View Full Version : Why, helloooo! :3

09-29-2016, 12:31 AM
Hello! I don't have much to say about myself but this forum has been an excellent source of supplemental information for me and the community seems extremely knowledgeable. I don't have any questions currently, I just appreciate that this place exists and I wanna be a part of it. I go by Kit and I spend a large portion of my time and energy keeping my crazy furball happy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Lrrr is about 6 months old by now if I had to guess, he was probably around 4 or 5 weeks when I took him in in late April. He's a happy, energetic whirlwind of surprises.

P.S. If any of you are familiar with Futurama, you should recognize the name. =P


09-29-2016, 12:35 AM
Welcome to TSB..... Glad to have You here. :Love_Icon


island rehabber
09-29-2016, 07:42 AM
:Welcome Alynxi and Lrrr! What a beautiful squirrel -- is he a Western grey? Glad you found us!

Since you've been lurking here already you've probably noticed that we are all about DIET....no, not ours, that can always use improvement! -- but our squirrels' diet. Seriously, diet is the Number One thing that causes serious problems and even death in 'pet' or captive squirrels, so please memorize our Healthy Diet list of foods or take it to the grocery store with you. :grin3

This Board is now over 10 years old and there is SO much info buried everywhere in its threads. If you can't find the answer to a question,though, just ask. We love to answer them!

09-29-2016, 08:31 AM

09-29-2016, 10:43 AM
P.S. If any of you are familiar with Futurama, you should recognize the name. =P

Hahahahaha this is fantastic. This was my first thought, but I didn't think it was true. :rotfl

Here's Lrrr, for anyone unfamiliar with the character


Does the squirrel Lrrr act the same way as the character? :grin2

09-29-2016, 11:30 AM
:Welcome Alynxi and Lrrr! What a beautiful squirrel -- is he a Western grey? Glad you found us!

Since you've been lurking here already you've probably noticed that we are all about DIET....no, not ours, that can always use improvement! -- but our squirrels' diet. Seriously, diet is the Number One thing that causes serious problems and even death in 'pet' or captive squirrels, so please memorize our Healthy Diet list of foods or take it to the grocery store with you. :grin3

This Board is now over 10 years old and there is SO much info buried everywhere in its threads. If you can't find the answer to a question,though, just ask. We love to answer them!
Lrrr and I say good morning! Thank you! :) And yes he is, my big handsome grey boy appreciates the compliment! :P

Oh yeah I have! I thought it was really amazing because I haven't seen such a crazy variety of different peoples experiences and input anywhere else. I love that you all are so enthusiastic about the well-being and happiness of these sweet little beasts as much as I am. <3 I am always open to suggestions or friendly criticism as well and see myself coming to ask questions if they're specific to Lrrr or I cant already find an answer. No need in annoying people with a bunch of redundant threads lolling all over the place! :3

09-29-2016, 11:31 AM
Thank youuu! :hug

09-29-2016, 11:35 AM
Hahahahaha this is fantastic. This was my first thought, but I didn't think it was true. :rotfl

Here's Lrrr, for anyone unfamiliar with the character


Does the squirrel Lrrr act the same way as the character? :grin2
Baha yep! I'm a weirdo with names.
Id say my Lrrr still needs to brush up on the whole planetary domination thing if he's gonna live up to his name :grin2