View Full Version : Little Jesse
Hello I'm new here & have never rehabbed a squirrel before
The story is we seen mom (grey squirrel) move her babies under our deck for some reason a few months ago during the summer
A month or so goes by & my daughter found 1 of the babies dead in our driveway no marks or anything on him.
A week goes by and we found another one alive on our deck just laying there hardly able to move.
We suspect mom abandoned them or got hit by a car as she never came back.
We brought him in & re-hydrated him & slowly got him/her healthy, feeding goats milk with heavy cream & water.
We've fed him fruit veggies & some Lara bars for treats.
2 days ago his heat pad somehow got unplugged & same with the heater we have in the room, he was super cold to the touch & again could hardly move
I warmed him up but since then he's been lethargic and dehydrated I just gave him sugar water which he drank about 6ml & then pee'd a really dark pee
Which is why I'm here now cause it freaked me out.
His back legs have always been a bit weak as he cant really walk or hop/run at a quick pace
Is this because he's gotten cold or is there another reason for the dark pee..?
Thank You !!
I have just now ordered this
Fox Valley Day-One Formula 20/50
Hi-Protein Blocks - for Baby Squirrels and Flyers
MBD Treatment Kit
From Henry's I hope it gets here (B.C Canada) quickly
10-15-2016, 03:45 PM
Please tell us about his entire diet.. 80% of issues are diet.
See if you can find Royal Canine puppy formula while you wait for Fox Valley 20/ 50 to arrive.
Edit: And Tums. Get some Tums, but not the kind with Vitamin D. Fruit flavored, not mint.
Nancy in New York
10-15-2016, 04:14 PM
The dark pee is typically from dehydration.
Keep slowly pushing the hydration fluids and get the correct formula.
What does he weigh and how much are you feeding.
Can you post a picture of him?
This one is at least 8 weeks old, correct?
It doesn't seem that he should be like this, just because
of the heating pad turning off.
Sounds like there is more going on here.
Do you have a lot of fleece, or blankets in the bin/cage he's in?
What kind of container are you keeping him in.
Edit: Instead of sugar water, hydrate for 24 hours with Pedialyte, then go
to water with a touch of honey, for a little flavoring.
Hydration is key.
K I ran got tums fruit no vitimin d
I switched from sugar to honey
He's drank about 6ml of honey water and about 4 mls of tums. Hes had 2 normal poops but no more pee at all.
His diet is varied as he's just started on "real food"
He's had bits of avacado sweet potato celery romaine lettuce apple pair grape home made squirrel bars I made.
His formula is Pro Bloom Instant goats milk plus probiotics mixed with water & heavy cream. This is him havin some tums
10-15-2016, 08:13 PM
Are you following the MBD protocol in giving tums?
Please share with us what the recipe in his squirrel bars?
10-15-2016, 09:10 PM
Are you following the MBD protocol in giving tums?
Please share with us what the recipe in his squirrel bars?
I believe Larabars are a fruit and nut combo referred to as a "cashew cookie."
I believe Larabars are a fruit and nut combo referred to as a "cashew cookie."
He would get a little piece of a Larabar ad a snack but I made some bars from another squirrel forum I found
I'll post the tecipe once I find it, its from
And yes I've given him a tums I crushed and mixed with warm water thru a syringe.
10-16-2016, 09:33 AM
Is he acting any better today?
No :(
He wont drink anything, I've tried everything. Tums, tums in honey water,tums in his formula,plain honey water,plain formula. He did have a clear pee lastnight tho. I cant bring him to the vet either I was told he may be a invasive species and they would just call conservation officer to come get him to kill him.
10-16-2016, 12:46 PM
Yes, I believe you are right in BC, unfortunately.
Continue with hydration - whatever he seems to like the best. Even if you just push enough into his mouth to wet it, wait a couple minutes, and do it again and again, etc.
Call your friends, family, and anyone else you know or can reach by phone or FB and see if anyone has ANY antibiotics - not pet meds - antibiotics for humans. Many are very useful in animals. Many women are prone to urinary tract infections and the most commonly given med for that is Cipro. That would be a good thing to get - you only need ONE pill. Ask for ANYTHING - many people don't use all of their pills and they lay around. Get a list and bring it back here and let's see if we can do more than just hydrate.
Thank you everyone for your help !
I managed to get about 2 tablespoons of fluid into him, kind of a mixture of everything I've tried for the past 5 hours today. I've found he wont touch the orange flavored tums or the lime flavored but he will let me atleast push some of the strawberry into him. How much he actually got down his throat I dont know. He had a small poop but no pee yet. His fur/skin will still stay where it is (the sign of dehydration) where the fur kinda stays in place. But he does get roweled up and squawks he will try & walk but then will just stand there with his chin resting on the ground. I did try to get him to pee with a warm cloth but all I got was a puncture hole thru my finger haha 1st time hes ever bit me hard enough to go thru skin. So he's got some fight left in him I'll try feeding again once I'm done cleaning his cage..
I did make a photo gallery of him & cage etc since the 1st day we found him & uploaded pics but not sure how to post them.
I uploaded some pics of his privates, to be sure there's nothing wrong with him & he can pee as normal. I don't know how to make the pics work but there in my folder somewhere if someone can find them
Nancy in New York
10-16-2016, 02:12 PM
Here you go.
I'm quite sure you have a little girl here. :)
Here's a little boy.
Oh wow ! there is quite the difference lol
Good thing we picked a boy/girl name hehe
HER name is Jesse :)
PS: the pic of the squirrel carrying the pinky down the tree is mom & the pinky is either the one we found in driveway or Jesse
Nancy in New York
10-16-2016, 02:31 PM
Oh wow ! there is quite the difference lol
Good thing we picked a boy/girl name hehe
HER name is Jesse :)
Perfect! :Love_Icon
So I can get some antibiotics called Amoxicillin and apo-sulfatrim which would be best ?
This is her, I'm thinking now that she's got a bladder infection as she strains to pee. I'm going to find my scale and weigh her my sister is bringing me 500mg Apoxicillin tonight.
island rehabber
10-16-2016, 08:26 PM
Amoxicillin is perfect; we can help you dose it for her.
I got the meds but have misplaced my scale to weigh her.
How should I measure her to determine an approx weight ?
Or does someone have a keen eye on the pic I just posted ?
Thank You
Nancy in New York
10-16-2016, 09:38 PM
I got the meds but have misplaced my scale to weigh her.
How should I measure her to determine an approx weight ?
Or does someone have a keen eye on the pic I just posted ?
Thank You
What's her age again?
Is she a little fox squirrel?
What's the mg of the meds you got?
Is it amoxicillin?
Edit: Can you hold her like the picture that I posted?
We need something to compare her to, like a can of soda or in your
Please find a scale tomorrow. When dosing drugs it's important to give the
correct amount.
We can probably dose her tonight, but it should be on the conservative side.
I think to be on the safe side I will just keep hydrating her for tonight and go buy another scale tomorrow to get an exact weight. I believe shes approx 12 weeks her eyes were open when we found her and she had teeth and shes a grey squirrel but looking at pics of the fox squirrel Im not so sure.
The meds are 500mg amoxicillin capsules not liquid.
Nancy in New York
10-16-2016, 09:58 PM
I think to be on the safe side I will just keep hydrating her for tonight and go buy another scale tomorrow to get an exact weight. I believe shes approx 12 weeks her eyes were open when we found her and she had teeth and shes a grey squirrel but looking at pics of the fox squirrel Im not so sure.
The meds are 500mg amoxicillin capsules not liquid.
OK I will dose this tomorrow when you get a scale.
Always better to be on the safe side.
Also she is going to need to be on probiotics while taking this.
I get the capsules from the drugstore that humans take.
Just put a pinch in something that she drinks or eats, about the
size of O, it will protect her tummy from the abs.
Dose this ~2 hours before or after giving the antibiotics.
You don't need to get this exact probiotic, as long as you get a capsule
that you can pull apart. They taste very mildly sweet, so you shouldn't have a problem
with her eating or drinking it.
She's starting to feel better woohoo
Lastnight she had a big pee and this morning she drank (actually wanted to) 2tbs of formula/calcium/pedialyte mix. I'll give her a bit more and go buy a scale so we can get these meds in to her too 😊
Nancy in New York
10-17-2016, 09:33 AM
Thanks for letting us know.
Sounds like she's feeling better today. :w00t
Heres a pic of her this morning she feels like she's lost a bit of weight. I can feel her ribs on her right side which feel like they protrude more kinda feels like a lump I've never been able to feel before.
Im going to try and feed her a bit more and then head out to find a scale.
Is she a grey or a fox ? If she's a fox she's super small for her age I was told.
A lady called me this morning from Henrys about my order and she said the formula I've been feeding her is basically doing nothing for her. Hopefully she can bounce back and get her legs working so she can run and play like a normal squirrel. I feel so bad that I've been feeding her garbage formula the past month. I was told by the company I bought it that it was equal if not better than similac formula.. Grrrrrr
Nancy in New York
10-17-2016, 12:40 PM
Oh that's a little foxer for sure!
Look at that little oragne belly. :):klunk
Isn't Similac a formula for human babies?
Sorry Espilac is what I meant
Shes a fox ok well thats good at least I know what she is now :)
This board is so hard to post pics lol I cant figure it out on my pc..
EDIT OHHHH you drag them down haha ok I got it.. Ok I'm outa here to find a scale :)
Got a scale she's only 6.7oz !
10-17-2016, 09:21 PM
Got a scale she's only 6.7oz !
That's 189.9 grams, might as well say 190 grams. :grin2
Ok so I've got 500mg tablets of the Amoxicillin and 5billion probiotics any idea how much I should start giving her ?
Nancy in New York
10-17-2016, 09:45 PM
Ok so I've got 500mg tablets of the Amoxicillin and 5billion probiotics any idea how much I should start giving her ?
I will break down the 500 mg Amoxi and send dosing in a pm.
With the probiotics, just give an amount like this 0 either in
formula, or water, or anything that she will eat 2 hours prior or after dosing
the amoxi.
Cillians can be hard on their tummies.
Ok well I'm having to force feed her everything I try putting in her. She wont even attempt to eat fruit nuts or even suck from her bottle. I have been kinda holding her head in my hand with my pointer finger and thumb on each side of her mouth so she cant shake and try to eat me. Is this the proper way to force feed ? Im guessing if its working keep doing it. She's not on her back and she is swallowing almost all I can put in her mouth so I guess this is the technique I'll continue with until she's "better"
The calcium tabs are working her little poops are more whitish now so I'll hold off on those till all the good mdb formula and foods get here. Besides her regular formula mixed with creme is there anything more "fatty" I can get her on to put some weight back on her she's skin and bones. Its amazing how fast they can lose weight !
Thanks everyone :hug
Nancy in New York
10-18-2016, 09:42 AM
Ok well I'm having to force feed her everything I try putting in her. She wont even attempt to eat fruit nuts or even suck from her bottle. I have been kinda holding her head in my hand with my pointer finger and thumb on each side of her mouth so she cant shake and try to eat me. Is this the proper way to force feed ? Im guessing if its working keep doing it. She's not on her back and she is swallowing almost all I can put in her mouth so I guess this is the technique I'll continue with until she's "better"
The calcium tabs are working her little poops are more whitish now so I'll hold off on those till all the good mdb formula and foods get here. Besides her regular formula mixed with creme is there anything more "fatty" I can get her on to put some weight back on her she's skin and bones. Its amazing how fast they can lose weight !
Thanks everyone :hug
I wished we knew what was going on.
This little one is a mystery.
Something just isn't adding up here. :thinking
I'm so glad she has you to help her along.
Have you tried avocado without the seed or skin?
I wished we knew what was going on.
This little one is a mystery.
Something just isn't adding up here. :thinking
I'm so glad she has you to help her along.
Have you tried avocado without the seed or skin?
I haven't yet I've just basically been trying to get the probiotic & meds into her which has been a struggle.
I have one in the fridge I'll take out to warm up before giving it to her.
These little ones don't go into a "hibernate mode" while mom's out foraging do they ?
Its like as soon as she got cold, bam no appetite.
