View Full Version : First timer with some questions

08-09-2016, 11:50 PM
Hi. I'm brand new to the board as of today.
I've been checking the board, but just registered. I'm a first time mommy, but have done lots of research. I have a new question every hour it seems like. The newest question on my mind is, how safe is it to keep the heating pad on medium instead of low?? Low doesn't seem to warm her box enough. I've finally set exact alarms so I can check the heating pad as it turns off after about two hours. Andy advice on a longer last heat source would be welcomed as well. Thank you!!

Baby girl, about 4weeks, eyes still closed, and I've had her for 5 days!!

08-09-2016, 11:56 PM
advice on a longer last heat source would be welcomed as well. Thank you!!

Baby girl, about 4weeks, eyes still closed, and I've had her for 5 days!!

You need to invest in a heating pad that does not shut off.
I order all mine Henry's Healthy Pets.


08-10-2016, 12:08 AM
You need to invest in a heating pad that does not shut off.
I order all mine Henry's Healthy Pets.


That is very helpful. Thank you!! I was checking Amazon, but no such luck.

08-10-2016, 12:43 AM
I have also found that CVS generally has a fairly inexpensive one in stock most of the time.

island rehabber
08-10-2016, 12:50 AM
I have also found that CVS generally has a fairly inexpensive one in stock most of the time.

Yep, CVS and Rite-Aid stores, too. Usually the one made by Sunbeam. :great

08-10-2016, 12:54 AM
Is it the heating pad covered by a folded towel then the box on top of it ? Mine wasn't warming my 2 week old Roxie enough either so I just unfolded the towel and made it only two layers it was too thick folded in 4ths. I also put her box in a room/closet without an air conditioning vent and kept door closed, because I keep my house really cool in the summer. Definitely invest in a heating pad that stays on!

island rehabber
08-10-2016, 12:57 AM
Is it the heating pad covered by a folded towel then the box on top of it ? Mine wasn't warming my 2 week old Roxie enough either so I just unfolded the towel and made it only two layers it was too thick folded in 4ths. I also put her box in a room/closet without an air conditioning vent and kept door closed, because I keep my house really cool in the summer. Definitely invest in a heating pad that stays on!

Good points, springer :goodpost
I also have shut off the AC vent in the little guest bathroom where I keep my babies. I find that three thicknesses of fleece are just right on top of my particular heating pad (Sunbeam) set on Low.

08-10-2016, 03:34 PM
Thank you everyone!!
I really appreciate all of the feedback and advice.
I'm now at a computer so I can see what I'm doing on this page. :laugh2

Wallie is doing great now. I thought she was a boy for a couple days which is why I had came up with the name Wally, but I changed the spelling. hehehe. She's precious. I'll upload a pic later.

Anyway, I ordered a no-auto shut off heating pad (Sunbeam) on Amazon that'll be here tomorrow. I have unfolded the towel as well. I have put an ankle sock in he box because she likes to snuggle in there sometimes too.

Other things I've ordered on Amazon are Powder esbilac with goat milk. And nipples to put on the syringe. (I was unsure about those things, but read that those are best)

I'm so happy I joined, there are a lot of helpful people on here and I can't wait until my baby is fat, fluffy, and healthy!! She has made my week exhausting, but rewarding and I'm pretty happy.

OH AND, my work is a super casual office that allows me to bring her with all of her things to work. She sits under my desk and it has been so much easier to monitor her and not have to ask anyone at home to babysit. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

08-10-2016, 04:55 PM
So obviously I have many questions. And I'll ask as I think of them.

1. Is it normal for your baby to look/act super hungry when it's in between feedings. And to be fair, it's almost feeding time, but she's sucking on my fingers. She looks skinny now, but chubby after lunch.

2. I thought she was a male because of her protruding lady part, but in comparison to a male, it is right above her butt. Can it be possible to be a hermaphrodite?
(someone at work said maybe that's why she was kicked out. I think she was flew out during the crazy storm we had THAT MORNING! Her little hand was purple and a teeny swollen)
3. I've seen videos of it, but is it ok to clip her nail tips when she's a little bigger?

Again, thank you all for your help!!:hug

08-10-2016, 04:59 PM
Haha, right above the anus is a female for sure!! No mixed parts here! She most likely did fall from a nest if yall had bad weather, not kicked out.

They always act like they're starving! How often and what are you feeding? Maybe I didn't see it...

I would advise against clipping the nails. It hinders their ability to climb, which would lead to injury. Just wear some super thick clothes :grin2

08-10-2016, 05:06 PM
Haha, right above the anus is a female for sure!! No mixed parts here! She most likely did fall from a nest if yall had bad weather, not kicked out.

