View Full Version : Buster'S Suddenly Swollen Ankle

08-08-2016, 12:09 AM
I'm having problems posting pics now ugh..

Buster'S ankle is suddenly swollen. He's not crawling around on it and limping. Just noticed this. He is on me almost constsntly. Has been in his bin more than normal today and last night. All fleece. Nothing to catch himself on.

Alternating heat and ice. Infant ibuprofin is at work, ugh. Pics coming.

08-08-2016, 12:32 AM
Pics I hope. He's been acting fine. He wasn't appearing to be in pain until I started fooling with it. He's been wanting to sleep all day - normal for one his age - that's why his eyes are squnited, I woke him up. I did notice his eyes were glassy a few hours ago, but that's all - I didn't even see this. I checked all my pictures of him and I don't see this bump in any other pictures since I had him


I have a vet who will see squirrels if necessary. Just trying to determine what this is without having to have xrays or something...

Apologize for the typos and stupid updated "autocorrect" (Buster'S? wtf why capital S). Phone HATES me

Nancy in New York
08-08-2016, 12:57 AM
Not sure what the problem is. The ankle looks a little swollen.
I wonder if he isn't feeling well if his eyes looked glassy earlier.
You can give infant ibuprophen to help relieve the swelling, it
may make him feel a little better too if he's "under the weather".
I will send you the dosing chart.

08-08-2016, 08:54 AM
Thank you! :hug

I don't understand how this could just develop. There's absolutely NOTHING for him to catch on to twist/sprain/break it

08-08-2016, 01:08 PM
Get a magnifying glass or some strong reading glasses and a really bright light and double check to make sure nothing is wound around his leg. A long human hair would cut off the circulation. Even if you are certain - double check - the last person I advised to do this found exactly that - a long hair wrapped around a baby's leg.

08-08-2016, 01:44 PM
Great thinking. I checked then got someone else to check and neither of us saw anything. His toes and foot aren't swollen, just the ankle. Checked again for bites, but nothing. Eyes glassy still. Gave the second dose of ibuprofin.

He finally laid straight when I fed him, so here's an aerial view - you can see how he holds this foot differently. The ibuprofin didn't help with the swelling too much. Also attached is a different side angle.

He's able to move it, but refuses to put much if any pressure on it and can't climb with it. He can slightly use it for balance, but only barely. Also, he can slightly and not too often open and close his toes, but movement is there.


Without knowing what the problem is, would alternating ice/heat hurt at all? It didn't seem to help last night though, only make him more fussy.

Would it be too early to make the determination if an xray is needed? :thinking

I almost feel as though I'm overreacting :hidechair But I'd rather be safe than sorry

08-08-2016, 02:43 PM
No heat. See if you can get some cool on it. And keep giving him the ibuprophen too. Poor baby.

08-09-2016, 09:29 AM
So far he hasn't improved. He hobbles when he crawls as well - I'll get a video tonight.

Someone mentioned to me that it looks like clubfoot - does anyone have any thoughts on this?

The area still isn't warm either.

08-09-2016, 10:27 AM
Just recently Daisey007 was talking about calcium casts that their bodies create. I wonder if this swelling is one? Especially given how quickly it appeared?She said that she's witnessed calcium casts form and disappear herself a couple of times. Of course I can't think of what thread at this moment. I'll try to remember and find it. :grouphug
Found it! Under emergency help, possible broken foot/ankle? Post #10
I've had three babies with broken legs and one arm 'but they were all a little older than this one', and all four set their own broken bones with what was referred to as a "calcium cast". It appeared as a lump in the bone where it was broken, and after a few weeks the calcium absorbed back into the system and the lump was gone. Pretty cool to see. Perhaps this little one will do the same?

08-09-2016, 10:42 AM
Fantastic!! Thank you!! :hug I'll PM her to see if this looks similar. Being on his ankle, I'm worried about the rotation needed for release, but we'll cross that bridge when it comes

08-10-2016, 08:56 AM
This morning his ankle is even larger. His toes don't move anymore and he has them slightly curled. The joint itself doesn't seem to move anymore either - it's locked in a stationary position.

