View Full Version : Some help and guidance needed for 2-3 wk old!
08-19-2016, 09:39 PM
Hello! (Please be patient in my abnoxiously long first post! I'm an anxious new squirrel momma!)
I'm Lisa and early this week found a baby squirrel approx. 3-4 weeks abandoned in my airport's parking lot. I have a friend who is an animal rehabilitator on a cruise currently. Shes agreed to take him but wont be back for another week or so. No one else in the area can take him. I've done rehab work in the past- but never a squirrel. Reptiles and birds, with small mammals. No mother ever came, and he was ice cold when we found him. He was warmed and started on Pedialite that night (Note: not started on formula until the following day because I was told by someone NOT to give kitten formula) Tuesday evening he went on Esiblac Goat's Milk Puppy. Unfortunately, he was a tad underfed *yet still gained weight visually*. Last two days, he has been getting formula approximated to his weight and working up to a full 1.4cc. Currently he is just over 1.2 cc *almost there*. He is a solid ounce (28 grams) so according to other sites- very underweight for his approximated age. Skin tent looks good- although to be honest I think it varies at times. Sometimes I will swap out some formula and add in some pedialite back in.
I have had two heating pads fail me, and have left him ice cold. I just purchased a new one with an incubator set up. (10 gal tank with towel, heating pad under tank (only half side) and towel (non looped kind so nothing to snag on), and some other rags for him to cuddle up in. His temperature has been very regulated the past 24 hours and have had no heating issues. I keep it on a level 3 (goes to level 6) but 2 feels too cold and 4 feels too hot- it doesn't feel crazy warm, yet he feels warm to the touch now when I feel him. Prior sometimes he would feel overheated. I know that temp is supposed to be around 100.
Going to say he's going on 3 weeks old. He has little nibblers coming on on the bottom, but nothing up top. He is always anxious for his formula, and typically eats without issue. Usually goes to sleep after a nice meal almost immediately. Eyes are still shut (know that's around week 4-5), has hair on his tail, head is covered, back is scant and nothing on underside really.
I'm still feeding him as an "emergency" case based on his weight. He's ALWAYS hungry. Fed approx. every two hours around the clock *Now I am praising my mom for when I was an infant- sheesh!*, and always stimulated to use potty. Have learned some tricks and now usually am very successful with at least a few dribbles. His poo started black and gooey and transitioned to a yellow soft. Before I left for work it was almost mustardy and looked more runny (He actually let out a little toot ;rotfl) . But wasn't all over in his cage. Am concerned it is diarrhea and want to nip it in the bud before it develops into anything else. How will I know if/when it progresses to the point of more immediate intervention? And do you then treat with Wet Tail formula as in other small mammals? Or just Pedialite? I don't want to OVER feed Pedialite seeing as how the sugar/salt content.
I know I'm probably over-thinking everything, but just want the little guy to be healthy and successfully returned later on to where he belongs in the wild :) :Love_Icon
Thank you in advance for any guidance!!!!
08-19-2016, 10:06 PM
Hello! (Please be patient in my abnoxiously long first post! I'm an anxious new squirrel momma!)
I'm Lisa and early this week found a baby squirrel approx. 3-4 weeks abandoned in my airport's parking lot. I have a friend who is an animal rehabilitator on a cruise currently. Shes agreed to take him but wont be back for another week or so. No one else in the area can take him. I've done rehab work in the past- but never a squirrel. Reptiles and birds, with small mammals. No mother ever came, and he was ice cold when we found him. He was warmed and started on Pedialite that night (Note: not started on formula until the following day because I was told by someone NOT to give kitten formula) Tuesday evening he went on Esiblac Goat's Milk Puppy. Unfortunately, he was a tad underfed *yet still gained weight visually*. Last two days, he has been getting formula approximated to his weight and working up to a full 1.4cc. Currently he is just over 1.2 cc *almost there*. He is a solid ounce (28 grams) so according to other sites- very underweight for his approximated age. Skin tent looks good- although to be honest I think it varies at times. Sometimes I will swap out some formula and add in some pedialite back in.