My sister has had a UTI from getting too cold which is what I think may have happened to Jesse, but nothing really explains the loss of appetite.
I took some pics of her poops and pee if anyone is interested in seeing such things lol
Let me know if anything looks a bit abnormal.. Her poops are the whitish color because of the extra calcium I've been feeding her.
Should I stop giving her the calcium for now & then start again or just keep lowering the amount given..?
Her pee as you can see has a yellowish green tint to it, is this the meds kicking in & flushing whatever is in her out..?
I tried giving her the Avocado she just turned up her nose & never even tried eating it.. =\
Jesse sayin Hi ! 😊
She's perkin up guys !
She want to eat now and actually sucking from the syringe.:serene I'll weigh her in a bit to see if she's gained any weight, which she has I can tell. She's still straining a bit when she pees but its clear now and not some weird red or green color. I know we're not outa yhe woods yet and still need to continue with the meds, I'm so happy I found this place :grouphug
Thank you everyone !
Nancy in New York
10-19-2016, 11:21 AM
What a great update!
I saw the "armage" video as well, that's adorable! :blowkiss
Read the posts, and a cat was mentioned.
FYI..........Cat bites and EVEN cat saliva is deadly to squirrels, there
HAS to be NO interaction.
Thanks for the update and the video! :w00t
What a great update!
I saw the "armage" video as well, that's adorable! :blowkiss
Read the posts, and a cat was mentioned.
FYI..........Cat bites and EVEN cat saliva is deadly to squirrels, there
HAS to be NO interaction.
Thanks for the update and the video! :w00t
Yeah we do have cats but they're so laid back they dont pay no attention to her at all. And when she's not being held by one of us she's safe in her cage in a spare room with door closed.
Woohoo food is in. !
Any tips on how much I should be mixing of each of the 3 pouches to her formula ? She seems to like the Hi-Protein Blocks I got her too !!
Thank You
Nancy in New York
10-19-2016, 04:40 PM
Woohoo food is in. !
Any tips on how much I should be mixing of each of the 3 pouches to her formula ? She seems to like the Hi-Protein Blocks I got her too !!
Thank You
My computer is running really slow so it may be a while before I reply IF you reply.
What 3 pouches are you talking about?
Henrys healthy vitimins,Calcium and Healthy Protein. It came as a MBD package
Nancy in New York
10-19-2016, 05:01 PM
Henrys healthy vitimins,Calcium and Healthy Protein. It came as a MBD package
Was that picture posted before, because if it was..............I never even saw it.
You have to call Leigh (at Henrys' where you bought it) on this one, I've never used it. Did this come with the kit?
If so, are there any instructions? Probably not if you're asking on the board.
Yes the pic was there when I made the post. Jessie is doing amazingly well already she's trying to run around on the spare bed and bouncing around in circles in her nice clean cage lol so cute. :serene
Ok I'll give her a call.
Nancy in New York
10-19-2016, 05:56 PM
Yes the pic was there when I made the post. Jessie is doing amazingly well already she's trying to run around on the spare bed and bouncing around in circles in her nice clean cage lol so cute. :serene
Ok I'll give her a call.
You have NO idea how thrilled I am that Jessie is doing so well.
You've brought her a LONG way. :bowdown :hug
EDIT: I wonder if it was because I was having computer problems before.
perhaps the photo didn't load for me.
You were probably wondering what I was talking about when I said "What 3 pouches?" :rolf
Heres a vid of how she walks could this be a birth defect ? Or does this definitely look like mbd
Nancy in New York
10-20-2016, 06:19 AM
Heres a vid of how she walks could this be a birth defect ? Or does this definitely look like mbd
Well there definitely are "problems" with her back legs a little.
BUT I see something in her face that almost makes me wonder
if she could be a "dwarf" squirrel.
You mentioned her being cold at 8 weeks when the heating pad shut off, which I thought was
curious, as they typically can thermoregulate at that age.
Another typical trait of a dwarf squirrel is that they are extremely picky when it comes to food.
2 days ago his heat pad somehow got unplugged & same with the heater we have in the room, he was super cold to the touch & again could hardly move
Dwarf squirrels need constant (low) heat because they can't thermoregulate their body temperature.
Let me get some more eyes on this from members that HAVE dwarf squirrels.
Dwarf squirrel hey hmmmmmmm. Like an actual dwarf squirrel or like a "little person" dwarf squirrel... lol not sure how to say it without offending anyone.
I see tons of this kind but what I googled dwarf squirrel I didnt see anything familiar. So I think you were right with Fox. Her mom was pretty big !
10-20-2016, 09:24 AM
Thanks for the heads up Nancy. Ya know, I've surfed this thread and always landed on pee or poop :rotfl I vote dwarf--perfect, bumbly, precious DWARF! Check out Mel's Joey and my Punkin and Tula. There's also Kensington, Peanut and Peepers (tho they go back aways) There's a section in "special needs squirrels" There's a lot to learn about these little gifts and TSB likely has more info than anywhere on the web. In fact, when I was blessed with my first sweetheart, Kensington, the only reference I found re achondroplastic dwarf squirrels was here at TSB (thanks to Maura and Nancy). They actually make up about 10% of the squirrel population but seldom make it to rescue and often the finder has no idea they are different as tiny babies and they need special care to thrive. They're not your average teeny with average teeny needs. Any one of us who have or have had dwarf babies will be soooooooo glad to talk to you live and in person. I'll PM my phone number to you. Your little one is unique and comes with her own range of abilities and disabilities. Be VERY careful about her climbing and wanting to be up high (like any squirrel). She doesn't grip well (look at her hands and watch how she holds things). She can fall and they don't fall normally--they fall like squishy rocks. Watch out for aspiration. Their tongues are kind of large and swallowing is sometimes hard for them. I'm real lucky that my girls will drink from a waterbottle. Some won't. My girls have found something that they will consistently eat. It is NOT on the healthy squirrel diet list but at least they eat. Some are suicide-aly picky. She will age fast. She may develope patchy fur or bald spots. She will make you lose your religion, turn prematurely gray, and break your heart but she is a miracle and you are blessed.
If she is indeed a fox that means she's a native species to BC which means I can take her to a vet without them calling a conservation officer to be euthanized ?
10-20-2016, 09:34 AM
OMG! This definitely walks like a dwarf squirrel, and because it's a fox squirrel it would be a larger dwarf than a grey. My Joey walks the same way. Their joints are not formed correctly so they sorta waddle when they walk. They don't have superb climbing abilities or balance, but my guy can climb up a limb in his cage to get to different levels, but everything is super padded in case he falls. Dwarf squirrels have a multitude of issues, but are the sweetest little creatures around. If you look in The Nursery section on The Squirrel Board you can read about Punkin, Tula and Joey. All are dwarf grey squirrels. I never even knew dwarf squirrels existed until I was raising Joey and he didn't seem to be growing the way he should. Send me a private message and I'd be happy to give you my phone number and we can talk.
10-20-2016, 09:35 AM
I think Jesse is a "dwarf" squirrel. That walk, foot motion and position, the ears and baby looking face. A special squirrel who will give you lots of love but also will need some extra special care. Chickenlegs, who posted above, is one of our resident dwarf squirrel experts and will be a great resource for you!:great. Mel too!
10-20-2016, 09:38 AM
If she is indeed a fox that means she's a native species to BC which means I can take her to a vet without them calling a conservation officer to be euthanized ?
I would still be concerned about them euthanizing her because she is not releasable. If you aren't sure you have the time or energy to care for her, please let us know and we may be able to find someone who will take her. :grouphug
Yah she cant grip onto things that you think she should. And she cant balance on her hind legs to even eat so she kinda has to push her block or whatever shes eating into a corner so it doesnt move on her when biting it.
Hmmmm if it is a birth defect maybe thats why mom abandoned them ? We thought maybe she got eaten or hit by a car, we see at least 2 a month dead on the road near our house.
Nancy in New York
10-20-2016, 09:41 AM
If she is indeed a fox that means she's a native species to BC which means I can take her to a vet without them calling a conservation officer to be euthanized ?
I would never trust a vet with ANY squirrel if you aren't licensed.
10-20-2016, 09:42 AM
Don't know BC wildlife laws. Might want to check that out first! In Virginia, you are supposed to be licensed to have and raise squirrels. Some vets have a don't ask/don't tell policy but then there are the others :frustratedx--and of course, just because you're a vet doesn't mean you have any experience with wildlife or specifically, squirrels--or even more specifically DWARF squirrels. Maybe someone here at TSB has recommendations.
Nancy in New York
10-20-2016, 09:42 AM
Thank you Chickenlegs and Mel for weighing in so quickly on the pm I sent you! :w00t:blowkiss:blowkiss
Nancy in New York
10-20-2016, 09:46 AM
Yah she cant grip onto things that you think she should. And she cant balance on her hind legs to even eat so she kinda has to push her block or whatever shes eating into a corner so it doesnt move on her when biting it.
Hmmmm if it is a birth defect maybe thats why mom abandoned them ? We thought maybe she got eaten or hit by a car, we see at least 2 a month dead on the road near our house.
I'm SO glad you posted this video.
Your little one has been a mystery to me, until I saw
her in full body in motion.
I thought it strange that this little one got SO cold after
the heating pad was unplugged. Now we know why.
Yes thank you very much to everyone helping Jessie she's doing so much better now because of this forum :grouphug :serene
Super happy I found this place :dance
Nancy in New York
10-20-2016, 09:50 AM
Dwarf squirrel hey hmmmmmmm. Like an actual dwarf squirrel or like a "little person" dwarf squirrel... lol not sure how to say it without offending anyone.
I see tons of this kind but what I googled dwarf squirrel I didnt see anything familiar. So I think you were right with Fox. Her mom was pretty big !
Not sure you would see dwarf squirrel.
Have you googled fox squirrel or young fox squirrel?
Edit: You have two great offers from Chicklegs and Mel, both of them
have little dwarf squirrels. They can help you with foods to try etc.
Both are extemely helpful.
Let me find the links to these babies, and you can do some research as well.
Oh their life spans are quite short as well.
One of the huge downsides, as they take
your heart completely.
I only found 2 pics of dwarf squirrels one is from Japan the other is just a tiny tiny one that looks nothing like her.
She's definitely a little Fox 😊
Nancy in New York
10-20-2016, 09:55 AM
Some call them dwarf and some downs, but I doubt you will
find many pictures other than on this board.
Two links to check out:!
10-20-2016, 09:58 AM
Mel's Joey is a very high functioning little guy but notice, she makes many accomodations for her boy. He has a well padded cage. My girls have a bin on a heating pad. They get bumble time but most of their time is spent sleeping in their bin (their choice as during the day it's on its side and they go in and out at will) Her Joey has a pretty darned extensive diet for a dwarf baby. My girls want nothing to do with anything different (unless it's a Frito) Joey has had extensive vet care from an amazing vet who knows dwarf squirrels. There is NO vet in my neck of the woods I would trust with the girls. My babies are pretty high functioning. My Kensington was low functioning. Our little neighborhood of dwarf moms and dads are likely to be more useful to you than a vet--unless your darling has a specific serious ailment. Mel asked an important question. These little guys need a LOT of attention. Your girl will want your love and care for many more hours than a rehab baby. My girls sleep most of the time but STILL want to be with me, on me, near me. They need to be checked on frequently. Up for that challenge?
She loves cuddling up to my neck and she makes these little clicking sounds and I make them back and we "talk" to eachother. Haha
I've got no problem taking care of her and once we get everything sorted with her pee and on some sort of steady feeding schedule she will do just fine. I was hoping I could build her a nice tall climbing enclosure that she could have fun in but time will tell if I'll be able to. For now shes content in her rabbit cage. Always starts bouncing around when she gets put back like a woohoo Im home lol
Her appetite is slowly coming back she had a full 10ml syringe of her new formula mixed with extra calcium and her antibiotics this morning. I'm just unsure of how else I could get the calcium into her when she just wants to nibble on something. Leigh from Henry's said to mix it in with peanutbutter and make 5 little balls out of it, but 500mg to a full tablespoon doesnt get it tacky enough to ball up. Alot less peanutbutter I guess can be used.
