View Full Version : Possible one eyed squirrel - need advice
06-20-2016, 10:14 PM
I received a fox squirrel baby yesterday about 6 weeks old. Was found in a ditch hanging onto a piece of bark in some water. He was limp and soaking wet. The people did a great job of turning him around (daughter is vet tech) and brought him to me (licensed rehabber) the next day. He actually looks healthy after some rehydrating and is eating like crazy. He is 133 grams - a little chunk. He has one eye completely open but the other eye is closed but is actually a bit concave, as if the eyeball is missing. There is no wound, puss or blood and he doesn't seem in pain. In a normal eye, the eyeball creates a bump when the eye is closed. There is no bump here. I've attached some photos of the closed 'eye'. I think he might have a birth defect and is missing an eye. Questions: Has anyone ever have a successful release of a one eyed squirrel? By successful I mean, it survived a length of time out on its own. Secondly, has anyone had a squirrel that is missing an eye not caused by trauma?
I can't take it to my vet as if it is missing the eye or blind they will have to euthanize because it would not be deemed releasable. I tried putting a warm damp cotton ball over it to soak it and to see if I could open it a little. I did get the corner open and there was actually something shiny in there (like an eyeball?). I didn't want to try to open it too much. Still, the normal eyes closed bump is not there and the area is concave. Any thoughts or ideas?
Thank you!
06-20-2016, 10:26 PM
I have heard of babies being born with only one eye. And again, can I say 100% they could not survive? No, but will say it is greatly diminished their chances. I would think if a home could be found that would be a better choice in this case, if indeed he has only one eye. (I wish I were closer, I love foxers, we do not have them here!) I am sure others will chime in, but that is my opinion. (Peanut is blind in one eye and he definitely has issues because of it with jumping, judging distance, etc. Cannot imagine him trying to survive outside.)
06-20-2016, 10:32 PM
I have a NR with one blind eye, ( the Cruiser DUDE--my Costa Rican Buddy)but it was not from birth.
He does FINE --but he is not fending for himself.
Lateral vision is critical to survival in the wild.
I hope a forever home can be located....
Thanks for caring---------------
06-20-2016, 10:39 PM
Yeah I pretty much knew release was not a good option if there was no eye in there - just was holding out hope. There is a veterinary opthamologist in town I might call. He once saw a squirrel of mine at no charge. Wish I could use my wildlife vet.
06-20-2016, 11:22 PM
I have read of a similar case (somewhere?) with the same suspicions as yours due to the concave look
without the obvious bump of an eyeball. That squirrel did wind up having a sighted eyeball but can't remember
if they did anything or not to introduce it.
I also personally had a cat, my Rugar that was like that as a kitten and he also had a sighted eyeball but it was
smaller in size to his other one and remained that way. It didn't obstruct his vision in anyway.
06-21-2016, 06:11 AM
If he is, indeed, unable to be released, will you be able to find him a home, or will they make you euthanize him?
island rehabber
06-21-2016, 06:46 AM
I'd like to be a bit more optimistic about one-eyed squirrels, as I have released one who did perfectly well and also observed several functioning normally in the wild. My Louisa was HBC and lost sight in one eye. I kept her a few months after she healed to observe her coordination and she flung herself around the release cage like any crazy wild would do. I released her and saw her for months afterward, doing fine. More interestingly, there was a legendary squirrel in Union Square Park on the lower east side of Manhattan who locals named One Eyed Jack. Or Jaqueline. SHE was a gnarly grey female squirrel who made her nest right next to the Park Ranger's office in the middle of hideous Manhattan traffic. She raised at least three years' worth of litters that I personally am aware of, as I had rehabber friends down there who kept an eye on her. No pun intended. :grin2
Milo's Mom
06-21-2016, 08:24 AM
Several years ago I raised a set of hurricane babies; one of the girls, Sami, was blind in one eye (it was like that when she opened her eyes). She did not know what she was missing and she was one of the biggest baddest meanest squirrels I ever raised. I could not wait to get her to the trees in the Spring. I did overwinter that crew so that they would have a Spring release and to make sure that Sami had every advantage afforded to her. I saw her for almost 2 years post release. She was one of the meanest savage beasts in the yard. Nothing and nobody got by her. (and I named her Sami with an "i" cause she needed another one....)
