Morticia (Tish for short), a girl, and her brother Gomez. We guessed they were 7 weeks old when we heard they were hanging out by the front door of a local boat dealer and one of the employees was afraid someone would accidentally step on them as they were following customers around. They have been with us ever since (we reckon they are around 15 weeks old and our plan is to overwinter and release in the spring.

Yesterday was their last day on formula as they were showing less interest and began biting on the end of the miracle nipples we were using. In the morning as my wife was feeding them Tish bit off a small tip of the nipple and apparently swallowed it? Ever since she has been intermittently making a strange, high pitched wheezing noise. The sound changes when when she is sniffing for food and sometimes we don't hear anything odd at all. We are concerned that perhaps the piece of nipple is stuck in her throat or lodged in her nasal cavity (as the noise is different and louder when she is sniffing for food). As far as I can tell there has been no change in her appetite or demeanor. She is still always hungry and very playful and active with her brother. Is this cause for concern? Anyone else had something like this happen? (I am going to try and make a short video when I have time and will post). Thanks!

11-23-2016, 03:16 PM
I will try to post a video. Picture isn't very good but if you turn up the volume this is the noise she makes when she is sniffing.


11-23-2016, 03:30 PM
Sounds like typical squirrel talk to me, some are definitely more vocal then others.
I don't think chewing off the nipple tip is any problem, most of us have gone through
that with one squirrel or the other.

11-23-2016, 03:37 PM
I hope your right Step! It is definitely a new, odd noise for her and doesn't sound like anything I've ever heard. When breathing normally it is kind of a high-pitched wheezy sound but every time I get near her with a camera she starts sniffing for treats and making the sound you hear in the video ... can't imagine why?

11-23-2016, 03:40 PM
I do need to add that once weaned a good quality rodent block like Henry's healthy block
should be their first solid food and they should be eating it and eating it well before other
solids are introduced. Their formula and/or rodent block are what holds the daily nutrition
they require and is their and your assurance against mbd.

Attaching the Henry's site and the Healthy diet links.

11-23-2016, 03:43 PM
Might I suggest capturing her "normal" breathing when she sleeps,
might give a better idea of what's going on if it's anything of concern.

11-23-2016, 04:03 PM
They have been eating HHB's for a while now as they have gradually lessened their formula intake and the good news is they absolutely love the blocks! I will try to get her "normal" wheezing sound although sometimes when she rests her breathing is silent and normal? Hopefully she is okay. I guess the best indicator is she is active. playful, and always hungry.

11-23-2016, 04:08 PM
They have been eating HHB's for a while now as they have gradually lessened their formula intake and the good news is they absolutely love the blocks! I will try to get her "normal" wheezing sound although sometimes when she rests her breathing is silent and normal? Hopefully she is okay. I guess the best indicator is she is active. playful, and always hungry.
Terrific on the blocks!! :w00t
If she's able to eat normally I wouldn't think there's any obstruction to be concerned about.
Active and playful is a good indicator...

Nancy in New York
11-24-2016, 07:25 AM
Hi TSB, we are currently raising 2 squirrels, Morticia (Tish for short), a girl, and her brother Gomez. We guessed they were 7 weeks old when we heard they were hanging out by the front door of a local boat dealer and one of the employees was afraid someone would accidentally step on them as they were following customers around. They have been with us ever since (we reckon they are around 15 weeks old and our plan is to overwinter and release in the spring.

Yesterday was their last day on formula as they were showing less interest and began biting on the end of the miracle nipples we were using. In the morning as my wife was feeding them Tish bit off a small tip of the nipple and apparently swallowed it? Ever since she has been intermittently making a strange, high pitched wheezing noise. The sound changes when when she is sniffing for food and sometimes we don't hear anything odd at all. We are concerned that perhaps the piece of nipple is stuck in her throat or lodged in her nasal cavity (as the noise is different and louder when she is sniffing for food). As far as I can tell there has been no change in her appetite or demeanor. She is still always hungry and very playful and active with her brother. Is this cause for concern? Anyone else had something like this happen? (I am going to try and make a short video when I have time and will post). Thanks!

This is very strange that this happened RIGHT AFTER her biting off the tip of the nipple.
I heard the video, and I would keep an eye on this. She actually sounds like a little red squirrel. :)
How is she this morning?
Do you have a vet to help if this continues?
Have you checked her teeth?
Do you see any unusal "pawing" at her nose or mouth?

11-27-2016, 10:48 AM
Hi Nancy, wanted to update on Tish and post a couple of more videos. The first video is at night while she was resting in her cube. You have to have the volume up high but you can hear the wheezing. The second video was this morning after breakfast and you can see her labored breathing and hear the wheezing.

Overall she is acting normal. She is eating well, playful, and active. It just seems as if she is having trouble breathing sometimes. I will add that I checked on her later at night when all was very quiet and I could not hear any wheezing at all?? I am worried. She has not been pawing at her nose at all and her teeth look fine. We do have a vet that can look at her and I think I will see if she can see her Monday. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.



11-27-2016, 07:17 PM
Can squirrels have Benadryl? Maybe that would offer her some relief?

Nancy in New York
11-29-2016, 07:40 AM
Can squirrels have Benadryl? Maybe that would offer her some relief?

Yes squirrels CAN have Benadryl, BUT we've had 2 cases on the board
where it has made the squirrels hyper, so not sure about using it with Tish. :dono