I have had two heating pads fail me, and have left him ice cold. I just purchased a new one with an incubator set up. (10 gal tank with towel, heating pad under tank (only half side) and towel (non looped kind so nothing to snag on), and some other rags for him to cuddle up in. His temperature has been very regulated the past 24 hours and have had no heating issues. I keep it on a level 3 (goes to level 6) but 2 feels too cold and 4 feels too hot- it doesn't feel crazy warm, yet he feels warm to the touch now when I feel him. Prior sometimes he would feel overheated. I know that temp is supposed to be around 100.
Going to say he's going on 3 weeks old. He has little nibblers coming on on the bottom, but nothing up top. He is always anxious for his formula, and typically eats without issue. Usually goes to sleep after a nice meal almost immediately. Eyes are still shut (know that's around week 4-5), has hair on his tail, head is covered, back is scant and nothing on underside really.
I'm still feeding him as an "emergency" case based on his weight. He's ALWAYS hungry. Fed approx. every two hours around the clock *Now I am praising my mom for when I was an infant- sheesh!*, and always stimulated to use potty. Have learned some tricks and now usually am very successful with at least a few dribbles. His poo started black and gooey and transitioned to a yellow soft. Before I left for work it was almost mustardy and looked more runny (He actually let out a little toot ;rotfl) . But wasn't all over in his cage. Am concerned it is diarrhea and want to nip it in the bud before it develops into anything else. How will I know if/when it progresses to the point of more immediate intervention? And do you then treat with Wet Tail formula as in other small mammals? Or just Pedialite? I don't want to OVER feed Pedialite seeing as how the sugar/salt content.
I know I'm probably over-thinking everything, but just want the little guy to be healthy and successfully returned later on to where he belongs in the wild :) :Love_Icon
Thank you in advance for any guidance!!!!
Sounds like you are on the right track. I would switch to the powdered Esbilac puppy formula with pre and pro-biotics instead of the goat's milk version.
At this age you could stretch the feedings out to every 3 hours and work up to 1.9 cc per feeding which is 7% of his weight right now. You will need to adjust as he gains but since he's hungry I'd let him have it. 5% is the minimum and you can even go over 7% as long as the poops stay good. Stools should be mustard colored and fairly formed. Paler and softer is a sign of overfeeding.
08-19-2016, 10:12 PM
Great! He's actually almost out of the goats- so I can switch him over tomorrow evening, possibly tonight if our local store has it.
Poo was formed- but is no longer. And he hasn't poo'd much in the past night... but this morning he did and it wasn't runny... but more gooey? with maybe a bit of a run? Put it this way, not total diarrhea but perhaps leaning towards it eventually. Belly is a tad distended but I think it's from him eating more the past 24 hours. Will upload pictures of him in a bit!
Should I continue on at what I'm feeding him and not increase due to stool? He tends to loose interest at about the 1.2 cc currently and snubs his nose and immediately falls asleep. Anything I can do to correct the poo?
08-19-2016, 10:24 PM
I would switch to the powdered Esbilac puppy formula with pre and pro-biotics instead of the goat's milk version.
I'd make the switch just as soon as you can (before tomorrow evening if at all possible!). Tractor Supply and pet stores usually have the Esbilac powdered puppy formula.
Can you post a picture of your little one? That is always a huge help.
Hopefully the new heating pad will hold up, it is extremely important to keep them warm at his age. At that age they cannot regulate their own temperature very well. Never, ever, give anything by mouth to a cold baby.. always warm them first.
Are you using a syringe and nipple to feed him?
Great general baby info:
Proper feeding technique:
Edit: :Welcome to TSB! And :thankyou for saving this little one!
08-19-2016, 10:27 PM
It might be from too frequent feedings at this age. I would stretch out to every 3 hours. When you transition formulas you will do it slowly. Start off with 75% of what you are using and 25% of the new for a couple of feedings. If all is well go to a 50/50 mix for a few feedings and then 25/75 and finally full strength new formula. Watch his milk line in between feedings it should be almost gone by the next feeding.
Belly distended to the side is usually okay as long as it's still a little squishy like a balloon. Rounded in the front like a beer gut and tight is usually bloat. Sometimes soaking them chest deep in warm water and belly massages will help and even a tiny drop of infant gas X can be given if needed. Pics would certainly help.
Oh some like to be pottied in the middle of a feeding before they take more.
