View Full Version : Long time lurker

03-29-2016, 07:33 AM
Long time rehabber. :) This is the first year in a while I've had squirrels- I usually get hit with eastern cotton tail rabbit babies. Anyway, this is Fred and Ratatoskr, or Trav. They were pretty dehydrated and not doing so well when I first got them in- wasn't sure they'd do so hot: but, well, the gains have been good. Ratatoskr was such an obsessed suckler that I was considering diapering him, but, after a few days of a good feeding schedule, that appears to have stopped. They are still pretty thin, but, getting better.


03-29-2016, 07:34 AM
Argh- pics are backwards. >_< Been a while since I was an active participant in any forums. lol

03-29-2016, 07:42 AM
Adorable and look very content. :Love_Icon Welcome back!:Welcome

03-29-2016, 07:45 AM
You've done such a good job, precious pictures. :Welcome To the board. So nice to have another rehabber here. You'll have to share some of your bunnies with us too!

island rehabber
03-29-2016, 07:57 AM
Welcome back, Vheidr :w00t Good to know there is a rehabber in St Louis here, as I believe we were seeking one a week or two ago. Your two babies are adorable!

03-29-2016, 12:45 PM
I have surprisingly not gotten hit up with bunnies. Yet. Season's still young. >_< I kinda hope maybe this means that in the St. Louis metro area, people realize not to mess with 'em, but....eeeeeyaaaah.... :D These are from one of last year's litters. 271178271179

03-29-2016, 12:52 PM
Welcome to TSB (officially!)
Love your pictures! :klunk

03-29-2016, 02:23 PM
:Welcome. Hoping the best for these little ones. :w00t

03-29-2016, 07:37 PM
I'm kinda a grouchy old fart- but, but, but...they got me, here. LOL

03-29-2016, 07:47 PM
Veeeery cute! :Love_Icon So is last years bunny! :Love_Icon

03-29-2016, 08:10 PM
Are you on tge MO side or IL side of the river? I was looking for someone on the IL seeing its illegal to take them across state lines (a rehabilitation center in high ridge told me that). Was able to talk a rehabber in Waterloo into taking 4 babies seeing i have 9 already and a full time job. A friend of mine does tree trimming and if an owner tells her to cut a nest down she has to :( so im sure she might find more before its over.

03-30-2016, 08:36 AM
I'm unfortunately on the MO side. However, I believe the rules vary dependent on the animal in question- so, I put in a call to my contact at the Department of Conservation and she's going to call me back. (Because, she had the same exact thought "Wait, maybe with squirrels..."

I will let you know as soon as she lets me know. :)

03-30-2016, 08:42 AM
A friend of mine does tree trimming and if an owner tells her to cut a nest down she has to :( so im sure she might find more before its over.

That's heartbreaking :sadness I'm glad your friend at least looks for the babies rather than abandon them like so many others do

03-30-2016, 09:54 AM
I'm unfortunately on the MO side. However, I believe the rules vary dependent on the animal in question- so, I put in a call to my contact at the Department of Conservation and she's going to call me back. (Because, she had the same exact thought "Wait, maybe with squirrels..."

I will let you know as soon as she lets me know. :)

Ugh. Bummer. Thought maaaaybe, but, yeah, no, I can only work with MO side squirrels. :(

03-30-2016, 11:14 AM
Yea that sucks. Even if you raise them and then put them in my release cage and i work on release?

And yea the tree trimming thing sucks big time. My smallest group the momma ran under the chainsaw :( 2nd group the owner was trying to ash the nest herself and my 3rd the nest fell and there was four they were waiting for momma to come back and didnt know there was a stray cat around so she lost one of them.

03-31-2016, 09:29 PM
Yea that sucks. Even if you raise them and then put them in my release cage and i work on release?

And yea the tree trimming thing sucks big time. My smallest group the momma ran under the chainsaw :( 2nd group the owner was trying to ash the nest herself and my 3rd the nest fell and there was four they were waiting for momma to come back and didnt know there was a stray cat around so she lost one of them.

Too bad they can't be trained to move nests, even if only to a temporary box on the side of the tree or similar. That's* something that could attract certain customers - the customers who care about wildlife. I wish tree trimmer would advertise in the early spring and late fall (or season when fewer nests are in trees), that that's an ideal time to trim. Maybe someday I'll get a group together to suggest this to tree trimmers.

*moving a variety of nests, squirrels, birds, etc. when feasible / prior to cutting

04-05-2016, 09:08 AM
Yeah, I am not sure why, but the rules on these kinds of things are kinda weird and strict. :P That's why I checked, because, well, sometimes there are things that can be done- but, I guess not. :( I also thinking "squirrel relocation rather than orphanation" (I made that word up. lol) would be marketable, but...meh.

In updateish news, we have eyeballs open over here and now, so I have been sort of scarce. >_< 271435