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09-09-2016, 08:46 PM
My name is Jim and live in rural Kentucky. Not a rehabber but have had many small critters pass through my home long enough to stabilize and move on to people who know what they are doing. Funny once people know you have taken a few wild babies word travels fast. Don't mind though they all deserve a chance.
About five weeks ago got a call and asked if I would take on a baby squirrel found on a trail. First squirrel have dealt with. Thought sure and what was brought to me was a very small hairless dehydrated animal. Was not even sure it was a squirrel. Started getting fluids down then formula and stabilized. She is now a healthy gray about 5-6 weeks old. Weight about 110 grams. Eyes open 9 days.
Now in large dog carrier with heat under box in back with her bedding. Rodent block in cage with water bottle. Formula 9cc five times a day around every 4 hours. Eats like a pig.
Now what's next. Read all kinds of sites and and some confusion on how to return her to backyard trees. Concern winter coming on and would she be okay.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Please don't condemn but have fed fox valley before reading posts on this sight. Always premixed 4-6 hours so fully dissolved. She has always had clear urine and mustard poop after every feeding. No problems as described here.

09-09-2016, 10:15 PM
Hi Jim, welcome to TSB! :wave123 I'm glad you found us. You will find a wealth of information here to help you in caring for her. First off, take a look at the healthy diet chart if you haven't already. http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels In addition to having her on good quality rodent block, you also want to make sure that she is getting a good variety of vegetables as she begins to ween off formula.
Also, what kind of dog carrier do you have her in? If it has any plastic, she can easily chew through it if she takes a notion.(trust me, I found this out the hard way!) And in a few weeks, she will want to climb more so you may want to consider a bigger cage before too long.

As far as re-introducing her to the wild, she will need to be soft released in a release cage. Here is good info regarding that process when she is ready - http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?41071-SOFT-RELEASE-The-How-to-Sticky&highlight=Release+cage

Most of us don't start the release process until the squirrel is around 4 months old, on occasion even older for singletons like you little one. As far as overwintering, at this point it may be a good idea, especially since she is a singleton IMHO. It will take her more time to acclimate once in a release cage. I'm sure you will have many more questions, so feel free to ask away. Also, we would love to see pics of your little girl. Thank you for caring for her and taking the time to find out how to properly care for her.:)

09-09-2016, 10:57 PM
Welcome and it sounds like you are doing a great job! I would also love to see some pics, they are so darn cute! I'm also in KY, but up top, next to Cincy.

By the way, there are some good photos on the site of release cages folks have built and some do's and don't's, check it out!


09-10-2016, 10:07 AM
Here are couple pictures beginning and now. Also added video. Have noticed the start of some chewing on the carrier. Time to build next home.:)

Thanks for quick response. Will have more questions am sure.
Link to video

09-10-2016, 10:14 AM
That video is so cute!

If you're looking for something in between tiny baby cage and large release cage may I suggest acquiring a bird cage. I got my first one on Craigslist for $22 and it got them out of their little carrier. Plus, it's tall so when climbing time comes there's a place to go. The bars on mine are spaced 1/2 apart, and the best part is the slide out tray for easy cleaning. It also still sits on a heating pad nicely. (Bird cages are open and airy. I covered mine with a sheet and left the front open to give them the secure feeling the carrier did. )

09-20-2016, 11:59 AM
After some thought and reading made decision to contact local rehabber to continue care for little one. Wanted to have her raised with others if possible and did find Kentucky Wildlife Center was able to help.
She is now in good care with three others of the same age. So happy it worked out and so thankful for KWC.

09-20-2016, 12:43 PM
Thank you for the update and giving this little one a chance!! :hug

09-20-2016, 08:14 PM
New friends. She is the one pigging out.