It still isn't warm and he's hopping even more. As nervous as this makes me, I'm leaning towards a vet now..

Video of 8/8 in case anyone hasn't seen it https://youtu.be/Si2OqydqvxA
The hopping was worse last night

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 09:06 AM
This morning his ankle is even larger. His toes don't move anymore and he has them slightly curled. The joint itself doesn't seem to move anymore either - it's locked in a stationary position.

It still isn't warm and he's hopping even more. As nervous as this makes me, I'm leaning towards a vet now..

Video of 8/8 in case anyone hasn't seen it https://youtu.be/Si2OqydqvxA
The hopping was worse last night

Absolutely if you have a vet take him.
We don't know what we're dealing with,
and time may be crucial.
Do you have a safe vet?

08-10-2016, 09:10 AM
Absolutely if you have a vet take him.
We don't know what we're dealing with,
and time may be crucial.
Do you have a safe vet?

He claims he has patients with squees that he turns a blind eye to the fact that they're a bit less than legal. He says as long as he feels the animal isn't in danger being with you, he leaves them be. I'm just so afraid of what will happen because I've heard the horror stories - even though I trust this man with the other exotics I have and he's done surgeries on one and is scheduled for 2 more, and seems to be a straight shooter...I'm still very nervous..

Since this isn't healing, do you think the risk is worth it? I know I'm the only one who can make the ultimate decision, but a bit of feedback will help my nerves..

08-10-2016, 09:10 AM
I definitely think a vet visit is in order. If his foot isn't warm, doesn't that mean he's not getting proper blood circulation? If so, then couldn't the foot die and have to be amputated? I'm just throwing stuff out there, but since it doesn't seem to be getting better, it seems like you might need to take another approach. I hope you can get some answers for sweet Buster. :Love_Icon

08-10-2016, 09:10 AM
It looks like he is using the foot and toes to some extent in that video?

The joint not moving now could be due to the increased swelling. I would certainly continue to try and ice it since it is swelling more. No heat yet.

Your call with the vet, he certainly at least twisted/sprained it, perhaps worse.

Do you notice a substantial difference between the temp of the left and right foot?

08-10-2016, 09:13 AM
I definitely think a vet visit is in order. If his foot isn't warm, doesn't that mean he's not getting proper blood circulation? If so, then couldn't the foot die and have to be amputated? I'm just throwing stuff out there, but since it doesn't seem to be getting better, it seems like you might need to take another approach. I hope you can get some answers for sweet Buster. :Love_Icon

The foot isn't cool - I'm sorry, I may have miscommunicated with that. The temperature feels normal, thank goodness. By not hot, I meant not like an infection...should have clarified, thank you for catching that!

08-10-2016, 09:17 AM
It looks like he is using the foot and toes to some extent in that video?

The joint not moving now could be due to the increased swelling. I would certainly continue to try and ice it since it is swelling more. No heat yet.

Your call with the vet, he certainly at least twisted/sprained it, perhaps worse.

He stopped using his toes mostly yesterday. This is what they looked like last night. Will continue to ice it - thank you!

Just saw your edit about temp difference - temperature doesn't feel different between left and right feet.


08-10-2016, 09:26 AM
I am no expert but based on the facts that he is still putting some weight on it and that there is no temp difference between the left and right feet and that you are not 100% sure about the vet, I think I would continue to treat this with ice, Ibuprofen and time.

If the hurt foot/ankle goes cold in comparison to the healthy foot/ankle then I would consider the vet as this would indicate a loss of bloodflow.

He stopped using his toes mostly yesterday. This is what they looked like last night. Will continue to ice it - thank you!

Just saw your edit about temp difference - temperature doesn't feel different between left and right feet.


08-10-2016, 12:01 PM
Called the vet on a different number than I normally use and asked if they treated squirrels - just in case they have caller ID and recognize my name. They treat both pets and wildlife! And they return wildlife back to you so long as you pay for their care. :dance Makes me wonder about the rules in this state now..

What made me cave in and call is the seemingly ineffectiveness of the ibuprofin for his pain management. While he didn't seem to be in constant pain, by the time 3.5 hours rolled around, he's grunting each time he moves that ankle. And that's with the max dosage of ibuprofin NINY and I feel comfortable giving him.

