View Full Version : How can I tell if mine is fighting or playing with other wild squirrels?

10-16-2016, 02:59 PM
My 7 month old pine squirrel was released about 2 weeks ago. He still comes home to visit.

Do piney squirrels play? If so, How can I tell the difference?

I've been "protecting" him from the wild squirrels. While he was still in the release cage, I seen another pine squirrel on the back of a Fox squirrel in the trees. I think there's only a couple other squirrels that visit my yard... one Fox squirrel and possibly 2 other pine squirrels, it's probably just one.

I'll hear a piney chirping In the trees, run outside an call for Leafy. He comes quite often to me.

Every other day, some times more than once a day, I've heard something going on in the woods near my house. I walk out side and see 2 pineys run out. I yell, then Leafy jumps on me. We hangout out for a moment before he's off again.

I am starting to think he calls me when the other squirrel is messing with him.

Sometimes he's in the release cage chirping because another piney is chirping in the tree near by. I'll chase it off.

He hasn't had any wounds yet... But I'm afraid one Will get him.

Also, the Fox squirrel has been walking right up to me while sitting on the porch. I think it's after Leafy's crumbs. I bet I could hand feed it, LoL. I've been chasing him off tho :D

10-16-2016, 10:01 PM
Pine squirrels are very playful and very territorial. At this time of year (not breeding), it's hard for me to tell when squirrels are playing or fighting. Your backyard may be another pine squirrels territory and Piney is trying to take it or vice versa. Pine squirrels will even attack larger gray and fox squirrels who enter their territory. I put food it in several places in my backyard to try to decrease the fighting.

10-17-2016, 03:47 AM
You can tell when a squirrel means business when they both curl up in ball
together with lots of loud chatter and fur goes flying, almost like cats.

10-24-2016, 09:45 PM
Whatever was going on last weekend has calmed down. I think Leafy won the territory or they are friends. The squirrels were constantly freaking out. It was squirrel war for about 3 days. He doesn't have a scratch on him.

I haven't seen him running with the other squirrel in a few days now. He's started to chase off birds in the trees. It's entertaining!