View Full Version : Need help until rehaber tomorrow

03-31-2016, 05:53 PM
Hi all I have two babies to take care of tonight until I can get a hold of a vet rehaber. One I found almost deadi rubbed it warm and light mouth to mouth and brought back to life it was snowing out. What do I need to give them for food and water. Not sure on age.

03-31-2016, 06:00 PM
What type of squirrels are they?

I believe they give pedialyte for fluids. If they are young enough to be nursing check the sticky thread on making formula.


Pay attention to the PROPER FEEDING Technique thread. Aspiration is the quickest way to kill a little one.

03-31-2016, 06:13 PM
Think a fox squirrel

03-31-2016, 06:17 PM
Luckily I've rehabbed a squirrel same type several years ago. No idea on age. Eyes are open and can currl up on my palm. They are both. Breathing warm and dry. The one I revived hasn't had fluids yet. One that alerted us has had sugar water

03-31-2016, 07:02 PM
Yes...you are on the right track ....just like riding a bike :great if you are bringing them to a rehabber first thing tomorrow.....just keep them warm....we find a plastic bin...with holes drilled in it...works fine....some bedding, nothing with loops that could catch nails (no towels) fleece, tshirts, soft blankets....have the bin sitting on a heating pad that does not cut off....we recommend keeping half of it off the heating pad...just in case it over heats they can move away from the heat:great I like to use a rice buddy also.....I curl it up so the babies have something to snuggle against....rice buddy...sock filled with rice, tied off, and heated in the microwave...be sure to squish it around to make sure heat is evenly distributed...no hot spots....I do it in 20 sec intervals to make sure I don't over heat it....plus being used with the heating pad it doesn't have to be as warm. Hydrate with the sugar water :great as you've already started....warm hydration fluid every few hours if they are taking it readily...as niapet mentioned "proper feeding technique" baby over the nipple...like Momma's on her back and baby is over her drinking :great :thinking stimulate them to pee and poop...your rehabber is going to love you when they get these warm, hydrated littles :highfive

Great save on the little one you almost lost :bowdown thank you, thank you :Love_Icon

03-31-2016, 07:21 PM
I lured the live one with peanut as she almost escaped in the bushes had to get her out. But I wouldn't have found brother if not. Anyway she did eat a nut so should I offer almonds and would the home made milk still be alright. I'll they to post pictures.

Also I am hoping to get in touch with the rehabbed tomorrow as I only have her vet clinics #. Anyone know of rehaber s in Colorado if she doesn't pan out

03-31-2016, 07:26 PM
How soon after water do I need to stimulate them.

Also update on the male which is the one I revived, he's had water and is now sleeping. Sent a friend out to get a heating pad as I only have a rice buddy and my own body heat at the moment

03-31-2016, 07:33 PM
Anyway she did eat a nut so should I offer almonds and would the home made milk still be alright.

I would avoid any nuts at all right now. Is this the "home made milk" to which you refer:

3 parts goat’s milk
1 part heavy whipping cream*
1 part vanilla yogurt

How soon after water do I need to stimulate them.

Eyes open they should be able to go, but we still stimulate since it keeps everything cleaner! Stimulate with each hydration and formula feeding.

03-31-2016, 07:33 PM
Here's a link that will help. It's 6 pages long. The NEXT button is on the top right.

I would warm them, hydrate and stimulate. You can use a tissue or Q-tip to stimulate them.

03-31-2016, 07:36 PM
I'll avoid nuts then. I had to get her out of the bush though so that's why she had one. And that would be the milk formula I was referring to.

03-31-2016, 07:44 PM
Thanks for all the help and info you all are great.:grouphug

(Edited to add update) the female has gone potty, yay:bliss

03-31-2016, 08:23 PM
And that would be the milk formula I was referring to.

3 parts goat’s milk
1 part heavy whipping cream*
1 part vanilla yogurt

Ok, but this is a TEMPORARY formula and you'll need something else if you don't get them to a rahabber tomorrow. Something else would be Esbilac puppy formula (the powdered kind) or Fox Valley 32/40 (only available on-line).

Also I am hoping to get in touch with the rehabbed tomorrow as I only have her vet clinics #. Anyone know of rehaber s in Colorado if she doesn't pan out

Colorado is (in the words of Donald Trump) "HHHHuuuuuuggggggggeeeeeeee!".. if you can narrow it to a city or county we can work on alternatives (even change the thread title to include locale to draw attention). :thumbsup

03-31-2016, 08:25 PM
It sounds like you and your little guys are on the right track. :thumbsup3. There is a special section on here with a list of rehabbers by state. You could see if there is someone else listed for your area. I think some of the others on here have a list of rehabbers as well. Good luck with your little ones, and thank you for helping them.:thankyou:thankyou

03-31-2016, 09:25 PM
Colorado is (in the words of Donald Trump) "HHHHuuuuuuggggggggeeeeeeee!".. if you can narrow it to a city or county we can work on alternatives (even change the thread title to include locale to draw attention). :thumbsup

Colorado springs. I can drive about an hour one way tomorrow and 3 hours out on Saturday if I have to. Hopefully the rehaber will come through.

Tips on getting the male to drink sugar water. He is still very dehydrated and I'm starting to get concerned

03-31-2016, 09:42 PM
Dip the tip of the syringe in honey and then try drop by drop to see if he will take it and at least get some fluids in. You might need to do this every 15-30 mins depending on how dehydrated he is and how little he takes. Good luck and thankyou for looking out for these little guys. :blowkiss

04-01-2016, 03:16 PM
Well we made it through the night and the vet was going to take her, though luckily for me a wildlife rehab transport lady was there and took them to elicot wildlife rehab that has a nursury set up with 10 squirrels :dance male did start drinking around 3 in the morning and both got watered down goats milk formula and eventually full strength this morning. Both peed and had solid poops :w00t thank you all so much for the help I'll try and get pictures off my phone.

Best news is Vicky will give me updates and the vet at the office looked over the male, real quickly, that I revived and said his heart is strong and body good.

I do miss the little ones but they are in better hands and my newer puppy is happy to have my attention once more

04-01-2016, 03:38 PM
Well we made it through the night and the vet was going to take her, though luckily for me a wildlife rehab transport lady was there and took them to elicot wildlife rehab that has a nursury set up with 10 squirrels :dance male did start drinking around 3 in the morning and both got watered down goats milk formula and eventually full strength this morning. Both peed and had solid poops :w00t thank you all so much for the help I'll try and get pictures off my phone.

Best news is Vicky will give me updates and the vet at the office looked over the male, real quickly, that I revived and said his heart is strong and body good.

I do miss the little ones but they are in better hands and my newer puppy is happy to have my attention once more

Great update, thanks for sharing and a big :thankyou for taking care of these poor babies! You rock. :clap

04-01-2016, 05:06 PM
:bowdown Arna....you did great :grin3 :Love_Icon I bet...no...know they were thrilled to see how well they were:w00t so many times rehabbers get the babies too late...from well intentioned finders that just didn't have a clue :sadness your Abby taught you well...and you're a natural :Love_Icon thanks again for not giving up on the lil boy :bowdown these babies are alive and well thanks to you:highfive and the world's a better place for it :bliss :blowkiss

Please update us when you hear anything....and pics :hyper would be amazing :klunk

04-01-2016, 05:55 PM
You did good and you did the right thing for the welfare of the babies. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/hand-gestures/hand-clap-smiley-emoticon.gif
Wish there were more like you....