For those who have brought wildlife to the vet - anything I should know about? Anything I shouldn't say?

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 12:27 PM
Called the vet on a different number than I normally use and asked if they treated squirrels - just in case they have caller ID and recognize my name. They treat both pets and wildlife! And they return wildlife back to you so long as you pay for their care. :dance Makes me wonder about the rules in this state now..

What made me cave in and call is the seemingly ineffectiveness of the ibuprofin for his pain management. While he didn't seem to be in constant pain, by the time 3.5 hours rolled around, he's grunting each time he moves that ankle. And that's with the max dosage of ibuprofin NINY and I feel comfortable giving him.

For those who have brought wildlife to the vet - anything I should know about? Anything I shouldn't say?
Just wondering if we could give him doses of the ibuprophen every 2 hours.
Meaning that we cut the dose in half that is typically given, and instead of giving
it every 4 hours, we administer it every 2 hours. :dono
Squirrels do metabolize faster, perhaps this would help
for consistent pain relief?

08-10-2016, 12:36 PM
Next dose will be in 1 hour then! Great idea NINY! :hug

08-10-2016, 01:46 PM
Make sure he is well hydrated!

08-10-2016, 02:55 PM
Can he have Tramadol? I think it can be used with an antiinflamatory (tho please don't trust my extensive knowledge--it ain't there) It would sure help pain and make him sleepy so he didn't want to crawl around on his owie ankle. Just wonderin.

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 03:04 PM
Can he have Tramadol? I think it can be used with an antiinflamatory (tho please don't trust my extensive knowledge--it ain't there) It would sure help pain and make him sleepy so he didn't want to crawl around on his owie ankle. Just wonderin.

Great suggestion.
Perhaps the vet can prescribe both Tramadol AND Metacam

08-10-2016, 03:25 PM
Thank y'all! I'll ask her about both. Soon as I get the meds (if I get meds), I'll come here for dosage checking :hug

08-10-2016, 04:00 PM
This little ones foot still looks and behaves exactly like those babies that I had with broken bones. They developed slowly, and in what appeared to be random order. In the case of multiple broken bones in the same area, the first lump formed rather soon, and then another a day later and another over night. One squirrel in particular (I think she was the first I had with a broken bone) must have had three breaks around the 'knee' area because the first lump appeared ABOVE the knee the day I got her, the next morning there was another BELOW the knee - and then a smaller one on the outside of the knee appeared late in the day. And before I knew it her knee was fused SOLID and she couldn't bend it! That's the one I took to the vet because I had no idea what happened! I simply asked "is her knee broken?", and the vet replied "yes, and it's already formed a calcium cast". One expert I know, NEVER treats broken bones in squirrels. She said "you don't need to, they're better at it than you are!". I suppose it depends...

08-10-2016, 04:54 PM
I'm hoping they tell me exactly what you did Daisy! :hug I'm in the waiting room now and the tech mentioned that I should be able to get Metacam. Didnt seem too keen on giving me some tramadol. Really hoping they give me what I came here for so little man can feel better.

08-10-2016, 05:09 PM
The metacam will help reduce inflamation.

The tramadol will mask pain better but that will probably cause him to walk on a broken limb more? Not sure that is what you really want?

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 05:13 PM
The metacam will help reduce inflamation.

The tramadol will mask pain better but that will probably cause him to walk on a broken limb more? Not sure that is what you really want?

Very true.
Perhaps the Tramadol could be given at night when
he wouldn't be walking around. (if they give it)It seems like he's in quite a bit of pain.
Good thinking TD.

See if this would convince them when they see how they work synergistically to give effective pain relief.
Very bottom of the page. :)

http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv95/nancym518/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Bronx%20Babies%20%20part%202%20%202012/Wild%20Mammal%20Babies%20Medical%20Section/2025.jpg (http://s673.photobucket.com/user/nancym518/media/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Bronx%20Babies%20%20part%202%20%202012/Wild%20Mammal%20Babies%20Medical%20Section/2025.jpg.html)

08-10-2016, 05:19 PM
Thank you! Waiting on them to come back with him as they wanted x-rays. They don't knock him out, only get him to hold still with iso.will show the pic! :hug

Edit, she doesn't think it's broken without xrays. Her first thought was dislocation. But his joint is in place and he can feel his toesies. Yay!