Might be challenging at times but this is going to be a awesome journey and Im so happy we found her :serene
Nancy in New York
10-20-2016, 10:26 AM
Might be challenging at times but this is going to be a awesome journey and Im so happy we found her :serene
So am I. :w00t:serene:w00t
You have once special little girl there!:Love_Icon
10-20-2016, 10:46 AM
Dwarf Foxer!? :klunk
Dwarf Foxer!? :klunk
Looks that way yep 😊
10-20-2016, 10:54 AM
Very excited Jay. You have a very unique special baby there.
Question? Is this the first Dwarf Fox squirrel on TSB? What about Peepers from Ohio? Was she a flxer? I think Jesse might be the first. :tilt
10-20-2016, 11:21 AM
Jay I am grinning ear to ear! You are a GOOD dwarf daddy! :bliss Her diet will take some work and be forewarned--just because she looooooooves something today doesn't mean she'll give it a "phhhhhhhht" tomorrow. My girls live on lemon poppyseed muffins heavy sprinkle of whey protein, maybe some yummy fruit veggie babyfood on top (but not too much:nono) and doused in formula--half and half Fox Valley20/50/ Esbilac. The both love Fritos or corn chips but won't eat corn. Sometimes they'll snack on Honey Nut Cheerios or Rice Chex. Punkin likes the occasional taste of avocado and dandilion buds. At one time they, specially Punkin, loooooved cheesy eggs. Occasionally Punkin will occasionally taste a carefully prepared omlet. Good thing my possum girls like eggs. Every now and then one or the other will slurp down some formula. Usually, "eeeeeeeeeent"! They both drink from a water bottle. YAY! Punkin is old at a year and a half. She has what can only be referred to as "dwarf edema"--they seem to get a weird "pudginess" as they age and it looks like edema. Punkin's fur is kind of patchy now and her hands and feet have no fur--likely from walking through her food dish at night. My girls do most of their eating and drinking at night. Dunno why. Always did. I hear them slurping and drinking all night long (their bin is right beside the bed). Jessie is a miracle and I'm sooooooooo glad she is YOUR miracle! :blowkiss
Yesterday morning I woke up to her drinking from her water bowl she's never done that before & maybe just noticed it was even in there lol. But she loved it & had a humungus pee after lol :w00t
Is a dripper bottle preferred over a water bowl/dish ? I'm not sure she would drink from a dripper but we do have one if its recommended.
EDIT: Oh & she loves licking my hands is it the salt she's after ? I do have a mineral/salt block in her enclosure and have noticed teeth marks on it..
10-20-2016, 11:30 AM
She loves cuddling up to my neck and she makes these little clicking sounds and I make them back and we "talk" to eachother. Haha
I've got no problem taking care of her and once we get everything sorted with her pee and on some sort of steady feeding schedule she will do just fine. I was hoping I could build her a nice tall climbing enclosure that she could have fun in but time will tell if I'll be able to. For now shes content in her rabbit cage. Always starts bouncing around when she gets put back like a woohoo Im home lol
Her appetite is slowly coming back she had a full 10ml syringe of her new formula mixed with extra calcium and her antibiotics this morning. I'm just unsure of how else I could get the calcium into her when she just wants to nibble on something. Leigh from Henry's said to mix it in with peanutbutter and make 5 little balls out of it, but 500mg to a full tablespoon doesnt get it tacky enough to ball up. Alot less peanutbutter I guess can be used.
Might be challenging at times but this is going to be a awesome journey and Im so happy we found her :serene
If Jesse is a dwarf and her problem isn't MBD, is it best to continue with the high levels of calcium? I don't know. Joey gets one drop of liquid calcium a day ( or every other day) because his calcium to phosphorous ratio was low, but that was determined by blood work. I never would have known otherwise.
As for feeding....Joey gets fed Fox Valley 20/50 with Fox Valley Ultraboost added to it. 50/50 formula and Ultraboost. It has helped him gain weight. He also gets fed a multitude of baby food formulations, including baby food chicken and turkey, all via syringe. He will eat chicken, sugar snap peas, cheddar bay garlic biscuits and occasionally eggs, Cheetos or pancake by himself. One thing the vet told me was whatever he would eat, feed it to him. You don't have to be nearly as concerned about the healthy diet pyramid, but I give him his healthy food by syringe, so I know he's getting an adequate amount.
On Oct. 23rd I will have had him for a year. It's been quite an amazing journey.
Nancy in New York
10-20-2016, 11:30 AM
Very excited Jay. You have a very unique special baby there.
Question? Is this the first Dwarf Fox squirrel on TSB? What about Peepers from Ohio? Was she a flxer? I think Jesse might be the first. :tilt
Peepers from Ohio was a grey, I had to go back and double check.
I do believe Jessie is the first Dwarf Fox Squirrel on TSB and we've been here for 10 years! :w00t
10-20-2016, 11:45 AM
I would not give MBD levels of Calcium (ie 500mg+ daily). More like a normal weekly supplement to offset the odd diets that Dwarfs consume!
If Jesse is a dwarf and her problem isn't MBD, is it best to continue with the high levels of calcium? I don't know. Joey gets one drop of liquid calcium a day ( or every other day) because his calcium to phosphorous ratio was low, but that was determined by blood work. I never would have known otherwise.
As for feeding....Joey gets fed Fox Valley 20/50 with Fox Valley Ultraboost added to it. 50/50 formula and Ultraboost. It has helped him gain weight. He also gets fed a multitude of baby food formulations, including baby food chicken and turkey, all via syringe. He will eat chicken, sugar snap peas, cheddar bay garlic biscuits and occasionally eggs, Cheetos or pancake by himself. One thing the vet told me was whatever he would eat, feed it to him. You don't have to be nearly as concerned about the healthy diet pyramid, but I give him his healthy food by syringe, so I know he's getting an adequate amount.
On Oct. 23rd I will have had him for a year. It's been quite an amazing journey.
I didnt know they could,should or would eat any kind of meat/eggs but I guess protein is protein & if they like it why not..
I've read some squirrels will eat grub worms & little bugs but didnt know Foxes would.
Nancy in New York
10-20-2016, 12:24 PM
I didnt know they could,should or would eat any kind of meat/eggs but I guess protein is protein & if they like it why not..
I've read some squirrels will eat grub worms & little bugs but didnt know Foxes would.
A fox squirrel is still a squirrel.
You have a squirrel, not a fox. :)
She's been doin this for about 15 minutes lol
Just doin laps around the bed lol
10-20-2016, 04:26 PM
Oh my gosh--Punkin runs circles too. DWARFS RULE :w00t
Um--this dollie needs to go to the nursery--or special needs! She needs her own special thread with her own special name :grin3
Should I put some natural twigs in her cage to chew on ? We've got a couple big willow trees I could snap some little branches from. And what about the leaves..?
Just trying to make things a little more "homey" for her :)
She doesnt seem to want to eat her formula =\ She will in the mornings around 10mls but the rest of the day its nearly impossible to get it into her..
She also wont eat her blocks I'm scared shes not eating enough at all..I read that I can soak the blocks in formula or is it soak them in water..?
Thank you :)
I'm sure some of you have read this page already but I'm kinda shocked at how little he feeds his 6 to 10 week olds.
I get what they're saying about less amount more energy per serving but from 10mls what she was originally eating 2.5 to 6mls ? Im wondering is I should mix 1 part formula to 1.5 or 1.75 water ?
She was eating 10mls non stop before she got sick
Not sure you would see dwarf squirrel.
Have you googled fox squirrel or young fox squirrel?
Edit: You have two great offers from Chicklegs and Mel, both of them
have little dwarf squirrels. They can help you with foods to try etc.
Both are extemely helpful.
Let me find the links to these babies, and you can do some research as well.
Oh their life spans are quite short as well.
One of the huge downsides, as they take
your heart completely.
I must have missed the last few lines of your post as I did not see the part about how short their lives are and am now all teary eyed :sadness as she lays on my lap wrapped up in her heat pad with a full belly. She finally ate another 7oz
Stayin up late to give her some meds.
Shes wheezing pretty loud, but as soon as she wakes or I just rustle her up a bit she stops. I did notice this a few days ago but it wasnt this loud..
Cmon little one please get better.
If yahll haven't noticed by now I'm a huge sap for critters :Love_Icon
The wife says I like animals more than I like people hehe
10-21-2016, 06:03 AM
If she's wheezing it could be pneumonia or congestion. Remind me what meds she's on. My Joey has had bouts with pneumonia and wheezing and it was treated with Clavamox or Baytril. The vet has also used a nebulizer on my little guy to help open his airways. Let me know if you need some Clavamox. Some folks have also found antibiotics that can be used in the fish dept of a pet store. I have never found any.
As for feeding. Joey takes about 6-8cc from the syringe and I feed him 5-6 times a day. He weighed a total of 226gr before he got really sick around Easter time. I haven't been able to get him back to that weight. This is why I use the Ultraboost in his formula. It is added calories, sorta like the heavy whipping cream, without the diarrhea possibility.
I hope Jessie is doing better today. :grouphug
Nancy in New York
10-21-2016, 07:15 AM
Should I put some natural twigs in her cage to chew on ? We've got a couple big willow trees I could snap some little branches from. And what about the leaves..?
Just trying to make things a little more "homey" for her :)
She doesnt seem to want to eat her formula =\ She will in the mornings around 10mls but the rest of the day its nearly impossible to get it into her..
She also wont eat her blocks I'm scared shes not eating enough at all..I read that I can soak the blocks in formula or is it soak them in water..?
Thank you :)
I know that one of Chickenlegs little ones LOVED cheesy eggs.
Not sure how she made them though. :dono
They are PICKY little eaters though. :Love_Icon
Edit: Leave it to our Chickenlegs to put things right at our fingertips.
She made a thread: What the heck do you feed a dwarf squirrel. :)
Well I didnt sleep a wink lastnight
Shes on probiotics and 0.8ml of amoxicillin twice a day
Nancy in New York
10-21-2016, 09:02 AM
Well I didnt sleep a wink lastnight
Shes on probiotics and 0.8ml of amoxicillin twice a day
Jay, please tell me that you meant 0.08 and NOT 0.8
This is what I sent you in a pm.
I told you about the probiotics on the board and through another pm.
So that's taken care of. :thumbsup
You take ONE 500 mg Amoxi tablet and crush that into a fine powder.
Place that into a SMALL container with a lid and add 10 mLs of water to that.
Shake this up really well before administering.
For a squirrel that weighs 190 grams the dose will be 0.08 twice daily, 12 hours apart
for 5-7 days.
Keep this in the refrig and discard after 15 days.
OK I will dose this tomorrow when you get a scale.
Always better to be on the safe side.
Also she is going to need to be on probiotics while taking this.
I get the capsules from the drugstore that humans take.
Just put a pinch in something that she drinks or eats, about the
size of O, it will protect her tummy from the abs.
Dose this ~2 hours before or after giving the antibiotics.
You don't need to get this exact probiotic, as long as you get a capsule
that you can pull apart. They taste very mildly sweet, so you shouldn't have a problem
with her eating or drinking it.
Yes sorry 0.08 I didnt have coffee yet thumbs were still sleepin. Im on my phone.
Sorry for the early morning scare I'm slowly waking up.
Nancy in New York
10-21-2016, 09:18 AM
Yes sorry 0.08 I didnt have coffee yet thumbs were still sleepin. Im on my phone. ��
Sorry for the early morning scare I'm slowly waking up.��
280113 I'm fine now! :grin2
10-21-2016, 09:28 AM
Stayin up late to give her some meds.
Shes wheezing pretty loud, but as soon as she wakes or I just rustle her up a bit she stops. I did notice this a few days ago but it wasnt this loud..
Cmon little one please get better.
If yahll haven't noticed by now I'm a huge sap for critters :Love_Icon
The wife says I like animals more than I like people hehe
You're in good company. Anybody want to take a poll as to how many have said those exact words? :grin3
If she's wheezing it could be pneumonia or congestion. Remind me what meds she's on. My Joey has had bouts with pneumonia and wheezing and it was treated with Clavamox or Baytril. The vet has also used a nebulizer on my little guy to help open his airways. Let me know if you need some Clavamox. Some folks have also found antibiotics that can be used in the fish dept of a pet store. I have never found any.
