View Full Version : What can be done about wilds eating poison?

09-11-2016, 11:33 PM
I strongly suspect that a neighbor is feeding this to squirrels, https://www.amazon.com/Farnam-Just-One-Bite-Bar/dp/B002SAQ7ZM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1473650941&sr=8-1&keywords=squirrel+poison

What can be done to either prevent them from eating this (assuming I can even find it given that its likely in someone else's well-guarded yard), and do you know of anything I could do for the poisoned squirrel(s) if I find them?

I did more explaining in the Nutrition thread, but figure this could very quickly turn into an emergency - and I want to be prepared in advance if possible with remedies on hand.

(I think the super crappy plan is to poison and then remove the nests from the trees... with a plausibly deniable lie about intending to poison rats. This is based on a lot of evidence, all of which, I cannot even remember right now. I'm super exhausted.) ...I'm going to watch the rabbit population too, and if it starts to drop off, I can at least tell a neighbor who likes rabbits.

09-12-2016, 09:14 AM
There are some laws about using poison like that, actually. I'd do a little digging in my area to get the specifics and then spread the word and/or let a landlord know

09-12-2016, 09:56 AM
UPDATE: Saw a few seemingly healthy looking regulars today. I hope this is a good sign. I put out extra nuts, hoping that they would prefer that and eat less poison or none. It's good that the grass is wet in the mornings. I'm hoping they can use that to wipe their faces and paws if necessary. I am carefully watching. I might start putting leafy greens here and there since they are generally high in vitamin k, which I believe helps counter an anticoagulant. I will try for leafy greens that would blend in to any weed pile since there are so many weeds around here - and the wind's been blowing them around anyway.