I just heard him crying, gah this is so hard!

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 05:26 PM
Thank you! Waiting on them to come back with him as they wanted x-rays. They don't knock him out, only get him to hold still with iso.will show the pic! :hug

Edit, she doesn't think it's broken without xrays. Her first thought was dislocation. But his joint is in place and he can feel his toesies. Yay!

I just heard him crying, gah this is so hard!

:eek Plug your ears. :grouphug

08-10-2016, 06:29 PM
Very true.
Perhaps the Tramadol could be given at night when
he wouldn't be walking around. (if they give it)It seems like he's in quite a bit of pain.
Good thinking TD.

See if this would convince them when they see how they work synergistically to give effective pain relief.
Very bottom of the page. :)

http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv95/nancym518/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Bronx%20Babies%20%20part%202%20%202012/Wild%20Mammal%20Babies%20Medical%20Section/2025.jpg (http://s673.photobucket.com/user/nancym518/media/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Bronx%20Babies%20%20part%202%20%202012/Wild%20Mammal%20Babies%20Medical%20Section/2025.jpg.html)

Hahaha! I don't expect him to be "walking around" at any time. Running, bouncing, jumping, skipping, and climbing... YES!! :poke lol... JK

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 07:07 PM
276452 :imp :hug

08-10-2016, 08:24 PM
Sorry sorry!! Long drive home in terrible weather! Will update now.

She put him on 0.15mg metacam :eek without letting the ibuprofin get out of his system. I'm told to give him the same dose once daily.
She also said to put him back on antibiotics for another week.
We have x-rays, which I will upload tonight because my phone hates me. She doesn't think it's broken, isn't dislocated, but maybe just a very bad sprain with the possibility of getting infected. She doesn't see anything obviously wrong with his eyes and said that could be pain effecting him (sounds weird to me). She told me to give him 0.05mg of the Cipro mixture! I was giving him much less than that - should I stick with the WMB dosage or hers?

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 08:25 PM
Sorry sorry!! Long drive home in terrible weather! Will update now.

SO glad you're back! :blowkiss

08-10-2016, 09:35 PM
Sorry sorry!! Long drive home in terrible weather! Will update now.

She put him on 0.15mg metacam :eek without letting the ibuprofin get out of his system. I'm told to give him the same dose once daily.
She also said to put him back on antibiotics for another week.
We have x-rays, which I will upload tonight because my phone hates me. She doesn't think it's broken, isn't dislocated, but maybe just a very bad sprain with the possibility of getting infected. She doesn't see anything obviously wrong with his eyes and said that could be pain effecting him (sounds weird to me). She told me to give him 0.05mg of the Cipro mixture! I was giving him much less than that - should I stick with the WMB dosage or hers?

How can a sprain get infected? She doesn't 'think' it's broken? After having X-rays you'd think she'd know... :thinking
Maybe she didn't recognize the handy work of a squirrel repairing his own injury. lol...

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 10:25 PM
Sorry sorry!! Long drive home in terrible weather! Will update now.

She put him on 0.15mg metacam :eek without letting the ibuprofin get out of his system. I'm told to give him the same dose once daily.
She also said to put him back on antibiotics for another week.
We have x-rays, which I will upload tonight because my phone hates me. She doesn't think it's broken, isn't dislocated, but maybe just a very bad sprain with the possibility of getting infected. She doesn't see anything obviously wrong with his eyes and said that could be pain effecting him (sounds weird to me). She told me to give him 0.05mg of the Cipro mixture! I was giving him much less than that - should I stick with the WMB dosage or hers?

See what strength is on the Cipro mixture.
Are you suppose to give it twice daily?
What strength is on the metacam? That seems like a HIGH dose for a squirrel that weighs ~60 grams!