08-19-2016, 10:33 PM
Yes! Will definitely post (about an hour) some full-body pics. Right now I just have a few
About the closest store that I will have access to will be Kroger- If not I'll leave early for work tomorrow AM and head to tractor supply. Thank you for the suggestion! Does the powdered formula have more to it? I know I think I saw somewhere pre and probiotics?
Have always warmed him first :) And feeding with syringe/small nipple with a towel wrap and eyes covered. Although typically he is feisty and wiggles out speedy!
Thank you also for the link!! Will watch shortly!
08-19-2016, 10:42 PM
Usually Tractor Supply, Petsmart and PetCo carry it. I doubt Kroger would have it. Here is the link to TS. You can usually find it online cheaper but he needs it ASAP. After mixing I like to let the formula rest for about 4 hours before stirring again and then using.
08-19-2016, 10:44 PM
It might be from too frequent feedings at this age. I would stretch out to every 3 hours. When you transition formulas you will do it slowly. Start off with 75% of what you are using and 25% of the new for a couple of feedings. If all is well go to a 50/50 mix for a few feedings and then 25/75 and finally full strength new formula. Watch his milk line in between feedings it should be almost gone by the next feeding.
Belly distended to the side is usually okay as long as it's still a little squishy like a balloon. Rounded in the front like a beer gut and tight is usually bloat. Sometimes soaking them chest deep in warm water and belly massages will help and even a tiny drop of infant gas X can be given if needed. Pics would certainly help.
Oh some like to be pottied in the middle of a feeding before they take more.
May I ask- what is a Milk line? Besides his usual milk-mustache that is :grin3
thank you for the outline!!! I have a notebook I'll add into a schedule for him. It currently is *trying* to track his weight, feedings and habits :)
When I left it wasn't tight.... could it be the nutrition showing? I'll be able to check shortly though. :serene
08-19-2016, 10:46 PM
Usually Tractor Supply, Petsmart and PetCo carry it. I doubt Kroger would have it. Here is the link to TS. You can usually find it online cheaper but he needs it ASAP. After mixing I like to let the formula rest for about 4 hours before stirring again and then using.
Anything I can change in feeding overnight? If Kroger doesn't have it, I'll have to get it at Tractor Supply at 8AM :) Just curious- why wait the 4 hours? Just so it is better dissolved? I noticed the first powder I used was VERRRRYYY hard to get non-gritty
08-19-2016, 10:53 PM
May I ask- what is a Milk line? Besides his usual milk-mustache that is :grin3
thank you for the outline!!! I have a notebook I'll add into a schedule for him. It currently is *trying* to track his weight, feedings and habits :)
When I left it wasn't tight.... could it be the nutrition showing? I'll be able to check shortly though. :serene
I'll find some pics for you of the milk line. When their tummies are full of milk you can see it. It should be almost gone before feeding again.
Letting the formula sit in the fridge just helps it dissolve better.
08-19-2016, 10:54 PM
I'd make the switch just as soon as you can (before tomorrow evening if at all possible!). Tractor Supply and pet stores usually have the Esbilac powdered puppy formula.
Can you post a picture of your little one? That is always a huge help.
Hopefully the new heating pad will hold up, it is extremely important to keep them warm at his age. At that age they cannot regulate their own temperature very well. Never, ever, give anything by mouth to a cold baby.. always warm them first.
Are you using a syringe and nipple to feed him?
Great general baby info:
Proper feeding technique:
Edit: :Welcome to TSB! And :thankyou for saving this little one!
Not a very decent one, this was from yesterday, much improvement from when I first found him:
Nancy in New York
08-19-2016, 11:00 PM
May I ask- what is a Milk line? Besides his usual milk-mustache that is :grin3
I had to change the exposure on this photo so you
could see the milk line better. My squirrels aren't typically
this red. :grin2
08-19-2016, 11:04 PM
Speaking of milk always clean the formula off after feeding as it can cause them to lose their fur. I find unscented baby wipes cut into smaller pieces work great.
Have to go feed Chance and Sweet Pea. I'll check back in a bit.
08-20-2016, 01:31 AM
These are most recent pics of my baby.
I noticed the "tenting" of skin worsening, so I gave him .5-.6cc of pedialite and an additional .7ish of formula. Will be switching him in AM to recommended. I have the kitten powder- but no good?
