View Full Version : Introducing Ralph (and myself)

10-25-2016, 07:28 PM

Ralph is my fourth squirrel, though I've never gotten them so young. I've had him since August 9th, when a Good Samaritan brought him into my work after finding him in a puddle (there was a crazy summer storm that blew through about 30 minutes prior). He was a pretty sick baby. Luckily I work for a veterinarian so getting meds was no issue. He's doing great now and really starting to explore. I live in Maine where our winters can be quite harsh. I know Ralph is at the age now where the babies are leaving the nest, but it's almost November and I don't feel comfortable letting him outside with no nest or food store.
We just got a huge ferret cage and have decided to keep him in until Spring.

I haven't done this in a few years. The last 3 I had came and went as they pleased and I'd see them less and less until they stopped coming. The last time I had a squirrel indoors through winter was my first, and that was 20 years ago!

I was thinking in March, we would start letting him out, either in an acclimation cage or just letting him out with, then without supervision. We live on 11 acres with lots of nut trees and feeders around.

Any thoughts or advice? I look forward to checking more of this board out. Wish I had this when I was a shiny new squirrel mom, lol.


10-25-2016, 09:52 PM
Hi and welcome to TSB! He is very handsome and somehow looks like a "Ralph". :grin2

I am also overwintering two that are about 16 weeks now. They are behaving themselves but I can't wait to see them run FREE!

Keep the photos coming, he's a cutie!

10-25-2016, 10:29 PM
Hi TerinaD, welcome to TSB!:wave123 Being in Maine, I would defiantly overwinter him as you plan to do. Check out the diet thread if you haven't already - it has some good information regarding what things are safe to feed as well as great nutrition information. http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels Be sure to have your little guy on a high quality rodent block or the Henrys blocks.
How big is the ferret cage you bought? Is it a ferret nation? Overwintering can be challenging, especially as spring approaches and many times they are restless and board by this time. So be sure to have plenty of things for Ralph to chew on in his cage. As for toys, my juvies have always loved wresting stuffed small animals (be sure they don't have plastic eyes or noses) and really love stuffed toys on the end of a bungee.
We recommend using a release cage when the time comes to give him time to adjust to the outdoor sights and sounds as well as learning about being in the wild. We have read horror stories of little ones going outside for the first time, getting spooked by something and run off, never to return. It is truly a heartbreaking situation. There are many great release cage plans on TSB if you decide to use that method.

By the way, little Ralph is just adorable!:Love_Icon