View Full Version : Feeling like a failure, and am frustrated.

06-28-2016, 01:08 PM
I recently released 4 grey squirrels I had raised from pinkies and a chipmunk and 4 woodchucks. I was happy they were all doing well and had a sense of relief as I had been doing critters non-stop since March. I get a call Sat night about an injured chipmunk. The guy was going to just let it go. I said bring it over. He was not sure what had happened but said he did have a cat and a dog. The dog had found it. It could not walk normally, had an injury near it's neck and it's eyes were all strange. I was thinking possible head trauma, by hawk or cat injury. I gave it some sugar water after warming it up, which it gladly took. Later I offered it a little yogurt and clavamox which was the only antibiotic I had. The next day she was still alive, That night she developed diarrhea and I thought from antibiotics or sugar water. I offered hydrating fluid for animals and she did no want it, She did take some baby applesauce mixed with banana. Next day I called every vet hospital near me. NO ONE would see her. I was a little encouraged as she was eating well and sitting up. Later she lost her balance and toppled over, then righted herself. I offered some food and water and she refused and made little noises. She had eaten earlier so I figured maybe she was full. Her stools were almost back to normal. I checked on her at 5am, and she was dead. The wildlife vet I usually see was not in and no one else would see her. How can we give proper meds if we cannot get them unless a vet sees them??? Why did she seem like she was improving and then drop dead??? I know it happens but I do not want to take any more injured critters with no vet support. I do great with orphans. I feel sick about the little one!!

06-28-2016, 01:39 PM
. I get a call Sat night about an injured chipmunk. The guy was going to just let it go. I said bring it over. He was not sure what had happened but said he did have a cat and a dog. The dog had found it. It could not walk normally, had an injury near it's neck and it's eyes were all strange. I was thinking possible head trauma, by hawk or cat injury. I gave it some sugar water after warming it up, which it gladly took. Later I offered it a little yogurt and clavamox which was the only antibiotic I had. The next day she was still alive, Later she lost her balance and toppled over, then righted herself. I offered some food and water and she refused and made little noises. She had eaten earlier so I figured maybe she was full. Her stools were almost back to normal. I checked on her at 5am, and she was dead. Why did she seem like she was improving and then drop dead??? I know it happens but I do not want to take any more injured critters with no vet support. I do great with orphans. I feel sick about the little one!!

This sounds like a case of internal or head trauma. Nothing can cure some injuries. They mask their problems--it's nature. You gave food, protection, comfort, warmth and LOVE----------------
You were wonderful to aid in his transition to the next plane.
The pain of loss is understandable--but do not add any guilt ... You did everything anyone could do--Vet or no vet....
Your compassion is what matters....and you have plenty.

06-28-2016, 01:53 PM
I'd say you're in very good company when it comes to feeling frustrated. You did everything right. The most knowledgeable habbers here on the board have gone through the same questioning and heartache.

Experience does not answer all the questions and is not enough to diagnose all the issues- and sadly, sometimes these little ones are just looking for a quiet place to let go. Providing comfort to this one may be the reason that the next one thrives in your care. :grouphug

Nancy in New York
06-28-2016, 02:32 PM
I recently released 4 grey squirrels I had raised from pinkies and a chipmunk and 4 woodchucks. I was happy they were all doing well and had a sense of relief as I had been doing critters non-stop since March. I get a call Sat night about an injured chipmunk. The guy was going to just let it go. I said bring it over. He was not sure what had happened but said he did have a cat and a dog. The dog had found it. It could not walk normally, had an injury near it's neck and it's eyes were all strange. I was thinking possible head trauma, by hawk or cat injury. I gave it some sugar water after warming it up, which it gladly took. Later I offered it a little yogurt and clavamox which was the only antibiotic I had. The next day she was still alive, That night she developed diarrhea and I thought from antibiotics or sugar water. I offered hydrating fluid for animals and she did no want it, She did take some baby applesauce mixed with banana. Next day I called every vet hospital near me. NO ONE would see her. I was a little encouraged as she was eating well and sitting up. Later she lost her balance and toppled over, then righted herself. I offered some food and water and she refused and made little noises. She had eaten earlier so I figured maybe she was full. Her stools were almost back to normal. I checked on her at 5am, and she was dead. The wildlife vet I usually see was not in and no one else would see her. How can we give proper meds if we cannot get them unless a vet sees them??? Why did she seem like she was improving and then drop dead??? I know it happens but I do not want to take any more injured critters with no vet support. I do great with orphans. I feel sick about the little one!!