This was all I was able to get out of him poo wise. He did pee a TON.276869
08-20-2016, 01:32 AM
Sorry for multiple posts- racing a dead computer battery and couldn't load them all into one for some reason!
08-20-2016, 05:21 AM
These are most recent pics of my baby.
I noticed the "tenting" of skin worsening, so I gave him .5-.6cc of pedialite and an additional .7ish of formula. Will be switching him in AM to recommended. I have the kitten powder- but no good?
This was all I was able to get out of him poo wise. He did pee a TON.
I do not have time to read through this whole forum but can see you are being advised.
That baby is seriously dehydrated and no the kitten formula is no good for squirrels.
08-20-2016, 06:33 AM
Yes, very dehydrated. Increase the frequency of the hydration - and make sure it is warmed like the formula. When you get the esbilac, you want to start with it diluted more than the final full strength you will eventually be feeding. Full strength is 1 part esbilac powder to 2 parts water. I would start at 1 powder to 3 water and I would give hydration IN BETWEEN the formula feedings.
NOTE: Someone with pinky experience please weigh in on the 1:3 ratio - with this level of dehydration would 1:3.5 or even 4 be a better idea???
08-20-2016, 07:38 AM
Can someone please let me know how much to be giving as far as fluids and just water??? Or pedialite???
08-20-2016, 07:47 AM
Yes, the 1:3 ratio is fine to use just during the transition to the new formula but not more. We don't want the formula so watered down that it runs through too fast. Extra hydration in between feedings is fine. If it will take .5 cc of hydration every couple of hours and still take the formula that would be great. I use the homemade rehydration solution and substitute sorghum molasses for the sugar as it contains some vitamins and minerals. I cut the salt out of the recipe after the first 24 hours.
I would agree that Ultraboost from Henry's Healthy Pets would be a great addition to add to this one's formula. I use it for almost all my pinkies.
08-20-2016, 10:04 AM
Thank you everyone so much.
They were out of the powdered form of the puppy Esiblac. Rather I got a can of the same formula that is in liquid form. Will that suffice until they get a shipment Monday?
Sad to say he's better than when I found him :/. He must have been close to death when I took him in then. I'll continue to push fluids. He takes them fairly well :).
Again, thank you so very much for everyone's help!
08-20-2016, 10:10 AM
Thank you everyone so much.
They were out of the powdered form of the puppy Esiblac. Rather I got a can of the same formula that is in liquid form. Will that suffice until they get a shipment Monday?
Sad to say he's better than when I found him :/. He must have been close to death when I took him in then. I'll continue to push fluids. He takes them fairly well :).
Again, thank you so very much for everyone's help!
Honestly I would stick with the powder you have been using instead of switching to the liquid formula since it's only a couple of days. Too many changes will cause an upset stomach and we don't want that. I'd even prefer the homemade Goat's milk formula over that liquid. Just leave out the cream for the first few feedings.***
08-20-2016, 10:30 AM
Honestly I would stick with the powder you have been using instead of switching to the liquid formula since it's only a couple of days. Too many changes will cause an upset stomach and we don't want that. I'd even prefer the homemade Goat's milk formula over that liquid. Just leave out the cream for the first few feedings.***
Oh I haven't been feeding powdered, I'm feeding liquid Esiblac puppy goats milk- but the new can I just bought is just Esiblac puppy. Not the goats milk one.
Nancy in New York
08-20-2016, 10:30 AM
Thank you everyone so much.
They were out of the powdered form of the puppy Esiblac. Rather I got a can of the same formula that is in liquid form. Will that suffice until they get a shipment Monday?
Sad to say he's better than when I found him :/. He must have been close to death when I took him in then. I'll continue to push fluids. He takes them fairly well :).
Again, thank you so very much for everyone's help!
The liquid Esbilac has caused many little ones to develop diarrhea.
Perhaps the goat milk recipe would be the way to go until the
shipment comes in.
3 parts goat’s milk
1 part heavy whipping cream*
1 part vanilla yogurt
Formula will last 48 hours in refrigerator.
Goat’s Milk
This can be purchased at natural food stores such as Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, and at most health food stores that sell groceries. It is a product for humans. Do not substitute commercial formula made for baby goats or other livestock sold at feed stores.
Goat’s milk is available fresh in a carton; evaporated in a can; and as a powdered milk. If you purchase either the evaporated or powdered versions, please blend them with water according to the package directions before using to make the formula.