As for feeding. Joey takes about 6-8cc from the syringe and I feed him 5-6 times a day. He weighed a total of 226gr before he got really sick around Easter time. I haven't been able to get him back to that weight. This is why I use the Ultraboost in his formula. It is added calories, sorta like the heavy whipping cream, without the diarrhea possibility.
I hope Jessie is doing better today. :grouphug
Punkin had aspiration pneumonia. She was given Baytril. It was absolutely cleared up in a few days. Girl scared the crap outta me. Run a HOT shower and take her into the steamy bathroom. If you have a warm mist vaporizer, fire it up. During the meanwhile, put TONS of fleece in a bin and put that bin on a heating pad. The bin prevents drafts and you can tent the bin with the vaporizer going. The fleece will get wet from the warm mist so don't go away and leave her for any length of time if you tent. Don't want her getting wet and chilled. Actually, as they do get chilled easily, I'd keep her in a bin for the winter. And put LOTS of fleece in there. She needs to be able to crawl under the fleece or on top of it if she gets warm. My girls bin has a water bottle in the corner and a small plate of their muffin mash and a tiny bowl of peas so they can eat whenever they want. They get all sticky but warm and draft free trumps sticky. As to what she eats--here's a couple of things my girls USTA like (now it's muffin, whey protein, babyfood, formula over the whole mess. And snap peas--shelled fresh--the fat ones. No puny peas and they gotta be fresh from the shell) beat an egg with formula. Put some butter in a pan on medium heat. Pour eggs in pan and add cheese. My girls like mozarella or Havarti. Fold the eggs around the cheese. Tadaaaaaaaaa! Cheezy yeggs! They liked them for months--then turned up their noses. Try some soft avocado. Punkin LOVED the stuff. Tula never did. Add some baby fruit to formula. Very rarely the girls will still taste that. Try sweet cornbread--I'll send the recipe if you can't get it there. Use formula instead of milk. Bake a sweet potato, add butter and a little formula, offer to squirrel, be prepared to be "pffffffffted" Anything you fix with formula--cornbread, muffins, eggs-YOU can eat cause most likely you WILL--unless you have a possum. Hubby eats the girl's food all the time. I don't tell him it's squirrel food. I don't get him getting all huffy cause I cook for them and not him! If he's happy eating their yummies that's fine. They like theirs fresh anyhow. Try chicken, pizza, quesadilla, EVERYTHING and remember--right now she's not feeling good. Sweeten the pot--if you soak a block--in formula please-- (or what ever she's turning up her nose at) put a tiny dab of honey on it. I've been blessed with three of these miracles. Every one had a sweet tooth. Now, go ye forth and COOK for your darling--after giving her a biiiiig kiss on the head from Aunti Pat!
You all are awesome 😊
I mixed the amoxicillin with 5ml formula to 7.5ml water and maybe a half pea sized dot of calcium.
Of course the $20 Walmart piece of :pissed scale wont read, its all over the map with nothing even touching it. Gonna exchange it today..
I guess Im not gettin the heatpad for my back back anytime soon lol her fav spot
You all are awesome 😊
I mixed the amoxicillin with 5ml formula to 7.5ml water and maybe a half pea sized dot of calcium.
Of course the $20 Walmart piece of :pissed scale wont read, its all over the map with nothing even touching it. Gonna exchange it today..
Wow I musta been sleep mixing cause she's never gonna eat all that lol
10-21-2016, 11:06 AM
When you go to Walmart, might want to pick up an extra heating pad :grin3
When you go to Walmart, might want to pick up an extra heating pad :grin3
You mean one for me ? Lol the things we do for our little living things :blowkiss
I cant believe I've been trying to feed her this 1 syringe for 3 hours now. She just squirms away and I'm too afraid I'm gonna break her if I hold her too tight. Do they make straight jackets for squirrels ? She needs this one its got her amoxicillin and it wasnt 5mls to 7.5mls it was 3mls formula to 4.5mls to make 7.5mls and shes only eaten 3.5mls so far hahaha I think I just woke up... Hi guys
Are my pics like super huge for everyone else too ?
So for all these little guys who sleep most of the time what happens to their teeth ?
Shouldn't they be gnawing on stuff to file them down so they don't grow out the top of their heads..?
Has anyone needed to get the teeth clipped ?
Here's her enclosure that's hemp rope I just temporarily wrapped around for her to have something to climb on besides the cage is it ok to be in there. ? I hung one of my daughters toques as you can see as a hammock, thought that was pretty genius :clap before she got sick she would go in there and spaz out havin fun.
She's got a couple stuffies in there to beat up when she's feelin feisty a mineral block a cuttlefish bone which has some pretty good teeth marks in. Are toilet paper rolls (glue) ok for her to play around with and those little biodegradable potting pots ? She doesn't tear any pieces off she mostly walked around with them on her head which was super funny to watch. After she was done playing and put them down she would bounce around in circles lol I also recently put maple tree twigs in for her to chew up And a bunch of branches with leaves on the top and 1 side for a autumn feel LOL
Her prized possession is her white bear toque/hide with the arm mittens, that thing is so super soft (after its washed) she just squishes right in there like she would her mom. Super warm and comfy.
She is back to bouncing around a bit and playing but what else can I put in there to make her happier ?
Sara in NW MS
10-21-2016, 02:01 PM
I cant believe I've been trying to feed her this 1 syringe for 3 hours now. She just squirms away and I'm too afraid I'm gonna break her if I hold her too tight. Do they make straight jackets for squirrels ? She needs this one its got her amoxicillin and it wasnt 5mls to 7.5mls it was 3mls formula to 4.5mls to make 7.5mls and shes only eaten 3.5mls so far hahaha I think I just woke up... Hi guys ��
I can't blame a foggy head for my ignorance since I've been up for hours but I'm really confused by this comment.
You added her dose of ABs to the formula you made this morning? So is it the entire dose for the day that you mixed in there or just what she needed for her first dose? What are you mixing with the formula? You mentioned 3 ml of formula to 4.5 ml of something else to make 7.5 ml. What is the 4.5 ml you are referring to? I'm lost, maybe my brain has shut down already since it is Friday. lol
Those pics are super cute, she is so precious! I saw the cage pic also. Just think of her as a baby who needs lots of soft and cozy things. Safety is another concern, you don't want her falling and you need warmth. If you move her to a plastic bin you can help keep her little home warmer with the use of a heating pad under half of it.
We're in the same boat I've been up since 6am yesterday lol
I mixed 3ml of the FV 20/50 to 4.5ml of water to make the formula pack the same punch but be a little less filling cause she's not wanting to eat. It also has 0.08ml of her antibiotics.
I hope that makes sense I'm kinda in zombie mode right now lol
Sara in NW MS
10-21-2016, 02:26 PM
We're in the same boat I've been up since 6am yesterday lol
I mixed 3ml of the FV 20/50 to 4.5ml of water to make the formula pack the same punch but be a little less filling cause she's not wanting to eat. It also has 0.08ml of her antibiotics.
I hope that makes sense I'm kinda in zombie mode right now lol
I completely understand zombie mode! I think I am understanding what you are saying. So you mixed 3 ml of FV formula that you already made into a liquid, and added it to 4.5 ml of water to dilute it even more?? Did I get that right?
When you are giving meds, just use a 0.5 or 1.0 ml syringe and give them by themselves. It's really tough to be certain they get all their meds if you add them to huge amounts of liquid like that. If she doesn't like the taste of the antibiotic, pull it up in the syringe (at the proper dose) then pull something else into the syringe with it. If she likes the taste of syrup, get a dab of that in the syringe. All you are doing is masking the taste of the meds, you don't want to add a lot of anything to it.
Haha nope ok instead of the 1-2 ratio I'm basically mixing it 1-1.75ish to have less liquid so she doesn't get so full, but still gets the benefits of a "full meal"
Ok I'll quit mixing her meds in with her formula I was already thinking of doing what you said but just haven't gotten around to asking if it was recommended... :)
Its a tiny bit anyhow & I could squirt it all @ once into her mouth in 1 gulp
I had to read this about 67 times to be sure it make sense to what my brain is trying to type LOL
Nancy in New York
10-21-2016, 03:05 PM
We're in the same boat I've been up since 6am yesterday lol
I mixed 3ml of the FV 20/50 to 4.5ml of water to make the formula pack the same punch but be a little less filling cause she's not wanting to eat. It also has 0.08ml of her antibiotics.
I hope that makes sense I'm kinda in zombie mode right now lol
You need to mix the formula ahead of time and let it sit so that it dissolves properly.
Mix it with one part Fox Valley 20/50 to 2 parts hot water. Mix this up really well,
and let it sit in the refrig for a few hours before feeding.
IF you don't mix this up with enough water it will sit in her tummy like cement!
I make up formula and then freeze it after it sits in the refrig.
Many people will fill ice cube trays when they just are feeding one small squirrel
and take out the right amount of cubes per feeding for the following day, put them
in the refrig, and they should thaw out by the next day.
Never give anitobiotcs in formula.
If they don't take all of the formula, you never know how
much abs they are getting.
This is a small amount of antibiotics. Take the syringe and put it between
her cheek and gum, and get them into her.You could pull up the proper amount
of antibiotic 0.08, then pull up another 0.02 of maple syrup to cut the taste.
10-21-2016, 03:25 PM
She almost has a bin now but maybe let that be her playpen for when she's feeling better and put a lot of fleece in a plastic bin and then sit the bin on her heating pad. Drafts aren't well tolerated by these little guys. Even tho my girls bin sits on a heating pad, i'll cover it with fleece if it's a cold night. You know how you can feel chilled on a cold day, even tho the thermostat in the house is set plenty warm? That's how they feel unless they can cuddle up in something. Generally they aren't great climbers. I make ramps for the girls.
Just bought a bunch of fleece from a used 2nd hand store and now at petsmart lookin at that carefree paper you think its to eatly to put her in a little playpen with some ?
Nancy in New York
10-21-2016, 07:00 PM
Just bought a bunch of fleece from a used 2nd hand store and now at petsmart lookin at that carefree paper you think its to eatly to put her in a little playpen with some ?
You mean carefresh bedding?
If so get something unscented.
BUT they DO love fleece fleece and more fleece.
We have to be mindful to keep her warm. :)
You mean the playpen just for fun time?
Do you also have a bin?
Yes just something else she could explore and bounce around in. Or would it not be good for her little legs yet ?
10-21-2016, 08:11 PM
Actually, I was thinking of her current cage as the playpen and a bin for her bedroom. She will sleep a lot and a bin keeps drafts out and warmth in. You live up yonder where it gets mighty cold. Dwarfs don't do cold! Even in the summer my girls have a corner of their bin on heat. If they're on walkabout, they head for that warm corner and dive under fleece when they're ready for a nap. Oh--I know I don't need to say this but be sure to wash even new fleece before you put it in her bin--no smelly detergent. OK--go ahead--roll your eyes--mutter "DUH!" under your breath! As for her level of activity, she will decide how hard she wants to play. She's a baby. Likely she will play. You'll have to see how active she is as she ages. My Punkin is about a year and a half old and still goes on walkabouts. Kensington, my first precious gift, was low functioning and even when he was young, his play was subdued and short lived. Hi or low functioning, she will love you more than life and her favorite place to be and her favorite thing to do will be with YOU!
Thanks for the AP tip that was soo much easier than mixing it with formula and wishing she got the whole dose... Sometime I'm a little slow and need things explained in multiple angles before I get it lmao. But how freakin easy was that lol.
And maybe I will build her a little hidyhole tub to build a nest in. Is that what most do ? Have a fully enclosed bedroom and a open playroom ? I do have the heat cranked in her room its gotta be 80* in there and right now its gettin down to 37* at night. The cold has came early this yr.