I've written it before, because this happens so often, that I myself have questioned why.
I finally understood that our job is not to save them all, because we can't, even with a vet.

Our job is to take in these little wounded, broken babies and try our best to "fix" them.

If we can't, at least we provided them a safe place, where they knew some goodness in mankind,
where they were loved, and where they took their final journey home, with tears on their fur.

If not for you..........who?
Thank you for doing your job so well. :Love_Icon

06-28-2016, 04:02 PM
I've written it before, because this happens so often, that I myself have questioned why.
I finally understood that our job is not to save them all, because we can't, even with a vet.

Our job is to take in these little wounded, broken babies and try our best to "fix" them.

If we can't, at least we provided them a safe place, where they knew some goodness in mankind,
where they were loved, and where they took their final journey home, with tears on their fur.

If not for you..........who?
Thank you for doing your job so well. :Love_Icon
Beautifully stated!! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/hug/hugs.gif

06-28-2016, 04:35 PM
I'm so sorry you lost the little guy... :sadness

I currently have 3 wildlife vets; one of them is on vacation all-the-time, and while there are other veterinarians in his office they refuse to help in any way without his expressed permission (I didn't like the way he handled one of the babies anyway :madd), the second one won't return a call until later in the day and thereby wasting precious time and/or wanting to schedule an appointment a day or two away ... the last one is a true keeper but very, very expensive! So, I understand your frustration!! ! :tap

I agree with Nancy from New York. It was perfectly stated.


06-28-2016, 06:11 PM
Thank you everyone!! Your kind words help. :Love_Icon It would be wonderful if DEC provided us with an on call wildlife vet, and they covered the fees!!! I can dream, right??

07-11-2016, 01:44 PM
I recently released 4 grey squirrels I had raised from pinkies and a chipmunk and 4 woodchucks. I was happy they were all doing well and had a sense of relief as I had been doing critters non-stop since March. I get a call Sat night about an injured chipmunk. The guy was going to just let it go. I said bring it over. He was not sure what had happened but said he did have a cat and a dog. The dog had found it. It could not walk normally, had an injury near it's neck and it's eyes were all strange. I was thinking possible head trauma, by hawk or cat injury. I gave it some sugar water after warming it up, which it gladly took. Later I offered it a little yogurt and clavamox which was the only antibiotic I had. The next day she was still alive, That night she developed diarrhea and I thought from antibiotics or sugar water. I offered hydrating fluid for animals and she did no want it, She did take some baby applesauce mixed with banana. Next day I called every vet hospital near me. NO ONE would see her. I was a little encouraged as she was eating well and sitting up. Later she lost her balance and toppled over, then righted herself. I offered some food and water and she refused and made little noises. She had eaten earlier so I figured maybe she was full. Her stools were almost back to normal. I checked on her at 5am, and she was dead. The wildlife vet I usually see was not in and no one else would see her. How can we give proper meds if we cannot get them unless a vet sees them??? Why did she seem like she was improving and then drop dead??? I know it happens but I do not want to take any more injured critters with no vet support. I do great with orphans. I feel sick about the little one!!
I live in Costa Rica, ZERO experienced vets (for squirrels) so I "make do".
It IS Heart-breaking, sometimes....but the alternative--for the critters--is a cold, scary, insect infested end.....
Every ounce of compassion we can offer is a blessing to the needy.
Your heart will answer when help comes knocking................

07-11-2016, 03:24 PM
I get very frustrated with the attitude of a non-wildlife veternarians AND their office of "no help"... I have 3 wildlife veterinarians, and you'd think with 3 of them I'd always be able to get what I need when I need it but such is not the case. With all three veterinarians, there are other 'non-wildlife' veterinarians in the same office. However, if a licensed rehabber calls while the wildlife vet. is away on vacation etc. and asks if one of the other veterinarians could provide something as simple as an antibiotic, or anti inflammatory, or even some Tramadol until the wildlife vet returns without even having to see the animal - they refuse. They make it complicated and provide NO service at all, and the animal is left to suffer. Experienced rehabbers pretty much know what we need (at least to begin with), and can even ask specifically for it so that the vet doesn't have to be overly involved or look up dosages, and yet they refuse. I'm going to talk with my favorite wildlife vet. and see if I can make prior arrangements in case of an emergency when she's away for meds.