08-10-2016, 10:28 PM
Pam I was wondering the same thing. I havent started the cipro yet because it just doesn't sound right - anyone think I should or shouldn't? He was just on a week's worth of it. X-rays coming in about 15 minutes when I get on the computer!

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 10:29 PM
Sorry sorry!! Long drive home in terrible weather! Will update now.

She put him on 0.15mg metacam :eek without letting the ibuprofin get out of his system. I'm told to give him the same dose once daily.
She also said to put him back on antibiotics for another week.
We have x-rays, which I will upload tonight because my phone hates me. She doesn't think it's broken, isn't dislocated, but maybe just a very bad sprain with the possibility of getting infected. She doesn't see anything obviously wrong with his eyes and said that could be pain effecting him (sounds weird to me). She told me to give him 0.05mg of the Cipro mixture! I was giving him much less than that - should I stick with the WMB dosage or hers?

Here's the Metacam dosing chart from the WMB book.

http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv95/nancym518/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Metecam%202012/2013.jpg (http://s673.photobucket.com/user/nancym518/media/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Metecam%202012/2013.jpg.html)

08-10-2016, 10:29 PM
See what strength is on the Cipro mixture.
Are you suppose to give it twice daily?
What strength is on the metacam? That seems like a HIGH dose for a squirrel that weighs ~60 grams!

I told her the instructions you gave me for the Cipro and she said use that, but give the 0.05. The metacam is 0.5mg/ml

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 10:42 PM
I told her the instructions you gave me for the Cipro and she said use that, but give the 0.05. The metacam is 0.5mg/ml

OK the WMB books chart strength is 3 times higher than what she gave you.
IF your little one weighed 100 grams, the dose for yours should be 0.06 at 0.5 mg/ml
as the loading dose, which is given ONCE daily.
Then all other doses should be half that, once daily.

She wants you to give him 0.15 daily?

Can somebody check my math?

http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv95/nancym518/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Metecam%202012/2013.jpg (http://s673.photobucket.com/user/nancym518/media/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Metecam%202012/2013.jpg.html)

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 10:53 PM
I told her the instructions you gave me for the Cipro and she said use that, but give the 0.05. The metacam is 0.5mg/ml

Here's the chart for the Baytril which we use for Cipro as well.
As you can see, this chart is for the loading dose as well.
Every dose after this is to be cut in half and dosed twice daily.

What was his weight at the vets?

http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv95/nancym518/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Baytril%20Doseages/001.jpg (http://s673.photobucket.com/user/nancym518/media/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Baytril%20Doseages/001.jpg.html)

08-10-2016, 10:53 PM
Your math is correct. According to WMB, for 100g squirrel, metacam at 0.5mg/ml strength should be 0.06ml loading dose on first day and then 0.03ml SID.

You will need a .5ml syringe to measure that small amount out.

OK the WMB books chart strength is 3 times higher than what she gave you.
IF your little one weighed 100 grams, the dose for yours should be 0.06 at 0.5 mg/ml
as the loading dose, which is given ONCE daily.
Then all other doses should be half that, once daily.

She wants you to give him 0.15 daily?

Can somebody check my math?

http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv95/nancym518/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Metecam%202012/2013.jpg (http://s673.photobucket.com/user/nancym518/media/Bronx%20Babies%202012/Metecam%202012/2013.jpg.html)

Nancy in New York
08-10-2016, 10:57 PM
Your math is correct. According to WMB, for 100g squirrel, metacam at 0.5mg/ml strength should be 0.06ml loading dose on first day and then 0.03ml SID.

You will need a .5ml syringe to measure that small amount out.

Thank you Pete!:hug

08-10-2016, 11:31 PM
His weight was 75 grams, huzzah. It was 72 this morning, so that's a plus. He grew very quickly once he gained!!

I have .5cc syringes, so that's not an issue. I'm just a bit confused on what I actually give him. Here's the bottle's info. And does anyone feel the Cipro is necessary as she said? Stuck between not wanting to over medicate him and fear of not following her recommendations.


Here's his xrays.

And here's my little patient at the vet!

