View Full Version : VERY BAD NEWS for Gwenzy.. Please help..opinion??

07-01-2016, 12:28 PM
Gwenzy looks like all along maybe her teeth…could be have been a major problem I could not see it because she was always hiding at the bottom of her cages

I have wondered why Gwen has NEVER rasped once nut since her head injury on June 2. MAYYBE open a soft almond…if looks more like she is relieving herself to bite like mad on wood.

Only eats baby food forced with nutrition and syringe nutrients.. NO fruit.., only chews, rarely raw nuts, watermelon even… it bites throws it over her head. No biting for a month???

We thought she was depressed., bought her a bigger cage. After 2 days she discovered the upper shelf with her cozy hideaway. There she stares at me in the face, I thought it was her mouth partially open why I could see her teeth..Then I noticed she slides them back can forth.. exposing the bottom… makes them longer.. like they are irritating her and she cant stop grinding.

I don’t normally look for 20 min straight into the moth on a squirrel.. even all the hours we play.. the just stares making sliding strange movement with them.

Am I right. she has dental issues???? Maybe nut 100% occlusion but a fractured jaw.. something???? NO vet will do jaw surg on her in MA and an adult with jaw issues is euthanasia without a sanctuary. Even all the sanctuaries state.."if you have a baby squirrel..call a rehabber we have no room". Forget adults .I will be thee first to say I have NO way to keep her and anesthetized off and on her for life to clip her teeth alone. Its not even legal since I’m not a sanctuary. This looks vampiris-ish and odd..not happy. She was acting more wildly as the pred and tram went down but now I think she is just feeling more pain!!!

07-01-2016, 12:44 PM
I can't offer any advice, but I can send positive vibes your way :hug

You're not alone - hopefully someone can help soon!!

07-01-2016, 12:50 PM
Anyway to get a close up picture of her mouth and teeth?

07-01-2016, 12:53 PM
I posted a bunch a week ago and everyone said..they looked fine..I don't think think it is necessarily her teeth..I think when she was smashed her jaw was fractured!!

Thats why the pain is back on the reduced med....

Anyway to get a close up picture of her mouth and teeth?

07-01-2016, 12:54 PM
Gwenzy looks like all along maybe her teeth…could be have been a major problem

We thought she was depressed., bought her a bigger cage. After 2 days she discovered the upper shelf with her cozy hideaway. There she stares at me in the face, I thought it was her mouth partially open why I could see her teeth..Then I noticed she slides them back can forth.. exposing the bottom… makes them longer.. like they are irritating her and she can't stop grinding.

A.I will be thee first to say I have NO way to keep her and anesthetized off and on her for life to clip her teeth alone. Its not even legal since I’m not a sanctuary. This looks vampiris-ish and odd..not happy. She was acting more wildly as the pred and tram went down but now I think she is just feeling more pain!!!
It sounds like her incisors need clipping. Can you get some gloves, hold her still , and with the help of a friend do a close inspection of the LENGTH of both uppers and lowers?
If the lowers are too long, that makes them uncomfortable, & they will grind their teeth. It can be a tough job, and when I have to do it, I always have a second person there who understands the importance of being careful but also being FIRM, during the trimming.
If you can---get a small pencil to slip behind the teeth---and try to take a few photos--so the experts can advise you.

07-01-2016, 01:03 PM
Pics of Gwens just now!!! These are her TOP teeth. Seems like she has he mouth partially open all the time the past few days
she quivers her chin back and forth and looks vey much in pain

07-01-2016, 01:13 PM
I don't know who follows my thread.. I cam e here because Boston is a limited SMALL almost anti squirrel community. Out biggest vet hospital kills most all but some pinkies and sanctuaries NEVER have room.

I am alone and why I started caring for them 30+ years ago. We have NO wildlife vets..either way I am now disabled so I have spent 500 in credit on Gren I did not have. I have NO help..NO co-rehabbers here..there is NO ones

read my last post. You call ASPCA or Humane Society..even Tufts wildlife..say goodbye squirrel..most are not LICENSED to look at wildlife in MA and the sanctuaries start off their message with "if you have a squirrel....find a rehabber..we are full.

I am a sole practitioner with no help..no support in a state that could care less let alone clipping her with help every 3 weeks

It sounds like her incisors need clipping. Can you get some gloves, hold her still , and with the help of a friend do a close inspection of the LENGTH of both uppers and lowers?
If the lowers are too long, that makes them uncomfortable, & they will grind their teeth. It can be a tough job, and when I have to do it, I always have a second person there who understands the importance of being careful but also being FIRM, during the trimming.
If you can---get a small pencil to slip behind the teeth---and try to take a few photos--so the experts can advise you.