Heavy Whipping Cream
This is found in small cartons in the grocery store near the coffee creamers and half and half. Regular heavy cream may be substituted if it is unavailable, but the heavy whipping cream has the highest fat content, and is preferred.
Yogurt has beneficial bacteria in it that soothes and settles digestion. Full fat yogurt is best, and a good choice that is very widely available is Stoneyfield Yobaby yogurt. However if it is unavailable, a low fat vanilla yogurt may be substituted. Avoid those that have artificial sweeteners in them. Vanilla and banana are both popular flavors, and the sweet taste of the yogurt helps to convince the baby to accept it.
It has been recently discovered that very small pinky squirrels do better with the ESBILAC PUPPY FORMULA, with probiotics, instead of Fox Valley. If the Goat's Milk formula is used, omit the heavy whipping cream for the first two weeks of life.
08-20-2016, 10:48 AM
The liquid Esbilac has caused many little ones to develop diarrhea.
Perhaps the goat milk recipe would be the way to go until the
shipment comes in.
We don't want that, especially with dehydration!!!
I will start this formula after work!!!! Thank you!!!
Am I OK to just swap fully over? Or should I go over to that in 75% 50% 25%?
08-20-2016, 11:10 AM
We don't want that, especially with dehydration!!!
I will start this formula after work!!!! Thank you!!!
Am I OK to just swap fully over? Or should I go over to that in 75% 50% 25%?
In this case I would transition slowly from one formula to the next. It is so much easier on their systems to adjust. I would still leave out the cream until you are up to 100% GM and then slowly start adding it. The yogurt should be full fat with no artificial sweeteners. Yoplait Original Vanilla is usually what I can find but you don't want any that are fat fee, light, or sugar free.
08-20-2016, 11:36 AM
In this case I would transition slowly from one formula to the next. It is so much easier on their systems to adjust. I would still leave out the cream until you are up to 100% GM and then slowly start adding it. The yogurt should be full fat with no artificial sweeteners. Yoplait Original Vanilla is usually what I can find but you don't want any that are fat fee, light, or sugar free.
All of you are seriously saints!!!! I just want the little buddy healthy!!!!
I've seen a few posts for rehydration and people making their own... any recommendations there? Currently doing pedialite, but have read negative things and only to be used in emergencies. Seeing as how he is extremely dehydrated, should I swap to making my own? I know pedialite I think has the salt that people don't like?
08-20-2016, 11:56 AM
All of you are seriously saints!!!! I just want the little buddy healthy!!!!
I've seen a few posts for rehydration and people making their own... any recommendations there? Currently doing pedialite, but have read negative things and only to be used in emergencies. Seeing as how he is extremely dehydrated, should I swap to making my own? I know pedialite I think has the salt that people don't like?
That's all we want to. Healthy squirrels. :)
I use the basic solution which is 2 cups water, 1.5 Tablespoons sugar and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
The only difference is I substitute sorghum molasses in place of the sugar as it has some vitamins and minerals. I would not add the salt since he's been being rehydrated for a while now.
A small batch would be 1/4 cup water, 1 teaspoon sugar and 1/16 teaspoon of salt.
I've never used pedialyte simply because the homemade is cheaper and I don't have to make a trip to town.
08-20-2016, 04:47 PM
That's all we want to. Healthy squirrels. :)
I use the basic solution which is 2 cups water, 1.5 Tablespoons sugar and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
The only difference is I substitute sorghum molasses in place of the sugar as it has some vitamins and minerals. I would not add the salt since he's been being rehydrated for a while now.
A small batch would be 1/4 cup water, 1 teaspoon sugar and 1/16 teaspoon of salt.
I've never used pedialyte simply because the homemade is cheaper and I don't have to make a trip to town.
Well, just tried this and lets just say..... he says "EUCKKKKKK!!!!!" He still took 1cc of it, but he's definitely not a fan!
He still hasn't poo'd much yet. He's gone only three little globs today and its more of a mucousy dark mustard color? His poo is still freaking me out a bit. Just don't want him to get diarrhea and die from it.
08-20-2016, 05:02 PM
LOL! Yep they can be picky but one thing is they will not starve themselves. Another reason to switch gradually is they tend not to notice the change in taste too much.
