View Full Version : Squirrel paw pads are red

07-25-2016, 07:41 PM
I only just saw this today. I'll get a better picture tomorrow. It could be something she ate, left on he paws? I worry a lot and I don't know what it could be, she just came inside and her paws were red instead of pink. Shes a little overweight, I know. I'm working on it. Could it be bumble foot?275713

07-25-2016, 10:36 PM
[QUOTE=Smee_squirrels;1170278]I only just saw this today. I'll get a better picture tomorrow. It could be something she ate, left on he paws? I worry a lot and I don't know what it could be, she just came inside and her paws were red instead of pink. Shes a little overweight, I know. I'm working on it. Could it be bumble foot?275713[/QU

07-25-2016, 10:38 PM
I only just saw this today. I'll get a better picture tomorrow. It could be something she ate, left on he paws? I worry a lot and I don't know what it could be, she just came inside and her paws were red instead of pink. Shes a little overweight, I know. I'm working on it. Could it be bumble foot?275713


She looks precious to me! :Love_Icon

Bumble foot is a new one to me... :dono Could she have walked on something hot like a tin roof or asphalt? You'd be surprised how many animals burn their feet on surfaces heated from the sun, especially younger animals.

Just a thought...

07-26-2016, 02:42 AM
Bumble foot is a new one to me...
Bumblefoot is medically called ulcerative pododermatitis, and is a complex problem that results from inflammation of
the bottom (plantar) surface of the foot. The term bumblefoot generally refers to the stage of the disease when
red bumps and lumps form on the bottom of the feet. Typically, bumblefoot starts as a wound that becomes infected
(usually with Staphylococcus aureus) from contact with soiled bedding and the cage floor. This leads to chronic
inflammation and abscesses, resulting in bumps on the bottom of the feet that can become quite enlarged.
Bumblefoot starts out as small reddened bumps that looks a bit like calluses. These bumps can eventually become quite
large and may intermittently bleed and scab over.