View Full Version : Chasing Squirrels

08-31-2016, 06:17 AM
A little about me... I'm a deceivingly boring, soon-to-be-single mother of two.

A little about me and squirrels... well, for one thing, I've had an affinity for squirrels for a very long time. In fact, I was a "squirrel girl" on social media long before they turned into memes (and the coming of age for squirrels as a cultural icon both amuses and reassures me). It has been my habit for many years to introduce myself by saying, "I'm extremely eccentric and a little bit absent-minded but that's not my fault. Squirrels run my brain. I hired them to remind me of important things like where I left the car keys and to put on pants before going out. I pay them in peanut butter... If I forget, they mutiny and then God only knows what I'll say or do." I will sometimes leave off in the middle of a sentence or pick up in the middle of a sentence when I walk through the door (a conversation I was having with you in my head prior to seeing you and naturally I assume you know about it). I call this "chasing squirrels." Squirrels are less a fixation than they are a personal totem, I guess. I love to watch them. They sort of explain me, that's all.

Enter Clio (and on that note, it's pacha time so I'll run and feed the little one and be back in a jiffy. Mmmm. Jiffy. Peanut butter...).

Okay, I'm back, and in case you're wondering, no--I wouldn't dream of feeding my baby peanut butter. It's a joke, part of the cultural icon, that's all. Not that I don't wonder what she'd do with it, but I value my fingers. I'm fairly sure I wouldn't get all of them back if I tried it.

Clio should have been named Surprise! since she came into my life so suddenly and just when I was already wrestling with homelessness (I'm still living with my soon-to-be-ex), a new job (six days a week, eek!) and health issues (fibromyalgia, PTSD and perimenopause, oh, my!). When the hus-butt came tearing through the house with a big, orange Home Depot bucket I thought he'd lost his mind. I'm still a little mad at him for it, but as it turns out, he might have done the right thing.

Little Clio ran right at him, he said, and a little research explained that she must have been away from her mamma too long and desperate for care. Her chin and forehead were skinned up but she hadn't been caught by a predator. The closest rehabilitator was over an hour drive away, though, and being a mom myself, I was angry at hubby for taking her away from her mamma and I wasn't about to send her even further away. I was determined to reunite them... but Mamma was either injured in the same dastardly tree-trimming incident as her baby, or else too frightened to return to the area. A second baby turned up the next day but disappeared before hus-butt could coax it into the bucket. I fear a neighborhood cat got it, since I hid for hours with Clio in a box three days in a row and Mamma never came around. In fact, I swear that every adult squirrel in the neighborhood disappeared for a week after the incident.

$45 later (for Esbilac, electrolytes and fresh veggies), I'm a foster mom. Had Clio been any younger or more seriously injured, I would have sucked it up, conquered my fear of night driving and gotten her to a rehab facility, but after hours of research I was convinced that she was around 6-7 weeks old and therefore capable of eating solids in between formula (which is necessary, since I'm the only one in the house not afraid of handling her and I work all day). I spent three sleepless nights wondering if I should still send her away... and then she nibbled a carrot round, proving my suspicion! Breakthrough! She now eats about 2 tablespoons of veggies and mushrooms three times a day and 12 CCs of formula three times, as well (plus an extra 5 CC boost in the morning before I go to work to tide her over, since she demands to be fed the moment I wake up and that would extend her to 10 hours between "pachas" which I don't think is good). She's right around 9 weeks now, I think, and positively HUGE with a bushy tail, clear eyes and plenty of energy. Having been a rat owner before this, I knew it was possible to build her a "condo" out of storage bins, which I did the second week (lots of air holes drilled in, bottoms duct taped together and a four-foot-tall branch from bottom to top on which she does regular acrobatics for me). So far, she shows no tendency to chew the plastic, for which I'm grateful because until I'm in my own house I can't build her a sturdier cage.

