View Full Version : Eastern Gray Squirrel 11 weeks old

10-24-2016, 10:57 PM
Hello everyone! I have been reading over post the last couple of weeks but I believe posting will be beneficial. I have had Squeak since he was 4 weeks old, he is now 11 weeks old. I'm worried with time he will be unhappy inside. I live in Jacksonville, Florida & the recent storm has kept rehabbers very busy. This is my first time & I'm really unsure of what to do long term. He is very healthy & active, he eats solid food/rodent blocks & will still take formula in the morning & before bed. Should I introduce him to outside in the cage? I got him close to outside & he was very uncomfortable. I'm attaching pictures of him when I found him as well as a current picture. I wish he had another squirrel to keep him company, I'm afraid I'm not doing what is best for him by keeping him.280233280232

10-24-2016, 11:04 PM
He is precious! It is still a bit early for the outside for him. I generally wait until they are at least 16 - 18 weeks old and with a single would err toward the 18 week side. He would then be in an outdoor cage for a couple of weeks to get used to it before his release.
Keep enjoying him and keeping him growing and healthy! Nice job!

10-24-2016, 11:17 PM
What a cutie!! I personally believe that unless there is something wrong with them, they should be free in the trees. They do not domesticate and will remain wild. Even wilder with age. And they just don't make good pets. As heartbreaking as it is to do, you would do the right thing for your baby by soft releasing. And he would be much happier in the trees vs a life in a cage. However, he is much too young to release. It needs to be a soft release and works better with some buddies his own age. I've released some. I cried and cried. But if you are lucky, your friend will remember you and visit for treats. I had a release who would run over from several houses down when I called for him.
I have a non releasable gal as well due to birth defects. They only bond to one person and will try to eat the face off most anyone else. They will eat all of your furniture. All of it. You cannot take vacations. As it is close to impossible to find someone to care for them when you are gone. Usually, impossible to get their hands in to even feed. You can't just pick up and decide to leave town on a fun trip at a moments notice.
Ultimately, it's your decision. I'm just trying to let you know what it is like from experience. This doesn't include the costs of proper diet and vet care if needed. Most people fall in love with the babies (rightfully so!) But truly don't understand what it's really like to keep them. There is also a chance when they go into their first heat, they will really really wild up and just want out. And you can't change that. And older adults, especially singletons, are extremely hard to soft release.
A lot of people here can help you with release instructions! In the meantime, enjoy that baby!!!

10-25-2016, 12:12 PM
At 4 months, 16 weeks, I place my babies outside in their release cage to get them ready for a soft release....... here they will spend 30 days getting use to their surroundings and wilding up with out you around all the time. After the 30 days is up you can open the cage door to set them free.