They always act like they're starving! How often and what are you feeding? Maybe I didn't see it...

I would advise against clipping the nails. It hinders their ability to climb, which would lead to injury. Just wear some super thick clothes :grin2

Haha ok. I couldn't be too sure. Yeah my friend found her and called me. I had her leave her near the tree she fell from for about 6 hours (after dark) and then I finally came. Mama didn't come back. :(
I feed her 4ml/cc esibilac every 4 hours. (she's about 4 weeks based on pics I've seen)
I will not clip her nails, but maybe when she gets bigger the'll dull a little as she learns to climb on things other than my arms.

ONE MORE QUESTION TODAY. Should I be soothing her "AREA" and Her gums in her mouth with say, coconut oil. I just feel like the q tips on her butt and the syringe in her mouth with her little pin teeth might get sore.

08-10-2016, 07:07 PM
Hi. I'm brand new to the board as of today.
I've been checking the board, but just registered. I'm a first time mommy, but have done lots of research. I have a new question every hour it seems like. The newest question on my mind is, how safe is it to keep the heating pad on medium instead of low?? Low doesn't seem to warm her box enough. I've finally set exact alarms so I can check the heating pad as it turns off after about two hours. Andy advice on a longer last heat source would be welcomed as well. Thank you!!

Baby girl, about 4weeks, eyes still closed, and I've had her for 5 days!!

Heating pads - "Rite-Aid" drugstore has Sunbeam 'without auto shut-off' for $19.99. (Without auto shut-off is preferred.)

And there's something kind of different that I want to mention that I believe you may want to consider, and that is putting the heating pad under a GLASS aquarium rather than a plastic bin or tub, and put the baby inside the aquarium. The reason I mention this is because there has been a pretty strong connection between some 'plastics' and cancer, especially when heated. As many plastic items contain a compound known as vinyl chloride which is a carcinogen (causes cancer), especially cheaper plastic items. If you do decide to use an aquarium, be sure it's made of 'glass' since many today are also plastic. Also, use glass rather than plastic for as many feeding dishes, bowls and water bottles as possible later on.

I will be making these changes myself in the future.

Good luck! :Love_Icon

08-11-2016, 11:35 AM
Heating pads - "Rite-Aid" drugstore has Sunbeam 'without auto shut-off' for $19.99. (Without auto shut-off is preferred.)

And there's something kind of different that I want to mention that I believe you may want to consider, and that is putting the heating pad under a GLASS aquarium rather than a plastic bin or tub, and put the baby inside the aquarium. The reason I mention this is because there has been a pretty strong connection between some 'plastics' and cancer, especially when heated. As many plastic items contain a compound known as vinyl chloride which is a carcinogen (causes cancer), especially cheaper plastic items. If you do decide to use an aquarium, be sure it's made of 'glass' since many today are also plastic. Also, use glass rather than plastic for as many feeding dishes, bowls and water bottles as possible later on.

I will be making these changes myself in the future.

Good luck! :Love_Icon

That is great advice, thank you for that!! I was actually wondering about the plastic items! When I do start feeding her solids and water on her own, I was planning to use glass or treated ceramic. Glass looks like my best option so I'll stick with that! I use metal and ceramic bowls for my other pets as well for the same reason. Plastic also holds so much bacteria! :grin3

08-24-2016, 12:31 AM
Back with some questions. Baby is doing awesome, I think. Both eyes open, basically fully furred, take formula great, almost 6wks I'd say.

I noticed that when she's about to eat she blows little bubbles, almost like spit. Any thing to be worried about? And not all the time, but sometimes she has little sneezes.

Mostly when I take her out to feed and when she's sniffing a lot. Maybe I need to dust my furniture. I'd appreciate feed back.


08-24-2016, 12:46 AM
Back with some questions. Baby is doing awesome, I think. Both eyes open, basically fully furred, take formula great, almost 6wks I'd say.

I noticed that when she's about to eat she blows little bubbles, almost like spit. Any thing to be worried about? And not all the time, but sometimes she has little sneezes.

Mostly when I take her out to feed and when she's sniffing a lot. Maybe I need to dust my furniture. I'd appreciate feed back.


Lol I just posted about my little boy doing the same thing! He has been sneezing for a couple of weeks. I thought I heard occasional clicking too but the clicking was just a noise he was making. Squirrels have so many noises. The sneezing isn't all the time, just when we feed. Is Wallie sneezing any other time? Has she aspirated? I was told with the sneezing only being when he's taken out it could be excitement. What kind of squirrel is Wally?