I'm sort of lamenting the cost in time (only one day off per week!) and materials to build a pre-release cage that she will use for such a short time, but that's the plan. Clio is my kid, my foster-fur-baby, but most of all she's a friend and I would be happiest seeing her back where she belongs and just hopeful she'll remember me. I've considered dipping her tail in food coloring just so I can tell her from the rest when she's gone and still watch her play lol.

So, yes--I've been stalking this board and others for weeks. I'm preparing to buy a bag of Henry's (because I hope she'll be ready to really wean, soon). But I still have so many questions... which led me to break down and join the forum. She'll be my foster for at least another two weeks and then a guest for another few while she transitions.

Gosh, I'm still not entirely sure she's a "she."

And so begins my squirrel-y tail--ahem, I mean "tale."

08-31-2016, 07:08 AM
---to TSB...
sounds like you're HOOKED...we're all JUNKIES...here...

RULE # !------------------------PHOTOS gotta have 'em
#2 ---------------- diet---check out our nutrition threads


for the best choices...You have started out very well....

__________________________________________________ __
Check out the LINKS to some of my Costa Rican squirrels---BELOW---and see some unique critters with great coloration....

08-31-2016, 07:25 AM

Nancy in New York
08-31-2016, 07:36 AM
So, yes--I've been stalking this board and others for weeks. I'm preparing to buy a bag of Henry's (because I hope she'll be ready to really wean, soon). But I still have so many questions... which led me to break down and join the forum. She'll be my foster for at least another two weeks and then a guest for another few while she transitions.

Gosh, I'm still not entirely sure she's a "she."

And so begins my squirrel-y tail--ahem, I mean "tale."

How old is this little one?
What formula are you feeding?
Try to keep her on formula as LONG as possible.
It's the best insurance against MBD.

Can you post pictures, we love pictures! :w00t

08-31-2016, 08:02 AM
Welcome! Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. Scour Craigslist for a cheap cage or supplies to make one. Many of us have found great deals there. Hopefully Clio won't chew out of her bins but it's a possibility to it's best to squirrel proof the room she's in so there are no escape routes.

island rehabber
08-31-2016, 08:03 AM
:Welcome to TSB -- glad you decided to join!

08-31-2016, 08:03 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed your introduction. :grin2
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

We have lots of FL members so if we can help you we would be glad to help.

You don't have to dip the tail in food coloring. When you release a singleton, the one sitting on your shoulder outside is usually the one you released. :rotfl:peace
Singletons do tend to be more attached. I have a release outside for 3 years that still gets on my shoulder occasionally.

You have at LEAST another month with your baby before considering release. I release around 16 weeks.

08-31-2016, 12:49 PM
You don't have to dip the tail in food coloring. When you release a singleton, the one sitting on your shoulder outside is usually the one you released.


08-31-2016, 04:53 PM
How old is this little one?
I guessed she was 6 weeks when she adopted me, and she'll be in my care for 3 weeks this coming Sunday (If I remember--time flies when your life is as fun as mine). That puts her at about nine weeks (give or take). Having had many non-squirrel rodent-babies, my guess was based on the shape of her head compared to adult (positioning of eyes, ears and length of nose), how fully-furred her tail was and how close to a "miniature adult" she looked, as well as ability to gnaw solid food very soon after finding me. Her features have now "firmed" (refined) and her tail bushed out almost fully. Her body's much more solid, so she is nearing the end of infancy and entering adolescence soon. Or maybe we should call her a "tween" :tinfoil

What formula are you feeding? Try to keep her on formula as LONG as possible. It's the best insurance against MBD.

