View Full Version : Hi I'm new here

07-19-2016, 07:14 PM
Hi, I'm new here and I found this terrific site by googling care information on chipmunks. I know it's weird because this is the squirrel board and I have a chipmunk, but they are in the squirrel family and most of what applies for the bigger squirrels applies for the little striped ones.
So i bought my Siberian chipmunk from a breeder who wasn't going to be breeding them anymore. I got her last one.
I don't know who here knows Marci but she is a member and my girl comes from her chipmunks' family tree.
I didn't get her from Marci I found out later because of the chipmunk owners group I joined she is on too.
I found out about Henry's squirrel blocks from this site.
I have been reading around here and there to learn and even shared a link on two chipmunk groups because I believe this site is so important to know about.
That is how Launchpad found her way here.
Because of you guys and this site you have headed me away of setting up my chipmunk for MBD.
So it was inevitable I would be taking the time out to join this site myself.
I wish I knew about this place back when I had my grey squirrel years ago.
That was around 13 or so years ago.
He was released in the wild but my chipmunk girl is already benefiting from having found this place.

07-19-2016, 07:28 PM
:wave123:wave123 Welcome to TSB. We love chippies too. Yes, of course, we know Marci !!!! Glad you have joined us.

07-19-2016, 08:13 PM
Hi chip mom. Welcome. Chippies are so cool. I have not had any in rehab yet, but I understand they are fast as anything.

Would love to see pictures of your chippie. How did you choose a chipmunk for a pet?


07-19-2016, 08:25 PM
And I would love to show pictures of my chipmunk but I haven't yet figured out how to do that on the iPhone yet.
I can tell you she is white, with tan stripes, called a dilute. Siberian chipmunks have that color more frequently then you think
Anyway I picked a chipmunk because I had rescued a grey squirrel about 13 or so years ago and I had to release him but he took a piece of my heart with him.
Then just recently I rescued a chipmunk from my dogs and kept him for a few days to rest up before release and I googled chipmunk care and found that not only can you get chipmunks as pets from breeders but they are legal in my state!! Double yay!!

Now about trying to figure about the pictures...

07-19-2016, 08:56 PM
:Welcome :Love_Icon Wish I could help with the pics...but I have a dumb phone:grin3 and yes of course we love chippies...they are squirrel's lil cousins :klunk I wish I had some in my woods :please so what's your lil chippies name? I'm looking forward to seeing pics :hyper :Love_Icon

07-19-2016, 09:08 PM
Hi Chipmom... :Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

To post pics, I use an iPad so I assume it's similar on an iPhone.
Hit Reply to thread. Scroll down below the text box to Additional Options.
You will see Manage Attachments. Touch this button.
It will open a box that says Add Files on the top right. Touch this button.
Under that a button will appear that says Choose File.

You will then have the option to either Take Photo or Existing photo.
Your photos on your phone will come up. Select the pic and Upload.
On box left, you will see Insert Inline.

This should link the photo to your post. (Hit Preview to see the pic in the post)There are other ways to post pics but that's how I do it. :)


07-19-2016, 10:30 PM
Hi and :Welcome
I look forward to seeing pictures of Launchpad

07-19-2016, 11:05 PM
Hi Chipmom... :Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

To post pics, I use an iPad so I assume it's similar on an iPhone.
Hit Reply to thread. Scroll down below the text box to Additional Options.
You will see Manage Attachments. Touch this button.
It will open a box that says Add Files on the top right. Touch this button.
Under that a button will appear that says Choose File.

You will then have the option to either Take Photo or Existing photo.
Your photos on your phone will come up. Select the pic and Upload.
On box left, you will see Insert Inline.

This should link the photo to your post. (Hit Preview to see the pic in the post)There are other ways to post pics but that's how I do it. :)


I got that far, only it doesn't give me option of adding existing photo only take photo is there. I don't know how to get to my photos on my phone to bring them up.

My chipmunks name is Akira it means bright one or light one and she is white with tan stripes like Launchpads' chipmunk is. But her stripes are a little darker.

Anyway I'm going to play around with the photo thing again tomorrow, I hope I can work through it.

07-20-2016, 09:24 AM
I also use an iPhone pretty much exclusively to post on the board - put together this guide as to how to post pics from an iPhone if the pics are already on the phone. Hope it helps.:)

*note- I used a different method to post the pic above to make it larger so you would be able to view it better. Also, this is using the full site version and not the mobile version of TSB - I just don't care for the mobile version myself. If you scroll to the bottom and click full page version, that is what it should look like.

07-20-2016, 10:49 AM

So here goes, I'm crossing my fingers and toes this picture goes through

07-20-2016, 10:50 AM
I also use an iPhone pretty much exclusively to post on the board - put together this guide as to how to post pics from an iPhone if the pics are already on the phone. Hope it helps.:)

*note- I used a different method to post the pic above to make it larger so you would be able to view it better. Also, this is using the full site version and not the mobile version of TSB - I just don't care for the mobile version myself. If you scroll to the bottom and click full page version, that is what it should look like.

Thank you!!

