View Full Version : Question regarding 3 week old (approx.) baby squirrel

07-26-2016, 05:01 PM
Good Afternoon Friends...Two weeks ago a friend brought me an infant squirrel who apparently after a very strong storm, fell from a nest with a sibling. In these 100 degree days we are having, the sibling did not make it. I am merely guessing at the age. When she brought it to me it weighed 19 grams, Tigger now weighs 46 grams. I am feeding him Esibilac...today we started 3cc. per every 3 hours. He has been doing exceptionally well. Pooping and peeing every feeding with manipulation. I am charting his daily feeding schedule and weight plus anything other I think might be of significance. He is very strong, he squeaks tiny squeaks apparently when he wants more formula. He squeaks a different squeak when I wash his little body which I do after every feeding with warm water and soft paper towels, no soap. He sleeps without any additional feedings from 10 pm until 7 am. His eyes are not open yet which helped me decide his age but I kind of think he hears things. This afternoon when I went to feed him at 1 pm. I noticed something that was never there before as I inspect him carefully every day. On his belly and chest are little bumps I can only describe as looking like 15 little nipples!! They are not red, show no sign of infection....he does not seem to bother them. I am scrupulously clean with this most precious baby so I am stymied. I do not want anything to get a strong hold on him such as a skin infection, etc. so please can someone help me figure this out. Thanks so much as always, I remain in your debt.

07-26-2016, 05:32 PM
Can you post a picture of your sweet baby. Sounds like you are doing a great job!


07-26-2016, 05:41 PM
Something new has come up with my baby...he has not pooped with manipulation since 7 am, no poop at 10 am or 1 pm but there were a bunch of little dried brownish pellets in little clear plastic nest on his fleece. Could that be poop? His poop is always dark mustard yellow and well formed. Now besides the tummy bumps I am worried about no poop! I have tried to take pictures with my phone but as hard as I try to keep him still I cant get a very good one and I cant get the little funny bumps to show at all. My phone is two years old and is kind of crappy. I will keep trying, thanks so much for responding.

07-26-2016, 07:13 PM
I don't have an answer for you, but here's a bump so someone else may see it and has an answer
Could you post pictures?

07-26-2016, 07:32 PM
The brownish pellets are poop, we would need a picture to try and determine what the bumps are.
At 46 grams baby should be eating between 5-7% which would be between 2.3 cc's - 3.2 cc's.
I personally don't recommend feeding over 5% until older but watch the poos if you do. If they
start getting soft back down on the percentage you feed. Over feeding causes diarrhea.
What are you "housing" baby in? Are you providing a heat source?

07-26-2016, 07:49 PM
The brownish pellets are poop, we would need a picture to try and determine what the bumps are.
At 46 grams baby should be eating between 5-7% which would be between 2.3 cc's - 3.2 cc's.
I personally don't recommend feeding over 5% until older but watch the poos if you do. If they
start getting soft back down on the percentage you feed. Over feeding causes diarrhea.
What are you "housing" baby in? Are you providing a heat source?

Yes, I have a clear plastic cage with slants in the top and I have layered fleece in it and cover him with two layers of fleece when he goes to his cage. He has a heating pad under the clear plastic cage 1/2 half under and half not. I will try at his next feeding here again at 7 pm. I don't know how to post pictures as I am not very savvy. Is there anyone that might give me an email address or phone number to text them too?
Thank you everyone, I love this baby with all my heart!! Tigger is the best little boy ever!

07-26-2016, 08:31 PM
Can you post a picture of your sweet baby. Sounds like you are doing a great job!


I just tried again and it just wont get that much detail. You cant see the little bumps on his tummy. Sorry

07-26-2016, 08:46 PM
What is the "texture" of his skin, does it appear dry?
Still like to see picture of baby, send to my email I'll post it.