As long as you are getting poo I wouldn't worry about it. The darkness could still be mom's milk working out of him or the dehydration affecting color. As long as he isn't totally running I wouldn't worry about it. Keep up the great work.
08-20-2016, 08:27 PM
LOL! Yep they can be picky but one thing is they will not starve themselves. Another reason to switch gradually is they tend not to notice the change in taste too much.
As long as you are getting poo I wouldn't worry about it. The darkness could still be mom's milk working out of him or the dehydration affecting color. As long as he isn't totally running I wouldn't worry about it. Keep up the great work.
It seems to possibly be getting worse. He went more tonight than he has. But can someone give me the line where it actually becomes diarrhea? Are we talking completely runny? It's still mustard color, but just a loose gooey run? Ugh!!!! I'm so worried. And paranoid. Sorry folks.
08-20-2016, 08:50 PM
It seems to possibly be getting worse. He went more tonight than he has. But can someone give me the line where it actually becomes diarrhea? Are we talking completely runny? It's still mustard color, but just a loose gooey run? Ugh!!!! I'm so worried. And paranoid. Sorry folks.
Is there anyway you can post pics of what you are getting?
You are transitioning now and since he's also getting more hydration his system may just be kicking in good and cleaning out backed up poop. You'd be surprised at some I've had that once they got going you would have thought they were full of poop up to their eyeballs.
Mustard color is good. As long as you are getting some texture don't panic. I'd rather deal with one that's a little on the loose side than a constipated baby.
Just keep up with the transitioning. Poops are different with different formulas and they do tend to be looser(at least with my experiences) on the homemade goat's milk than with the powdered Esbilac. Just remember to take it slow on the transition and when you get your powdered Esbilac you will do the same thing gradually working up to full strength Esbilac and off the homemade goat's milk formula.
08-20-2016, 11:29 PM
Is there anyway you can post pics of what you are getting?
You are transitioning now and since he's also getting more hydration his system may just be kicking in good and cleaning out backed up poop. You'd be surprised at some I've had that once they got going you would have thought they were full of poop up to their eyeballs.
Mustard color is good. As long as you are getting some texture don't panic. I'd rather deal with one that's a little on the loose side than a constipated baby.
Just keep up with the transitioning. Poops are different with different formulas and they do tend to be looser(at least with my experiences) on the homemade goat's milk than with the powdered Esbilac. Just remember to take it slow on the transition and when you get your powdered Esbilac you will do the same thing gradually working up to full strength Esbilac and off the homemade goat's milk formula.
This was most recent as of a half hour ago
08-20-2016, 11:54 PM
Not ideal but not as bad as it could be. I still think it's probably just the GM Esbilac. It may take a few more feedings to see a change for the better. The probiotics in the yogurt should help out a lot now that you are using the homemade GM formula.
08-21-2016, 12:39 AM
Right at first, we weren't fans. But he took 1.5cc 25% GM mix 75% GM Esiblac and a few drops of water to go along :) will keep updates.
Glad to know it's nothing 100% emergency.
Meanwhile.... Another $30 at the store 😂😂😂😂. Sooooo worth it for his precious little self. He's a precious little monster who NOW has very visible nibblers!!!! (Bottom only!) and his tail looks more like a furry tail now 😊
08-21-2016, 05:44 AM
Right at first, we weren't fans. But he took 1.5cc 25% GM mix 75% GM Esiblac and a few drops of water to go along :) will keep updates.
Glad to know it's nothing 100% emergency.
Meanwhile.... Another $30 at the store 😂😂😂😂. Sooooo worth it for his precious little self. He's a precious little monster who NOW has very visible nibblers!!!! (Bottom only!) and his tail looks more like a furry tail now 😊
Excuse the grammar but "rehabbin ain't cheap". My hubby would throw a :hissyfit if he knew how much money has been spent on squirrels around here.
Glad to hear he is taking his formula! :dance1 Teeth! Yay! Just keep up the great work.
08-22-2016, 09:26 AM
Just a quick update- Gumball is hanging in there so far!!! He's at 50% formula and 50% goats milk mix. Next feeding we are going 25% 75% 😁.
He's peeing again, and his poo is becoming consistently the same amount. Still that goo, but hasn't also progressed any further.