07-01-2016, 02:37 PM
took photo's...as I mentioned..there is NO one to help.. Having my last food money put into an xray but. cant afford a clipping too. If she needs to be driven 1.5 hours away 1x per month I have to euthanize my best friend

island rehabber
07-01-2016, 04:04 PM
Top teeth look fine; we need to see the lowers. Gently put a pencil or shish kebab stik through her mouth, back where there is that space between incisors and molars. Open her mouth a bit until the lowers show and snap a pic. What about your hubby, can't he hold her while you clip, if need be?

07-01-2016, 05:27 PM
Those are the tip teeth!

I posted images of both upper and lower a few days ago with a Popsicle stick to show where the top ended.

This is why I think she can't chew. Jaw break not dental occlusion. My husband is not in any way helpfuk with animal direct care. Her mouth does not even close all the way now.

My first husband sho raised gerbils was but he died 5 years ago. No one will help me here.

Top teeth look fine; we need to see the lowers. Gently put a pencil or shish kebab stik through her mouth, back where there is that space between incisors and molars. Open her mouth a bit until the lowers show and snap a pic. What about your hubby, can't he hold her while you clip, if need be?

Nancy in New York
07-01-2016, 05:37 PM
took photo's...as I mentioned..there is NO one to help.. Having my last food money put into an xray but. cant afford a clipping too. If she needs to be driven 1.5 hours away 1x per month I have to euthanize my best friend

Did you have her x-rayed?
If so, what part?

07-01-2016, 09:30 PM
I talked with BSG ealier. The teeth look fine in the pics maybe a little long. It sounds like it could be a jaw issue? Possible related to the injury that caused the initial head trauma?

BSG has an appointment next week for a head xray so she can see how her jaw, teeth and skull look. Since Gwenzy will need to be anesthetized for the xray, a tooth trim should be easy and pretty cheap too.

Nancy in New York
07-01-2016, 09:46 PM
I talked with BSG ealier. The teeth look fine in the pics maybe a little long. It sounds like it could be a jaw issue? Possible related to the injury that caused the initial head trauma?

BSG has an appointment next week for a head xray so she can see how her jaw, teeth and skull look. Since Gwenzy will need to be anesthetized for the xray, a tooth trim should be easy and pretty cheap too.

Thank you as ALWAYS TD. :hug

07-02-2016, 07:21 AM
Multiple issues continue to remind me de Ka by style of the hoodies with my husbands cancer. Before we stressed the hell out of Gwen the first week of June I begged them to do s head X-ray and instead I was told repeatedly to take her to Tufts where they not only would NEVER waste time and money over a adult squirrel, now that's exactly what we are doing. What I begged to begin with. Taking the west to see whatcisxaysung symptoms that were clearly off.

A 5hour drive, plus anesthesia... More money in office, gas, etc and added stress x the hours travel and ins more week of no solid food.. Over I month. I have gone through this with medical 'proffesionals' not listening to the caretakers and causing irreversible damage.

If I had 'help' I would not always be speaking of not hanging help. My husband loves animals but I'm sure we all know people who just can't and don't handle them. He will take me anywhere but being a second set of hands is not something in his 60's is going to happen. Did not have them as a kid. I have the will for 10 people but am too frail for things at this moment post surgically etc.

There is one rehabber who gets press and has never been able or willing to respond 'call Antrim .. To < call someone else.. I have no time for TOUR animals' although we are d
although our wildlife agate the safe 5 mi radius.
. It's a terribly small insurer and bizarre community.

You my fine and fury friends are it. And apologetically you all know by know I am terribly unfamiliar with blogging, typing in a crises and threads.. It's very frustrating for you and me. I can't post correctly, add threads without meaning to, and frustrate people repeating what I think I already posted. The conditions withtheconly 2 animals I've ever bothered the squirrel board with have been very unstable so the moment I post things are good they change in a flash confusing you all more.

I so wish my technology was even in rooms far from the animal with apps on one and take and hour creating a photo to imports, reduce these applications or transfer them to send back, relax log in to post.

Then it ends up an entire mess no one can follow. I tried to warn folks the situation with a neuropathy and what happens during areas when I said if I can't discuss this in the good ol telephone it would be a disaster as predicted many of you are upset my situation and disability give me ability die one or the other.. Rehabbing the animal or spending hours teaching myself obtuse computer posting I never use outside of TSB. It frustrates me just as much.

Thank you as ALWAYS TD. :hug

07-02-2016, 08:28 AM
BSG, sent a PM with Infant motrin dosing directions. Hang in there, Gwnzy is lucky to have you looking after her.

