View Full Version : Eye Infection

07-06-2016, 05:09 PM
Hi All,

My 6 month old foxer has what appears to be an eye infection. Our vet friend recommended antibiotic eye ointment and antibiotic drops, which we started this morning. Any advice beyond that?

He is already out living in the wild, but comes home in the morning for breakfast, and sometimes around sunset before bed. He lives in a nest in a big oak tree in our backyard, so we still get to see him a lot.

Here is a picture for reference. This was after we brought him inside for a minute to clean the area and put the ointment on - thats why he looks greasy.


07-06-2016, 06:04 PM
You are doing what I had to do with one of my squirrels that had an eye infection.
Just keep up the good work and keep a watch on the eye to make sure it heals
while you are treating it with the medicine and cleaning it daily. (((hugs)))

07-06-2016, 06:30 PM
how long did it take for yours to clear up?

07-07-2016, 09:09 AM
how long did it take for yours to clear up?

It took a good two weeks for the eye to come back around to its normal self.