Once he's on full formula im going to start ASAP adding in that cream. This baby needs some serious weight. I never realized in comparison how tiny and skinny he is 😥. ONNNN a plus side?!?!? He GAINED .10 of an oz!!!!! I know it's not much, but it's a start. He wasn't moving anywhere for days. So now it's hopefully onward to 2oz!!!!
Nibblers look great too!!! They look a little sore like most baby teeth do, but he's happy to let me have a good sneak peek! Nothing on top yet, just those bottoms. But they're about 1mm now if not a bit bigger. He has trouble to start figuring out what to do with the nipple in his mouth now that they're in the way 😂
One thing I am noticing is that dry skin! He's peeling and has dry skin almost everywhere except his face. Anything I can do to help remedy it?
08-22-2016, 09:28 AM
Excuse the grammar but "rehabbin ain't cheap". My hubby would throw a :hissyfit if he knew how much money has been spent on squirrels around here.
Glad to hear he is taking his formula! :dance1 Teeth! Yay! Just keep up the great work.
Hahaha oh no, I get it and knew what I was getting into!!! We rehabbed a bird once.... Had to have wax worms to give it lots of protein. Over $1000 in worms the bird flew free 😂 I don't complain though, it's the satisfaction of seeing something go free again that matters!!! :)
08-22-2016, 11:06 AM
Just a quick update- Gumball is hanging in there so far!!! He's at 50% formula and 50% goats milk mix. Next feeding we are going 25% 75% .
He's peeing again, and his poo is becoming consistently the same amount. Still that goo, but hasn't also progressed any further.
Once he's on full formula im going to start ASAP adding in that cream. This baby needs some serious weight. I never realized in comparison how tiny and skinny he is . ONNNN a plus side?!?!? He GAINED .10 of an oz!!!!! I know it's not much, but it's a start. He wasn't moving anywhere for days. So now it's hopefully onward to 2oz!!!!
Nibblers look great too!!! They look a little sore like most baby teeth do, but he's happy to let me have a good sneak peek! Nothing on top yet, just those bottoms. But they're about 1mm now if not a bit bigger. He has trouble to start figuring out what to do with the nipple in his mouth now that they're in the way
One thing I am noticing is that dry skin! He's peeling and has dry skin almost everywhere except his face. Anything I can do to help remedy it?
I like to use organic coconut oil for their skin. I have two siblings right now and the boy loves to get under the fleece and close to the heating pad under his container which is what I think is causing his peeling. He doesn't look red or raw, I think he just dries himself out too much. I am working today on sewing some fleece up as a tall, shaped liner for their bin to prevent him from doing this. Little stinker!
I would consider ordering some Ultraboost from Henry's to help him put on some much needed weight. Right now I am using it on all pinkies I get in and just mixing it with the Esbilac. Since it's a 2:1 ratio Esbilac to UB I just pre-mix the powders first in a small container and then portion out what I need to make up a batch of formula. It saves getting out both containers every time I make formula.
08-22-2016, 02:43 PM
Some people have added a baby food jar with a soaked cotton ball in it on the heating pad side to help increase the moisture in the boxes, I bet that you could poke holes down into the lid and it would help. So is his name Gumball??? :grin3
08-23-2016, 10:03 PM
Some people have added a baby food jar with a soaked cotton ball in it on the heating pad side to help increase the moisture in the boxes, I bet that you could poke holes down into the lid and it would help. So is his name Gumball??? :grin3
Yup! Gumball! 😂🙈🐒 Since when I found him he was all gums and no nibblers 😂
I have to say. He's doing a 180 and flipping fantastically. He's gained weight!!!! 1.25 oz now and MAN can you tell!!!!! Coconut oil treatments have helped! And his skin now doesn't look as dry. The cotton ball did help a little! I also covered most of the top, so not as much air was going through.
His poo is normalizing I think! This time it was gooey and pasty, but no where near diarrhea! Woot woot! He's pushing 2.25-2.33cc formula easy peasy too. And he LOVES the yogurt mix. We are now 100% on yogurt and GM- adding in cream tonight for first time! I can't WAIT to see what a difference it makes. His fox valley shipment comes tomorrow- so after a few days on cream I will start weaning him off and onto fox valley. I also ordered the Henry's ultra boost today as well! :)
He sends furry chatters and Gummy kisses to all that have helped! 😊😊😊
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