View Full Version : Lonely Baby Girl

05-17-2016, 08:43 PM
Ok..... I'm pretty sure my new release 'Baby Girl' is lonely! She's been fully out in the yard for 2 weeks and up until last Friday(the day we hung her new squirrel box) she was coming back to cage to sleep. She is still coming to eat and I'm making sure she has water out to drink. Today when I got home from work, I went out to see her and give her a treat. She hasn't left my side yet.... She came to sit on the porch and wanted all kinds of lovin' and attention. I walked her back out to her tree and tried to walk off.... Not happening! I finally made it back to the porch when she got distracted, but she was back up here with me within 10 minutes. I'm pretty sure she is just lonely! I'm also pretty sure everything I just said that I did was wrong..... She is a singleton and most of the other squirrels in the yard I have babies I think??? They do not seem to be coming out to play very much??? Any suggestions that won't just break mine or Baby Girl's heart???

05-17-2016, 08:49 PM
Hi - I read on one of the websites that the females, although released will stay around with you till the day they die and the males are the ones that go off to find their own territory. Not sure if it is true but it is what I had read. I have a thread w/ questions on releasing our squirrel who is a male and all alone so I don't know a lot about it.


05-17-2016, 08:51 PM
How does she react to other humans she doesn't know? How long was she in the RC before you opened the doors?

05-17-2016, 09:31 PM
How does she react to other humans she doesn't know? How long was she in the RC before you opened the doors?

She actually hasn't been around other humans 'free' before. She has only been out with me in the house since December. We let her out around anyone before that. She start what I thought was wilding up around then. She LOVED my husband before then. He actually used to let her out more than I did. But she decided she didn't like him anymore and started attacking and biting him. We stopped letting her out around by one else after that. We kept her in the cage when we had visitors over. But if anyone got near her cage, she would try to get them. She is very cautious before she will come to me in the yard. She knows her 'name' and will wait to smell me before she jumps over to me. She stays away and runs up a tree if she hears other voices.

She was in her cage outside 2-3 weeks before release. But just during the day. We live in alabama and our weather is kinda bi-polar.... 75 during the day 26 at night..... Once the weather stated to act somewhat normal.... I left her out.

05-17-2016, 09:51 PM
She actually hasn't been around other humans 'free' before. She has only been out with me in the house since December. We let her out around anyone before that. She start what I thought was wilding up around then. She LOVED my husband before then. He actually used to let her out more than I did. But she decided she didn't like him anymore and started attacking and biting him. We stopped letting her out around by one else after that. We kept her in the cage when we had visitors over. But if anyone got near her cage, she would try to get them. She is very cautious before she will come to me in the yard. She knows her 'name' and will wait to smell me before she jumps over to me. She stays away and runs up a tree if she hears other voices.

She was in her cage outside 2-3 weeks before release. But just during the day. We live in alabama and our weather is kinda bi-polar.... 75 during the day 26 at night..... Once the weather stated to act somewhat normal.... I left her out.

I wished you lived closer to me. I'm having a hard time releasing my male. He's like a boomerang. Maybe if they had each other they would move out?

05-17-2016, 09:52 PM
I tried to leave my guy out in his cage all night tonight (at least that was my plan) but he started squawking in protest and I had to bring him in. Mine is a singleton too. I'm comforted to see I'm not the only one having this problem. Right now I'm just doing whatever he says he wants and hopefully that will end up with him out side on a permanent basis. If not.... I guess I need a really big indoor cage LOL

05-18-2016, 12:09 AM
Singletons are, indeed, more difficult to release, although it's been done.
Just give her more time and listen to what she wants because, ultimately, it should be what she chooses (not what people may want, or think they know what's best for the sq, or assume they know what the sq wants/needs/should do etc.etc).
Let her decide.

Although most sqs never look back, there have been some who decided that the wild lifestyle is not for them.
Some made it clear within the first weeks of release - they just kept coming inside and weren't pining to go out.
THere have been those who went out, spend some time outside (anywhere between a couple of months and a year or so), and came back anyway.
And there is one very special little guy here who took advantage of both worlds for some time.

Pushing out a squirrel who does not want to be outside is just as wrong as keeping inside a squirrel who wants to be outside. There have been situations when pushing out a sq that didn't want to be outside ended sadly.

So, just listen to her. Don't push/pressure her one way or the other. Maybe, she needs more time, and maybe, she is one of those who choose to stay indoors.
Let her decide.
But if she chooses to stay, will you be able to provide that for her? ... if yes, then - just let her decide.

05-18-2016, 08:14 AM
Thank y'all so much for the encouragement!! I def think she wants to be outside!! She just wants me to stay outside with her! Lol! She LOVES her new house. She has no problem staying in her box. I think she is just lonely for interaction. I wish I knew how to call the other squirrels and introduce them all.... 'Now y'all go play nice' lol! 👯Maybe the other squirrels will be more active in the next few months? Once the other moms let the babies out?
Until then.... I guess I'll hangout in the yard, maybe work on my tan...... Lol!

05-18-2016, 09:03 PM
Thank y'all so much for the encouragement!! I def think she wants to be outside!! She just wants me to stay outside with her! Lol! She LOVES her new house. She has no problem staying in her box. I think she is just lonely for interaction. I wish I knew how to call the other squirrels and introduce them all.... 'Now y'all go play nice' lol! 👯Maybe the other squirrels will be more active in the next few months? Once the other moms let the babies out?
Until then.... I guess I'll hangout in the yard, maybe work on my tan...... Lol!

I'm in the same boat. Although Gus isn't displaying quite as much independence as your Baby Girl. He still non-aggressive towards people and at this point does not want to be outside. I'm hoping this will change as summer goes into full swing, but I am prepared to keep him indoors if that is what he so choses. I attempted to put him out in his cage yesterday (after a two day adventure that ended with him right back at the front door) he protested when I put his cage out again. He also spent the entire day hiding inside his sleepy slipper hut. This tells me that he was scared by something outside from the last time. Could be the wild squirrels, not sure. Baby steps for now and just really paying attention to what he is trying to tell me. If Baby Girl wants you outside with her.... I say DO IT! Whatever makes her comfortable. You would NEVER hand a 16 year old kid the keys to a car and just say "OK, now drive!" One step at a time works best I think.