Esbilac powder, around 40CCs/daily and, yup. I was never one of "those" moms who made my kids give up pachas before they were ready. I also don't plan to cut her CCs till she's ready. The only reason I cut her down to 3 1/2 feedings per day is because I couldn't sneak home for lunch anymore (no lunches). I'm hoping Henry's will help her figure out she's not so ravenously hungry for formula and more inclined to cuddle when I get home instead of trying to nurse off my housecoat :eek

Can you post pictures, we love pictures! :w00t

I will absolutely post pictures as soon as I figure out how to do it with my phone :grin2

08-31-2016, 05:10 PM
:Welcome:Welcome I also thoroughly enjoyed your introduction. Have you thought about a second job as a writer?? JUST KIDDING! :eek I am also in FL, on the east coast near Cocoa Bch. It definitely sounds like you're :owned. Can't wait to see pics of Clio.

08-31-2016, 05:25 PM
I'm something of a backyard carpenter, so I do plan to build a pre-release cage. I won't release till 16 weeks, but I thought 12 weeks (or completely weaned) was the point where you start introducing them to the outside by housing them outside. I honestly expect she'll tell me when she's ready. She's training me. I plan to make the cage big enough for us both to share (er... no, I don't plan to sleep in it. I don't think) and to make a sally door higher up so when she does go it alone she can still come home when she needs and be protected from anything except maybe really determined small birds and other squirrels.

She currently lives in my sunroom, protected from the elements and yet not completely air-conditioned cushy. I want to make sure her fur grows in naturally so I assume exposing her to nature's heat/cooling (since she's old enough to self-regulate) is best. I do leave a fan in the window so the AC blows out a little bit during the day because otherwise it would be hotter than Mother Nature intended. I'm currently clearing out all the "accidents waiting to happen" so if she does escape her bin condo she'll be safe in the room. The bins are only until I get into my own place (crossing fingers in a week or two). When she's ready to start being initiated into the great outdoors, I'm already engineering a feeding bowl that will keep her food covered and crisp all day outside :)

As an added bonus, I figure this gives me something to write about during NaNoWriMo, right?

Okay, then... should I post my list of unanswerable questions here, or start a new one in "not life threatening?" :serene

08-31-2016, 05:45 PM
:laugh2 Sooo sorry :facepalm I don't mean to laugh at your misfortune....but you asked for it with your witty repartee :grin3 welcome, welcome...you have come to the right place....and didn't you know....squirrel have been "in" for ages :Love_Icon I do believe the Hus-butt :jump has some redeemable qualities.....afterall, squirrels are great judges of character :Love_Icon regardless he united you and Clio :Love_Icon she's a very lucky girl to have ended up with you....you are doing an amazing job:w00t

08-31-2016, 06:54 PM
You can start a new thread for Clio in The Nursery where you can post Clios progress. Admin can merge the two if you want. You can also ask questions in the non emergency section, where more eyes will see them. :grin2

08-31-2016, 07:04 PM
The hus-butt has many redeeming qualities. It turns out I don't have enough. Eh. S'okay. Frankly, station wagons and picket fences get in the way of my night job. (Writing. You didn't think I meant stripping, did you?) So... is it too soon to push the novel? Maybe I should focus on Clio first and set up the book signing for you guys later :D

Was it the NaNoWritMo comment or am I just that transparent?

Laugh at my "misfortune" if you will. Karma's a b... Well, it is. Hus-butt understands me so intimately that he'd rescue a baby squirrel he was terrified of. I'm wondering if this defines his opinion of me, too: the critter that both terrifies and fascinates him, and which ultimately needed to be turned back into the wild. Just wish he'd taught me how to scavenge, first. Once Clio and I are homed, we'll both be happy as magpies. There is no misfortune, here. Life is what you make of it, and although mine is a little bit of a mess, I like a little bit of mess. It might look disorganized from the outside but I prefer to call it a nest. Like I said: I'm still a little mad at him for handing me Clio (because it is responsibility and a lot of work when I have too much already) but it's not like I don't believe in predestination. That's the only reason I married him. And Clio chose him to try to run up because she knew that even if he's not a squirrel person, he was (at least temporarily) tamed by one :D

08-31-2016, 08:25 PM
:laugh2 What a character! Clio is in for a wild ride. :grin2