View Full Version : New baby. some food questions

10-25-2016, 06:54 AM
I rescued a singleton that was cold and barley alive back in late August. She is about 11-13 weeks old. My question is about two weeks ago she destroyed all my syringes so she eats monkey biscuits and various veggies. She drinks water a lot too. Am I feeding her correctly? She's nice and plump and full of energy. I want to get some Henry's blocks but I can't afford them till next month :(

10-25-2016, 11:40 AM
I rescued a singleton that was cold and barley alive back in late August. She is about 11-13 weeks old. My question is about two weeks ago she destroyed all my syringes so she eats monkey biscuits and various veggies. She drinks water a lot too. Am I feeding her correctly? She's nice and plump and full of energy. I want to get some Henry's blocks but I can't afford them till next month :(

What specific kind / brand of "monkey biscuits" are you feeding? Does she still take formula at all (and what kind was she raised on)? Have you tried offering the formula in a shallow dish?

Here is a link to the healthy diet chart. You squirrel is at the age right now that if her diet is not appropriate she will begin to fail so it is important to make sure her diet is "right". Formula and / or Henry's are great insurance against MBD.


10-25-2016, 01:04 PM
She was on esbilac with probiotics. I tried giving her milk in a dish but it just went to waste. She's eating the monkey biscuits from the squirrel store. I'll attempt to give her formula again. I wish she wouldn't bite the tips off the syringes. She destroyed one in a few seconds the last time I tried.

10-25-2016, 03:38 PM
She was on esbilac with probiotics. I tried giving her milk in a dish but it just went to waste. She's eating the monkey biscuits from the squirrel store. I'll attempt to give her formula again. I wish she wouldn't bite the tips off the syringes. She destroyed one in a few seconds the last time I tried.

Does she have other things available (toys, branches, etc.) to get her chew on?

10-25-2016, 03:46 PM
Does she have other things available (toys, branches, etc.) to get her chew on?

She has a squirrel play ground :) also she has two deer antlers and apple branches. Plus I let her out twice a day to do her squirrelly thing under supervision. I plan on releasing her after winter.

10-25-2016, 05:05 PM
She has a squirrel play ground :) also she has two deer antlers and apple branches. Plus I let her out twice a day to do her squirrelly thing under supervision. I plan on releasing her after winter.

All good (great!) things! They do get to a point where they wean themselves from formula and the biting on the nipples and syringes is certainly a "sign" of that... when I have a group and one becomes fixated on biting off the nipples versus drinking the formula, I do stop feeding them and move onto another one if they are biting the nipples off.

However, since your little one is not drinking formula it is even more important that her diet is balanced and calcium rich (and not calcium depleting)... especially since she is not eating any Henry's already. And if they have not been eating Henry's since they were 6 weeks old or so, it may be a big challenge to get her to eat them now... but tough love will be the answer. I suggest you get the picky formula; a single bag will last about month for a singleton.

10-25-2016, 05:34 PM
She eats zupreem monkey biscuits. She loves them so hopefully when I can get the hhb it will be a easy transition. You guys think she is calcium depleted eating just monkey biscuits and veggies?

10-25-2016, 06:01 PM
She eats zupreem monkey biscuits. She loves them so hopefully when I can get the hhb it will be a easy transition. You guys think she is calcium depleted eating just monkey biscuits and veggies?

No, sorry, I did not mean to suggest that.... If you are following the healthy diet guide, then that is great. The Zupreem monkey biscuits are not bad for her, but she'd have to eat a ton of them to get all the nutrition needed. Certainly the fresh veggies will help and variety is the key. For example, too much spinach can be a bad thing! And you are right, if she eats the Zupreem she'll most likely love the Henry's!

Calcium depleting foods would include nuts, seeds, dried corn and the like.