06-29-2016, 07:29 PM
Roxy is about a year old who I rescued as an orphan. I released her in early March, and obviously had babies about May 8th. She moved her nest high in a palm tree about 2 1/2 weeks ago, so I can't see or monitor the babies yet who are about 7 1/2 weeks old (if they're still alive). Roxy usually comes buy for food/water early in the morning and late afternoon. However since early afternoon she won't go back to her palm tree nest and she won't leave me alone. Though I love the affection, I fear something is wrong. She's never showed me this much attention since I released her. Almost like digressing when she was very young showing me a lot of attention when I'm around and always 'teething' at me like she wants to play. If she was sick, I would think she would be more lethargic. She seems to have her usual energy. She eats and drinks well. If something happened to her babies (like maybe fell prey to a hawk), could this be an explanation to her behavior ? If she doesn't return to her nest tonight, and sleeps in her cage, I will think something really did happen to her babies. I recently found a vet that takes squirrels, but not sure if there's a reason here to do so. If I do they'll give her a rabies shot for starters.
Any comments will be appreciated.........Many thanks
Any comments will be appreciated.........Many thanks