The wrap made his foot well up pretty badly, so I removed it. Does anyone else see the massive stank eye he's giving me? :eek Poor baby really doesn't feel well. Hasn't eaten his full amount since the vet visit :/

08-11-2016, 08:48 AM
I know exactly what you are saying about not wanting to over medicate with the Cipro. What did she say the reason for taking it was? If there's no break, does she think it could be an infection in the bone? Wouldn't that show up? I'm definitely no expert at reading X-rays or dealing with swollen anything, just trying to understand.

Unless there was some really good reason to give the Cipro, I'd be hanging on to it for a later time or another squee. As you know, most of those abs seem to really throw off their appetite. Hopefully, someone with more experience than me will chime in.

I hope Buster starts to feel better soon. He's precious....even when he's pissed! :Love_Icon

08-11-2016, 09:00 AM
Cipro is NOT going to be terribly effective for a bone infection anyway. If that was the intent, I would not bother.

Just a judgment call, but I would probably continue to treat with metacam and ice. Do you have any clindamycin on hand, just in case?

Hopefully, it will start to improve over the next week? Has there been any change in his overall appearance? You mentioned that his eyes look dull and sunk? He is pooping and peeing regularly?

Nancy in New York
08-11-2016, 09:05 AM
I totally agree about the Cipro.
Also, remember what Patti wrote about Cipro and seizures.

Sorry, no time to read this now but if you even suspect seizure, I would stop the Ciprofloxacin.

08-11-2016, 09:11 AM
She said there might be some infection, though it doesn't look like it would be major from the xrays. If he had an infection, wouldn't it be warm? :thinking She wants to do the Cipro just in case, but my gut is saying don't. Granted, I don't really know what I'm talking about, buuuuttt....

My poor baby doesn't feel well at all. He ate his full amount, but he just looks so out of it. He's been grunting all morning and just started quietly squeaking in his sleep.

Nancy in New York
08-11-2016, 09:18 AM
She said there might be some infection, though it doesn't look like it would be major from the xrays. If he had an infection, wouldn't it be warm? :thinking She wants to do the Cipro just in case, but my gut is saying don't. Granted, I don't really know what I'm talking about, buuuuttt....

My poor baby doesn't feel well at all. He ate his full amount, but he just looks so out of it. He's been grunting all morning and just started quietly squeaking in his sleep.

How much Metacam are you giving?

08-11-2016, 09:28 AM
Just saw these others!!

Cipro is NOT going to be terribly effective for a bone infection anyway. If that was the intent, I would not bother.

Just a judgment call, but I would probably continue to treat with metacam and ice. Do you have any clindamycin on hand, just in case?

Hopefully, it will start to improve over the next week? Has there been any change in his overall appearance? You mentioned that his eyes look dull and sunk? He is pooping and peeing regularly?

Will definitely continue to ice it! Is it normal that he grunts/squeaks whenever I touch the ice to it? I would imagine it's cold and painful, just making sure.... I don't have any clindamycin on hand - can it be purchased online under another name?

His overall appearance hasn't changed. His eyes are still glazed and small. He pees like a racehorse and has perfect little poops.

I totally agree about the Cipro.
Also, remember what Patti wrote about Cipro and seizures.

I mentioned that as well, but she waved it off :tap probably another reason I'm skeptical.

How much Metacam are you giving?

I haven't given him any yet - next dose is in 9 hours (24 hours after the last one). It'll be either 0.15cc or 0.03 or something inbetween - whichever the board decides is the best!

Nancy in New York
08-11-2016, 09:45 AM
Just saw these others!!

Will definitely continue to ice it! Is it normal that he grunts/squeaks whenever I touch the ice to it? I would imagine it's cold and painful, just making sure.... I don't have any clindamycin on hand - can it be purchased online under another name?

His overall appearance hasn't changed. His eyes are still glazed and small. He pees like a racehorse and has perfect little poops.

I mentioned that as well, but she waved it off :tap probably another reason I'm skeptical.

I haven't given him any yet - next dose is in 9 hours (24 hours after the last one). It'll be either 0.15cc or 0.03 or something inbetween - whichever the board decides is the best!

If the vet gave him 0.15 mLs of Metacam, I suspect that is the reason he is zoned out.