Thank You ! :hug
10-21-2016, 10:53 PM
Her body temp is maybe 101. A warm room is a wonderful place for playtime. A warmer bin is healthier for naps and nitenite. Darlin, none of us was born a squirrel. We're just not that good. There's a pretty steep learning curve to caring for a normal healthy baby. Your girl is waaaaaay different from a normal healthy baby. TSB folks know the love, joy, worry, frustration cussedness of being owned by a squirrel. We've all been there done that or ARE being there doing that. There is no stupid question, no stupid THING, no set number of times you hear advice before that lightbulb goes off. Nobody is perfect so there may even be a brain fart or two in the learning/advice process. You've been touched by magic. Your friends may not understand. Your world has changed and you are better for it. I'm sure everybody here wants to see your baby thrive under your loving care and in that process for you to grow in experience so you can help someone else when the time comes. This is he only place on the internet with any information about achondroplastic dwarf squirrels. You are adding to that body of knowledge. Congratulations. You are now a superhero--to your little girl and to the next dwarf baby blessed to find care.
I gorgot to mention I got another new (better) scale
Shes still 188g
Oh haha I used to have Creasted Geckos which needed special vitimins calcium etc in their diet they would eat fruit smoothies and I'd try them after making them fresh mixed with a flavored powder diet. Most would taste pretty good.
Anyway I just tried the Henrys formula I now see why some squirrels wont touch it lol. Doesnt taste like much of anything but gritty watered down creme. Lol but I guess they must like it if most do eat it. I wonder if they've ever considered some flavored formulas. Im so tired I'm going to warm some up and try a touch of honey on the nipple. See how well she does with that and hope I get some sleep. :sleep2
Wow shes drinking without much of a struggle at all maybe shes starting to like it. About her wheezing theres no clicking like I've read about and heard from some bideos its more of a stuffy nose. I did try the steamy shower earlier to loosen it up I'll try another one tomorrow. My daughter has some what smells like Halls cough candy epsom salts could I steam some of this up for her ? I'll look in the morning for the exact name I cant brain right now
Nancy in New York
10-22-2016, 06:46 AM
Thanks for the AP tip that was soo much easier than mixing it with formula and wishing she got the whole dose... Sometime I'm a little slow and need things explained in multiple angles before I get it lmao. But how freakin easy was that lol.
Thank You ! :hug
I just want to say.................YOU are the ideal finder.
You take suggestions and instead of
reading them as offensive, you welcome the ideas.
You are SO refreshing! :hug
Well I aint never had me a squirrely squirrel before so I gotta start the learnin all I can My only problem is I feel I'm never doing enough I try and do everything all at once spare no expense and go way overboard. Like I said in another post I had geckos, if the wife actually knew how much I spent custom building their habitats, foods,medicines, pretty sure I'd never be able aloud in the house again lol
I'm starting to see the dwarfism now in her face, to me she looks normal but what do I know lol. After looking and looking at pics of young squirrels her age the normal ones do have a longer snout. Her ears are where they're supposed to be tho..
Shes using her back legs so much more better now they're almost straight as they should be. Still wobbly tho, watching her climb almost looks like these little guys have no control of their toes its like us walking with flippers on. she uses just her arms to pull herself up her feet just grip whenever she gets lucky that it does. Hmmm I wonder if some kind of physio would help. She needs a playmate thats her age but "normal" so I can see the differences I guess.
Nancy in New York
10-22-2016, 12:07 PM
She needs a playmate thats her age but "normal" so I can see the differences I guess.
These "normal" ones can play rough.
Here's a short video of two little ones from last year who
are about 7-8 weeks old. This was the day before I put them
into a larger cage.
Here they are in their larger cage.
Her little ummm woohoo is purpleish color, is that normal ?
I tried searching but the site doesnt know what a woohoo is :laugh2
Nancy in New York
10-22-2016, 01:17 PM
Her little ummm woohoo is purpleish color, is that normal ?
I tried searching but the site doesnt know what a woohoo is :laugh2
Can you post a picture of her littl woohoo?
No that's not normal. It should be pink.
Put a blindfold on her eyes so nobody recognizes her. :)
10-22-2016, 01:35 PM
You'd need a pix of a fox squirrel woohoo for comparison. I've only had gray woohoos. There's lots of fox squirrels here. I'll see if I can get a few woohoo shots when they aren't looking. :grin3
As to physical therapy, she will LOVE getting foot rubs and lots of skritches. Their feet do turn up at the ends. When they hold things in their hands they hold them with their wrists. Like Mel said (and her Joey has been to see Dr. Emerson many times and has had complete workups including blood draw and xrays) their joints aren't normal--including their hands and feet. AND since the condition is unique, there's no "normal" for dwarfs. Every one is different with different levels of functionality. It's a specturm of similar attributes. Wherever she is on that spectrum, she's going to LOVE your attention, including exercising her little legs and feet. I mean, who doesn't love a massage!
Nancy in New York
10-22-2016, 03:10 PM
You'd need a pix of a fox squirrel woohoo for comparison. I've only had gray woohoos. There's lots of fox squirrels here. I'll see if I can get a few woohoo shots when they aren't looking. :grin3
As to physical therapy, she will LOVE getting foot rubs and lots of skritches. Their feet do turn up at the ends. When they hold things in their hands they hold them with their wrists. Like Mel said (and her Joey has been to see Dr. Emerson many times and has had complete workups including blood draw and xrays) their joints aren't normal--including their hands and feet. AND since the condition is unique, there's no "normal" for dwarfs. Every one is different with different levels of functionality. It's a specturm of similar attributes. Wherever she is on that spectrum, she's going to LOVE your attention, including exercising her little legs and feet. I mean, who doesn't love a massage!
You know when I answered this, I totally forgot that little Jessie is a fox squirrel and they may
be differnt in color from a grey. I think you're onto something.
I will have to check that out and see what I can find.
Milo's Mom
10-22-2016, 03:33 PM
Here you go
Looks fine to me.
Thanks guys :)
I'll keep looking too
Looks fine to me.
It does really ? :dance
That's a relief, but it still looks like she strains a bit when she pee's
10-22-2016, 04:20 PM
My girls take their own sweet time finding a spot to pee. Then they'll kinda hunker and stay hunked for the longest time. Kensington did too. He flat out wouldn't pee if he thought somebody was looking at him. Maybe it's a dwarf thing. If there's something wrong, her pee will likely smell--or be cloudy or dark. Just be sure she DOES pee! And, yeah, sniffing squirrel pee comes under "other duties as required" in the "care and feeding of dwarf squirrels" manual.
Haha thats funny you said to smell it. Thats the 1st thing I did when she peed that dark pee I also just smelled her nice clear pee she had. I didnt notice any smell at all actually. She doesnt pee in her enclosure anymore at least I havent seen any. She has paper towel on 1 side where she can do her business so when she comes out I put a paper towel down to pee on and she usually lands on it but sometimes if she's bein goofy she'll be standing on it but peeing off the side lol.
Im glad to know all her plumming is acting normal now and things are looking the way they should.
Thats 1 more thing I can take off my fix list.
I just stood in the washroom with her while my son showered for her wheezing sounds she's making. I hope she doesnt have pneumonia.
How long should I keep giving her the AP ?
Nancy in New York
10-22-2016, 04:58 PM
Haha thats funny you said to smell it. Thats the 1st thing I did when she peed that dark pee I also just smelled her nice clear pee she had. I didnt notice any smell at all actually. She doesnt pee in her enclosure anymore at least I havent seen any. She has paper towel on 1 side where she can do her business so when she comes out I put a paper towel down to pee on and she usually lands on it but sometimes if she's bein goofy she'll be standing on it but peeing off the side lol.
Im glad to know all her plumming is acting normal now and things are looking the way they should.
Thats 1 more thing I can take off my fix list.
I just stood in the washroom with her while my son showered for her wheezing sounds she's making. I hope she doesnt have pneumonia.
How long should I keep giving her the AP ?
Refresh me, when was the antibiotic started?
This was for the possible UTI, correct?
Yes it was. I dtarted them on the 18th but was giving them wrong. I mixed them into her formula which I had to force feed to her so not sure how much she actually swallowed. But started it correctly yesterday morning so really she's only had 3 full doses
But more looking like now she was super dehydrated maybe instead for some reason.
Nancy in New York
10-22-2016, 07:03 PM
Yes it was. I dtarted them on the 18th but was giving them wrong. I mixed them into her formula which I had to force feed to her so not sure how much she actually swallowed. But started it correctly yesterday morning so really she's only had 3 full doses
But more looking like now she was super dehydrated maybe instead for some reason.
When did you think she was super dehydrated and instead of what?
Sorry I'm not following what you mean? :)
When did you think she was super dehydrated and instead of what?
Sorry I'm not following what you mean? :)
Well I'm thinking now she may have been/is dehydrated instead of a UTI cause @ 1st I thought she was straining to pee but then Chickenlegs said her girls do the same thing as Jessie does.
My girls take their own sweet time finding a spot to pee. Then they'll kinda hunker and stay hunked for the longest time.
Or could be a combination of both I'm not sure. :dono
EDIT with all this fleece we got I've washed it in hot water no detergent what do I do with it ? Cut it into strips or squares or triangles circles ? lol
Nancy in New York
10-22-2016, 07:15 PM
Well I'm thinking now she may have been/is dehydrated instead of a UTI cause @ 1st I thought she was straining to pee but then Chickenlegs said her girls do the same thing as Jessie does.
Or could be a combination of both I'm not sure. :dono
OK understood now. :)
You know you can always offer hydration in between feedings.
If they aren't fully hydrated, they really don't want to eat.
You have a special little one anyway who is hard to please with
eating, so let's keep her hydrated so we can rule out lack of
appetite from dehydration, ok?
Does she like honey water?
See if you can find coconut water, many like that as well.
She does like honey water but she is drinking from her dish that's in with her
We have coconut milk will that do..?
As for eating her formula I have tried a bit of honey,maple syrup & agave nectar the only one she liked and ate the full 5mls was the honey
As for eating her formula I have tried a bit of honey,maple syrup & agave nectar the only one she liked and ate the full 5mls was the honey
And she just ate another 5mls yay !
Nancy in New York
10-22-2016, 08:07 PM
These little ones LOVE their sweets! :)
10-22-2016, 08:13 PM
EDIT with all this fleece we got I've washed it in hot water no detergent what do I do with it ? Cut it into strips or squares or triangles circles ? lol
I fold a large piece double. That goes in the bottom of the bin. Then I put squares--bout 18x18--for them to snuggle under. On top of the pile I put a piece almost as big as the bin. The girls like to burrow. The piece on top kind of keeps all the squares together. My girls snuggle next to each other. If there was only one, he or she would have a very fuzzy stuffie to cuddle with. You know those heating disks--wouldn't it be great to have a stuffie with a tiny disk in it. Those things stay warm for 8/10 hours.
She does like honey water but she is drinking from her dish that's in with her
We have coconut milk will that do..?
As for eating her formula I have tried a bit of honey,maple syrup & agave nectar the only one she liked and ate the full 5mls was the honey
Then honey it is. Remember, whatever a dwarf wants a dwarf gets--unless it's alcoholic. Keep that for yourself.
Heating disc ? No I havent seen them before. Im sure if one was handy with a needle one could open up a stuffy add some velcro to the opening and slide one in. And then once its been approved by the squirrel one could send me a couple LOL
Nancy in New York
10-22-2016, 08:29 PM
Are you putting him in a bin?
Just a word of caution.
IF so, make sure it's deep enough so he can't crawl out.
Also, he will need tons of holes drilled in it if you put the top on,
which I would do if you have cats.
Like this:
I would even put holes like this on the bin part as well.
No he's in a cage we got from a friend. Its open on all sides but we got fleece to put over it for now. Im going to get my sister to make it so we can slip it over the top and all sides with a flap for the door.
This is her wheezing its really bad this morning.
It has never been this loud, but its not every breath its only when she's in certain positions.
Is there something I can do ?
Oh and guess who GOBBLED down 10mls of formula already :dance :dance
Her balance is getting better she can sit on her hind legs and clean her face for about 10 seconds or so then it gets all outa control and falls over. She's really into her tail now for some reason to last night we were playin and she sat down in front of me with he back against me her tail stickin out between her legs and just layed back like she was sittin in a big cozy recliner and started playin with her tail it was soaken wet she slobbered all over it lol
She's really starting to more and more things its pretty cool to notice her start doing things she couldnt do before.
