View Full Version : Re-Introduction with updates

04-04-2016, 10:40 AM
Hi everyone! I would like to re-introduce myself and give an update. I'm Rebecca and I was the foster mom of Sir Didymus (Diddy for short) that I rescued at 3 weeks old. He grew into a healthy, happy boy, which I {soft} released him in my backyard one year ago this month.

Since Diddy's release, I got empty-nest syndrome and acquired a pair of sugar gliders in the summer. The pair had a baby boy so I am up at 3 sugar gliders. I've been spending my time over at SugarGliderCentral, which is for sugar glider owners what SquirrelBoard is for squirrel owners.

So, last night one of my friends found an abandoned baby squirrel (5-6 weeks old). Of course she called me right away. I got him home and had to give him a warm bath of Dawn (as suggested by my vet) to get rid of the fleas. He's on a temporary formula of goat's milk and I just ordered the Fox Valley formula and the squirrel blocks from Henry's.

It's good to be back and hopefully get this little guy back on the right track so I can rejoin him to the wild. :grin2

04-04-2016, 12:07 PM
Welcome back! I remember Sir Diddy! It sounds like you jumping right back into things and everything you have done so far is exactly right! :great

5-6 weeks is a great age, don't need to be feed all the time, young enough that they don't really bite and of course they are super cute! We need pics! :grin2

Hi everyone! I would like to re-introduce myself and give an update. I'm Rebecca and I was the foster mom of Sir Didymus (Diddy for short) that I rescued at 3 weeks old. He grew into a healthy, happy boy, which I {soft} released him in my backyard one year ago this month.

Since Diddy's release, I got empty-nest syndrome and acquired a pair of sugar gliders in the summer. The pair had a baby boy so I am up at 3 sugar gliders. I've been spending my time over at SugarGliderCentral, which is for sugar glider owners what SquirrelBoard is for squirrel owners.

So, last night one of my friends found an abandoned baby squirrel (5-6 weeks old). Of course she called me right away. I got him home and had to give him a warm bath of Dawn (as suggested by my vet) to get rid of the fleas. He's on a temporary formula of goat's milk and I just ordered the Fox Valley formula and the squirrel blocks from Henry's.

It's good to be back and hopefully get this little guy back on the right track so I can rejoin him to the wild. :grin2

04-04-2016, 07:53 PM
Great age indeed! What type of squirrel is he?:grin2

04-05-2016, 10:03 AM
Great age indeed! What type of squirrel is he?:grin2

He's a fox squirrel. Pretty common down here in Texas. :grin3

04-06-2016, 10:26 AM
Introducing...Bogart! (Bogie for short) Yes, he was named after *that* Bogart. :grin2



04-06-2016, 11:02 AM

04-07-2016, 10:23 AM
Little Bogart did not make it last night. I went to go feed him this morning and found that he had passed.

04-07-2016, 11:51 AM
I am so sorry for your loss :grouphug