07-20-2016, 11:02 AM
Photo is clear and beautiful.....
Only ONE Rule --here at TSB

NEW PHOTOS--every day.... (please)

07-20-2016, 11:39 AM
I tried to bring up 3 pics but I see only one came up.
I can't see which one it chose without submitting but I think it chose the last one and the last one was of Akira on my husbands back

07-20-2016, 11:42 AM
This her with a nut I cracked open a bit for her to start into.
She doesn't seem to be as strong as the squirrels with getting through the nuts, so I give her a little help. She doesn't get nuts often. It's a treat.
I use Henry's blocks and Henry's hamster diet for her.
Honestly she prefers the hamster diet over the blocks.

07-20-2016, 11:43 AM
She's gorgeous :klunk

07-20-2016, 11:47 AM
I wanted a summer themed photo and since she wasn't going to the beach a little background was in order, lol. My daughters old beach towel.

07-20-2016, 12:06 PM
Does your husband enjoy your animals,also?

07-20-2016, 12:06 PM
She's gorgeous :klunk

Thank you

07-20-2016, 12:21 PM
Does your husband enjoy your animals,also?

He doesn't get to spend much time with her due to his schedule and my daughter feeds her seeds through the bars and her friends come over and she gets attention from them too. TBH all she wants from her and her friends is seeds.
She only wants to shell them and stuff her pouches she doesn't eat too many but I still clean her stash time to time.
She is lighting fast in her movements when she wants to be, just like they are in the wild. Unlike squirrels chipmunks don't really like to be held but you can get them used to it, or if you have them imported from China, they have been bottle fed and pulled from mom they are much better at being held.
I am getting her acclimated to being picked up. It's a chipmunk thing.
She isn't anywhere as destructive as my grey squirrel was. He chewed for any reason at all. If he was happy he'd chew, upset, he'd chew, bored, he'd chew, chewing and destroying things it seemed was his idea of fun.
He was my first introduction to the world of squirrel ownership, though I didn't really own him he was released back to the wild, but I do own my memories of him.


If this picture came through it is Dash and he was very good with my daughter, he had to have a toy from her if she came in the room, he would flirt with her to inch his way closer and closer then quick steal a toy, to Chew of course!
He attacked my husband though, and that was very sad, but he couldn't be swayed into accepting him after he hit adolescents it's like the mind was sealed.
I couldn't introduce him to new people, he wasn't having of that. So it was with my baby Dash. I accepted him for what he was and cherish our memories together.

07-20-2016, 12:45 PM
Thank you!!

Yay, so glad it helped.:) Love the pics of your beautiful chipmunk friend!:Love_Icon

07-20-2016, 12:54 PM
He doesn't get to spend much time with her due to his schedule and my daughter feeds her seeds through the bars and her friends come over and she gets attention from them too. TBH all she wants from her and her friends is seeds.
She only wants to shell them and stuff her pouches she doesn't eat too many but I still clean her stash time to time.
She is lighting fast in her movements when she wants to be, just like they are in the wild. Unlike squirrels chipmunks don't really like to be held but you can get them used to it, or if you have them imported from China, they have been bottle fed and pulled from mom they are much better at being held.
I am getting her acclimated to being picked up. It's a chipmunk thing.
She isn't anywhere as destructive as my grey squirrel was. He chewed for any reason at all. If he was happy he'd chew, upset, he'd chew, bored, he'd chew, chewing and destroying things it seemed was his idea of fun.
He was my first introduction to the world of squirrel ownership, though I didn't really own him he was released back to the wild, but I do own my memories of him.


If this picture came through it is Dash and he was very good with my daughter, he had to have a toy from her if she came in the room, he would flirt with her to inch his way closer and closer then quick steal a toy, to Chew of course!
He attacked my husband though, and that was very sad, but he couldn't be swayed into accepting him after he hit adolescents it's like the mind was sealed.
I couldn't introduce him to new people, he wasn't having of that. So it was with my baby Dash. I accepted him for what he was and cherish our memories together.

TYPICAL squirrel behavior...accept one person in the house---and attack all others...
Our Rama Rota is that way...He was gentle, fun and great to let run loose...then at 1 year he attacked me...chewed up my arm--.then he was friendly for 4 more months...and ZAP...without warning he attacked my face... from then on I wore a home made helmet and welder's gloves...That has been the routine for over 5 years now...Rama is still the king of the house...and I ( with my duct-tape grey helmet)--is his "Sir Lancelot" ha!

275524< <<< <<click on pic

07-16-2018, 05:37 PM
I'm looking for 1 male and 2 females if anyone can point me in direction of a breeder in U.S. I would greatly appreciate it I had 2 that passed last year after 16 years of enjoyment

07-16-2018, 05:48 PM
Hello all. I have had and raised chipmunks and just lost last year 2 of my babies after 16 years of enjoyment. I had to let some time pass but now am looking for a U.S. based breeder. I have a very large habitat set up inside of a large atrium. It's 6 foot round 10ft high. It has set vacant now for 9 months. It's time. I'm looking for 2 females and 1 male if possible. If anyone can point me in a direction I would greatly appreciate it..

07-17-2018, 10:05 PM
No help re a breeder but welcome to TSB. Lots of good squirrel knowledge here and you bring a wealth of knowledge about little kissing cousins to our beloved squirrels