06-21-2016, 09:01 AM
There was a neighborhood one eyed-wild-squirrel that we all watched with amazement. It appeared to do all the things the others did, and it was around for three years before we never saw it again. We don't really know how long it was around before we first noticed it, because we weren't paying much attention.
I would think that there would be a reasonable chance that it could live a decent life "if" it had the desire to live in the wild, miracles continue happening on this planet just to make us smile and wonder. Every squirrel is different, and occasionally a fully healthy released squirrel chooses not to want to live in the wild and prefers "3 hots and a cot", :-), and comes back into a house to stay. So you would have to watch the little one to know its heart on the matter. :Love_Icon I would keep an open mind and follow your heart.
island rehabber
06-21-2016, 09:23 AM
(and I named her Sami with an "i" cause she needed another one....)
06-21-2016, 11:34 AM
If he is, indeed, unable to be released, will you be able to find him a home, or will they make you euthanize him?
I am suppose to have him euthanized if he is not releasable unless I can find him a home in a permitted educational facility such as a nature center, etc.
06-21-2016, 11:38 AM
Thank you all for your wonderful words of encouragement. I thought I had heard of one eyed squirrel making it in the wild. Obviously he would be at a great disadvantage not being able to see predators on one side. The jumping from branch to branch without depth perception is a concern. I'll have to just see how he does as he grows up. He is in a small cage now seeing that he is only around 6 weeks old so I can't see his coordination. I'll keep you posted.
Keep the stories coming about one eyed ones squirrels. Thank you!!
P.S. The name Sami with the i cracked me up - so funny! :laugh2
06-21-2016, 12:24 PM
Ugh... veterinarian optomogist won't see the squirrel without a referral from the wildlife vet I use. Decisions, decisions...
06-21-2016, 01:59 PM
Each squirrel is different. But even a chance with release is better then euthanization. Peanut was not born blind, he lost his sight about a year old (he also had a granmal seizure around the same time). He does have some issue with depth perception. I guess you just have to watch and see how he does.
06-21-2016, 02:46 PM
I have to comment... I don't know about the eyeball but I only use wildlife veterinarians that respects my decision as a rehabber, and doesn't take the euthanasia decision out of my hands. I make that clear up front. Everything deserves a 'chance' to survive... that's why we are rehabbers.
06-28-2016, 04:21 PM
Any updates on this baby?
06-28-2016, 04:42 PM
I still have "Jack" (Captain Jack Sparrow or One Eyed Jack). He is growing and eating like crazy but because he is alone all he does is sleep. I'm trying to locate another fox squirrel to keep him company but we don't have them here in Minneapolis/St. Paul area - they are more out of the Twin Cities.
We've tried to pry open the eye but all we see if shiney white beneath. Perhaps an underdeveloped eye? I still have no idea what I'm going to do with him. I'm hoping he'll turn into a squirrel capable of running and jumping around. He is in a larger wire cage with two levels and does fine but he is pretty cautious. I'm trying not to spend too much time with him so he doesn't bond to me but then I feel bad he is alone and sleeping all the time. I'd love to release him but he is still too young to make that decision now. I've learned with these squirrels that you can plan as much as you want but they never stick to a time table and everything always changes. So....I'm just taking it day by day with him and not making any decisions. I won't euthanize him unless there is something terribly wrong with him and/or he is suffering. He is still mostly only taking formula. Won't eat any chow or Zupreem. I have caught him eating Cheerios though and a blueberry today. I think he is just slow to develop his eating habits. He will pound down endless formula but I'm restricting how much he gets. He is still putting on 5+ grams a day and is a chubby little thing as fox squirrels can be.
I'll take any suggestion I can get!
06-28-2016, 10:33 PM
Well, if he needs a home, I would give him one! :grin3 We don't have foxers here. Every squirrel is different, but Peanut definitely has issues due to his lack of sight in one eye. Glad to hear he is doing well. Been thinking about him.:Love_Icon
11-08-2016, 10:39 AM
Just wanted to give you all follow up on "One Eyed Jack". I did release him after keeping him longer than I would a 'regular' squirrel. He developed a little slower and is not a 'normal' crazy squirrel. He is snugly and does not have any fear of people (not good). He is way too sweet but I don't have neighbors very close so not an issue. I decided to release him a couple weeks ago when he started to display captive behavior by pacing back and forth for hours in his outdoor cage. I had planned on keeping him as a non releasable as he seemed content in the large cage and wasn't "normal" but things changed and it broke my heart to see him pace like that.