I'm putting a humidifier in her room and going to crank up the heat can I put Eucalyptus in the water ?
I just read this this is a good read !
I'm going to get the echinacea right now
10-23-2016, 02:50 PM
Heating disc ? No I havent seen them before. Im sure if one was handy with a needle one could open up a stuffy add some velcro to the opening and slide one in. And then once its been approved by the squirrel one could send me a couple LOL
Heehee--the disks are kinda big to put in a stuffy--mmmmmm maybe 8/10 inches across. I guess you could put a hot hands inside a stuffy but they get pretty hot so it should be a VERY stuffed stuffy--and the opening secure so it can't come open.
This is her wheezing its really bad this morning.
It has never been this loud, but its not every breath its only when she's in certain positions.
Is there something I can do ?
Oh and guess who GOBBLED down 10mls of formula already :dance :dance
Her balance is getting better she can sit on her hind legs and clean her face for about 10 seconds or so then it gets all outa control and falls over. She's really into her tail now for some reason to last night we were playin and she sat down in front of me with he back against me her tail stickin out between her legs and just layed back like she was sittin in a big cozy recliner and started playin with her tail it was soaken wet she slobbered all over it lol
She's really starting to more and more things its pretty cool to notice her start doing things she couldnt do before.
THAT is wonderful!
Jay, is the wheezing from her chest or her nose/sinuses. I can't tell. My audio is pretty bad. She may need a different antibiotic. Other, smarter folks should chime in here
I'm putting a humidifier in her room and going to crank up the heat can I put Eucalyptus in the water ?
I just read this this is a good read !
I'm going to get the echinacea right now
I haven't read the link yet but I've put Vicks in a vaporizer. I still think she would be warmer--especially overnight, in a bin. You know what works for you and a warm room is good. Even so, can't crank the heat to 100 and even in a REALLY warm room, there are drafts. We have baseboard radiators at home. There are cold spots. Here in Iowa we have forced air. Unless you are over the vent, there is a draft and a foot from the vent, the draft is cold. Just sayin.
Its just her nose I cant feel any rattling when I feel her chest and theres no clicking either. Its like she's got a sfuffed up nose head cold. Theres actually no central or baseboard heat in the room at all I have a space heater in here and her cage is now covered with a big piece of fleece. Its toasty warm in there and shouldnt be any draft her cage is in the center of the room about 6' away from a window.
And its only when she's tired
When shes up bouncin around its not there at all.
I was layin on the bed in her room watching her play and she crawled up onto me turned around looked and jumped off landed the landing then looked and me like did you see what I just did, did you see did you see ! Lol the tore off again lol
I might ask the wife if I can try what he did in this post here :laugh2
Nancy in New York
10-23-2016, 04:47 PM
Have you looked at her teeth?
See if you can get a good picture of tops and bottoms.
You may need two pairs of hands to do this.
I have yes & put some branches & a stone for her to chew on also a cuddlefish bone which looks like a Tasmanian devil has chewed it..
I'll take the best pics I can & post them
She still wont touch the blocks at all what should I do with the ones she's not eating can I freeze them again in a separate bag to reuse ? To make something outa them with something she likes ?
Haha she didnt put up a fuss at all.
And she needs a toothbrush
Not sure why they're sideways
She just ate half a pealed grape. Mark for the like list lol
Nancy in New York
10-23-2016, 05:29 PM
Here I turned them and made them smaller for easier viewing.
Squirrels teeth are suppose to be orange, no to worry.
They're only white when they are babies.
It's hard to tell by the photos, but do the bottom teeth hit the roof of her
When you mention is persistent wheezing, it concerns me they may be too long. :dono
Hopefully someone else will chime in soon.
Thank you for adjusting the pics I'm on my phone and cant edit them.
How do I see if they're hitting the roof of her mouth ?
And if they are how would I trim them. ?
Nancy in New York
10-23-2016, 06:09 PM
Thank you for adjusting the pics I'm on my phone and cant edit them.
How do I see if they're hitting the roof of her mouth ?
And if they are how would I trim them. ?
UGH, well let's cross that bridge IF we come to it about the trimming.
See if you can get another picture by pulling down her bottom lip like you
did, but far enough so we can see the tops of her teeth.
I'm not sure if those are the tops in the first picture or if there is still more tooth
behind the top teeth.
If they are too long, they will hit the roof of her mouth and it may
interfere with the sinuses and you may also hear her sniffing a lot.
This just happened to a little squirrel in Costa Rica and he needed to
have his teeth trimmed.
UGH, well let's cross that bridge IF we come to it about the trimming.
See if you can get another picture by pulling down her bottom lip like you
did, but far enough so we can see the tops of her teeth.
I'm not sure if those are the tops in the first picture or if there is still more tooth
behind the top teeth.
If they are too long, they will hit the roof of her mouth and it may
interfere with the sinuses and you may also hear her sniffing a lot.
This just happened to a little squirrel in Costa Rica and he needed to
have his teeth trimmed.
Yah wow ! I was just reading that entire thread as you posted this. Wow that was a long tooth I'm glad it went well !
I hope I never have to go thru anything like that my nerves would be shot !
I'll build her a bin tomorrow like this one.
Are you putting him in a bin?
Just a word of caution.
IF so, make sure it's deep enough so he can't crawl out.
Also, he will need tons of holes drilled in it if you put the top on,
which I would do if you have cats.
Like this:
I would even put holes like this on the bin part as well.
Nancy in New York
10-23-2016, 07:19 PM
I'll build her a bin tomorrow like this one.
She'll love it! :w00t
You are the best Dad! :) :hug
10-23-2016, 07:45 PM
Just wrote a loooooooooooooog post about teeth and having a little baby (Kelly) who sorta "pfffffffffs". It was her teeth. Just deleted that post but the heart of it was, I've had to trim her teeth--twice now--and if Jessie needs it, I know you'll step up to the plate. She's gonna LOVE her new bedroom and as she has her own room, turn it on the side during the day (on the heating pad) so she has bumble time AND her boudoir for naps. I'm with Nancy--you are a goooooooood Dad!
PS--read that link. Why not? Might not want your neighbors to see you in the back of Spencers--but then, what's your neighbor doing back there, hmmmmmmm? :grin3
Nancy in New York
10-23-2016, 09:06 PM
Here the disc that Chickenlegs was talking about.
PS--read that link. Why not? Might not want your neighbors to see you in the back of Spencers--but then, what's your neighbor doing back there, hmmmmmmm? :grin3
Hahaha !:laugh2
Passed out after mornin meds and 10mls of warm goodness. I need help getting more fat onto her she's not gaining anything wont eat any food but water and formula I mixed her last bit with some heavy cream which shes had before she got sick so I know she wouldnt mind it.
Is this pic better to see her teefs ? Those are the tips of all 4
Annnd its sideways again.... why does it do this ?
Nancy in New York
10-24-2016, 10:41 AM
Can you try making your pictures a little smaller. They will be easier to see.
Not sure why they are loading sideways.
They are "off" You will have to watch the one on her right as it is barely
touching the top. We don't want it to grow too long.
Chickenlegs has posted foods that her little ones will eat, I think I provided
the link a few posts ago.
Actually she was grinding her teeth and her bottom jaw was off to one side they do line up straight normally. Yah gotta switch settings on my phone to make pics smaller or something before I upload them.
10-24-2016, 11:14 AM
Just try anything. Avocado? Burrito? Booball made with block, some babyfood, little dry FV and honey (you know she likes honey), eggs with cheese, shredded mozarella cheese, cornbread with some formula on it (and HONEY) actually, honey may be your ticket to her eating real food BUT some of these little guys never transition to food. Look at Tumbleweed's thread and Snag's thread. Those mamas make soft foods that go through a syringe. Their darlings are healthy. Snags eats real food cut fine but TW's diet is all soft.
I think there's a toof trimming video here somewhere. Just get good quality snippers. If her jaw is off, likely her teeth will be too.
She looks like a baby groundhog lol big square head.
God she's being cute right now bouncing around trying to bury her head in the bed. Her balance is coming along she stood straight up to get to my fingers even with her legs lifting her I was so shocked. Tried doing it again to get a pic but that was it of course she probably knew I had the camera out lol.
I think something else is going on with her tho. Is it normal for dwarfs to sometimes have a weird thing with their heads turning involuntarily. She'll be bouncing around playing then she'll stop to take a look or whatever but her head will slowly turn to the left or right. I thought at first it was only the right. And that would kinda explain why she always bounces in circles and always makes right hand turns lol. But then I seen it slowly go left... Idk seems weird to me. I'll try and get a vid to post
Thanks again :)
How big is that bin in the pic ?
Or how big of one is everyone using ?
Should I get one big enough for her to grow into ?
Nancy in New York
10-24-2016, 01:36 PM
Look at post #192
This is a little squirrel that can't walk really well yet, and
has some problems climbing.
See how CLEAR the bin is, that's excellent for them to still be able
to look out.
Her husband did some modifications to this as well you may want
to look down further on the pictures.
Get one that is deep and clear, and at least 2 feet long, would be my suggestion.!/page10
Thats a cool setup for sure !
Could I basically make her just a nesting box to put inside her cage tho ? Seems more practical then I wouldnt have to have the room heater cranked its like a freakin sauna in there, but she loves it.
Nancy in New York
10-24-2016, 03:10 PM
Thats a cool setup for sure !
Could I basically make her just a nesting box to put inside her cage tho ? Seems more practical then I wouldnt have to have the room heater cranked its like a freakin sauna in there, but she loves it.
I'm not sure how much a nesting box would help for a heat source
unless it's windy inside. :)
Put lots of fleece in the bin, as pictured in the post.
Do you have a non shut off heating pad?
You can place that underneath one side of the bin.
I'm not sure how much a nesting box would help for a heat source
unless it's windy inside. :)
Put lots of fleece in the bin, as pictured in the post.
Do you have a non shut off heating pad?
You can place that underneath one side of the bin.
Yes its under her cage where she sleeps now all bundled in a pile of fleece. But it gets super hot so we have a towel between it and the bottom. And theres now a fleece cover over the entire cage. Its really warm in there now most of the time I go in to check in on her she's sprawled out on top of the fleece or on her back lol
I think I may have been mistaken that its honey she likes. Now Im thinking it maple syrup, she just guzzled 10ml down and still wants more. I dont think I should ? She looks like a fuzzy lightbulb lol her bellys pretty hard as well so I shouldn't give her more should I ?
Nancy in New York
10-24-2016, 04:19 PM
Yes its under her cage where she sleeps now all bundled in a pile of fleece. But it gets super hot so we have a towel between it and the bottom. And theres now a fleece cover over the entire cage. Its really warm in there now most of the time I go in to check in on her she's sprawled out on top of the fleece or on her back lol
I think I may have been mistaken that its honey she likes. Now Im thinking it maple syrup, she just guzzled 10ml down and still wants more. I dont think I should ? She looks like a fuzzy lightbulb lol her bellys pretty hard as well so I shouldn't give her more should I ?
You don't want it to be too hot in her cage or room.
You want a spot that she can go to if she's cool.
Is the heating pad set on low?
With too much heat comes dehydration, so perhaps this is why
she was eagerly eating.
Give her extra water.
Can you refresh me on her weight again?
Is it weird that she likes her medicine she gives it a smell and opens her mouth right up. Lol
I offered her honey water at 1st took a sip but thats it, then offered the maple syrup/formula took one smell and she was glued to the syringe, almost sucked the plunger out the end lol
She also drinks when she's thirsty from her water dish.
I havent weighed her today yet I should have before breakfast this morning. But as of now Im guessing 192ish grams. She hasn't been eating much at all maybe 25ml a day and 15ml water. But hopefully this maple syrup will get her appetite back to normal.
