View Full Version : Total rookie here... any comments would be welcome

07-12-2016, 12:36 PM
I live a bit north of High Park in Toronto, for years during walks through the park and the neighbourhood I'd carry peanuts/almonds/cashews/pistachios and others, throwing a few to the squirrels as I passed by.

There was a prescribed burn early in April 2016; a good nook of tall trees and shade that I pass north of the park had a few more squirrels than normal in mid-April.

A female came up to me directly to beg, looked very young and possibly with burns or scars on her back. I assume this is one that has lost her nest before she could forage, she was in rough shape but not crying in pain or in dire shape, and won my heart immediately.

I've fed her a few times a week as i routinely pass by around 8pm, the only female of the dozen of so in the area, and she has finally grown in a full black coat over the discolouration/scars/cuts??? from late April to last week. She is indistinguishable from the others except for the habit of demanding direct feeding, running off quickly to bury everything she can stuff in her mouth.

She seems to spend most of the dusk hours begging from passersby, it's the offshoot of a main subway exit, so 100s pass by each day, and a few are regular dishers out of nuts and stuff as they pass by.

Does this type ever learns to forage for herself, and if she mates in the upcoming season, can she pass on foraging skills or are they lost to all generations?



Milo's Mom
07-12-2016, 12:45 PM
If she is running off to bury the food, she's become a master at working those that pass by. A hungry squirrel will sit down and eat and eat and eat, usually at a feverish rate. She's got you all pegged and she knows you have good stuff to offer, so being an opportunist she's taking full advantage.

She may tech her offspring to do the same...by showing them where the treats come from.

Early on when she was at a disadvantage (after the burn) she likely needed the food and then figured why look elsewhere when I've got it so good here.

She is most likely fully capable of foraging on her own if the need should arise.

07-12-2016, 12:48 PM
:thankyou and :Welcome :Love_Icon She is a Master Forager! :grin3 She has learned where the best nuts come from :highfive I would not worry....squirrels that I have raised indoors...with no momma to teach them how to forage....go out and survive :dono it is in their DNA :great they of course will go the easy "mooch" route...plus they are getting nuts they don't always find in their environment....I would steer clear of pistachios and Brazilian nuts :great otherwise, no worries...enjoy your little friend :Love_Icon

07-12-2016, 05:05 PM
Thanks MM and Shewho, very helpful.

I don't mind being a good supplier for her.

If you have not seen the plan for High Park, it's...


They have preserved 400 acres in the heart of Toronto, a pair of capybaras eluded their cages in the zoo a fee weeks ago, I think one was quickly brought back.

The prescribed burn (for oak and savannah preservation) took out a decent portion of the lower 1/8 on the right side. Some day it will be prime squirrel territory again.


07-12-2016, 08:03 PM
Master forager is an understatement IMO! :laugh2

What a smart girl.. thrown into the world too early in life she assessed her situation and quickly and masterfully took rule of her domain.. and the park!

I am certain any offspring's of this survivor will not only survive but thrive unlike very few in the park! Her babies will not have a deficit but more likely and BIG advantage! :thumbsup

:thankyou for caring about this little soul! And :Welcome to TSB!

Edit: yeah, nix-ay the brazil nuts, eh?

07-13-2016, 01:14 PM
I lost a handful of years aggregate in high school and undergrad due to an illness, my recovery was aided by stocking and looking out the window at the birds and squirrels and chipmunks as they ate off feeders and the deck railings.

Any creature that comes to me as forlorn (clearly) and as a master con-artist (applause) will get fed by me.

There were never brazil nuts, a tad too expensive; pistachios were the no-no my list (the shell can be dangerous??) for which they liked them then didn't anymore.
