View Full Version : Something Upper Respiratory

11-05-2016, 07:49 AM
A little background: I recently did a soft release with an eastern grey I rehabbed after he came down with a nest from a downed tree in my yard. He was doing really well and transitioning well to outside life. He recently (about 2 weeks ago) took over an abandoned nest in a tree by my deck and has been fully independent since. Yet, being so close to the house and a food source (the squirrel mix placed out on my back deck) he is back daily to snack and also seems to enjoy the interaction we still have (I let him initiate contact if I'm out and I'm not hugely concerned he keeps a connection as I'm in a wooded, low population area, and he's not prone to interacting with other humans--even ones he knows like my husband.) The other day I returned home after being gone a week to find he has some kind of upper respiratory issue. Runny nose that has crusted under his nostrils and little sneezes (or sounds like little sneezes). He's been healthy basically right up until he made the full time move out and into the nest, and began interacting with other squirrels--within a week or so has picked this up. He seems to still be eating well and active like normal. I'm wondering what this might be and if I need to be concerned. I would be able to take him to a vet if need be, but I'm more inclined to leave him be as a free squirrel if this is probably minor and will most likely clear on it's own.

island rehabber
11-05-2016, 07:54 AM
There is a URI out there, that I have had juvie squirrels get. It is contagious as heck, so if he came in contact with another squirrel out there who had it, he's got it. They sneeze repeatedly and have snotty noses, then it goes away as suddenly as it comes. When I brought babies in to my vet with this (twice) he did prescribe ABs but honestly they didn't really help. It's like a common cold, in squirrels. However, I wouldn't just assume it is going to get better.
You have the advantage of watching him closely, since he's in your yard. Watch his energy and appetite levels. If they dip....even a little bit....I would get some Baytril into him for at least 5 - 7 days. The thing about that 'cold' that my squirrels had is they never lagged for one minute: they played and ate and peed and pooped perfectly. IF your guy starts to slow down you need to get the AB's quickly. Have Baytril on hand, anyway -- it is a rehabber's best friend.