View Full Version : found a baby squirrel , need help

08-23-2016, 04:14 PM
This morning my dad found a little baby not moving on the sidewalk. he brushed the bugs off and called me. I've been researching all day and stumbled across this site. I'm not sure of any injuries. I'm not picking him up until later night. from what i looked up he's between 3-4 weeks old. I've been sending my dad all sorts of stuff and found out he had fed him skim milk and i told him to stop. he has a desk lamp that gets warm over him for now... i will be getting a heating pad. i looked up a few feeding schedules and just really need to be pointed in the right direction to take care of him. he's moving around and drinking water. please help

08-23-2016, 04:18 PM
This morning my dad found a little baby not moving on the sidewalk. he brushed the bugs off and called me. I've been researching all day and stumbled across this site. I'm not sure of any injuries. I'm not picking him up until later night. from what i looked up he's between 3-4 weeks old. I've been sending my dad all sorts of stuff and found out he had fed him skim milk and i told him to stop. he has a desk lamp that gets warm over him for now... i will be getting a heating pad. i looked up a few feeding schedules and just really need to be pointed in the right direction to take care of him. he's moving around and drinking water.

08-23-2016, 04:21 PM
Right now warmth and water is the best thing until you can get the supplies for homemade goat's milk formula or the powdered puppy Esbilac with pre and probiotics. The liquid is not good to use. I'm off to the store but others will be here shortly to assist. If your dad has some fleece or an old flannel shirt or t-shirt just put it in for him to snuggle down in. Towels aren't good since the loops catch their nails.

08-23-2016, 04:22 PM
See your other thread.

08-23-2016, 04:23 PM
The best thing for this little guy is to grow up with siblings. We've got members all over who may be able to take him and raise him with others his age if you're interested.

For now, this is an AMAZING guide! http://www.henryspets.com/baby-squirrel-care/

Oh, and welcome to TSB and thank you for doing what you can for him :)

08-23-2016, 04:25 PM
ok great i read the stuff about the formula and I've already contacted the pet store by me and they have it. I've found different sites saying to dilute it when i first introduce it. this seems to be the most accurate site to go by to make sure he's safe and i can make him a healthy little squirrel. i love animals and spend a lot of time at home just want to make sure I'm informed enough to give him the correct diet and attention and space needed.

08-23-2016, 04:45 PM
thank you so much ill give the guide a go and take it from there

Nancy in New York
08-23-2016, 04:46 PM
Go to this link below.
It will take you to another link that will tell you all you need to know.
BUT please feel free to ask as many questions as you have that you don't understand.
Thank you for helping this little one. :hug

08-23-2016, 04:54 PM
from what I've I'm not going to be able to release him until after the winter because its already getting pretty chilly where i live.. any advice you have id greatly appreciate!!

08-23-2016, 06:38 PM
I'm having trouble determining his age.. and "his" gender... his eyes are open and he has fur everywhere.. but his tail fur is not as long as any of the photos I've seen and its really white and not brown. I've read the henrys pets list! huge help!

08-23-2016, 07:14 PM
Yes you will have to overwinter so you need to be thinking about a large cage. Craigslist is a good place to find them.

Here is a pic that shows the difference between male and female.


Can you post a pic? That would help a lot in getting an idea of it's age. You will also need a scale that weighs in grams so you can determine how much to feed and make sure it is gaining weight. By your description it is probably in the range of 4-5 weeks and hasn't had it's eyes open too long.

08-23-2016, 07:19 PM
ill post a photo soon I'm on my way to pick him up! thank you!

08-23-2016, 07:26 PM
You are welcome. We are always happy to answer any questions you have. It's a lot of information at first and a continual learning process with these sweeties.

08-23-2016, 08:40 PM
Ohkay just arrived to pick up this little guy and he's in a little rogher shape than I thought. I got more of the story... He must have been abandoned longer than my dad led it to be. When he was found he (very gratific image here) was covered in about 30 flys and two bees were trying to eat his eyes, my dad got there just in time. I'm cleaning him up right now. He's got fly eggs in his fur WHICH I DO NOT WANT TO HATCH! What's the safest most effective way to clean him up. My dad already got a lot off but I got some work left to do.

08-23-2016, 09:00 PM
Ohkay just arrived to pick up this little guy and he's in a little rogher shape than I thought. I got more of the story... He must have been abandoned longer than my dad led it to be. When he was found he (very gratific image here) was covered in about 30 flys and two bees were trying to eat his eyes, my dad got there just in time. I'm cleaning him up right now. He's got fly eggs in his fur WHICH I DO NOT WANT TO HATCH! What's the safest most effective way to clean him up. My dad already got a lot off but I got some work left to do.

Edited: Use some baby or mineral oil to loosen the eggs. Then follow with a bath. Be sure to check around the anus and nose as well as inside the mouth and ears.

Oh that poor baby!!! I think a bath with a few drops of Dawn in a half gallon of warm water, rinse very well. Wrap him in a warm towel and dry him off all the way. Combing his fur after this should get the fly eggs off that you might have missed. Check inside his mouth and ears too. If you have a magnifying glass use it to look him over thoroughly.

