View Full Version : Gender?

08-22-2016, 06:30 PM
I've had my baby Rusty for about a year and a half now and I always thought "he" was a boy but now I'm not so sure? I've seen countless pictures and videos explaining the difference but I need another persons opinion. Thanks. :)

08-22-2016, 06:34 PM
Congratulations, you have a girl!


08-22-2016, 07:11 PM
yup, she is a girl

08-22-2016, 07:12 PM
Tell us what her diet is like. What do you feed her daily?


08-22-2016, 07:22 PM
I buy mixed seeds from my work and I give HER lots of fresh fruits and veggies, occasionally pumpkin seeds and peanuts.

08-22-2016, 07:47 PM
Oh dear...welcome to the board! We need to talk about diet in order to keep your girl healthy and happy for a long happy life. Ditch the seeds right away and take a look at the link below for a good basis for healthy squirrel diet.

Most importantly you need to get her on rodent block of some kind. Many of us use the blocks that are sold at http://henryspets.com very successfully.

08-22-2016, 08:10 PM
Thank you. I will definitely get her some blocks asap.
As far as seeds go - are pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds okay for a treat? She is super picky and I found that those are her favorite as far as treats go.
Additionally, is alfalfa okay? I've heard it is from some people and it isn't from others.

08-22-2016, 09:15 PM

You will have to do major tough love as far as her diet goes. This is no BS. She was headed down a very dangerous road with disasterous consequences concerning her diet. You noticed that was my first question to you. Please please please, study everything concerning Rockys healthy diet like her life depended on it.

It does. No seeds or nuts till she is eating properly.

What happens when squirrels do not get fed properly, is something called Metabolic Bone Disease or MBD. Your girl is right at an age when she is prime. Squirrels are the hardest animal to get to eat properly. Stay tough! Rocky is depending on you. Ask lots of questions, we are here to help.