She's so much better because of all the help here I am forever in your debt and everyone else who's helped my little Jessie. :grouphug :glomp :hug
I cant believe how much she's stolen my heart already :Love_Icon
Wow was I wrong she's a little porker at 207g
Nancy in New York
10-24-2016, 06:52 PM
Wow was I wrong she's a little porker at 207g
Just the way we like them! :w00t
Should I adjust her meds or just keep the same 0.008ml ?
This new food works well ! Chunky little monkey :grin2
Nancy in New York
10-24-2016, 07:06 PM
Should I adjust her meds or just keep the same 0.008ml ?
This new food works well ! Chunky little monkey :grin2
No you would be adjusting them daily and it would go up only a hair if that.
It's only when something is on meds long term that I adjust the dose.
Isn't it funny that with animals we dose by weight, but not with people? :thinking
10-24-2016, 08:26 PM
Wow! I just read the most recent, several days worth of this thread. A couple of questions Jay asked, I can answer.
About refreezing the block.....yes, if it's only been out for less than a day, you can refreeze it, but keep it separate. Joey doesn't eat HHB blocks by just giving them to him. I take the blocks and grind them up in my ninja blender. Then I store them in a little plastic container in the freezer. I vary Joeys food throughout the day so a couple of times a day I take the ground block and mix it with just enough boiling water to cover it and soften it. Then I take that softened block and mix it with Fox Valley (already mixed) formula and add babyfood veggies or fruit to it and then give it to Joey with the syringe.
Because Joey needs to gain weight I have always added the Fox Valley Ultraboost to his formula.
In keeping with the extra fat for weight gain, I mash avocado and mix with formula and give it with the syringe.
Yes, you could add a nestbox to Jessie's cage if it sits on the floor of her cage, or one of the levels. Joeys cage is set up like that. There is a picture of his cage on his thread in The Nursery. His nestbox sits on top of his heating pad. There is a blanket folded with about 6 layers inside his box and then 3 layers of blanket on top of him. He crawls into it through the little door in his nest box. It's like a tunnel for him to crawl into. If he gets too hot he crawls out of his nestbox and lays on the fleece that lines the floor of his cage.
One time when I took Joey to see Dr. Emerson, she noticed he was wheezing like Jessie is in her video. Dr. Emerson treated him with a nebulizer that had Albuterol and Budesonide medication in it. It helped open his airway. I have 2 vials of each and would be happy to send you one of each if you have, or can get, a nebulizer. The kind for people is what you want and can be found on Craigslist without a Rx for about $20. This medication is supposed to expire the end of next month and I haven't had to use it for Joey. Just let me know.
Food....Joey doesn't like sweet stuff as much as salty. He's different that way then Punkin or Tula.
I don't notice Joey turning his head nor does he run in circles. He can actually move quite fast if he wants to.
I hope I've answered some questions for you. Let me know if there's something specific you'd like to know.
Jessie is adorable! :Love_Icon Your a good squaddy!
Thank you thank you for answering it helps alot !
As for the nasal meds Im up in Canada I doubt customs would let them thru and if they did they probably wouldnt get here before they expire, thank you very much for the offer. !
Im going to try to give her a block in the morning with a little bit of maple syrup on it, or maybe soak it in syrup/fv.
I hope I can find a good food in canada for her.
Shipping was almost more than my order =/
Or maybe I can get her on home made stuff as well !
One time when I took Joey to see Dr. Emerson, she noticed he was wheezing like Jessie is in her video. Dr. Emerson treated him with a nebulizer that had Albuterol and Budesonide medication in it. It helped open his airway. I have 2 vials of each and would be happy to send you one of each if you have, or can get, a nebulizer. The kind for people is what you want and can be found on Craigslist without a Rx for about $20. This medication is supposed to expire the end of next month and I haven't had to use it for Joey. Just let me know.
So this cured his squeek, and he no longer uses the nebulizer? Thats awesome. !!
10-24-2016, 11:44 PM
You can make blocks for your sweetie. Likely get everything except vitamins for them right there and if you order vitamins in bulk the overall expense won't break the bank. And you can doctor them some to cater to discerning palates!
You can make blocks for your sweetie. Likely get everything except vitamins for them right there and if you order vitamins in bulk the overall expense won't break the bank. And you can doctor them some to cater to discerning palates!
I did make her some from a recipe on they turned out super hard tho and she wont touch them. I most likely cooked them too long. They're still in the freezer so hopefully she'll come around one day soon.
I uploaded a video of her head you can watch the whole thing or you can really see it if you skip to the 1:30 mark
10-25-2016, 02:00 PM
I did make her some from a recipe on they turned out super hard tho and she wont touch them. I most likely cooked them too long. They're still in the freezer so hopefully she'll come around one day soon.
Maybe want to grind those up and make treats. I just made blocks. My guys LOVE them. I put formula in the recipe instead of water, added two eggs, two tsp paking powder AND a pouch of fruit babyfood. They are yummy cakey goodness as far as my guys are concerned. My girls don't eat blocks. They will crunch monkey biskit if I break one up, rice chex, honey nut Cheerios--they've munched a bit on these. Blocks are great nutrition wot with the whey protein and vitamins. Dwarf squirrels have short sweet lives and bizarre food choices. Take those blocks that are hibernating in the freezer, grind them up, add dry formula, some yummy fruit baby food, whey protein if you have it and honey or maple syrup. See if she'll eat that (don't be surprised if she doesn't. If not, spend yet more money and time cooking something else for her to turn her nose up at)
Oh gosh she is sooooooo cute. Doncha love the "dwarf bumble." And when she wanted to sniff around and play with the bottoms of your jeans-- :klunk
10-25-2016, 09:27 PM
She is just adorable, Jay! :Love_Icon. When she was standing up and washing her face she looked just as bumbly as Joey doing it. Sometimes I hold Joeys tail for him so he can preen it a little, he has a hard time grabbing it. It's all a routine....Joey has to go through the routine before he settles down to eat. Gotta love 'em! :Love_Icon
She's being so clingy the last couple days all she wants to do is be up by my neck. Peed on pooped on who needs cologne... lol
She's taking alot more formula, she had a couple cheerios and a few bites of the high protein blocks today. I turned the bathroom into a steamroom and we had a steam with eucalyptus bath salts, I hope it helps with her squeeky nose.
Seeing as she's doing much better could a admin please move this thread to the downs form and rename it ?
Thanks You :)
10-26-2016, 02:56 PM
Seeing as she's doing much better could a admin please move this thread to the downs form and rename it ?
Thanks You :)
Done... I renamed the Thread "Jesse"... just let us know what you'd like it changed to (if anything else). :thumbsup
10-26-2016, 04:26 PM
Yaaaaaaay! Jesse has her own thread with her own name! :bliss:dance:wahoo:thankyou
Im kinda concerned about her squeeky nose. Ive been giving her steam baths with Epsom salts and its not getting any better. What if its dried milk or something ? She has kinda kickuped milk outa her nose quite a few times when we 1st got her and wasnt used to feeding from a syringe.
Im not sure how one would go about getting that out. More and more steam I guess ? SUre helps with my nose thats for sure lol
10-27-2016, 10:02 AM
Does she click with each breath?
Does she click with each breath?
No clicking at all its just in her nose
Jesse playin on her giant Tigger :)
10-27-2016, 11:48 AM
10-27-2016, 11:59 AM
Oh my gaaaaaaaawd! Now that's a "Cute Overload" pix if I ever saw one.
The little snot is now turning down her maple syrup formula..... Is there no pleasing these little boogers or what.. !? lol
Now to find something
I mixed in some probiotic vanilla yogurt guzzled around 10ml for lunch. I put some snow peas 3 different flavors of organic baby food I made some eggs with cheese and a little piece of cucumber.. Never touched any of it... grrrrrrr
I want to be able to take her out of her room and keep warm while I carry her around. Now if I take her out she just snuggles to my heatpad on my lazyboy...
Anyway I ordered one of those SnuggleSafe Pet Bed Microwave Heating Pads from Amazon. Im wondering if anyone has seen something like the cozy cube (Henrys) to sit ontop of the heat pad. OR even better ones thats made for the heater that is removable... ?
She shivers as soon as I take her out of her room, I've got the furnace set at 21* while the wife is gone for the weekend. She gives me grief for turning it above 18*, I swear she's cold blooded :grin2 shhhhhhh dont tell
Nancy in New York
10-27-2016, 05:16 PM
She shivers as soon as I take her out of her room, I've got the furnace set at 21* while the wife is gone for the weekend. She gives me grief for turning it above 18*, I swear she's cold blooded :grin2 shhhhhhh dont tell
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I think the lowest my house is this time of year is 74.
Your little one needs to come live with me! :grin2
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I think the lowest my house is this time of year is 74.
Your little one needs to come live with me! :grin2
So do I !! :grin2
I hate winter !!
Nancy in New York
10-27-2016, 05:51 PM
So do I !! :grin2
I hate winter !!
Me too! :shakehead
During the shorter days of winter does anyone leave their squirrel rooms lights on after it gets dark for awhile ? or should lights go off. ? After dinner I usually leave her in her cage in her room and just take her out to eat and bounce around before bed for 45 mins or a hour. Just wondering if I should leave her lights on for awhile ?
10-28-2016, 08:20 AM
I usually leave a closet light on that way they/I can still see, but it's dark enough to go to bed
10-28-2016, 08:22 AM
I use a nightlight for my squirrels at night somewhere near their cage.
Jesse is absolutely adorable by the way.:Love_Icon:klunk:Love_Icon
I get mine out for exercise about an hour before sunset and use the dark as a cue for them to get back in their cage. It works. Everyone sleeps in complete darkness and gets up with the sun.
I agree, she is adorable and very lucky to have found you!
10-28-2016, 10:43 AM
I mixed in some probiotic vanilla yogurt guzzled around 10ml for lunch. I put some snow peas 3 different flavors of organic baby food I made some eggs with cheese and a little piece of cucumber.. Never touched any of it... grrrrrrr
I want to be able to take her out of her room and keep warm while I carry her around. Now if I take her out she just snuggles to my heatpad on my lazyboy...
Anyway I ordered one of those SnuggleSafe Pet Bed Microwave Heating Pads from Amazon. Im wondering if anyone has seen something like the cozy cube (Henrys) to sit ontop of the heat pad. OR even better ones thats made for the heater that is removable... ?
She shivers as soon as I take her out of her room, I've got the furnace set at 21* while the wife is gone for the weekend. She gives me grief for turning it above 18*, I swear she's cold blooded :grin2 shhhhhhh dont tell
Be VERY careful with that thing. There is a "goo" inside them that melts down and holds the heat and it can cause bad burns if the pad is damaged.
Her is something to try - you live in a cold climate and I am sure you can find these. Google "heated seedling mat". These are flat, flexible plastic mats that sit under little mini greenhouses so you can start vegetable seedlings indoors using bottom heat at the end of winter indoors, which will allow you go grow long season plants in a short season. As I said, they are flat plastic with a cord and warm up to about 100-110 F. They are only 15 or 20 watts so they use VERY little electricity. You would want to make sure he can't chew it or get to the cord. I have one under my geriatric mouse's house and it provides gentle bottom heat and is working GREAT. They sell the same things - for PETS - at many times the price...
Thank you yah I seen the horror stories of it burning pets after I hit order...... :shakehead
I actually want it to be portable, I was looking at making her a rice bag but they dont hold heat for very long. But would be good for short periods of time.
I'm going to get my daughter to make something like the cozy cube but one that fits the heatpad.
Nancy in New York
10-28-2016, 11:30 AM
Maybe you can return the disc.
I totally forgot about the possibility of it leaking.
Along the same lines that CritterMom is talkiing about
here is a great pad, with a CHEW PROOF cord that you
can put right in with her. They have a cover for this as it's
just hard plastic.
10-28-2016, 11:55 AM
Maybe you can return the disc.
I totally forgot about the possibility of it leaking.
Along the same lines that CritterMom is talking about
here is a great pad, with a CHEW PROOF cord that you
can put right in with her. They have a cover for this as it's
just hard plastic.
Oh that is so neat Nancy - I didn't even know they made those!
Thanks for sharing.:thumbsup
Maybe you can return the disc.
I totally forgot about the possibility of it leaking.
