View Full Version : 6 week old squirrel faint clicking noise

Sullys mom
09-15-2016, 10:09 PM
My six week old squirrel had a slight faint clicking noise this morning so I took him to the vet and he got an antibiotic shot and put on baytril , he was eating fine and still active but this evening he seems bloated and doesn't want to eat very much so I gave him some infant gas drops , is their anything More I can do ? And how extremely concerned should I be ? I feel like I caught the very beginning onset of pneumonia .

09-15-2016, 10:49 PM
It sounds like everything you're doing is right on target.

Bloat can be a serious issue. In addition to the infant gas drops you could try floating the baby in a large bowl of warm water. Dip the baby up to the armpits in the warm water. I would gently massage the belly. The warm water should relax the muscles and hopefully some of the gas will move.

It will probably take 18-24 hrs before you see improvement of the pneumonia. At that time you should see the appetite return. Keep your baby warm.

Sullys mom
09-15-2016, 11:10 PM
Could the baytril be causing the bloat . Should I try to give him some yogurt ? I don't have any right now , I'll have to wait till in the morning to get some . He hasn't acted like he was sick until tonight at about 8 I gave him the baytril at 4 and he ate then also , I still do night feedings. He's been bloated before and I have him gas drops and skipped his feeding . This time I didn't really notice he was bloated until he had had half of his formula , I'm worried I made it much worse . I gave him the gas drops after that .

Sullys mom
09-15-2016, 11:22 PM
Should I skip his next feeding if he's still bloated , I've read your suppose to feed when they have pneumonia .