When you get a chance get some pics. I am worried about the possible damage to his eyes from the bees. :(

If you have a heating pad place it on low and place some fleece over it and lay him on that while you examine him. You don't want him to get chilled.

I have a feeling this is going to be a tough case for someone without experience. If we can find someone close that could help you would you accept it?

08-23-2016, 09:24 PM
Photos coming soon! Eyes are not swollen at all. Most eggs removed. Bath to come. HE (confirmed male) is drinking water very well (seringe pointing upwards) This is the second squirrel I've rescued now among countless other small rodents, mice ect.. but the last one was an adult and she survived and was released but never had a baby. I am indeed no expert but with some help I know he'll have a happy life until he's ready to go after winter

08-23-2016, 09:30 PM
Photos coming soon! Eyes are not swollen at all. Most eggs removed. Bath to come. HE (confirmed male) is drinking water very well (seringe pointing upwards) This is the second squirrel I've rescued now among countless other small rodents, mice ect.. but the last one was an adult and she survived and was released but never had a baby. I am indeed no expert but with some help I know he'll have a happy life until he's ready to go after winter

Good deal. Just be sure to check all his openings. It's amazing where those flys can lay their eggs and we sure don't want a single one to hatch.

Glad you have some experience with small mammals.

08-23-2016, 09:32 PM
I've given a ton of baths to Guinne pigs and rabbits and dogs of course. any tips for a little little guy

08-23-2016, 09:34 PM
I've given a ton of baths to Guinne pigs and rabbits and dogs of course. any tips for a little little guy

Just be sure the water is warm, rinse, rinse, rinse and then dry him off well with a warm towel so he doesn't get chilled. At this stage warmth and hydration are top of the list after getting those eggs off.

08-23-2016, 10:10 PM
still working diligently on hydrating every time he gets up and moves around he's usually ready for some more water. after hydrating should i start fruit flavored pedialyte? then formula?

08-23-2016, 10:13 PM
still working diligently on hydrating every time he gets up and moves around he's usually ready for some more water. after hydrating should i start fruit flavored pedialyte? then formula?

If you have it you can use it for a day. I usually just use the homemade which is 2 cups water, 1.5 Tablespoons sugar and 1/2 teaspoon salt. After using this for 24 hours make up another batch without the salt.

Once this baby is hydrated well you could start on a diluted formula. What formula do you have?

08-23-2016, 11:56 PM
Adding pics of the baby for the finder.


08-24-2016, 09:52 AM
How is the baby doing?

08-24-2016, 10:40 AM
He is a baby grey squirrel and is about 5 weeks old. He looks to be a good weight. I'd recommend looking for a rehabber as he's going to do much better if raised with friends.

08-25-2016, 01:20 AM
Adding more pics and a video for the finder. This little boy is going to need some help and I've sent a PM to IR so we can locate someone more equipped and experienced to care for this baby. His motor skills seem way off and his eyes were open but now closed. He was found with bees attacking his eyes so I am very concerned with that.



08-25-2016, 01:34 AM
my dad said he saw them open I'm not entirely sure how much i trust his vision but according to him they were indeed open, i have yet to see them open since i picked him up.

Update: coming to the end of day two of having little Gunner, he is one little heart grabber thats for sure.
he's doing great thanks to the constant support, advice, and mentoring of this community:grouphug. Gunner is eating great (finally), cuddling like no other, and sleeping like a baby should (up every three to four hours to eat). this has been no easy task. I thought being a college student made me a responsible adult able to take on the world, then this little guy came around. As said above he has little coordination and is pretty wobbly when he moves around :sniff, assumed this is caused by the fall from the tree to the sidewalk i wish i was skilled enough to keep him forever, but someone can make him feel much better than i can. thank you everyone for all the help (especially AlittleNutty, wouldn't have made it through this with out the reassurance and help)

08-25-2016, 01:37 AM
my dad said he saw them open I'm not entirely sure how much i trust his vision but according to him they were indeed open, i have yet to see them open since i picked him up.

Update: coming to the end of day two of having little Gunner, he is one little heart grabber thats for sure.
he's doing great thanks to the constant support, advice, and mentoring of this community:grouphug. Gunner is eating great (finally), cuddling like no other, and sleeping like a baby should (up every three to four hours to eat). this has been no easy task. I thought being a college student made me a responsible adult able to take on the world, then this little guy came around. As said above he has little coordination and is pretty wobbly when he moves around :sniff, assumed this is caused by the fall from the tree to the sidewalk i wish i was skilled enough to keep him forever, but someone can make him feel much better than i can. thank you everyone for all the help (especially AlittleNutty, wouldn't have made it through this with out the reassurance and help)

You are very welcome for the help!

Nancy in New York
08-25-2016, 08:26 AM
Adding more pics and a video for the finder. This little boy is going to need some help and I've sent a PM to IR so we can locate someone more equipped and experienced to care for this baby. His motor skills seem way off and his eyes were open but now closed. He was found with bees attacking his eyes so I am very concerned with that.



Where is this little one located, just the city and state.
IR is working today, so not sure how much time she will have
on the board.

08-25-2016, 08:53 AM
Where is this little one located, just the city and state.
IR is working today, so not sure how much time she will have
on the board.

Sent you a PM. You were next on my list if I didn't hear back from IR soon enough. :grin3