View Full Version : rosalie possible downs baby
09-12-2016, 09:04 AM
I have had little Rosalie for six weeks on wednesday. I believe she was about 2 days old when i found her. Momma would not take her back. I had some issues with pneumonia, dehydration, and an anus that was not functioning well. Anyway these issues are for the most part better. I still hydrate once per day and keep a close watch on the butt. However, she only weighs 52 grams last night, her eyes are still closed, and her ears are very small. she is a difficult feeder. She refuses to eat at first...have to be pushy to get the nipple in her mouth....then shes happy to eat. shes strong and crawling vigorously but still a little skinny. she eats 5 % esbilac with probiotics but would happily eat more.
what do you think?
09-12-2016, 09:09 AM
Can you post a picture of her entire body? Tail and all? She's sure a cutie!!
09-12-2016, 09:23 AM
yes i will get another pic tonight, but until then ...Her tail is appropriate to the age she looks but not her real age.No fluff to the tail smooth and mostly white. I have also started to add some fox valley right now i am giving 25 fv and 75 esbilac. Taking this slow cause she did not do well on fv originally. Might also ad some ultra boost.
But the main indicators are small small ears, and 52 grams at 6 weeks, eyes still closed. Otherwise i would just think failure to thrive.
09-12-2016, 09:25 AM
I have had little Rosalie for six weeks on wednesday. I believe she was about 2 days old when i found her. Momma would not take her back. I had some issues with pneumonia, dehydration, and an anus that was not functioning well. Anyway these issues are for the most part better. I still hydrate once per day and keep a close watch on the butt. However, she only weighs 52 grams last night, her eyes are still closed, and her ears are very small. she is a difficult feeder. She refuses to eat at first...have to be pushy to get the nipple in her mouth....then shes happy to eat. shes strong and crawling vigorously but still a little skinny. she eats 5 % esbilac with probiotics but would happily eat more.
what do you think?
I'd go ahead and gradually up her formula amount to 7%. Ultraboost by Henry's is also great for adding weight on these smaller babies. 5% is just the minimum and 7% is not a hard rule. They can have more as long as it's done gradually and the poop stays normal. I've had many that do 10% or more at this age.
She sure is a cutie! Can't wait to see more pics. I've had neuro babies before but never a dwarf or a down's.
09-12-2016, 09:26 AM
Strange that she looks like a 4 weeker at 6 :thinking Can't wait to see what others have to say!
You can up her formula feedings to give her some more nutrition. Just make sure her belly doesn't get hard and she's not over eating. A little Ensure is great to give them some more calories as well.
Sara in NW MS
09-12-2016, 09:26 AM
She's adorable, that's for sure! The 5% is a guideline, not a "rule". She can have between 5 - 7% but some babies eat a tad more than 7%. If she's eating 5% and eagerly wants more, let her have it. Just increase it slowly since she's not used to eating a lot at one time. Let her move up to 6% the next feeding and if she does well with that then she can have more the next feeding.
If you feel like she's too skinny you could also add full fat organic (Yo Baby is a good one) to her formula but I bet she will start to gain some weight once she is eating more formula.
As DarkLies mentioned, a full body pic of her would help everyone out. :grin2
I'm not an expert but I have seen this same topic discussed a few times on the board.
09-12-2016, 09:40 AM
ok I will up her formula and get a better pic at lunch of her full body.
09-12-2016, 02:48 PM
added another .25 mls to her lunch. if her butt looks ok and she poops i will add alittle more tomorrow. she hasnt pooped yet today and her anus was a little sore so i have to be careful
she is also a superchamp of guppy mouthers. have to constantly remind her to suck.
09-12-2016, 03:34 PM
looking at her photos...mayby i am worried to much. Maybe she will catch up with extra formula and some ultra boost!
09-12-2016, 03:52 PM
She looks like a normal 4 weeker to me :thinking but if she's 6 weeks, I really don't understand
09-12-2016, 07:31 PM
Are you referring to the size of her head or the roundness of it?
My Daisy had a very large head, or long from the nose to back of her head.
I could always tell her babies in the woods.
09-12-2016, 08:13 PM
I think she's just a small baby. I think her head looks normal.
Dwarf babies have ears that are further down on the head and have shorter limbs.
I think with time she will 'grow into her head' and be perfectly normal. :tilt
09-13-2016, 08:48 AM
great im glad she doesnt look downsy. She is just really small at 50 grams. Compared to the others i have she is half their size. after i took and posted the photos i realize she is small but not unproportional. She stayed at 10 grams her first 7 or so days so I guess we should expect her to be a little stunted and delayed.
thanks i will feed her up a bit!
09-13-2016, 09:54 AM
I don't see downs either. She may just be one of those petite squirrels but I think when she starts adding on some weight she will be fine. I've got one that was slow to gain and has just now started really packing on the grams despite being on Esbilac with UB for the past 3 weeks. She came in 2 grams lighter than her brother and now they are at 90 and 118 grams.
09-13-2016, 01:05 PM
I have to agree, I don't see a "down's squirrel" either, just a teeny lil' 'late bloomer'.
Your little one reminds me of a little boy I got in two years ago. The finder said they found him as a pinky and kept for 4 1/2 weeks before handing him over. Imagine my surprise when she handed me an almost entirely hairless pinky (with bottom teeth!! :eek). He started opening his eyes a few days later but they weren't completely open for a while.. I want to say he was closer to 6 - 6 1/2 weeks by the time both were fully open. I used FV 20/50 with Esbilac and I also fed him for the age he looked, not the age he was (I think I did every 4hrs without the night-time feeding and tried getting 6-7% into him per feeding) He fattened up nicely and started getting his fur in eventually. It took time and lots and lots of TLC but he grew up to be a real squirrel and was successfully released!
This was my little Balbo Baggins the day she handed him over to me. He was a startling 44 grams upon arrival :klunk
Balbo, at intake, compared to a healthy 6 1/2 week old
Best of luck with your Little One :Love_Icon
09-13-2016, 01:16 PM
Balbo, at intake, compared to a healthy 6 1/2 week old
Best of luck with your Little One :Love_Icon
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