07-02-2016, 08:32 AM
You my fine and fury friends are it. And apologetically you all know by know I am terribly unfamiliar with blogging, .....................and take an hour creating a photo to post,
Then it ends up an entire mess no one can follow............ Rehabbing the animal or spending hours teaching myself obtuse computer posting commands I never use outside of TSB. It frustrates me just as much.

If it would be any help to you--and maybe easier than posting directly on TSB, you can e-mail your photos to me---and I will gladly post them HERE---for you.


If you do--PLEASE type "TSB squirrel" in the e-mail message line...so it doesn't go to junk mail.
I will check my e-mail throughout the day....

07-02-2016, 01:47 PM
I am writing an admin. I am only on to get help and opinions where I have none esp in this are. I am so sorry my polyneuropathybsnd from the get staring my first guy was an it genius and partner in rehab.

He is over the bridge too but it seems to make the assumption my disability quantifies me as an amateur rehabber. I quit computers and one has nothing to do with the other. I am so sad and tired I have to reiterate disability in one are means nothing to do with my experience in another.

If I am told not to post non life threatening issues on Gwens update I don't. Just as I would not go to a EW for a splinter. I'm sorry that upset people. I'm not on to anger anyone due to my lack in current time and contra-intuitive computer. I love the people who have helped or supported in every way and do not post to upset anybody . I assure you coming acids in a way far short of articulate is gumiliating with my credentials more than you know . Thank you TD, IR and all of you

07-02-2016, 02:03 PM
Would S. Weymouth be a closer drive for you?

07-05-2016, 12:11 PM
Trying to see who if anyone is following Gwendolyn,
her teeth make eating, even syringe Meg and food,drooling and slack jaw. Now she cannot have X-ray and trim till next Fri. I knew when everyone said she looked fine after 3 weeks of inability to rasp was not this squirrels norm,

Not that I have a choice but this was how long her yeeth were by Jul 2 and she rasps wood with lichen we get daily for relief


07-05-2016, 12:18 PM
Alignment looks good. They are a bit long so when she is sedated for xray, I imagine they will get trimmed.

Trying to see who if anyone is following Gwendolyn,
her teeth make eating, even syringe Meg and food,drooling and slack jaw. Now she cannot have X-ray and trim till next Fri. I knew when everyone said she looked fine after 3 weeks of inability to rasp was not this squirrels norm,

Not that I have a choice but this was how long her yeeth were by Jul 2 and she rasps wood with lichen we get daily for relief


07-05-2016, 03:31 PM
Yes Tubedriver,
my visual conclusion as well, but for a squirrel I know to go ballistic over nuts not to even try...food occasionally ad lots of bark only to get a sensation of chewing indicated pain. Wether there is a fracture... A tooth root issue or whatever it was not an obvious alignment occlusion.. It just hurts her to
chrw.. She can not and frustrates her not to eat more than gruel!
i pray she will not need an extraction. Taking her cozy away, her tram and pred titrated to almost down to nothing and now just upsetting her to get motrin is sad. I awoke like all moms knowing something was wrong. She was trying to find any way out and I wanted her to calm down... after visiting for 3 hours she did and she had flipped every bowl, put her toy baby fleece monkey in her water and was visably distressed. I don't know how long they will get by Fri, but rush hour traffic/ weekend summer traffic to RI means a 6 hour day in a weeny stressful cage and anesthesia. Poor baby I hope to god it's not a facial or jaw fracture

Alignment looks good. They are a bit long so when she is sedated for xray, I imagine they will get trimmed.

07-08-2016, 06:20 PM
How bizarre ... Facebook did a lookback 2 years ago today. How awful I should get this from FB today. It was one month and 1 week Gwen almost died from a broken right foot and shattered hip. It took me months to rehab her 4:30pm to 8:30 pm until I got pneumonia and she was independent. Today she went to a 'rehab camp' where her right leg.. Broken AGAIN is currently contributing to her recovery. If she still cannot fend or climb high and run in a month we will know there is an inner ear or brain injury too. I'm in such sorrow as we have grown so close for years... As close as any indoor pet. I pray it is not her brain but an MRI is for animal planet specials I could never take. Time will answer the same questions. It was very hard to leave her in the vets care but oad ore and trust her rehabbers.
desperately missing her cleaning out the cage no knowing if she will be releasable or if her broken right leg is the torticolis or inner ear.. brain issue.

Gwenny we love you so :-(....

07-08-2016, 06:32 PM
Hoping for some good news today?

07-08-2016, 07:01 PM
LOVING Wild Things.................
Hard on the Heart !

07-11-2016, 02:00 PM
What is happening with Gwenzy? I hope she is doing better.