View Full Version : Curiosity - Why squirrel rolls in dirt

06-21-2016, 09:13 AM
Not sure where to post this question.

I was hand feeding a wild squirrel last night, she took several nuts from my hand, and a blueberry and ate them. Then she started scratching herself for a moment with her hind feet, both sides. Normal thing to see in a squirrel. I had more nuts in my hand, and this squirrel, "Wild-Mom", jumped off the table she was on, and started scratching in the dirt below, she rubbed the left side of her face in the dirt, then her left chest, and left side of body, scratched up the dirt again, this time rubbed her right face, and right chest and body in the dirt. Got up, jumped back on the table to eat more nuts from my hand.

I have never seen this. Does anyone know what they are doing?

I will also note, sometimes it seems that her mammary glands are slightly red and swollen of late, then they seem okay later. Two days ago, I thought her left size ones were really enlarged with a soft red color to them, much more than the right, then yesterday, they all looked the same again. I welcome any thoughts on that as well. Wild-Mom was the one who had the skin fungus a few months ago, that she is completely fine from now.

Thank you.

06-21-2016, 09:25 AM
The rubbing - I think that is just what it looks like - using the abrasive dirt to help scratch an itch. My indoor boy does this with his fleece and blankets - and with the sheets I use to cover strategic furniture when he is out with me. He will flip an edge up with his nose then sidle underneath and roll and pop and make a big mess of the sheet. I call it "schnoozling" and make a huge, dramatic, fun deal of it, "YOU BAD SCHNOOZLING SQUIRREL!!!"

She may have babies but instead of a huge litter maybe she has only a few, and isn't having to use all of the nipples for every feeding. Maybe?

06-21-2016, 10:07 AM
She was desperate to find relief from the biting fleas. Scratching wasn't providing relief, so she tried rubbing and rolling in dirt. Horses and cattle roll in dirt to give them some "insulation" from biting flies, so squirrels may do the same.

Fleas are significantly more abundant this year in the NE. My dog usually loves to play outside in the summer, but this year she's miserable with dozens of fleas jumping on her as she walks on the sidewalk towards the grass.

06-21-2016, 01:18 PM
All of the wild squirrels in my area absolutely love rolling around in the dirt. The dustier the better. Sometimes they crawl with their front feet and drag their back end for quite a distance. I've always assumed they just enjoy a good dust bath. It looks like the are having a blast. They don't seem to be extremely itchy, maybe that is why.

06-21-2016, 02:13 PM
All of the wild squirrels in my area absolutely love rolling around in the dirt. The dustier the better. Sometimes they crawl with their front feet and drag their back end for quite a distance. I've always assumed they just enjoy a good dust bath. It looks like the are having a blast. They don't seem to be extremely itchy, maybe that is why.

I just looked up dust-bathing in mammals, and I found it can be for thermoregulation, providing a sunscreen, ecto-parasite control, or scent marking.

I suspect since mine was itching at the time, and what squirrel would choose to leave and go bathe with nuts in front of it?; that mine was trying to relieve itself of some flea pest or something.

Yours most likely were doing one of the other reasons... thanks!

06-21-2016, 02:26 PM
Sorry, I think I said that wrong. I was thinking that maybe taking frequent dust baths help keep the fleas away or makes them go away.

I just looked up dust-bathing in mammals, and I found it can be for thermoregulation, providing a sunscreen, ecto-parasite control, or scent marking.

I suspect since mine was itching at the time, and what squirrel would choose to leave and go bathe with nuts in front of it?; that mine was trying to relieve itself of some flea pest or something.

Yours most likely were doing one of the other reasons... thanks!

06-21-2016, 02:29 PM
There are several known and unknown plants and trees that have a natural "antimicrobial" effect on objects, i.e. the pine in various types of pine trees have an antimicrobial effect, or in laymen terms 'kills germs' (Pine-Sol). It's hard to say what chemical properties or substances are created when various elements break down together, and what happens to even that substance over time. With that in mind, you will often see squirrels rolling around in the soil of a decaying tree and/or plants, and I have always suspected that they are taking a 'dust bath' when they do that. The dusting could help to repel flies and mosquito's, and perhaps a few fleas, or a treatment for itching. Or perhaps the odor of the soil is a repellent of sorts. But also, to survive in the wild, these critters need to blend into the forest as much as possible, not only visually but by smell as well, so as not to draw attention to themselves and become someones dinner! And if they've had direct or indirect human contact - they may be scrubbing the odor off to protect themselves. One thing is certain, THEY KNOW more than we do about living off the land! Just a thought. :thinking

06-21-2016, 04:49 PM
Sorry, I think I said that wrong. I was thinking that maybe taking frequent dust baths help keep the fleas away or makes them go away.

Ohhh. Got it. Yes, that previous sentence could be interpreted different ways, I interpreted it different than you meant. Thanks for the clarification. :)