View Full Version : Genital Nursing

05-24-2016, 02:25 PM
Hi everyone,

I have four baby eastern grays that I am raising, and this is my first time raising squirrels. I have experience raising various other species, wild and domestic, but I want to make sure I'm doing all that I can for these four, whom I'm planning to release. There are two males and two females, and they are of various ages.

The youngest is a female I call Blue. She's probably 8 or 9 weeks, and the others are closer to 10-11 weeks. She definitely still requires the most formula.

Today, I went out to feed them their morning milk and change out their block and fresh foods, and I noticed that her vulva was red and seemed irritated. She was cranking a lot and seemed fussy. I fed her and she ate well, but then climbed onto my shoulder and groomed me, and continued cranking and wouldn't allow the other squirrels near her.

I assume that someone (or herself?) has been genital nursing on her, but I haven't caught them in the act or noticed it until today. Is there anything I can do more to discourage that as they continue weaning? More frequent feedings? Is there anything I could apply to protect her and help promote healing?

Of course, if anyone thinks she needs veterinary care, I'm happy to bring her in - I just wanted to avoid the stress since it's not an emergency.


05-24-2016, 05:34 PM
The first ingredient in squirrel repellent sold at Tractor Supply is cloves. I didn't have any ground cloves, so with my last litter, I tried a small amount of allspice powder dabbed around my male's penis and genital area (not occluding the opening). It worked really well. His sister still searched his fur for a place to nurse, but she avoided his genital area.

Is she still able to urinate with the swelling?

05-24-2016, 06:22 PM
Along with the small amount of fruit/veggies and rodent blocks, your weaning squirrels can safely receive one slightly cracked (until they are able to open them on their own) nut for each formula meal from which they have been weaned each day.

For example: If your squirrels were getting 4 formula feedings/day and you decreased them to 3 formula feedings/day to begin weaning them, they can have one nut (walnut, almond, and etc...) to replace that eliminated formula meal.

Avoid giving them peanuts (not so healthy) and sunflower seeds as your squirrels may become very finicky.

05-29-2016, 10:09 PM
Thanks for the replies. The issue seemed to resolve on its own - I increased feeding number to TID for a couple of days and now everyone seems to be rejecting milk the majority of the time altogether, instead heading for the fresh foods and blocks when I arrive to feed. Blue's vulva looks back to normal again and her cranking has stopped - she's back to her squirrelly self. Seems like they just needed a final push and they are back on track to being weaned.