View Full Version : Baby Help needed

08-05-2016, 02:38 PM
Hi everyone! 1st time raising a baby squirrel...
I Found a baby squirrel two weeks ago. He actually fell from the tree in front us, so my wife grabbed him. He was 3 weeks old from what I can tell at the time, a little blood coming from his nose and cold. We started to read on what to do...heat, formula,bed...
We've taking care of him and he's doing pretty good. Opened his eyes the other day and is happily taking fluids and potty.
I just have a few questions:
1. I actually aspirated him a little this morning, held him upside down afterwards, cleaned him up and he seems fine. Should I be worried???
If so is there anyone from southern wi, janesville area that could help me with media if needed and to look at my baby???
2. He hasn't been pooping regularly, maybe 1-2 times day, normal or?
3. His weight is 100grams as of today...is this ok?
4. He walks but stumbles and even falls over while try to get around and his head even kinda cocks to one side...is this normal?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
He has really become a part of our family. We all have fallen in love with him and don't want to lose him.
Thank you guys for all you do for these little guys

08-05-2016, 04:35 PM
Hi everyone! 1st time raising a baby squirrel...
I Found a baby squirrel two weeks ago. He actually fell from the tree in front us, so my wife grabbed him. He was 3 weeks old from what I can tell at the time, a little blood coming from his nose and cold. We started to read on what to do...heat, formula,bed...
We've taking care of him and he's doing pretty good. Opened his eyes the other day and is happily taking fluids and potty.
I just have a few questions:
1. I actually aspirated him a little this morning, held him upside down afterwards, cleaned him up and he seems fine. Should I be worried???
If so is there anyone from southern wi, janesville area that could help me with media if needed and to look at my baby???
2. He hasn't been pooping regularly, maybe 1-2 times day, normal or?
3. His weight is 100grams as of today...is this ok?
4. He walks but stumbles and even falls over while try to get around and his head even kinda cocks to one side...is this normal?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
He has really become a part of our family. We all have fallen in love with him and don't want to lose him.
Thank you guys for all you do for these little guys

If he is going to develop AP after aspiration you will begin to notice a clicking sound with each breath, often with lethargy and /or refusal to eat. If that were to happen he will need to be put on ab's as soon as possible. It's always advisable to have meds on hand, many human ab's can be used for a squirrel. If you tell us what you can get hold of we can tell you if it's something that can be used. All meds need to be "broken down" for use with squirrel and then dosed according to weight of said squirrel. If you don't already have a scale it is essential that you obtain one.

Eyes open at 5 weeks of age, the falling and head tilt are classic signs of a neuro issue most likely suffered from the fall.
He is underweight for a 5 week old unless this is not a grey squirrel you speak of?

What are you feeding and with what are you using to feed?
Baby should be fed between 5-7% of body weight, a 100 gram squirrel should be taking between 5-7 cc's formula per feeding.
Are you (still) stimulating baby to go to bathroom after each feeding?

08-05-2016, 06:00 PM
:Welcome Robs0574

It sounds like you've done a lot of research but just in case, here's a link to a good Baby Squirrel Care guide. http://www.henryspets.com/baby-squirrel-care/?fullSite=1 (6 pages)

You're baby does sound small to have the eyes open. What formula are you feeding?

They are a little wobbly when they're small so let's hope this will resolve itself as he grows.

I don't know of any other members in your state. There might be some but there isn't much posting from WI.

08-05-2016, 08:33 PM
The baby is a grey at 4-5 weeks im guessing.We r feeding his esbilac 2-1 mix ratio with heavy whipping cream and helping him potty. He actually pooped again this afternoon for me:) We're using a syringe with a nipple attached to it. I have ordered some from Henry's for future use.
I really don't have any meds available to me as of now. What's the best way to receive some??
I really hope he doesn't have any neuro damage as he's so adorable and already a part of the family.
Thanks for any help