View Full Version : Male Baby Squirrel (10-weeks old) urinating in food dish

10-21-2016, 10:11 AM
Hello everyone! My 10-week old (very spunky) male squirrel has started urinating in his food dish with food still in it! He eats food, so I know it's not him completely rejecting it, but maybe he urinates on it when he's finished? It can't be territorial because it's just him. Kind of making my life difficult because I can't leave it there for his to continue grazing on because I don't want him to get sick...

Besides it being a pain, I'm hoping there isn't a bigger problem that he is trying to tell me (he's done it twice right in front of me). He is still on one formula feeding per day and sometimes he's more excited about it than others, but he never "latches on" like he used to, so I began introducing more food and decreasing the amount of formula which seemed to be fine. He used to go crazy over formula every time I walked in the room and now it's more of a chore to him to eat it (although he usually finishes all 15 cc in the morning). I have continued to weigh him to make sure the transition has been ok for him and he is still steadily gaining weight. He is about 285 grams (Eastern Grey Squirrel in the South).

Has anyone ever heard of male squirrels urinating on their food? Help! I have another question but I'll start a new thread for that. Thanks in advance!!!

10-21-2016, 10:27 AM
Relax!! :grin2

Baby squirrels always pee and poo on their food, for whatever nasty reason. Even one of my older NRs will do it if she's unhappy with that day's food selection.

10-21-2016, 10:51 AM
Darlin, ANY squirrel can--and frequently DOES pee in the food dish. Give that boy a litter pan and serve his vittles on a paper towel. They LOVE paper towels. Great shredding enjoyment and they stuff them in their cubes. He's not gonna defile a paper towel. All my babies (except Scooter--he's paralyzed and incontenint--oh geeeez--auro correct just changed that to intercontinental :laugh2) use a litter pan. Keeps fleece fresher and less peeing on dinner. Oh--put your baby in the nursery. You can ask all your questions in one convenient place and emergency is still there if you get into trouble.

10-21-2016, 11:56 AM
What a relief!!!!! I'm so glad I asked :serene

Thank you for the paper towel idea. What do you put in a litter box? That sounds like it would make his overall cage much cleaner!

Thanks again