View Full Version : Tape worm? Skinny, hair loss in a patch, big eater

09-01-2016, 01:03 AM
My squirrel friend is getting skinnier, she eats a lot though. She is losing some hair in a patch (dime sized) on her back but it is not mange it is a rough stable patch and also some loss under her shoulders.

How should I treat for presumed tape worm? Where can I get medicine? What dose?

What else could be the issue -- it's about a week now.



09-01-2016, 01:09 AM
It would be helpful if you can post pictures of the spots. Please tell us how old she is, what she eats and what kind of cage she is in.

09-01-2016, 06:04 AM
I agree with ALittleNutty. A thorough history will give us information that might be relevant as far as what's going on. Age? How long you've had her? What is the diet? Any other symptoms that you might have noticed?

I would not jump to the conclusion that tapeworms is the cause of weight loss. I would want to rule out other causes first. Patchy hair loss and weight loss might be dietary so we should rule that out first.

09-03-2016, 09:38 AM
She is not mine she lives outside but is my friend.

I don't see other symptoms. I feed her some almonds.

The hair loss is not even to the skin, it's dime sized on her back in one place and thinning around the shoulders. But she is very skinny.

Can we assume a problem and then see if it works as long as there are no serious side effects? Doing nothing is not helpful.


I agree with ALittleNutty. A thorough history will give us information that might be relevant as far as what's going on. Age? How long you've had her? What is the diet? Any other symptoms that you might have noticed?

I would not jump to the conclusion that tapeworms is the cause of weight loss. I would want to rule out other causes first. Patchy hair loss and weight loss might be dietary so we should rule that out first.

09-06-2016, 01:07 PM
Here is a photo


She is not mine she lives outside but is my friend.

I don't see other symptoms. I feed her some almonds.

The hair loss is not even to the skin, it's dime sized on her back in one place and thinning around the shoulders. But she is very skinny.

Can we assume a problem and then see if it works as long as there are no serious side effects? Doing nothing is not helpful.


09-07-2016, 10:37 AM
I posted a photo as a reply and this thread has been silent. Here is the photo again. The problem is getting worse.

09-07-2016, 11:05 AM
Since this is an outside squirrel it might be a bot fly larvae just starting. This looks like my James did when his first started. The hair loss would be from scratching and yes they get skinny. The best treatment is no treatment other than making sure there is plenty of fresh water and supplementing their diet with blocks and veggies.