Along the same lines that CritterMom is talkiing about
here is a great pad, with a CHEW PROOF cord that you
can put right in with her. They have a cover for this as it's
just hard plastic.
That's cool indeed !
Hopefully it wont get too cold this winter, never know here
If it does get cold as in -10ish, it only lasts maybe a week or so then warms up to
Can I be a snake for Halloween ??
Look what I can do I can slither just like one !
Oh MY, she is such a little ham!! So sweet!:serene
Nancy in New York
10-28-2016, 07:49 PM
Can I be a snake for Halloween ??
Look what I can do I can slither just like one !
You would make the CUTE!ST snake EVER!!!!!!!!! :w00t
Get a new toothbrush and gently go up on the corner of his lips lightly.
See if he will give you "armage" or has she already.
I bet she would love being brushed with a toothbrush, most squirrels do,
and it's just the right size.
You would make the CUTE!ST snake EVER!!!!!!!!! :w00t
Get a new toothbrush and gently go up on the corner of his lips lightly.
See if he will give you "armage" or has she already.
I bet she would love being brushed with a toothbrush, most squirrels do,
and it's just the right size.
Oh yah she sticks those arms way up in the air lol
Nancy in New York
10-29-2016, 08:27 AM
Oh yah she sticks those arms way up in the air lol
:serene There's nothing cuter! :klunk
And I thought giving "armage" was all of the nibbles and scratches all over my forearms. :shakehead (duh!)
Ok this little Velcro sticky squirrels nails are getting outa control she sticks to everything.
Its pretty scary cause now she thinks shes brave and is starting to jump......well attempt to jump......well kinda.... In her eyes she probably thinks she's jumping miles but in reality its maybe a inch or 2 lol
But it is a She is trying :Love_Icon
Anyway she tries jumping off my arm onto the bed and her back nails will stick to my shirt and she'll have her front arms stretched way out like she's gonna fly but then flip around under my arm and hang
I dont think I'm brave enough to snip them yet but maybe a nail file ? She wont stay put thats for sure and might need to knock her out while I attempt it but how else can I get her nails filed down a bit..?
On another note that heat disk thinger will be here today & will let everyone know how well it works or doesnt..
11-01-2016, 12:21 PM
Yup. Cut a piece of relatively fine sandpaper about an inch wide and long enough so you can wrap it around the end of your middle finger like a cigar band ring. Secure it with a bit of tape. Now you have an emery board wrapped all the way around your fingertip and you can sneak in with it a lot easier than you can with a long, scary emery board.
My boy has a spot in front of my bedroom window he likes to lay in, and has to reach it by way of my bedside table. I made a ramp out of a piece of plywood about 12" wide, which I covered entirely with sandpaper. Every time he hops up to his favorite spot he gives his nails a little grind.
So I'm pretty sure Jesse might be deaf... I was curious to what she might do with fox squirrel chattering and calling sounds from my phone. When I play them she doesnt stop she doesnt look to where the sound is coming from her ears dont even move at all to the sounds. :sniff
I hope she isnt but I really think she is..
Nancy in New York
11-01-2016, 04:08 PM
So I'm pretty sure Jesse might be deaf... I was curious to what she might do with fox squirrel chattering and calling sounds from my phone. When I play them she doesnt stop she doesnt look to where the sound is coming from her ears dont even move at all to the sounds. :sniff
I hope she isnt but I really think she is..
Have you ever played the baby squirrel cry for her?
This will always get my squirrels looking.
AND it's even a baby foxer! :w00t
Yeah I played that one as well she doesnt seem to hear it
Gaining weight so I guess she's feeling pretty good ! 211g :serene Now I just gotta get her to eat her blocks...
Her wheezing is pretty much gone when she's sleeping but when she cleans herself and is kinda rolled up in a ball thats the only time she starts wheezing now.
Her back legs only really start to go all wonky is when shes played for too long.
11-02-2016, 10:06 AM
I'm happy to read a good update on little Jesse.:) Sounds like she is coming right along and making great improvements with time!:dance That little girl is blessed to have landed in your care.:hug Oh, and I always wear a thick robe when playing with squirrels so they don't shred my skin!
Thank You :)
Im still giving her 100mg of calcium every feeding. I was going to stop because her poops were light yellow but continued as it doesnt seem to be affecting her in a bad way. How long should I continue giving it to her ? Its been since oct 18th I think.. ?
Hehehe so cute :serene
11-02-2016, 11:13 AM
Hehehe so cute :serene
Thank You :)
Im still giving her 100mg of calcium every feeding. I was going to stop because her poops were light yellow but continued as it doesnt seem to be affecting her in a bad way. How long should I continue giving it to her ? Its been since oct 18th I think.. ?
I should have mentioned that she normally only eats twice a day so 200mg calcium.
Nancy in New York
11-02-2016, 11:16 AM
Hehehe so cute :serene
Absolutely that little tummy.
How do you get anything done with this little munchkin around? :dono
Absolutely that little tummy.
How do you get anything done with this little munchkin around? :dono
Hehe I actually have all day with her (until the 21st) our new corrections center opens. By then I hope she gets on the blocks or at least has started eating something othen than formula. She's going to be home alone all day..
OMG!! The last second of the video made me LOL> it looks like she's pretend eating something. Like you do with a kid. She sure is special.
OMG!! The last second of the video made me LOL> it looks like she's pretend eating something. Like you do with a kid. She sure is special.
Hehe she always.......uhhhgggg she just peed down my back... real nice there Jesse thanks for
She always does that when she's eating too she'll sit up and it looks like she's grabbing something from the air and tries to eat it lol so funny.
Nancy in New York
11-02-2016, 02:49 PM
Hehe I actually have all day with her (until the 21st) our new corrections center opens. By then I hope she gets on the blocks or at least has started eating something othen than formula. She's going to be home alone all day..
Corrections center?
Akkkkkkkkkkk, this little peanut home alone all day?
Look I can always squirrel sit you know. :)
Yes I'm a corrections officer. Newest most advanced prison in Canada
I know I wish I could take her with me, maybe they'll let me bring her in for show and tell day lol
I think I seen mom just now I wish she was with her little ones showing them how to be a squirrel.
Nancy in New York
11-02-2016, 03:30 PM
Yes I'm a corrections officer. Newest most advanced prison in Canada
I know I wish I could take her with me, maybe they'll let me bring her in for show and tell day lol
Can I delete the facility name?
My son in law who used to have a private law practice, is
now a judge for 2 of the NYS correctional facilities.
Tough job! :shakehead
Can I delete the facility name?
My son in law who used to have a private law practice, is
now a judge for 2 of the NYS correctional facilities.
Tough job! :shakehead
Oh yes u can sorry didnt think
Thank You ! :)
Nancy in New York
11-02-2016, 03:33 PM
Oh yes u can sorry didnt think
Forgot to mention, I think she would do splendid on "show and tell" day
at the prison. :)
Corrections center?
Akkkkkkkkkkk, this little peanut home alone all day?
Look I can always squirrel sit you know. :)
She would definitely be in better hands thats for sure ! :hug
My boy has a spot in front of my bedroom window he likes to lay in, and has to reach it by way of my bedside table. I made a ramp out of a piece of plywood about 12" wide, which I covered entirely with sandpaper. Every time he hops up to his favorite spot he gives his nails a little grind.
I think I'm going to go with the ramp and have it in her cage so she can climb up it... We'll see what I come up with I just got some untreated 1x4's that I'm going to stick the sand paper to..
What grade do you suggest..? I'm going with automotive body work sand paper as it comes in long wide strips
Thank You :)
Uhhhgggg ok she peed a little pink again this morning and she is spinning around alot more, turning in circles with her head always turning in the same direction she spins. Is she holding her pee trying to find a spot. ??
Is she seizuring or something ?
Its getting worse =/
And now she bouncing around climbing on the pillows like everything's ok.
11-04-2016, 03:36 PM
I have no idea about why she would do circles like that. She could have a UTI and need some meds if she's passing blood in her urine. I'm not sure if the circles and the blood in her urine are related or not. Maybe some other folks could answer that question. I think neuro issues can cause them to go around in circles, too. I would watch her closely and see when she does pee if there continues to be blood.
If there is an issue that you need a response to right away, start a new thread in the emergency section where more eyes will see it.
I have no idea about why she would do circles like that. She could have a UTI and need some meds if she's passing blood in her urine. I'm not sure if the circles and the blood in her urine are related or not. Maybe some other folks could answer that question. I think neuro issues can cause them to go around in circles, too. I would watch her closely and see when she does pee if there continues to be blood.
If there is an issue that you need a response to right away, start a new thread in the emergency section where more eyes will see it.
She is on meds for a suspected UTI already. Not sure why it came back as it hasn't happened again since the 1st time, when I started this post.
I dont get it either :frustratedx
I built her a ramp today with some sandpaper to file her nails a bit I hope she uses it
Her playpen is almost done :)
Baaaahhhh sorry forgot to resize
11-18-2016, 11:32 PM
Wow, I'm sure she will love that.:dance It looks great!:w00t
Wow, I'm sure she will love that.:dance It looks great!:w00t
Yah she likes it I'm glad theres alot of fluff on the bottom cause in the 1st 5 minutes she fell twice lol She's not the most coordinated squirrel
I still have a couple more branches to make. Its all made out of different sized pool noodles so its nice and soft. I tried making it so if she did fall she couldnt hit another part of the ramps that up the sides.
K so this has basically happened overnight.
She has a darker ring around her snout.
Idk if this is normal or not ?
Nancy in New York
11-19-2016, 03:19 PM
Yah she likes it I'm glad theres alot of fluff on the bottom cause in the 1st 5 minutes she fell twice lol She's not the most coordinated squirrel
I still have a couple more branches to make. Its all made out of different sized pool noodles so its nice and soft. I tried making it so if she did fall she couldnt hit another part of the ramps that up the sides.
Pool Noodles.................ingenious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pool Noodles.................ingenious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha yeah and I wrapped fleece around them and then used velcro strips to keep them on. Easy to take off and clean :)
Nancy in New York
11-20-2016, 08:18 AM
Haha yeah and I wrapped fleece around them and then used velcro strips to keep them on. Easy to take off and clean :)
:w00t What a GREAT idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-22-2016, 02:48 PM
She's so precious!
Sorry I haven't been on at all the past couple weeks but as some of you know I'm in training for a new job at a correctional facility. Been way busy with it and studying for hours after each day is done. So all I really have time to do is come home give Jesse some loves and smooches plunk her in her playpen then study for a few hours feed her then hit the sack. Then do it all over again the next day lol
I dont know if its stress from being home alone by herself all day or if its from her condition but shes lost quite a bit of fur. More noticably under her arms and the sides of her cheeks. Is this from constant cleaning from being bored all day ? Other than that she's doing good I got some mds for her sinus and just waiting for the nebulizer to arrive. Will be here thursday.
Nancy in New York
12-05-2016, 08:09 AM
Sorry I haven't been on at all the past couple weeks but as some of you know I'm in training for a new job at a correctional facility. Been way busy with it and studying for hours after each day is done. So all I really have time to do is come home give Jesse some loves and smooches plunk her in her playpen then study for a few hours feed her then hit the sack. Then do it all over again the next day lol
I dont know if its stress from being home alone by herself all day or if its from her condition but shes lost quite a bit of fur. More noticably under her arms and the sides of her cheeks. Is this from constant cleaning from being bored all day ? Other than that she's doing good I got some mds for her sinus and just waiting for the nebulizer to arrive. Will be here thursday.
If you get a chance can you post a few pictures of her so we can see her fur?
Thanks for the update and good luck with your new job! :w00t
12-06-2016, 11:16 AM
Hair loss is common with dwarf squirrels. It usually happens as they get older...maybe over a year, but I'm sure it can happen anytime. I'm not sure the exact reason, but everything about them is so very different from a regular squirrel, that it's probably just genetic mutation. Or something similar. My Joey has barely any fur on his belly and only short fuzzy fur from the back of his head down to his rear. His back legs and bum are hairless, too. His tail hair is very thin and sparse. The hair loss has been happening over time. He's probably about 15 or 16 mths old now.
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