View Full Version : Tula had a seizure

03-29-2016, 04:12 PM
I heard a squeal from the corner of the kitchen where Tula's bin is during the day. There are four other babies in that corner and likely they were hungry but it was sweet Tula. She was having a seizure. Poor sweetheart was in a corner--eyes open wide and rigid. She's tucked into my shirt now sleeping. I put some molasses on her gums and offered some molassas water (not interested). Could her blood sugar have dropped? She has munchies in her bin--some of Punkin's cheezy eggs, Cheerios, avocado (another fail!). She had formula with baby sweet potatos for breakfast and some honey water. Breakfast was a good while back. She sleeps like Punkin does--LOTS! She acts like she's exhausted.

Nancy in New York
03-29-2016, 04:56 PM
I heard a squeal from the corner of the kitchen where Tula's bin is during the day. There are four other babies in that corner and likely they were hungry but it was sweet Tula. She was having a seizure. Poor sweetheart was in a corner--eyes open wide and rigid. She's tucked into my shirt now sleeping. I put some molasses on her gums and offered some molassas water (not interested). Could her blood sugar have dropped? She has munchies in her bin--some of Punkin's cheezy eggs, Cheerios, avocado (another fail!). She had formula with baby sweet potatos for breakfast and some honey water. Breakfast was a good while back. She sleeps like Punkin does--LOTS! She acts like she's exhausted.

I am so sorry to hear this about Tula. :(
Who knows sometimes why these little ones have seizures, but the molasses
should at least help get her blood sugar levels back up.
Poor Tula. :(

island rehabber
03-29-2016, 05:11 PM
Poor sweetie.....as Nancy says, who knows why these littles are plagued with the seizure thing. I have charted, tracked and tried to second-guess Owena's seizures for almost three years and have come up with.....nothing. They are 'out of the blue'.

03-29-2016, 06:04 PM
I am so sorry to hear that tiny Tula had a seizure. I know you are doing everything right, but that doesn't make it any less scary. Give her a kiss from her fwen Joey. :Love_Icon

03-29-2016, 06:25 PM
I heard a squeal from the corner of the kitchen where Tula's bin is during the day. There are four other babies in that corner and likely they were hungry but it was sweet Tula. She was having a seizure. Poor sweetheart was in a corner--eyes open wide and rigid. She's tucked into my shirt now sleeping. I put some molasses on her gums and offered some molassas water (not interested). Could her blood sugar have dropped? She has munchies in her bin--some of Punkin's cheezy eggs, Cheerios, avocado (another fail!). She had formula with baby sweet potatos for breakfast and some honey water. Breakfast was a good while back. She sleeps like Punkin does--LOTS! She acts like she's exhausted.

Following a seizure it is common to feel exhausted. I used to get seizures every so often in my sleep. I would sleep the whole next day. There's a term for this period of time but I forgot what it's called.

03-29-2016, 08:45 PM
She's up bumbling around now--kinda wobbly but then she IS a baby. She had maybe half a cc of formula/baby sweet potatoes/yogurt and earlier some honey water. She seems tired tonight--well, tireder than usual. Just makes me so sad for this little precious. Punkin has had seizures. I was hoping Tula would be spared.

03-29-2016, 10:13 PM


03-29-2016, 11:25 PM
Oh no, poor little Tula. :( I am glad she seems to be doing a little better now. I'm sure that seizure did wear her out. I do hope this was an isolated event and she won't continue to have them. :grouphug

03-30-2016, 12:48 AM
Tonight little Tula must be feeling better. She's munching on a made to order block--made by mom today. They're extra soft. Just right for teeni Tula.

03-30-2016, 03:48 AM
Tula :Love_Icon
Such a little cutie pie.. :grin2

island rehabber
03-30-2016, 07:57 AM
Following a seizure it is common to feel exhausted. I used to get seizures every so often in my sleep. I would sleep the whole next day. There's a term for this period of time but I forgot what it's called.

JPlagg, that is so awful...I am sorry to hear that. :grouphug I have only had two seizures in my life, caused by a drug that I obviously was allergic to, and never want to experience that again. When my sweet Owena squirrel gets them, if it's a bad one, she will stay in place and sleep the rest of the day. So sad. :(

03-30-2016, 08:35 AM
Oh, this just breaks my heart. Glad she seems better. She is beyond adorable!:Love_Icon

03-30-2016, 09:18 AM
Poor Tula :grouphug Feel better soon precious girl :grouphug