08-11-2016, 10:05 AM
I would go with 0.03ml of metacam. If you want to just round up then make it 0.05ml. But 0.15ml is just so much more than the WMB guidlines that I would hesitate to give this young one that much.

Just saw these others!!

Will definitely continue to ice it! Is it normal that he grunts/squeaks whenever I touch the ice to it? I would imagine it's cold and painful, just making sure.... I don't have any clindamycin on hand - can it be purchased online under another name?

His overall appearance hasn't changed. His eyes are still glazed and small. He pees like a racehorse and has perfect little poops.

I mentioned that as well, but she waved it off :tap probably another reason I'm skeptical.

I haven't given him any yet - next dose is in 9 hours (24 hours after the last one). It'll be either 0.15cc or 0.03 or something inbetween - whichever the board decides is the best!

08-11-2016, 10:20 AM
If the vet gave him 0.15 mLs of Metacam, I suspect that is the reason he is zoned out.

Gah! Okay so definitely less. I hope this wears off soon. I hate having him like this...

08-11-2016, 10:21 AM
I would go with 0.03ml of metacam. If you want to just round up then make it 0.05ml. But 0.15ml is just so much more than the WMB guidlines that I would hesitate to give this young one that much.

That'll be the next dose! 0.03!

08-11-2016, 11:37 AM
His weight was 75 grams, huzzah. It was 72 this morning, so that's a plus. He grew very quickly once he gained!!

I have .5cc syringes, so that's not an issue. I'm just a bit confused on what I actually give him. Here's the bottle's info. And does anyone feel the Cipro is necessary as she said? Stuck between not wanting to over medicate him and fear of not following her recommendations.


Here's his xrays.

And here's my little patient at the vet!

The wrap made his foot well up pretty badly, so I removed it. Does anyone else see the massive stank eye he's giving me? :eek Poor baby really doesn't feel well. Hasn't eaten his full amount since the vet visit :/

"The wrap made his foot well up pretty badly, so I removed it."

I think you did the right thing unwrapping it. Keep him quiet (meds will help) and let it heal without the wrap.

08-12-2016, 01:30 AM
i AM FAR FROM TRYING TO BE A JERK! I was holding my breath yesterday! (ask Nancy).Whatever Buster did, he needs alignment on that ankle. Do you have vet wrap or self sticking bandage? Its in the band-aid section. His ankle needs stabilization and he needs half heat. He needs to rest and get good nutrition.

08-12-2016, 09:08 AM
i AM FAR FROM TRYING TO BE A JERK! I was holding my breath yesterday! (ask Nancy).Whatever Buster did, he needs alignment on that ankle. Do you have vet wrap or self sticking bandage? Its in the band-aid section. His ankle needs stabilization and he needs half heat. He needs to rest and get good nutrition.

I don't take you as being a jerk at all! :hug The advice and tips are what we're all here for! :hug I do have vet wrap! His bin is half on a heating pad set on low with a pile of fleece to cuddle into. He's been sleeping a lot, only waking up occasionally to change positions then to eat. Little dude was dreaming so hard yesterday I thought he was seizing :facepalm What do baby squirrels dream of I wonder :thinking

Once he started really eating, he's gained a whole lot...his weight is...82 grams!!! :bliss Will cut the ensure from the formula when I make the next batch tonight.

Nancy in New York
08-12-2016, 02:58 PM
How's the little one doing this morning?
I wished I could offer some advice, but the only
time I needed something wrapped, was when Fluffer
broke his leg when he was released..............the first time. :shakehead

I hope your little one is doing well, and back to feeling like
his 'ol self reall soon. :hug

08-13-2016, 09:33 AM
82 grams! Yay!!!!!!!!:bliss :grouphug

08-13-2016, 01:29 PM
Sorry for the delay - some bad weather has us on edge.

His ankle is still swollen, not hot, but a bit darker maybe. Dropped his metacam to 0.03, but that didn't seem strong enough, so we're at 0.05 and that seems to be a great balance!!

He's such a cuddle bug - I really wish I had a buddy for him because all he wants to do is cuddle!!

Will be updating his other thread with some more info to keep this on the issue of his ankle in case this helps anyone in the future.