After 2 weeks he is still coming back to the cage every night and I lock him in to keep him safe from whatever lurks in the night. I have a lot of other smaller squirrels I released this fall and I feed them all. Jack displays some normal behavior such as burying acorns and food but doesn't appear to be making a nest outside of the release cage (he did make a nest in the nest box). It looks like he stays in our yard and perhaps our neighbors but is always close by. So far so good. I just wanted to thank you all for advice and to know that one eyed squirrels can make it in the wild. My wildlife vet had told me that they can't and he should be euthanized so I appreciate all your experience and willingness to tell me your stories. He might not live a long life but he appears to be much happier in the wild doing what squirrels do.
Thank you all!
12-06-2016, 07:19 PM
Need help again with One-eyed Jack. He has been free for almost 2 months and lives in my yard. I feed him daily and he has a friend (another rehabbed squirrel) he sleeps with in one of the nest boxes in our trees. Some nights he still sleeps in the release cage. Yesterday I noticed some lesions on his head and by today he has more. It looks like pox to me and I talked to my vet and she agreed. One of the problems is he obviously one has one eye and if it get a lesion on it we are in big trouble. I did manage to capture him and bring him back into the house. He is very unhappy about it. I can't hold him to get any meds in him. He is a big strong squirrel.
My vet is associated with a wildlife rehab center and they don't release one eyed squirrels - they euthanize them so I can't take him in for an exam. I did talk to her today and she told me to give antibiotics and pain meds. I tried to put some antibiotic cream on one lesion and he goes nuts. No way to bath him or put cream all over him. He has about 3+ lesions on his head, one huge one by his tail and that is all I can see right now. He does not want to be touched. His good eye is not involved....yet. One ear is cemented down to his head as there is a huge lesion near it. Anyways, does anyone have any ideas how to get meds into a fairly large mad squirrel? He is probably about 6 months old by now.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
California Squirrel Lover
12-06-2016, 10:17 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this about Jack. :(
Hopefully someone will have some advice to help.
Nancy in New York
12-06-2016, 10:52 PM
Sending you a pm now with some contact info.
Also, here's a thread with a member that is currently treating
some little pox squirrels.
Hopefully you will find some information helpful.
12-06-2016, 11:26 PM
I am so very sorry to her that Jack is having this issue! Can you post pics here so we can get a look at what is going on? I believe an antibiotic is advised, but more than that, an antiviral is what is recommended. I suggest using almond butter that you can add the med to and give to him.
12-07-2016, 12:49 AM
Here are some photos. Sorry they are so big.
12-07-2016, 12:52 AM
I am so very sorry to her that Jack is having this issue! Can you post pics here so we can get a look at what is going on? I believe an antibiotic is advised, but more than that, an antiviral is what is recommended. I suggest using almond butter that you can add the med to and give to him.
Thanks for the almond butter idea. The antibiotics I have (TMPS) is bubble gum or peppermint flavor and he didn't like that on nuts.
12-07-2016, 09:44 AM
Mine hate anything peppermint. The good thing about the almond butter is that it has a very strong taste and smell. Are you sure that is pox? They don't look like the usual lumps that I see here. I have not experienced a squirrel with them myself, so I may be way off. Is it because they are the lumps that have burst?
12-07-2016, 11:03 AM
I talked to my vet and described them and she said they are most likely pox. I agree that they don't look like the photos I've seen here but this is not a baby like so many of those photos are. I guess there is not many other things they could be and my vet described what they see as large raised crusty areas where the fur is all matted. Usually on the face and especially near the ears and eyes. It attacks areas with less fur. I have not seen his belly yet but will examine him more today. But yes, I wasn't sure what it was because the pictures of babies with pox are little lumps not these large raised flat hard areas.
I am going to try the almond butter today. Just ran out of it yesterday (for human consumption):sadness
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